Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 12

by K E Osborn

  The Next Day

  I’m not sure if I slept a wink last night. All I know is I’m sporting a hangover today, and my mood isn’t making me feel any fucking better.

  I freaked the fuck out.

  Who does that?

  I haven’t been with another woman since Em. Maybe that’s all part of this?

  I haven’t had the balls to go over to Jovie and explain I’m sorry.

  Walking downstairs, I scrub my face, hoping like hell it’s not too damn noisy. Though, if I know my club like I think I do, the morning after a party will be fairly subdued. My brothers will be hungover just like I am.

  As I round the bottom of the stairs, Jovie and Savanah are sitting with Cherry and Prinie having what appears to be a cheerful conversation. I spot Zero sitting by himself eating his breakfast, so I find the strength to walk over to him. The smell of bacon lingers in the air as I roll my shoulders.

  Is Jovie going to turn and spot me?

  Taking a deep breath, I slide into the seat opposite Zero, and he gives me a head bob. “It’s good to have your ass back here, brother. Even if you do look hungover as shit.”

  “Not sure it’s the hangover making me look shit,” I murmur.

  Zero places his fork down, studying me. “Something I should know?”

  “Nah, brother. Made a dick of myself with Jovie last night.”

  He glances over at her, then back to me. “She seems okay this morning. You’re being too hard on yourself, whatever the fuck it is.”

  “Is there anything I can do for the club? I’m fucking restless.”

  Zero scoffs. “You just had a warrant out for your arrest. Keeping your fucking head down is what you can do for the club.” He picks his fork back up, then continues to eat his eggs.

  “Is anything happening with the Slavers?”

  Zero’s annoyed now. “I have Neon working on it… what’s this really about?”

  “Nothing… I’ve just been holed up and on the run for days. I need something to do.”

  Zero rolls his shoulders. “Then go see Finley and talk to her. Thank her for saving your freaked-out ass.”

  Jovie’s voice rings in my head about her going back to law. “I mean, it’s all I ever saw myself doing. It all kind of vanished when Mom got sick.”

  My eyes widen as I sit taller. “Actually, I need to talk to Fin. Thanks, pres, you’re a genius.”

  He shovels more eggs into his mouth, bobbing his head once as I stand. I walk past Jovie on my way out to my ride, she spots me, and I weakly smile at her.

  She returns the gesture.

  No hesitation.

  No concern over last night, just a bright spark shining back at me.

  Yeah, I need to let the world see her shine as bright as she can.

  And I think I know the way to do it.

  Pulling up my ride at Finley’s office block, I make quick work of parking and head inside up to the fourth floor. The receptionist’s eyes widen when she notices me approaching. She hastily picks up her telephone, talking into it. She’s probably calling security—it’s not every day a biker walks into a law firm.

  I step up to the desk, and she places the receiver down. Her face turning paler by the second. “Ms. Knight will be out shortly, sir.”

  Tilting my head to the side, I’m a little shocked. “Is that who was on the phone?” She nods her head emphatically. “You scared of me…” I glance at her name badge, “… Dani?”

  Dani gnaws on her bottom lip but says nothing, so I smirk at her. “If it helps the situation we find ourselves in, Dani, I used to be a cop. I’m not a bad guy.”

  Her eyes widen as she leans closer. “Used to be?”

  “Being bad is so much better than always being good—”

  “Kevlar, stop harassing my staff. Dani, ignore him and get back to work.”

  “Yes, Ms. Knight!” Dani jumps back, frantically cleaning her desk like she’s been caught doing something naughty. I chuckle as Finley strides over to me.

  “You certainly know how to cause trouble, don’t you, Mr. Rudd?” Finley chimes with a great big smirk. “Shall we move this into my office?”

  “Yeah, let’s.”

  Finley waves her hand through the air, gesturing for me to lead the way down the hall.

  I put up my hand. “Please, ladies first.”

  Finley scoffs. “When did I ever give you the impression I was a lady? Now move your ass, Kevlar.”

