Love Is in Sight

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Love Is in Sight Page 3

by Jill Ferraro

  Seth continued to prowl around the apartment, causing problems whenever he could. He seemed like the voice of reason when Jason and Damien were still around, breaking up their fights and bringing order to trickier situations. Now, he was bored and his true colors were coming out. Matthew was sure Seth was the ringleader of his group of friends. They’d probably do anything for him. He wasn’t used to people telling him no or having a conscience.

  The entire concept of the show made Matthew sick when he thought about it for more than a few minutes. He regretted signing up in the first place. Did he really think he could find the love he was looking for through a reality television show? He hoped he stayed in the background enough to not look like a complete loser when the show aired. Maybe if he looked like a good guy, it would help him find someone after the show aired.

  Shea popped his head into the room. “Mark’s here. You ready?”

  Matthew nodded and followed Shea to the living room. Seth was separated from the group, intentionally, by Mark. He sat at the table, glaring at anyone who dared to look his way. Matthew and Shea sat on the couch and waited for everyone else to file in.

  Asher and Brandon eventually made their way into the living room. He didn’t think they could get this angry, they seemed like such chill guys, but Matthew could tell they were fuming by the way they walked past Mark and avoided eye contact with Seth.

  “Well, we all know why we’re here. Any questions?”

  “Yeah I have a lot of questions, Mark. For starters-”

  Mark cut Asher off before he could finish his sentence. “Questions about this specific, video-watching process only. Nothing else.”

  The room remained quiet and Mark hit play. Brielle looked calmer than she had in previous videos.

  “Hey, guys! I can’t believe I’m going to marry one of you in less than 72 hours! This is crazy! It’s been such a fun day, I tried my wedding dresses on again and still can’t decide which one I like best. already know who’s going home today. Matthew, I just don’t think we connected very well. I’m a little disappointed that you chose to ghost me rather than act like a man and tell me you wanted to leave. Peter was honest with me and it wasn’t a problem. I wish you the best of luck. See one of you soon!”

  The screen went black and no one spoke for a moment. Then, Seth burst out laughing.

  “Good luck getting a girlfriend after that diss.”

  Rage coursed through Matthew’s veins. He jumped over the couch towards Seth, who stood up quickly, kicking his chair across the room as he went.

  “You want to fight me? I’ll end you. Stand down, man.” Seth sounded confident but Matthew could detect a glimmer of fear in his eye. He was sure that Seth normally had a handful of guys backing him up when he started fights.

  Matthew grabbed Seth’s shirt. “I’m not going to fight you. But just know that when this show airs, you’re going to be the one everyone hates. So enjoy being the big man in town for a few more days.” He let go of his shirt and stormed out of the apartment.

  He waited just outside the door for Mark. Matthew forgot where the confessionals were filmed and couldn’t make it down there himself.

  “Seth. I swear to God if you keep this up you’re done here. I don’t care if it ruins my career, you need to cut it out.” Matthew could hear Mark through the door. “Shea, you have a date in 30 minutes with Brielle, please get ready.”

  “Again?” Shea was surprised.

  “Yes. Again. Should I tell her you’re not going?” He could hear Mark tapping his foot on the floor.

  “ Of course not. I’ll go get changed.”

  The door swung open and Mark visibly relaxed. “Oh good, you’re still here.”

  “Where would I go?”

  “I don’t know. But the way my week’s going I could have had to track you down to film this video.” Mark walked towards the elevator. “Follow me.”

  Matthew filmed his video in a blur. He didn’t know what he said and didn’t care. He was just excited to finally leave this strange bubble and return to a world that made sense again.

  Chapter Seven


  Shea: Excited to see you again tonight!!!

  Brielle: Keep this between us but I’m going on a date with Shea to send him home, he’s definitely not the guy for me.

  Asher: Phew! That definitely relieves some of my anxiety. Although...have you seen him?! ;)


  Brielle looped her earrings through her ears and stepped back to look in the mirror. She was wearing a short skirt with nude pumps and a sleeveless blouse. She felt like it might be a bit much for a date to send someone home but she was running out of options to wear on dates. This would have to do.

  She hoped Shea wouldn’t be too upset she was sending him home. He was so attractive and seemed great overall but he was missing some things that Carl and Asher had. When she thought about those two, she felt instinctively that they could be the one for her. Though Shea was the most beautiful man she’d ever seen, he didn’t give her that same feeling.

  There was a knock on the door. An annoyed Mark was standing in the hallway. “Are you ready?”

  “No Abigail tonight?”

  “She’s busy.”

  “Busy trying to ruin my life.”

  “Yes actually, that’s exactly what she’s doing tonight. Now let’s go.”

  Brielle slammed the door behind her. Mark hit the button to go to the rooftop. James and Laura were inside the elevator. The two crammed in with the camera equipment. No one said anything the entire ride up.

  “You know the drill. Call us when you’ve made a decision.” Mark barely moved out of the way to let James and Laura off the elevator. Brielle was glad when the doors closed and he was out of her sight.

