The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series

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The Devils One: The Devils Soldiers mc series Page 13

by Cilla Lee

  “Hello” he says and I hate that I love his voice but I’m so fucking pissed at him for taking Wiley

  “Where the fuck is my daughter?”

  “You mean my daughter” he says

  “Socket, give her back!”

  “I don’t think I will, I told you before the only place your lookin’ after my daughter was under my roof”


  “You want her you get your ass back home” he tells me and I grind my teeth

  “I’m not coming back there”

  “What you prefer Magic’s cock to mine”

  “Was Bliss or Lila or Candy better than me” I ask and there’s no answer and my heart breaks a little that he didn’t deny it “Socket give her back, you couldn’t give a fuck about her”

  “Come home” he says and the way he says it makes tears fall down my cheek but I can’t risk it, I won’t risk my heart being broken again

  “No Socket it’s over, now give Wiley back”

  “No” he says hanging up and I look at the screen on my phone and scream, a tap at the window has me looking up

  “Dove” the chick from the day-care says and I wind down my window

  “Yes?” I ask her

  “Did you find Wiley; would you like me to call the police”

  “No, its fine she’s with her father”

  “Oh, you had us panicked, we thought we had a kidnapping on our hands” (you’re not far off, you stupid bitch)

  “Wiley won’t be coming back” I tell her winding my window back up and staring the engine and driving like a race car driver all the way home to get my daughter.



  As I pulled up to the clubhouse darkness had come, the drive back from Oregon had taking just over four hours and I’d had to stop at one stage to change Wiley’s diaper that had me gagging the whole time making her laugh. I hated that I was going through hell and she was laughin’ her ass off. I handed her a bottle and watched as her little hands held it herself (fuck I’ve missed out on loads) I pull her out of her seat and she looks up at the stars and I smile “Stars” I say and she just looks at me. I take her inside and see Ella and Zoey sitting with Blaze and Saint and I walk over towards them “Is Dove back?” Zoey asks but I shake my head

  “Nope” I say and they all look at Wiley than back at me

  “Then how in the fuck do you have Wiley?” Blaze asks me

  “I took her from her day-care” the guys sit up and they all frown at me

  “Socket you can’t just take her!” Zoey says

  “Don’t panic my name was on the list” I tell them all as they frown looking confused

  “Dove put your name on Wiley’s day-care name list?” Saint asks

  “No Cuff did”

  “What!?” both women almost shout

  “Cuff hacked the system and put my name on the list” I tell them and both Blaze and Saint shake their heads the girls just gape at me like gold fishes

  “Socket, you kidnapped Wiley, does Dove know? god she’s probably going out of her mind”

  “She’s already called and knows I have her”

  “She knows?” Ella asks and I nod lookin’ at my watch

  “Yep, she should be pullin’ up in about an hour give or take” I tell them smilin’ at my craftyness

  “How the fuck do you know that?” Blaze asks and I laugh

  “Brother if Ella took Harley you’d do the same shit I just pulled”

  “I can’t believe you and Cuff hacked into the day-care system” Zoey says

  “Oh, please I seem to remember you hackin’ into our system before, Saint pulls her closer to him when Steven walks in

  “SOCKET” he calls out and I look up at him


  “Dove’s at the gate man.” I look at my watch again and smile she must have raced here all the way. I hand Wiley to Zoey and get up and follow Steven out the front where I see Dove’s piece of shit car and curse myself for not gettin’ it taken to the scrap yard. I walk to the front gate and she’s standing in front of her car and she turns and looks at me, my dick jumping to attention at the sight of her

  “Baby” I say smilin’ her nostrils flare her cute little fists all balled up and she stomps closer to the gate

  “Oh please, give Wiley back Socket”

  “You comin’ home?”

  “No, I like my job”

  “Then ya ain’t gettin’ the kid”

  “SOCKET!” she screams hitting the fence that separates us “Don’t be a fucking prick, GIVE ME BACK MY DAUGHTER!”

