Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 6

by K E Osborn

  Rush glimpses down at his cell and smiles longingly. “I wish I had more days like this.”

  He’s coming across as depressed—the guy’s going to burn out.

  “Rush, you need to tell Eden to slow your schedule. I understand you’re huge at the moment, but if you’re not okay, then your music won’t be either.”

  He lets out a sigh. “Yeah… I know. But let’s not focus on me right now. This is our last few minutes together. I wanna enjoy this.”

  My arm is still wrapped around Jovie’s shoulders. I should take it off, but honestly, I don’t want to. She leans into me further, letting me know she doesn’t want me to let go either. So, I keep it there. Savanah’s eyes linger over us obsessively. I can’t tell what she thinks, but with it being just the three of us in a matter of moments, I’m going to need to be on Savanah’s good side.

  “So, Kevlar, I hear you’re a biker?” Savanah asks out of nowhere.

  Rush turns to me, raising a brow. “You ol’ dog, seriously? I mean I knew there was something shady about you, but a biker? Ha! I spent my night with a fucking biker. Priceless. Eden’s gonna shit bricks!”

  I burst out laughing as Savanah folds her arms over her chest. “Aren’t you concerned about being linked to a biker, Rush?”

  My cheery expression falls as I glare at Savanah.

  Rush clears his throat obviously sensing the tension between Savanah and me. “I mean, I wouldn’t want it splashed through the daily news, but I don’t see an issue. I’ve spent hours with Kevlar… he’s a decent guy. You’re not dangerous, are you, big man?”

  “Only when dramatically provoked.”

  Rush throws his hands in the air. “Aren’t we all. See, Savanah, nothing to worry your gorgeous little head about.”

  She side-eyes Jovie, who’s keeping very quiet right now, but she hasn’t moved away from me. Not even an inch. It makes me feel good as the café workers step over with our order. They place the coffee mugs and the plates of beignets in front of us.


  “Thank you,” Jovie calls back as they walk off, leaving us to it.

  Unfortunately, I have to unwrap my arm from around Jovie to pick up my mug.

  She peeks at me as I do, her lips turning up ever so slightly, giving off a warm glow. Her dimple pops in on her right cheek, making her come across so sweet with just the right amount of shyness. I wink as I pick up a warm beignet. This isn’t my first, I’ve had them with Em the last time we came here.

  Honestly, it’s good being here with a group. It’s distracting me from all the memories that plague me.

  I bring the powdered, sugary treat to my mouth and take a bite. The fluffy texture hits me with an overwhelming flood of happiness. My eyes shift to Jovie as she takes her first bite. Her eyes widen as her lips coat in the white powder, then a sensual moan echoes from her chest. Fuck, it’s the single sexiest thing I’ve ever heard.

  I stop chewing as my cock hardens and pushes against the zipper of my jeans under the table. I swallow what’s in my mouth for fear of choking if I don’t, as her eyes close savoring the delicacy.

  She’s so fucking sexy right now, I’m having all kinds of trouble containing my thoughts.

  “Easy, tiger,” Rush whispers in my ear so only I can hear.

  I clear my throat, dropping my eyes away from Jovie, and take a sip of my coffee, keeping my eyes focused on the table while Rush chuckles to himself beside me.

  Jovie continues to moan out her delight, unaware of the effect she’s having on me. This woman is so naïve about her own sex appeal. She has no clue what she does to a man.

  “Jovie, babe, you need to either fuck that beignet or calm the hell down before one of these guys jumps you with those sounds you’re making,” Savanah blurts out what we’re all thinking.

  Jovie’s eyes widen, her mouth full of the beignet as she peeps up at me. Her face flushes bright red as she slowly swallows. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be sorry, I’m glad you like them.”

  “Oh, she really likes them,” Rush jests.

  Jovie sinks into herself, placing the rest of the beignet on the plate, then licks the powdered sugar from her lips. I reach out, grabbing her hand before she can pull away. “Hey, don’t get all embarrassed on us now. That’s not who you are, Jovie. You’re a strong, sassy woman. Don’t stop eating them because Rush made a joke. You had a big night. You need a good solid breakfast.”