  I chuckle to myself while walking down the hall. “Anyone tell you you’re a hardass?”

  “You have to be in my line of work, especially when I have to defend assholes like you lot, all the time.”


  We make our way into the corner office overlooking the McKinney Street Children’s Playground. The lush greenery is really fucking nice for a place in downtown Houston. It’s somewhere I should bring Sadie and Lucas when I have a spare second.

  “You thinking about your kids?” Finley asks, stepping up to the window beside me.

  Nodding, I exhale. “They’re all I think about.”

  “Mmm… you’re a good father, Kevlar. Handing them over to the lieutenant to take care of them, it’s a bold step, though one I’m not sure I fully understand, given how much you care about them.”

  I grit my teeth. “I didn’t hand them over… he threatened social services if I didn’t.”

  Finley hums under her breath. “That old chestnut, hey? He can threaten all he wants, but if he doesn’t have anything on you, you’d probably win custody. You are their father.”

  My head snaps around to face her. “Even though I live at the clubhouse?”

  “Kevlar, with me on your side, I’ll get those kids back with you so easily Ethan wouldn’t know what hit him.”

  “Would it be a fight? Would it be lengthy and difficult on the kids?”

  She cranes her neck to the side. “Depends how hard Ethan chooses to dig his heels in. If he wants to roll over or play dirty, it would be up to him.”

  I snort out a laugh. “He would play dirty.”

  “Then, yeah, it will be long and drawn out. But I’m sure, in the end, I’d get those kids back to you, Kevlar.”

  Do I want to put my kids through that?

  I want them back with me more than any-fucking-thing, more than life itself. But if dragging them through the system is going to damage them for my benefit, then I really need to think this through.

  “Let me mull it over. Decide what’s best for my kids.”

  “Of course. The offer is always here. It’s not time-stamped.”

  “Thanks, Fin… for everything you’ve done for me. For getting the warrant dropped. You’ve been a fucking godsend.”

  “I know. Honestly, though, I’d do anything to fuck up the Baron at this point.”

  “Actually… there’s one more thing you might be able to help me with.”

  She raises her brow. “Go on.”

  “If someone was studying to become an attorney but had to quit due to extenuating circumstances, what can be done to get them re-enrolled somewhere different?”

  “Hmm… guess it depends on how long they’ve taken their sabbatical. Some universities will let a student enroll and give credits for the subjects already completed, then let the student continue on with their degree, but it can be hard for them to get back in if they’ve already left. If they really want to show their enthusiasm, they could get a job as a paralegal while they study.”

  I widen my eyes, an idea striking me full force. “Do you have any positions at your firm for a paralegal?”

  Finley assesses me. “Who are we talking about here, Kevlar?”

  “Jovie Hannon, I met her in NOLA.”

  “Why did she quit?”

  “Her mother was sick. She had to stay home to care for her, then she passed away.”

  “That’s a good enough excuse. I can try to pull some strings, see if I can get her re-enrolled if she hasn’t been too long away. Find out if she’s intere
sted and wants to work hard, then bring her in. I’ll chat with her. But Kevlar… I make no promises.”

  I place out my hand for hers, and we shake once. “Thanks, Fin.”

  She waves me off in a gesture of ‘get out.’ I smirk, turning for the door, feeling like I might have actually accomplished something today. Something great for Jovie, but also, I have a way of getting my kids back. I just have to decide whether I have the balls to stand up not only to my brother, but a fucking cop with all the damn power.


  Sitting in the clubhouse with Savanah as she gossips randomly about her wild night with Texas and how amazingly huge his ‘state seal’ is, I zone in and out.

  Where has Kevlar vanished to?

  After last night, I’m not sure where we’re at. He left so suddenly. So abruptly. The way he was looking at me like he was terrified, it was painful. Not only for me to see him torn up like that, but also to know he was obviously regretting sharing the moment with me.

  I’m just not sure if I was the problem, if he was the problem, or if there’s someone haunting us both. I tend to think it might be the latter. Honestly, I don’t know how to fix that issue for him. Maybe he’s the only one who can.