  “You tell me your movin’ back home into our house with our daughter and I might let you see her” she laughs

  “Oh, so now she’s your daughter”

  “Yeah, got a DNA test to prove it, what the fuck do you have Dove cause from where I’m standing I have full and legal custody of my daughter”

  “SOCKET!” she yells hitting the gate again

  “Just say the words baby” she looks behind me as Zoey comes out holdin’ Wiley, and a tear slides down her cheek and she takes a deep breath

  “Fine you win, I’ll come home” she almost whispers

  “Tonight” I tell her and she looks at me

  “Tonight” she repeats and I motion for Steven to open the gate and the second she has enough room to come in she runs to Wiley taking her off of Zoey.

  Chapter Forty-Three


  I raced all the way to the compound as fast as my little Miata would go and the second I pulled up my heart leapt at being here, as I got out of the car Steven nodded walking off. When he came walking through the door again Socket was behind him (god he looks good) the second I gave into his demands and had Wiley in my arms I could breathe again. Zoey handed her to me and I watched as Steven drove my car into the compound handing Socket my keys. I knew I wasn’t going anywhere and to be honest I didn’t want to but I did. I wanted to kick Socket in the balls but kiss him at the same time. But I ignored him as he tried to talk to me, I mean I shouldn’t make it easy on the whore loving asshole.

  “Where have you been?” Zoey asks me as we sit out at the old lady section


  “Why did you change your number, we were worried” she says and I feel like kicking my own ass, these women have been so amazing and I just cut them off, now I know I’m Simone’s sister.

  “I’m sorry, it was so hard to talk to you guys knowing Socket was here”

  “Hey, we’ll always be here for you Dove your family” she says pulling me in for a hug

  “So, how has everyone been?”

  “Good actually, Lena is due any day now and Tanks been such a pain in the ass” she tells me and I smile

  “Oh yeah”

  “Yeah, she said she was gonna smother him in his sleep if he didn’t lay off with the worry” I laugh as Socket comes out

  “You ladies want a drink?” I give him the stink eye but he just winks at me (asshole)

  “Go away” I tell him

  “What? I was just asking a question”

  “Socket fuck off” I tell him really itching to kick him in the balls

  “Real nice baby” he says

  “Fuck you Socket, and I hope your dick rots off from fucking all of the whores”

  “Dove” Ella says and I turn and look at both of them as they smile

  “Ella that asshole kidnapped my daughter from day-care and is now black mailing me to live in his house”

  “Oh, come on its kind of cute” Zoey says

  “No, it’s not”

  “So, what’s Seattle like?” Ella asks and I shrug

  “It was ok”

  “Did you go out much? I hear they have an amazing night life” I shake my head

  “No not much, I went out a few times with Sandra but that was about it”

  “Who’s Sandra?”

  “Just a girl I worked with”

“Would you prefer to live there” Zoey asks and I think of the last month that I’d lived there, the rent was high it rained a lot and I was on my feet for ten hours a day.

  “No, I missed you guys” I tell them both and they smile

  “We missed you, so no more disappearing” Zoey says and I smile

  “No more” I tell her as Saint comes out

  “Baby lets go” Zoey stands up hugging me again

  “I’m glad your back” she says and I smile

  “Me to.”


  As we pull up to the house I left my heart in, I feel tears spring to my eyes but I hold them back “Wait” Socket says but I don’t, I get out and go to the back-lifting Wiley out before he can and he looks down at me “I told you to wait” I turn and look at him

  “Let’s get one thing straight Socket, I’m here to look after Wiley and nothing more so don’t think where going to walk back through those doors and everything will go back to the way it was, because let me tell you that is never going to happen” I walk up the steps and wait for him

  “Where are your keys?” he asks me

  “I though them away”

  “What the fuck did you do that for?” he asks opening the door and I take Wiley up to her old room and place her in the cot. I wait until she’s asleep and head back down to the living room where Socket is sitting on the sofa, when he sees me he stands up. “We’ll have to do some shopping tomorrow” I walk out the front door down the drive and head back towards the clubhouse to get my car, I hear Socket running up behind me “Where the fuck are you going?”

