The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series

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The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series Page 7

by Cilla Lee

  “Are you sure you don’t want my company?” she asks me and I shake my head

  “Nah darlin’ not tonight” she rubs her tits on my arm and I look down at her

  “Maybe tomorrow” she says


  I sit at the bar and Tucker comes up “You want a game of pool” I look out to the doors not seeing Dove and nod

  “Fuck it why not”

  As Tucker gets them set up he looks at me “So what’s goin’ on with you and Jewel’s sister?” I look at him


  “You just seem to be watchin’ the door an awful lot” he says smirkin’


  “Just sayin’ is all”

  “Shut the fuck up and take your shot” I tell him hearin’ the girls laughing every now and then as I keep an eye on the door

  “Jesus Socket get your head in the game” Tucker says and I hand Cuff my pool cue not in the mood to play anymore.

  I watch as she walks in with Wiley and I get up as she walks straight to me “Socket I’m gonna take Wiley home, can you give me your address so I can bring her around so you can spend time with her” she says makin’ me frown

  “What the fuck are you talkin’ about?” I ask

  “Well, I figured since I helped pick things out for Wiley that they’ll be at your house so I’ll drop her off whenever you need” she tells me and I shake my head

  “Dove, I bought all that stuff for you” I tell her and she laughs

  “Socket my apartment is smaller than the pool table, I wouldn’t be able to fit any of that stuff in it”

  “I know”

  “Then why did you buy it?”

  “Because you and the kid are movin’ in with me” she shakes her head stepping back

  “No, I don’t think so” she says but I nod

  “Oh, it’s done Dove, all your shits at my house already” I tell her


  “Yep, moved it out today, it’s at mine” she still shakes her head

  “I can’t live with you Socket” she says and I get pissed off ready to bend her over and spank her ass

  “Yes, you are and its already done, there’s nothin’ left at your place but the ugly fuckin’ sofa”

  “You can’t do that!” she says a little loud

  “Oh, but I have” I tell her and she walks off

  “Good night” she says and I watch as she walks out, Steven is just about to open the gate when I yell out

  “DON’T FUCKIN’ OPEN THAT” they both turn and look at me and she growls at me and I smile (feisty)

  “Socket don’t be a dick, I have to go” I shake my head

  “You’re not goin’ anywhere” I tell her and she raises her hand up and then back down

  “Socket I have to go, I need to go and talk to Oki”

  “Don’t give a fuck” I tell her and she turns to Steven

  “Open the gate please” but Steven doesn’t move “OPEN THE DAMN GATE!” she yells and tries to push him out of the way, but he won’t move

  “Told ya darlin’ you’re not goin’ anywhere”

  “ARGH, DON’T BE A DICK LET ME OUT!” I smile shakin’ my head

  “No can-do Dove”

  “God, are you deaf, I CAN’T AFFORD NOT TO WORK!”

  “Fine, the kids mine, so I’ll pay you to watch her” she looks at me like I’ve gone crazy and I notice we have an audience and she shakes her head

  “Socket I’m not taking your money I need to work”

  “Why?” I ask her

  “Because I do”

  “Dove you’re not workin’ at Pink Slip”

  “Fine, then I’ll get my old job back at the dinner”

  “Dove don’t be a hardass, you say the kids mine so I’ll take responsibility for her, but she lives under my roof and I’ll pay you to be her permanent babysitter”

  “You’ll pay me to look after Wiley” I nod

  “Yep, but under my roof, nowhere else”


  “Because” I say and she gives me the stink eye

  “How much?” she asks me

  “How much where you makin’ at your last job”

  “With tips, I make about two-fifty a week” I’m completely shocked

  “You make two hundred and fifty dollars a week, how often do you work?” I ask in disbelief

  “About forty-five hours a week”

  “Fuck off!” I tell her and she shrugs blushing’

  “Damn” Cuff says and I notice all the boys lookin’ at me

  “How the fuck, do you eat with that sort of money?” Blaze asks her

  “I like ramen noodles” she says and my palms are itchin’ to turn her over and slap that damn sexy ass

  “I’ll pay you three fifty” I tell her and she looks shocked

  “You’ll pay me three hundred and fifty dollars to look after your daughter” I cringe when she says that but I nod


  “Deal” she says smiling and I think maybe I’ve been played, she walks back into the clubhouse smiling down at the kid

  “You’re doin’ the right thing Brother” Blaze says and I turn lookin’ at them all and they all nod

  “I need a fuckin’ drink” I say and walk back into the clubhouse.

