Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3)

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Fugitive (The Houston Defiance MC Series Book 3) Page 18

by K E Osborn

  Elation soars through me. The thought of her leaving the kids or me right now is not something I can even bear to think about. So, I grab her, bending her over, Hollywood style. She squeals as I lean in kissing her again. Jovie giggles when I press my lips to hers. Even if this is corny, the mood right now is festive and happy, so I want to show her I have a playful side to me too.

  We’re both chuckling at the dipped kiss when a tugging on my cut grabs at my attention. My eyes shift down, and Sadie’s smiling brightly.

  I pull Jovie back up with a smirk. “Yeah, baby girl?”

  She jumps up on her toes, the brightest smile on her face. “Is Jovie gonna be my new Mommy?”

  I widen my eyes, and my chest squeezes with anxiety. Jovie flushes bright red as I spin Sadie and push her back inside the room. “Go have some more tea. Jovie will be in with you soon.”

  “Okay, Daddy.” Sadie potters off completely oblivious to the grenade she just launched into my relationship.

  I turn to Jovie and exhale. “I’m sorry… out of the mouths of babes.”

  Jovie moves in, straightening out my cut with a bright smile like she isn’t affected by any of it. “If it’s any consolation… I’d be honored to step up to the plate for the kids.” She leans in, quickly kissing me, then spins, rushing inside the room, and shuts the door behind her. “Who’s ready for tea?” Echoes out from the other side of the door while I stand here shell-shocked by what she’s just admitted.

  In the short time I’ve known Jovie, she’s been so supportive and caring. I honestly haven’t felt this fucking good in years. I never thought I would feel happiness again, and with Jovie, I do.

  Fuck, I do.

  So, what does this mean from here?

  I guess I need to figure that out.

  Because her family is still the Slavers, and the Baron is gunning for Ethan and me. I can’t even begin to think of playing happy families until all the evil that could harm us is dealt with.

  And that is what I need to focus on right now.

  Leaving Sadie and Jovie to their tea date, I head downstairs. Entering the main room, Lucas is playing with Blake and Phantom. He’s much more relaxed after last night.

  Zero and Cherry are sitting with Wraith and Prinie, and as I walk past them, Zero signals me to sit.

  As I get closer, their conversation becomes clearer. “It’s obvious for safety reasons when your kid is born, you guys need to do it here. Have Chills look after you. A home birth if you will,” Zero offers.

  I widen my eyes.

  What the fuck am I walking in on?

  Wraith scoffs, scrunching up his face. “You’re delusional if you think Prinie’s giving birth anywhere but in the hospital, where everything is medically safe.”

  Zero and Wraith both turn at the same time to face me. “Kevlar, you’re a father. What’s better? Home or hospital birth?” Zero asks directly.


  I need to do this right.

  I don’t want to come between my pres and VP, but I have to tell them my experiences.

  “With Sadie, we did a hospital birth. Everything was tense because she was our first, but I felt okay because I knew help was right there. But with Lucas, we didn’t make it. Em gave birth in my truck on the side of the freeway…” my muscles tense just from the memory, “… and honestly, it was one of the scariest fucking things I’ve ever done on my own. Not having the medical team at my back, knowing if anything went wrong with either of them, they could have helped, was fucking awful. If it were my choice, I would choose Sadie’s birth with help on hand every single time. It’s too risky not to have help available. For mother and child… but it’s just in my opinion.”

  Wraith chuckles. “Now, will you listen to me?”

  Prinie snorts. “Honestly, isn’t this my decision?”

  Zero and Wraith both glare at her, and it makes Cherry smirk. “You should have learned a long time ago, Prinie, these two boofheads are always going to argue over you.”

  “Boofheads?” Zero grumbles.

  Prinie hums under her breath. “Actually, while we’re arguing, there’s something else I wanted to run by you,” Prinie adds. She side-eyes Wraith, and he nods giving her the encouragement she obviously needs right now.

  Zero groans. “Fuck’s sake, what hair-brained scheme have you come up with now?”