  “I hate that guy.”

  Laura and James didn’t respond but she thought she heard Laura snicker. They seemed a bit more relaxed than they were earlier that day, maybe they were still on her side after all. She couldn’t tell how much Stacey knew but her alliances didn’t seem to lie with Abigail and Mark. Brielle took comfort in the fact that there were at least a few people looking out for her.

  “We’re ready,” James called from across the roof.

  Brielle nodded and heard the elevator power up. A few moments later, Shea emerged from the elevator. He was just as gorgeous as she remembered and she had to take some deep breaths to remember she wasn’t going to keep him around.

  “Hey, beautiful.” He leaned in and gave her a short kiss on the mouth. Every part of Brielle’s body tingled in response but she tried to remain composed.

  “Heya. Hi. Hello.” She failed.

  “You’re adorable.”

  “Thanks. Sorry. My brain short-circuited. Let’s sit down.” Shorter sentences were easier for her to process.

  Shea helped her into her chair and poured the champagne. Brielle was getting a bit bored of going on the same date over and over again but the champagne would at least help ease her nerves a bit.

  “So, I was a little surprised you wanted a date two nights in a row. You can’t get enough of me or something?” He was joking but it made Brielle’s job that night much more difficult.

  “Well...about that…” Brielle gulped down her champagne. “Shea, you’re a great guy. And you’re gorgeous. I your picture is next to gorgeous in the encyclopedia for sure. I don’t think I’ve ever met someone as gorgeous as you.”


  She shook her head and stared down at her hands. “Sorry, that’s not the point.”

  “What’s your point?”

  “My point is, when I look at my future, I don’t see you in it.”

  Shea’s face fell. He looked so sad, Brielle almost couldn’t stand it. “Oh.”

  “I’m so sorry, Shea. I wanted to tell you in person. I think we have an amazing physical connection. But I just can’t base a marriage off of that. Looks fade, you know?”

  He nodded. “I
understand. I was just really looking forward to getting married.”

  “I know. I can tell you’re ready. But if you really think about it, were you looking forward to getting married or looking forward to getting married to me?”

  After a moment he relaxed his shoulders and leaned back in his chair. “Fair point. You’re right.”

  “The right woman’s out there for you. I know she is.”

  “And I think the right guy for you is in the apartment downstairs.”

  “Really?” Brielle’s heart skipped a beat. “Will you tell me who?”

  “Honestly, I really like Asher. He’s a good, quality guy. He really likes you, a lot. And he’s so kind.”

  “And Carl?”

  Before Shea could answer, their appetizers were brought over. Shea changed the subject and Brielle was happy they still had things to talk about after she broke the news to him. He could have easily gotten up and left, angry that she would lead him on. Instead, they had a wonderful evening together talking about their hopes for the future.

  “Hey, James? Can I say something into the camera?”

  James nodded and angled the camera at Brielle.

  “America, Shea is your guy! He’s smart, funny, and...I mean look at him. Just because he’s not the guy for me does NOT mean he’s not the guy for you. Look. Him. Up.” She finished and locked eyes with her date. They immediately burst out laughing. She laughed until tears were running down her cheeks.

  “I think I’ve had enough champagne for one night,” she said as she slid off the chair and steadied herself on the table.

  “Let me walk you to the elevator.” Brielle took Shea’s arm and they walked the short distance to the elevator doors.

  “Well, it was so nice meeting you? Thank you for a great night. And, I’m sorry it didn’t work out.”

  “I’ll recover. Like you said, I’m very attractive.”

  She laughed and then Brielle opened her arms to give him a hug as Shea leaned down to give her a kiss on the cheek.

  “Good luck with everything,” he said cheerfully. And as his lips grazed her cheeks he whispered, “And be careful.”

  Goosebumps flooded Brielle’s body. Before she could ask him any questions, the elevator doors opened and Shea gently pushed her inside.

  Why did she need to be careful?

  Chapter Eight


  Brandon: How was your date with Shea?

  Brielle: I sent him home. But he’s so much fun, I really hope he finds a woman to marry soon!


  Brandon scrolled through his messages with Brielle. Once the excitement of the first few days wore off, it became clear that they didn’t have much chemistry. She seemed like a great girl but he just didn’t think she was the one for him. Brandon would be shocked if Brielle felt differently. He wanted to approach the topic with her but was unsure of how to do so and ensure a date.

  After giving it a lot of thought, he decided he wanted to try to tell Brielle about Seth. He knew he might get sued for breach of contract and he might not be successful but he needed to try. And the only way to do that was by seeing her, in person, and trying to tell her in person. He wasn’t sure if he could pull it off but was determined to try.

  Brielle seemed like a great woman. She was attractive, of course, but she had great values and goals. He could tell she would make a great wife and mother. She deserved better than to be manipulated and lied to by her ex-boyfriend. Seth was a terrible person and Brandon didn’t want to see Brielle get hurt, even if she wasn’t going to marry him.