  Chapter Twenty-One


  As I walk back into the clubhouse I feel a sense of relief, not that living with Socket is going to be easy but for once I don’t have to worry about how I’m going to eat or worry that the electric is going to be turned off or the water. As I sit down back out with all the girls there all smiling “You played that well” Lilly says and I look at her

  “How so?” I ask a little defensive but she smile holding up her hands

  “Don’t worry Dove, we love that, you’ve gotten Socket to come back to life, he’s been so miserable since Jewel left him and I think that’s the first time that I’ve seen him fight for something”

  “What do you mean?”

  “He never really cared when him and Jewel had a fight but with you he’s got a spark in his eye, it’s nice to see the old Socket” Niya says and I look down at Wiley

  “Do you think she brings it out in him now he knows he has a daughter” they all shake their head

  “No Dove, it’s not Wiley, it’s you” Zoey says and I shake my head there crazy

  “Socket hates me” I tell them and they all laugh

  “Honey, he does not hate you, trust us on that” Maggie says

  “Yes, he dose” I tell them but they all smile


  I sit for a few more hours and start to feel tired, Wiley stays awake the whole time thank goodness hopefully she’ll sleep all night and I yawn stretching and Niya smiles “I think I’m gonna head out” I tell all the girls and they smile

  “We’ll see you soon” Niya says and I nod

  “Night” I tell them all carrying Wiley into the clubhouse where I find Socket at the bar with one of the bitches from the store rubbing her tits all over him

  “Socket” I say and he turns looking at me

  “You ok?” I yawn again and he smiles “You tired?” I nod “Let’s go” he says and I’m surprised he wants to leave with me

  “Its fine you stay, just give me the address”

  “Come on” he says and we walk out together and I look back and the whore is giving me the stink eye and everything in me wants to give her the finger but I turn back around following Socket

  “I thought we were leaving?” I ask him

  “We are” he says and I look at him confused

  “My cars over there” he laughs stops and looks at me

  “That is a piece of shit and I’m not gettin’ into it, where takin’ my truck” he says

  “Your truck?”

  “Yes, we have all the shopping and shit for the kid in it so where taking my truck”

  “But my car”

  “Leave it, it’s safe” I nod really not in
the mood to argue and Socket takes Wiley from me and I head to the passenger’s side door and get in. Socket growls and I turn and look at him

  “What?” I ask but he just shakes his head

  “Nothin’” he says getting in as Steven opens the gates for him


  It’s a flash back to when I was a little girl and I saw this gorgeous play house with a happy family plastered all over the box, the miniature furniture and little stickers that you could decorate yourself. As I look around I walk into a huge kitchen all new appliances and wonder if my sister ever cooked. We walk down a hall and Socket points to a door “Gym, study and movie room” he says pointing to each door and I nod “Come on rooms are upstairs” he takes my hand and my skin tingles with his touch “Empty, empty, your room bathroom and my room at the end”

  “Are we going to do a nursery for Wiley?” I ask him and he takes a deep breath looking right at me

  “Look Dove, I’m gonna be honest with you” I nod my head really needing honesty if where going to be living with each other “I’m havin’ a really fuckin’ hard time comin’ to terms with havin’ a kid, I never and I mean I never wanted one, but like you said she’s here and I can’t change that. It’s gonna take me a bit of time so just give me that ok” I nod liking the honesty

  “I need to tell you Socket, I won’t stand for you to bring whores here or other women while Wiley is here” he frowns at me

  “Who the fuck said I’d bring women here?” I shrug and he narrows his eyes “I’m no saint and no one has ever been to my house” he tells me and I feel a little sense of relief

  “No one?” I ask and he shakes his head

  “No one” he repeats and I nod

  “Good, just so where clear” I say

  “And just so we are clear, no men for you either” I snort at that and he looks at me

  “What’s with the snort?”