  She grimaces again. “This is twice in less than twenty-four hours I’ve made a fool of myself.”

  “I don’t think you’re a fool, not at all. You’re running from something, and you’re finally letting yourself unwind.”

  “Here, here,” Savanah agrees with me, and Rush picks up his coffee.

  “To Jovie letting her hair down.” Rush lifts his mug in a cheers motion.

  I pick up my mug, clinking it to his, and it makes Jovie laugh. Savanah follows as we all stare at Jovie. She huffs, rolling her eyes, but then picks up her coffee and taps it against the side of ours.

  “To letting go,” I say.

  “To breaking free,” Savanah chimes.

  “To living your best life,” Jovie adds, then we all take a sip.

  Savanah’s eyes meet mine, and she dips her head. A gesture of understanding, possibly of thanks. Savanah might not have been on my bandwagon, but maybe she’s starting to turn around.

  We spent just under an hour at Café du Monde simply eating and having a good time, until Murphy told us we had to leave. People were starting to make their way back, and there was a crowd gathering. Even though we were careful, it seems news travels fast, so we had to head back to the hotel without Rush being made.

  He was really enjoying himself, and the moment Murphy came over, his entire demeanor changed, where he was back to that depressed rock star. I hope Rush gets the time out he’s so desperately craving.

  As we enter my hotel room, which is the place we congregate for some reason, Murphy taps his watch at Rush.

  “I know, man, just gimmie a minute to say goodbye. Fuck!” He closes the door, leaving Murphy and Stone outside my room as we make our way to the bedroom.

  Rush leans back on the television cabinet, pulling Savanah against his body as Jovie and I sit on the bed facing him. “Guys, you don’t understand how much this time with you all has meant to me… going back to the grind is gonna be so fucking hard, but I want you all to know I won’t forget you.” He spins Savanah to face him. “Any of you.” He swipes Savanah’s hair behind her ear as she stares up at him.

  I glance at Jovie. She’s watching her best friend with a somber expression on her face. I reach out, taking her hand in mine to give her a sense of comfort. Her eyes meet mine, and she weakly smiles.

  “How long are you on tour?” Savanah asks.

  “It feels like forever. But in reality, six months. Then I’m in the studio recording an album. I won’t be home for at least a year. Maybe more.”

  “Well, if you’re ever in Texas again…”

  His hands caress the side of her face. “This is where our story ends, Sav. You’re amazing. And in another life if I were someone else, if I weren’t Rush-fucking-Dayley…” He shakes his head like he’s ridding himself of that thought. “I have too many commitments and not enough time for someone else. You’re far too special for the sidelines, Sav. You need to find someone worthy of you… I’m not him.”

  I thought she might cry, but she doesn’t, she simply inhales sharply and continues to stare into his eyes. “I understand. Thank you, you’re sweet. You deserve that, too. So, if you find someone, someone who you can’t stand being on the sidelines, you grab and hold onto her, Rush, because you don’t believe you deserve happiness, but you do.”

  Rush leans in, pressing his lips to Savanah. My eyes shift to Jovie, who’s watching them with bated breath. I’m not sure if she’s sad for her friend or happy that Sav is able to let Rush go. But Jovie’s hand squeezes mine, and I squeeze it back. She turns to face me, le
tting out an exhale as Rush and Savanah break apart. We both turn to them as Rush walks to the bed. “Kevlar, thank you. Thank you for being there when I needed someone to keep me grounded. I was running. All of us here are doing that in some form or another, but I’m glad we all ran into each other. You ever need anything, man, you have my number. Don’t hesitate to call me, okay?”

  I bring my hand up, gripping his. “Same goes, bro. You ever need anything from me or the club, we got your back.”

  He dips his chin, then turns to Jovie. “And you…” He chuckles. “You’re the most important one of all. I need you to take care of these two for me because heaven only knows they’re gonna need someone watching out for them.”

  “You got it…” Jovie smiles. “Rush?”

  He widens his eyes. “Yeah?”

  “Thank you. For being so down to earth with us. And for taking care of Sav.”

  He peers over his shoulder at her. “You guys made it easy.” He sighs heavily, then turns toward the door. “It’s been nice knowing you.” Then he takes off without looking back.