  He walked into the kitchen to grab a beer. As he was opening the bottle, he heard heavy footsteps come up behind him.

  “What are you up to?”

  Brandon turned around. “Nothing. I’m getting a beer.”

  Seth rolled his eyes. “Cut the crap. What are you planning?”

  “I’m not planning anything. You can ask your buddy Mark, he’s reading all our texts.”

  Seth moved in closer. “You better not ruin this for me. You’ll regret it.”

  “Quite honestly, Seth, you’ll ruin this on your own. This is a terrible idea. Brielle will never love you again. So you should just move on.” Brandon sidestepped Seth and walked around him to the couch, where Asher was sitting.

  “I know her better than either of you could ever dream. She is in love with me still and she’s also in love with Carl. I feel pretty good about that.”

  Brandon shrugged but said nothing.

  Asher sank into the couch, ignoring Seth. “So, you hear about Shea?”

  “Yeah. I’m kind of surprised, to be honest.”


  Brandon laughed. “You’ve seen him. Most women dream about guys like him. Not that you or I are hideous.”

  “It is comforting. Knowing she’s not here to marry the first pretty guy she sees.”

  Seth stormed out of the room once he realized they weren’t going to engage with him any further.

  Brandon lowered his voice. “That guy is the worst. I can’t stand him. And this thing they’re doing, bringing him here? It’s so unethical.”

  “I know. I feel terrible every time I think about it. I felt terrible about lying to her about the picture thing. And now this?” Asher shook his head.

  “You really love her, don’t you?”

  Asher grinned. “I really do. I wish I could just tell her about Seth but I don’t want to mess things up too badly. I might never get to meet her if I get sent home, that would really suck.”

  Brandon gripped Asher’s shoulder. “I’ll put in a good word for you, man. I’m going to text her, tell her I think it’s time for me to go. And then if I get a date, I’ll tell her how great you are.”

  “And how terrible Seth is?” He chuckled and looked around nervously.

  “I might omit that. Don’t want to get thrown off the roof by Abigail.”

  Asher changed the channel and Brandon pulled out his phone to text Brielle.

  Brandon: So, I want to talk about us.

  Brielle: What’s up?

  Brandon: I just don’t really feel like I’m the husband for you. You’re great. But I think we’d make better friends. Am I way off here?

  Brielle: No, I think you’ll make a great husband. But you’re right...not for me.

  Brandon: Shea’s bummed but he said he really liked meeting you. I would love to do the same.

  Brielle: Are you asking me on a date?

  Brandon: I think I am!

  Brielle: I guess you’ll have to see tomorrow, won’t you ;)

  Brandon let out a sigh of relief. Asher raised an eyebrow at him but said nothing. He felt much better knowing he was going to see Brielle the next day, like he could finally relax. Before he could hatch a plan, Shea and Matthew emerged from their rooms, dragging their suitcases behind them.

  “We’re off!” Shea announced to the room.

  Matthew gave a short wave. “Our first stop will be the first bar we see. I need a shot or two after this.”

  Brandon and Asher got up and exchanged handshakes with the other two men. Their goodbyes were short and a bit awkward. Brandon realized he’d probably never see them again, although they seemed to become good friends rather quickly.

  “At least we met each other, Right, Shea?”

  “Exactly, buddy. Let’s get outta here.”

  They rolled their suitcase to the door and Shea turned around. “One of you better marry her. I would feel terrible if she was stuck with Seth for the rest of her life.”

  Brandon pointed at Asher. “It’s all Asher. I just bowed out.”

  Shea pointed at Asher. “Good luck, man.” He and Matthew made their way down the hall, cheering when the elevator opened to take them away.

  Brandon leaned against the doorframe. “I’m gonna turn in for the night.”


  He got ready for bed but was too wired to go to sleep. Instead Brandon stared at the ceiling for hours, trying to fi
nd the right words to warn Brielle about the trap she was stepping into.

  Chapter Nine


  Carl: good nite sweatie <3

  Asher: I can’t wait to go to bed. It means I’m one day closer to meeting you.


  Laura and James met Brielle back at her apartment after they filmed Shea leaving the rooftop. She barely had enough time to process what he had said. It seemed like a weird thing to whisper if it wasn’t supposed to be a warning.

  She couldn’t process it while the film crew was there. She decided to devote her full attention to Matthew’s video. She laid out on the couch, not caring that it probably wasn’t the most flattering pose, and hit play.

  He was cute in a former high school football player way. He actually reminded her a bit of her ex-boyfriend, he seemed more rugged than she’d imagined from his texts. His hair was softly parted on the side and his face was full of worry. She felt bad he was so anxious.

  “Hey Brielle. I totally understand why you’re sending me home. I realized we weren’t compatible and wanted to give Shea a chance. I shouldn’t have ghosted you, I just didn’t want to leave any chance that you might pick me over him. He’s a good guy. Anyways, I hope you find the husband you want. Stay careful...and good luck? That sounds stupid. Oh well.”


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