  Glancing up, I spot him strolling in from outside with a purposeful stride in his step. He walks right up to me, albeit a little hesitantly. “How is your head this morning?” he asks.

  “Better than I was in New Orleans.”

  “I bet. Those hurricanes were deadly.”

  I grimace as a flash of him holding my hair back as I puked all over Bourbon Street swarms my mind. “Don’t remind me.”

  “So… I went to see someone today.”

  “Oh, yeah?”

  Now, I’m intrigued. Does he mean like a shrink?

  Savanah casually turns, walking away to give us some space.

  She must think the same thing.

  “Actually, it was for you.”

  “For me?”

  I’m confused.

  Kevlar reaches out, grabbing my hand in his. My skin tingles, sending goosebumps bursting out all over my skin as he touches me. “I went to the club attorney.”

  “I’m completely lost, Kevlar.”

  He chuckles. “I asked her about you taking time off from college and your degree, whether you would be able to get back into a college here. She said it might be hard, but she will try to pull some strings and get you enrolled. Also, she’ll take a look at taking you on as a paralegal at her firm… but she wants to meet you first.”

  Excitement bubbles up inside me—no one has ever tried to help me the way Kevlar constantly does. Even with the way he acted last night, he’s still going above and beyond for me.

  “But you realize if I do this, it means I’ll be staying here… permanently?”

  His eyes shift to meet mine. “Do you like that idea?”

  “Yeah, I think I do.” A slow smile lights my face.

  Kevlar tightens his hand in mine then. “Okay, then… I’ll let Finley know you’re in… yeah?”

  “Yeah! I’m in. Thanks.”

  He winks at me, then turns, walking away from me. We didn’t talk about his freak-out last night. To be honest, it’s kind of all but forgotten right now. Kevlar’s made an effort to make up for it. He’s found me a job and is working on getting me back into the college. I never thought I could go back to the life I had pre my mother’s death. The life I dreamed about that all came crashing down when Mom got sick. Now that Mom’s gone, there’s no reason for me not to get back on track. She would want that for me.

  So, I’m going to do this.

  For Mom.

  For me.

  As I go to make my way to my room to prepare for the interviews I will inevitably have, Savanah bounds up to me.

  “So? Did he talk to you about what happened last night?”

  “About last night? No. But about my future here at this club, totally.”

  Savanah’s eyes widen as she tenses. She grabs my hand, leading me over to the table, and we sit. She’s completely serious for once. “Please tell me he doesn’t want us to leave?”

  I grip my hand tighter to hers. “Just the opposite, actually. He’s trying to get me re-enrolled into law school here, and also finding out if I can work as a paralegal with the club’s attorney.”

  Savanah’s eyes widen so freaking wide I’m worried they might fall out of her face. “Are you joking?” I shake my head. “He’s really looking out for you.”

  “Are you okay?” I cock my head to the side.

  She exhales. “Yeah, I mean… I’m just kind of floating around here. I haven’t found my feet just yet, but I’m sure I will, though… right?”

  I lean forward, placing my hands on her knees. “Savanah Del Rey, if you can’t find your feet, then no one can. You’re the most go-get-‘em person, I know. Out of everyone, you’re the one who will make life your bitch. You know I’m right.”

  “Then why do I feel so lost right now?”

  I had no idea she was feeling this way.

  I thought she was living this life up. Grabbing each second and partying like a rock star.

  Maybe that’s what this is all about—a rock star?

  “Has this got anything to do with Rush?”

  Savanah scrunches up her face. “Rush? No, honestly, he and I were a one-night thing. I know that. I just feel like you’re creating a life here, but I’m just not so sure I am.”

  My stomach swirls at her words as I grip her hands in mine. “Maybe you’re just taking a little longer to settle in. I’ll spend more time with yo—”

  “Don’t be needy, Jovie,” she teases. “I’m okay, honestly. I love it here. I do. I’m not going anywhere. I’m just wondering if this is the right fit for me.”