  “Socket, I have no time for men now or in the near future” I tell him, I can’t even remember the last time I had sex, maybe two, no, three years ago (shit I didn’t even realise)

  “Good” he says and I frown, glad he’s happy


  It takes just over an hour to get everything finished, while I put all of the shopping away Socket put Wiley’s cot together. I was really surprised when he came back into the kitchen “All done” he’d said

  “You’re finished?” he nods

  “Yep, it wasn’t that hard” I smile impressed “You still tired?” he asks me and I nod

  “Yeah, I never realised how hard it was to look after such a tiny human” he smiles looking at Wiley “Do you want to hold her” he shakes his head and I know he’s nervous


  “Oh, come on” I tell him and walk him to the stool “Stay” I tell him and he smiles

  “Yes ma’am” he says and I smile lifting Wiley out of her car seat and placing her in his arms. I watch as he looks at his daughter and I feel like an intruder in one of the most important moments of someone’s life, he looks up at me and I have a tear in my eye. It slides down my cheek and he lifts his hand wiping it away and I step back but he moves his hand to the back of my neck standing up and I look up at him. He moves forward with a sleeping Wiley in his arms and leans down, my girly parts burning to life with his touch, as his lips touch mine. A fire ignites and I moan, my brain shutting down enjoying the feeling of him “Fuck” he says stepping back and I jolt back to reality stepping away from him

  “God I’m so sorry” I say and he hands me Wiley, we stare at each other, the comfortable ease we had now feeling very uncomfortable

  “Sorry” he says walking out and closing the door. I hear his bike start up and listen as the rumble of his bike lessens with each mile he drives away from us, probably going back to the clubhouse to the whore.

  Chapter Twenty-Two


  As I pulled back into the clubhouse Cuff and Tucker where standing out the front with Tiny “What the fuck are you doin’ back so soon for?” Cuff asks but I shrug

  “Just got Dove settled so I came back”

  “You not stayin with her?” I shake my head

  “Nope” I say walkin’ into the clubhouse needin’ to get my dick wet


  I watch Lila sucks my dick into her mouth, her moans makin’ me think of Dove. The softness of her lips had my dick so fuckin’ hard, if I didn’t get out of there I would have taken her to my room and fucked her “God dammit” I say as Lila looks up at me

  “You ok Socket?” she asks and I nod as she goes back to suckin’ my dick, I watch her mouth take me deeper but I just can’t get into it. It’s not her that I want its Dove, I push her off and get up and head into the bathroom

  “Socket are you ok?” she asks from the other side of the door but I just ignore her. I stand there for ages just thinkin’ about Dove, her lips her little moan makin’ my dick hardens and I reach down and stroke myself thinkin’ about her. I come hard groanin’ as my seed flows down the drain “Damn” I whisper as my head spins with a good fuckin’ orgasm. As I come out of the bathroom Lila’s still sittin’ there

  “Are you ok?” she asks me and I nod

  “All good”

  “Is it me” she says but I shake my head getting dressed

  “No darlin’ it’s not”

  “Than what is it?” I look at her as I pull my shirt on

  “Its nothin’ I tell her walkin’ out and leavin’ her in my room.

  As I pull up to the house it’s in complete darkness, I make my way to my room and notice Dove’s door open and I look in on her. She’s in the same position I saw her in this morning (fuck was it only this morning) It feels like weeks, months, I walk down to my room and lay on my bed. The thought of Dove sleeping just down the hall getting my dick hard again and I pull it out thinkin’ about her gorgeous lips tits and ass her pussy takin’ my dick as I covered her in my cum. “Fuck” I groan as I come on my stomach and hand.