  Prinie places her hands on the table, a serious expression crosses her features. “Koda.”

  Cherry and Zero both tense.

  “He’s growing up. He’s getting used to the idea of prospecting in.”

  Prinie grimaces. “What if he didn’t?”

  My eyes widen, and Zero scoffs out a laugh, obviously believing she’s joking, but I don’t think she is.

  “He’s a Walker. He’s in line for the presidency, Prinie.”

  Wraith sits forward. “C’mon, brother, you know he’s not cut out for this life.”

  “Jesus Christ, you’re fucking serious!”

  I need to leave.

  Prinie slides her cell across the table. “I found a college willing to accept him. A lot of places wouldn’t because of where he comes from, but this one place has an amazing curriculum, outstanding references… hell, it’s produced some of America’s most influential people, Zero. Koda could be someone. Make something of himself—”

  “This is bullshit! You want to send him away after you tried so hard to keep him with you?”

  “I tried to keep him away from the club, Zero. He’s not built for club life. You have to see that?”

  “Where the fuck is this place?”

  “Albany, New York.”

  I really need to leave.

  Zero puffs out his chest. “New-fucking-York? What the hell is wrong with you?”

  Wraith glares at Zero. “Tone it down, brother.”

  “This is fucking crazy. I can’t believe…”

  I stand while they continue their family debate and walk quickly away from them and over to the bar.

  Damn, I feel for poor Koda in this. I bet he doesn’t even know they’re conspiring behind his back.

  Leaning against the bar, Fox slides on the stool next to me. He’s all smiles as he watches Lucas with Blake. Fox slaps me on the shoulder. “You know, Em would be fucking proud of the way you’re raising her babies.” Emma’s eyes shine back at me as I stare at him.

  “You wonder what life would be like now if she didn’t get MND?”

  Fox hums. “Every damn day.”

  A comfortable silence falls over us while we continue to observe Lucas. He turns, rushing over, panting for breath from his game of chasey. “Dad w… w… where’s Jovie?”

  “She’s upstairs with your sister.”

  “Me go pway?”

  “Yeah, buddy, you can go play with them. Just get Blake to take you up the stairs, okay?”

  He nods dramatically, then runs over to Blake, and they head for the stairs.

  “She makes the kids happy,” Fox states.

  Elation swarms through me because that’s all I ever want for my kids. “Yeah… she does.”

  Fox grips my shoulder. “Does she make you happy?”

  I can’t look at him.

  I know I should be able to talk to him about this shit.

  He’s my fucking father-in-law, but somehow, it’s like if I admit to him that I have this insane connection with Jovie, it’s belittling the one I had with his beautiful daughter, and it doesn’t sit right with me.

  “Kevlar… don’t hold back for fear of hurting my feelings, son. All me and Bub want for you and our grandbabies is to live long, fruitful lives. Em’s gone, we can’t get her back. All we can do is cherish her memory and celebrate the wins life throws us. Because, we, as a family, have had enough losses. So, tell me, Liam… does. She. Make. You. Happy?”

  I turn to face him, my nerves on edge. “Yes, like I haven’t felt in years.”

  Fox grins so fucking wide, his pride is bursting out of him. “Then, my boy, I call that a win. An
d if anyone deserves a fucking win… it’s you!”

  I lean back against the bar, taking in a deep breath. “What if it doesn’t work out? What about the kids? They’re already attached. I don’t want them losing anyone else.”

  “That’s horseshit!” I widen my eyes. “They were so young when Em died, Kevlar, they don’t even remember. It’s not traumatic for them like it is for us. If it all falls to shit, so fucking what? You pull up your frilly panties and move the hell on. You’ve done it before. You can do it again. And you know what? Kids… they’re surprisingly adaptable. If Jovie left after a year, hell, after twenty, sure they’d be sad, but they’d deal. They’re strong. They have a huge fucking family of biker uncles who are there to support them as well as blood family. They will be fine.”

  “Will I be fine?”

  Fox widens his eyes. “You really like her?”