  “What about Texas?” I ask.

  Savanah peeks over to the bulk of a man who’s trying to balance the pool cue on the tip of his finger. She grins. “Everything might be bigger in Texas, but it sure as hell isn’t sharper.”

  I let out a laugh as I slap her on her arm. “Sav!”

  She snorts. “Kidding… kinda… anyway, I’m going on a penis pause.”

  “I’m sorry, a what?”

  “A penis pause… you know, pausing any penises from coming near me. I’m cleansing myself from men and their powerful phallic symbols.”

  “Uh-huh…” I sit back, my eyes focusing in on her to try to see if she’s messing with me.

  Honestly, I can’t tell.

  “I’d get you to do the pause with me, but I mean… you and Kevlar totally need to bone.”

  “I’m not sure if that’ll happen.”

  Savanah smiles. “It will. You just gotta give it time. He’s a fragile little flower. He needs to shed the water droplets weighing him down before he can bloom properly.”

  “What the hell is with you and your poetry today?”

  She shrugs. “Listen, we need to hang out with the other women here a bit more. Make ourselves emotionally available to them, then bam, we’ll be running this joint.”

  “I don’t think it works that way. There’s a ranking system. Cherry is the First Lady, then Prinie, and so on. Anyway, I thought you said you didn’t belong here?”

  “I don’t, but you do, and I need you to be a top-ranking woman.”

  “Seriously, why is this so important to you, Sav?”

  She slumps her shoulders. “Because you are important to me. I want to know you’re taken care of if I’m ever not around.”

  “You’re leaving?”

  She rolls her eyes. “Don’t be dramatic. Of course not… but we’re both aware my father, one way or another, is going to want me home at some point.”

  “Well then, I’ll send Kevlar and his friends to visit him,” I mock.

  Savanah’s eyes widen as she gasps. “Oh shit, do you think he would?”

  I let out a laugh. “No, Savanah, I’m not sending my… um, Kevlar, after your family.”

  “We’re you just about to say your
… boyfriend?”




  “Sex slave—”

  “Sav, stop! I don’t know what we are, okay? He’s caught up on his wife still. There are hurdles for us. I’m not sure how long it’s going to take for us to get to a place where we can start talking any kind of labels.”

  She rubs her chin. “Well, I for one, think you’re amazing. If he doesn’t want to see what’s right in front of him, then he’s an asshole!”

  “Who’s an asshole?” Cherry asks as she walks up to us with Prinie by her side.

  “No one,” I deflect.

  “Kevlar,” Savanah announces anyway.

  Cherry and Prinie pull up the two free seats, then sit, though Prinie is a little slower with her pregnant belly.

  “What’s he done?” Cherry asks point-blank.

  I glare at Savanah as she chuckles to herself, but I turn to Cherry. “Nothing really… I kind of don’t know where to begin.”

  “She wants to bone him. He chickened out of giving her a good one, and she believes it’s because he’s still hung up on his wife. There… wasn’t so hard, was it, babe?”

  Prinie snorts. “I like you, Savanah, you remind me of me. Before the belly and responsibility.”

  Savanah dips her head. “Thank you, I will take that as a compliment.”

  I roll my eyes as Cherry places her hands on the table. “Okay, so look… Kevlar and his wife had a huge connection to this club. I personally wasn’t here when it happened, but I know all about it. From what I’ve been told, they were really strong. I mean, he left the force for her, and he was at her bedside every day until the end. Even when she did pass, he stayed at the hospital until they wheeled her body to the morgue, then he took off after that.” She exhales like she’s saddened.

  “It’s taken him years to get to the point he’s at now. To be honest, I don’t think I’ve seen him with another woman since I’ve known him. But, Jovie, maybe the reason he’s having trouble is because he actually likes you.” She narrows her eyes on me. “There’s a difference between finding comfort in a woman and finding a home and sanctuary with one. Maybe with you, he actually sees the latter, and it scares him a little.


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