  I wake to a kid screaming and I get up and walk down the hall where Dove has the kid on the floor changing her and I stand at the door and she looks up screaming “What?” I ask her as she tries to calm herself the kid still screaming

  “I thought you left”

  “I did”

  “Sorry, I didn’t hear you come back in”

  “Why the fuck, are you on the floor” I ask her as the kid screams

  “I don’t have a changing table” she says and I could kick my own ass for not thinkin’ about all the other shit the kid needs

  “Get the fuck up” I tell her walkin’ in and taking her hand and helping her up

  “Thanks” she says walkin’ past me down to the kitchen

  “Where are you going?” I ask and she looks at me

  “Hello can you not hear her screaming, she’s hungry.” I watch her walk down the stairs and it’s the first time I notice she’s in small pyjama shorts, her gorgeous tanned legs makin’ my dick hard again. Fuck everything about this chick turns me on, I walk into the kitchen and watch as she tries to make a bottle with one hand so I walk over and take the kid from her “Thanks” she says and I watch as she makes up a bottle handing it to me

  “What?” I ask her

  “Feed her” she says and I place the bottle in the kids screaming mouth and she starts to gulp the milk down, her blue eyes staring up at me (she looks nothing like Jewel) I sit on the stool and watch Dove move around the kitchen makin’ up two more bottles

  “What the fuck are you doin’”

  “Making her bottles for later, trust me she’s gonna use them” she says and I look back at the kid

  “How many bottles does she take?”

  “She feeds every five hours sometimes four” she says as the kid finishes off the bottle “You need to burp her.” I place her on my shoulder and she burps and then I feel a warm sensation run down my back and I know she’s thrown up

  “Fuck” I say and Dove turns and looks at me
br />   “What?”

  “She fuckin’ threw up on me” she smiles and I hand her the kid takin’ my shirt off and Dove gasps and I look at her

  “What?” I ask but she just shakes her head biting her lip, the smell of the kid’s sick making me gag and I look at my shirt contemplating if I should just throw it out

  “Give it here” Dove says and I pass her my shirt and she goes over placing it in the hamper in the laundry room

  “God that smelt fuckin’ horrible” I tell her and she laughs

  “You should smell what comes out of the other end” I physically feel sick thinkin’ about it and Dove laughs

  “What?” she laughs

  “You should see your face” she says still smiling and I love it, I love that she smiles around me. The kid lays her head on Doves shoulder and slowly drifts back off to sleep “Better get her to bed, night Socket” she says walking past me and I miss her the second she’s out of my sight. I grab a beer from the fridge and head out to the back patio and just sit with my feet up thinkin’ about how life can be so full of surprises.

  Chapter Twenty-Three


  The second he took his shirt off I gasped (damn) but I looked away taking the shirt from him needing to get away, fuck why did he have to have such a great body (remember he’s your sister’s ex) I scold myself “God that smelt fuckin’ horrible” he says and I get a flash back of when I first had Wiley and she threw up on me

  “You should smell what comes out of the other end” I tell him, it still makes me gag when I change her, Wiley lays her head on my shoulder and I try not to look at Socket and his amazing body. “Better get her to bed, night Socket” I say walking past him up to my room, I lay Wiley down in bed with me and she cuddles up to me as I put her binky in her mouth and she falls asleep. It takes me a few minutes of just lying there, staring at her gorgeous little face, her innocents so pure. I slowly drift off happy and safe for the third time today knowing no one can come in and take Wiley from me or rob me.


  I wake again to a screaming Wiley and I groan “I’m never having kids of my own” I tell myself as I lift her up and check her, she’s still dry so I take her down to the kitchen and place her in her car seat as I warm her bottle. The back door opens and I grab one of the knives out of the holder on the kitchen and Socket holds up his hands his still shirtless body making me blush “What the fuck where you doing out there?” I ask him as I put the knife away


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