  Savanah folds her arms over her chest, obviously to support herself. Jovie stands, walks over to her friend as the door clicks shut. And just like that, Rush is gone from our lives.

  In and out like a thief in the night.

  Jovie wraps her arms around Savanah as they stand there holding each other.

  “Don’t be sad, girls. Let’s celebrate that Rush came into our lives. The man’s not dead. So, how about we all head down to Bourbon Street and have a look around?”

  Savanah stands taller. “Yeah, I like this idea. I don’t wanna mope. That’s not who I am. I had a great fling with a freaking rock star. It’s something I’ll tell my grandkids about to annoy their grandfather, who will hate the fact I slept with a famous rock star!”

  Jovie and I burst out laughing. “That’s the spirit,” Jovie reassures.

  “Let’s go find something weird to look at,” I offer.

  “So, we’ll stay here and look at your face, then?” Savanah quips.

  I smile as she winks at me.

  “Aaand… she’s back, ladies and gentlemen.” Jovie grabs my hand, and then Savanah’s, and starts pulling us toward the door. “C’mon, I wanna go check out the voodoo shop.”

  We walk to the door, but as I go to open it, there’s a knock on the other side.

  “Did Rush forget something?”


  In the doorway stand three huge men, all wearing scruffy jeans, tight tees, and leather cuts. I tense, taking in their appearance. The main guy in the front is dark, broody, imposing, a little scary, but sexy all at the same time. The other two are not as ominous but still have that edge about them. They eye Kevlar up and down. The main guy’s lip twitches as he lets out a growl.

  “Where’s your cut? You be disrespectin’ the brotherhood by not wearin’ it!” His voice is low, thick with Louisiana twang.

  Kevlar snorts. “Don’t be an asshole, Hurricane. You know I’m laying low.”

  The broody biker, who we now know is named Hurricane, breaks character by bursting out laughing. Then he pulls Kevlar into an all-man back-slapping embrace. I glimpse at Savanah, and she shrugs as Kevlar chuckles along with him. “Fuck, it’s good to see you, brother.”

  They pull back and look at each other. There’s some kind of mutual understanding passing through them.

  “It’s been a damn long time… I wish Em was here,” Hurricane laments.

  Kevlar exhales, nodding his head but doesn’t say anything. I think maybe that’s for my benefit.

  “You gonna invite us in? It’s rude to keep NOLA Defiance waiting, Kevlar,” the one to the left announces.

  Hurricane smirks as Kevlar waves his hand back. “Guys, this is Jovie and Savanah. Girls, this is Hurricane. He’s the president. Razor, their VP. Then you have Bayou, Sergeant-at-Arms.”

  Savanah and I follow along, trying to understand what that all means.

  “Are they from your club?” Savanah asks.

  “Same club, different chapter. But we’re old friend—”

  “Friends is a… loose term—”

  “Shut up, Bayou.” Kevlar smiles wide at Bayou, who winks at us.

  “Well, then, non-friends, come on in,” I offer, standing back out of the way.

  Hurricane’s eyes flow up and down my body, then he grins. “Well, if a lady tells me to come, then I’m damn well gonna come.”

  I widen my eyes as the three men chuckle, walking inside.

  Kevlar closes the door. “He’s joking, Jovie. They’re all talk.”

  We head toward the bedroom, where the three bikers are walking around taking everything in. “Is this what you guys are like in Houston?”

  “Sometimes, but not so much.”

  Savanah walks straight over to Hurricane, eyeing him up and down. With her tiny stature, he’s massive compared to her. His eyes bore into her with a gruff smile. “Well, hey there, sweet thang.”

  “You always view women as a piece of meat?”

  Hurricane widens his eyes as Kevlar and I step closer, assessing the unfolding conversation. Bayou and Razor both chuckle to themselves.

  Hurricane furrows his brow at Savanah. “What the hell do you mean?”

  She folds her arms over her chest. “Well, all this macho talk, does it actually work on women? Do you have them falling at your feet?”

  “The club girls sure do.”

  Savanah scoffs. “Aren’t they supposed to? That’s not a real gauge, Hurricane. Stop acting like a womanizer, and you might actually find a woman to appreciate you for you.”