  Exhaling, I scrub over my face with my hands. “This all feels too fast.”

  “Sometimes, when you know, you just fucking know.”

  Savanah rushes past at the same time, her ears pricking up. “What do you know? Have you heard any news?”

  “No, nothing. Actually, have you heard from Rush?”

  “No. I doubt I will. We were pretty clear it was a ‘what happens in N’awlins stays in N’awlins’ type thing.”

  “I’m sorry.”

  She snorts, waving her hand through the air. “I’m not. I am actually totally fine with it. Can you imagine being the girl of a rock star, having all that fame attached to you? I mean I like the limelight sure but not the spotlight.”

  “How are you settling in?”

  “Have you seen what the guys look like here?”

  Fox and I both peer around the room at our scruffy, brawny, muscular brothers. I don’t get that statement. But if I found my brothers attractive, it could be a whole different story. “So, you’re enjoying yourself?”

  She giggles, probably a little too eagerly. “Immensely.”

  “Sav, you wanna come help out in the kitchen?” Nessie calls out.

  “On it! Maybe I should become a club girl? That would really piss my father off!” She snickers as she rushes off with a pep in her step.

  Seems like everyone is finding their stride here in Houston.

  The only thing is, when things run this smoothly, it generally means there’s a storm brewing.

  And I’m not sure if I’m ready to batten down the hatches just yet.


  I’ve never really considered myself as overly maternal, but hanging out with Sadie and Lucas has me all kinds of protective over them. I’ve spent most of the day just playing and hanging out which has been great, but if I’m going to be staying at the clubhouse, I’m going to need a few necessities. So while Lucas and Sadie are soundly napping, I make my way downstairs to find Cherry. Seeing as she’s the main lady around here, she might be able to help me.

  I spot her sitting on Zero’s lap in the main room. It’s a little awkward walking up to them, but I’m hoping that going to her right now is the right thing to do. As I approach, Cherry spots me.

  “I’m sorry, Cherry, for interrupting.”

  “No, don’t be silly. What can I help you with?” Cherry’s tone is calm and happy.

  I twiddle my thumbs together nervously.

  Zero watches my every move as I try to assert myself.

  “I can’t really go out shopping while I’m here because of the Slavers being after me, but I would love some new clothes if I’m going to stay.”

  Cherry jumps up off Zero’s lap, reaching for my hand. “Follow me.” I widen my eyes at her energy, trying to keep up with her pace.

  She leads me over to another Old Lady. “Jovie, I’m not sure if you and Siren have been properly introduced. Siren here has access to everything you will need.”

  “I do… nice to properly meet you, Jovie. What is it exactly that we need to access?”

  Cherry grins cheekily. “The closet.”

  A slow smile spreads across Siren’s face. “Okay, right this way.”

  And we’re off again.

  We make our way into the kitchen, which completely throws me.

  Why would there be a closet in the kitchen?

  Then we move to a small door at the back. It’s so bland that if you didn’t look hard enough, you wouldn’t even know the door was here. Siren pulls it open, and we step through into a whole other room. It’s like a dream closet you’d see on Sex and the City, but with a hardcore escort undertone. Racks of clothing line one side, the middle section is open with white plush fluffy stools for sitting on, neon lights line the ceiling in pinks giving the room a vibrant electric feel, and the wall is lined with a tufted velvet wall paneling making it appear high-class stripper.

  One of the walls is set up with makeup mirrors like I imagine they’d have backstage at a club for the dancers to get ready. Around the mirrors are bright lights to help plaster on the perfect face. A crystal chandelier dangles effortlessly from the center of the room sending mirrored shards of light over the entire space like a disco ball.

  This whole scenario screams sex club, and my eyes widen when we walk in, closing the door behind us.

  “This is generally where the club girls get ready before they spend the night with one of our brothers,” Siren informs me.

  I gasp. “You have all this just to get ready for sex?”

  Siren chortles. “As a club girl, sex is not just sex. It has to be extraordinary… and to the brother’s liking. So, this is where we get into the character they want.”