  “Who the fuck are you… talkin’ to me like that? Where’d she come from, Kevlar?” Hurricane grunts.

  Kevlar goes to talk, but Savanah shoves her pointer finger right into Hurricane’s chest, making him look back down at her. “Who the fuck am I? Who the fuck are you? You might be the president of a motorcycle club, mister, but you don’t scare me. You don’t fool me either. Get your head out of your ass and treat women with a little respect. Then you might actually get somewhere with them.”

  Hurricane grabs Savanah’s wrist, his eyes locking in on her as I tense up, but her lips turn upward. He’s obviously not doing it hard as he shakes his head. “You’re damn near crazy. Comin’ at me like that. I could have you fuckin’ killed!”

  Savanah smirks. “But you won’t.”

  Hurricane scoffs under his breath. “No… I won’t… I damn-well like you, Savanah. You have lady balls.”

  Kevlar tilts his head in understanding. “Sav certainly knows when to call you on your bullshit.”

  Hurricane turns to face us, dropping Savanah’s hand. “Enough of this. I need you to tell me what the hell is goin’ on, Kevlar. Why are you here? It must be bad if you’re willin’ to come back to N’awlins without Em.”

  “Let’s have a seat, and maybe open the minibar. We need drinks for this.”

  “It’s still morning?” I question.

  The four bikers in the room laugh. “We’re bikers, gorgeous. We drink any fucking time if the need calls for it,” Bayou confirms.

  Nodding my head, I move to the small refrigerator grabbing out the four beers, the tiny bottle of Baileys, and the miniature vodka, walking them all over. I hand the guys each a beer, making Hurricane raise his brow at me, then Savanah the Baileys. “Bottom’s up!”

  I clink my vodka to Kevlar’s beer, and he dips his chin at me.

  Hurricane rolls his shoulders. “Jovie, you a waitress?”

  “How did you know?” I widen my eyes.

  “The way you went into service mode, got everyone drinks without hesitation. Just sayin’ that kind of shit is seen as Old Lady material.”

  Kevlar jerks his head back. “Brother, will you stop hitting on everything with breasts.”

  Hurricane twists the top of his beer open. “You got me all wrong. Not that you’re not gorgeous, Jovie, you are, but I can see you’re spoken for.”

  What the hell
does he mean by that?

  “All I’m saying, Kevlar, is Jovie is good for the club. Savanah, too, honestly. Even though the bitch is a firecracker.”

  “That bitch is right here and can hear you,” Savanah scoffs.

  Hurricane takes a long sip of his beer, then smirks. “I know.”

  “Heathen.” Savanah rolls her eyes.

  “You love it.”

  “We’re off-track. Kevlar, you were going to tell us why you’re here,” Razor emphasizes.

  We all sit around the room. I move in on the bed next to Kevlar as Hurricane sits on the oversized chair opposite us.

  “I know it can’t be good if you’re on the run.”

  “It started with the Baron.”

  “That asshole has been trouble for decades,” Hurricane scoffs.

  I have no clue who this Baron is, but he doesn’t sound good.

  “Well, he has a vendetta the size of New York against the club, especially against Zero.”

  “Who’s Zero?” I ask.

  The three NOLA bikers turn to me like I’m rude as fuck for interrupting their conversation. I purse my lips, sinking in on myself.

  “He’s my president.”

  “Listen, should these girls even be here for this?” Hurricane jabs.

  Kevlar turns to me, and there’s hesitation in his eyes.

  That’s all I need.

  Standing, I reach over and grab Savanah. “C’mon, Sav, we’ll wait outside.”

  Hurricane laughs. “See… fuckin’ Old Lady material.”

  Kevlar grimaces, but I rush for the door without hesitation, dragging a groaning Savanah with me. As I close the door behind us, Savanah pouts. “I really wanted to hear why big ol’ Kev is on the run.”

  “I’d rather he tell us when he’s ready.” Cracking open the lid to my vodka, I gulp down the burning liquid as Savanah widens her eyes on me.

  “You doing okay there, babe?”

  I take in a deep lung full of air. “That was intense, right?”


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