  I walk past a filing cabinet scrunching my brows. “What’s this for?”

  “To keep records of the things they like, so each girl knows what to do if they’re called upon.”

  “This might be my attorney training kicking in, but isn’t it dangerous having files on the guys, though? If any of this got out…”

  “That’s why each brother has a code name. No rank, name, or physically defining features are ever mentioned.”

  Cherry snorts. “I never want to look in the cabinet, I would spend hours trying to decipher the code names.”

  I narrow my eyes on Siren. “Does Kevlar have a file?”

  Siren tries to hide her smirk. “Every brother has a file.”

  My eyes focus on the filing cabinet, I hesitate, but my curiosity wins out. “Can I see it?”

  “You’re not a club girl, so no. And wouldn’t that take all the fun away from learning what he likes?”

  I tilt my head to the side with a laugh. “True. Honestly, though, maybe I should become a club girl, just so I can see what kind of freaky shit these guys are into.”

  Siren and Cherry both laugh.

  “Pretty sure Kevlar would have something to say about that.” Siren walks over, pulling the clothes rack toward me. “Okay, these are our everyday outfits. You know… the more casual ones.”

  “You guys have a closet full of everyday club girl clothing?”

  “It’s more in case you need a backup. We, of course, have our own clothes, but these are always here in case something is requested or if we’re running low.”

  “Running low?”

  “These guys tend to get a little tear happy when randy. If they want your clothes off, they don’t care if it’s your fave shirt… usually, it’s coming off in pieces.”

  I giggled as I began to unbutton my shirt. But it obviously took far too long, so Kevlar moved in, yanking the two sides apart, ripping all the buttons off. I gasped, and my eyes opened wide.

  “Fuck… that was hot.”

  “Yeah, I totally understand that.”

  We get to work picking out a few pieces in my style and size. I’m surprised at the range they have available. It’s actually nice to spend some time with women and do general girly shit.

  Siren holds up a dress to my body, I nod my head, then she adds it to the pile.

  “Can I ask? Why is your name Siren?”

  Her face lights up as if warmth has
ignited her very soul. “I was claimed by Nickel once he was patched in… he gave me the name. When you’re claimed, the guys tend to give their old ladies a road name or nickname, too. I was a club girl prior to him claiming me, but I still hang out with Nessie, Lexi, and Bonnie because we formed a tight friendship. It’s why I still have access to the closet.”

  I turn my head to Cherry. “So, that’s why you’re called Cherry?”

  “Exactly, my full Old Lady name is Cherry Bomb, but my name is Rayne.”

  “Ha! This is so interesting. What about Prinie, though?”

  “She’s a little different. Because she’s been a member of the club since birth, everyone already knows her as Prinie, short for Princess. Wraith kept that as her Old Lady name out of respect to her family.”

  “So, it’s not her name either?”

  “Her real name is Kharlie, but don’t call her that. Only her father and Wraith call her by her birth name, and her father has passed. Zero gets away with calling her Kharlie every so often because he’s her brother, but she doesn’t enjoy it… because her father used to call her that, and it makes her sad.”

  I get it. I’m all too aware of what it’s like to lose a parent. It absolutely rips at your soul. “I want to thank you girls so much for this. It’s been great getting to know you both a little better.”

  “You’re so welcome. It’s nice to have another female at the club, honestly,” Cherry states.

  “So true. All this testosterone sometimes can get a little overwhelming.” Siren chuckles.

  “Well, I’m glad to be here.”

  “Let’s get these upstairs,” Cherry offers, helping me pick up some of my new clothes.

  “Thanks again, Siren.”

  “Anytime, hon.”

  I grab my clothes, then Cherry and I walk out of the closet, through the kitchen, making our way for the stairs. A bright smile lights my face as Cherry focuses in on me. “You like being here, don’t you?”

  We walk up the stairs heading for my room. “I feel like I’m finally somewhere I belong. It’s not just that I’m needed, I’m wanted, and well… it’s not a feeling I am accustomed to. I haven’t felt needed nor wanted before, and everything here just…”


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