  “To get my car, stay with Wiley I won’t be long”

  “Just leave it”

  “No” I tell him and head off down the road but he follows me and I stop “Socket go back to the house and stay with Wiley

  “I’m not lettin’ you walk back to the clubhouse at night Dove, no fuckin’ way”

  “Fine than I’ll go tomorrow”

  “Fine” he says following me back to the house and I go straight up to my old room closing and locking the door behind me and laying on the bed as tears slid down my face and I bury my face in my pillow and cry.

  Chapter Forty-Four


  Fuck she’s one stubborn chick, as she goes up the stairs I watch her walk and my dick gets hard (fuck I’ve missed her) I think back to the day I left and cringe, back than I was so fuckin’ pissed at her not telling me about the DNA test but was fucked off even more that she knew Jewel was fuckin’ another guy while we were together. Not that I was faithful to her the last six months of our relationship, I go to the fridge and grab a beer and head out to the back patio and look up at the stars. The stars shine brightly in the darkened sky some more than others and I just watch as they glisten in the night sky and remember the diamond ring that’s still sitting in the top draw of my office. I know Dove’s it for me she’s my one, the whole time we were a part felt like hell. And the moment I saw her I felt like I could breathe again, I’ll win her back no matter how long it takes. She’s mine and no fucker will ever get between her gorgeous legs and taste the golden honey I know is between them.


  As I wake the next morning my neck is aching from sleeping on the deck chair, I stand up and stretch. When I walk through the door Dove has Wiley sitting on the kitchen counter feeding her

  “She’s eating food?” I say and Dove rolls her eyes at me

  “Yes, Socket that’s what happens when babies grow up” she says with a sarcastic tone

  “Ok, so what are you doing today?”

  “I need to get my car so I can go and pick up my things from my apartment and hand in my resignation, now that I have to stay here”

  “Fine, then I’ll come with and help” she stands up and puts her hands on her hips

  “I can do it myself Socket”

  “Don’t give a fuck, we do it together” I tell her and she rolls her eyes at me again going back to feeding Wiley

  After she feeds Wiley she takes her upstairs and gives her a bath, when she comes back down her hair is up but she still has the same clothes on but I know she’s had a shower. I grab my keys and she takes a deep breathe rolling her eyes and I smile

  “For every one of those eye rolls I’m gonna spank that ass” I tell her ad she turns lookin’ at me

  “You’re never going anywhere near my ass ever again Socket so shut the fuck up and let’s get this shit done.” She goes to walk off but I grab her waist stopping her and pull her to me

  “Oh, I’m touching that ass alright” I lean in and whisper in her ear “I’m even gonna fuck that gorgeous pussy of yours” she elbows me in the gut and I grunt and she narrows her eyes at me

  “Not a chance in hell asshole” she says picking up Wiley’s bag and walking out making my dick hard (fuck I love her).


  As we pull up to her apartment block I notice its ten times better than the one she used to live in. A light rain covers the three of us and I take Wiley from her and carry her up the stairs so she doesn’t slip. Wiley puts her head on my shoulder like I’ve seen the other kids at the clubhouse do with the Brothers and their kids and I sort of like it, her baby smell comforting me. As Dove opens the door to her apartment I look around and Wiley wants to get down so I put her in a play pen Dove had set up for her “This is nice” I tell her and she turns looking at me and I see her rolling her eyes again walking off down the hall and I follow her. The small double in her room makes me smile and I watch as she goes to her closet and starts to pull out clothes “Dove” I say and she turns and looks at me

  “What?” I move to stand in front of her and with my height with hers she has to look up at me

  “I love you” I tell her running my fingers down her cheek but she slaps my hand away

  “Don’t Socket” I pull her to me needing to hold her

  “Please baby forgive me” she shakes her head trying to step back

  “No” she says pushing at my chest but I hold her firmly to me

  “Please baby” I say again and lean down and kiss her neck, her smell making me hard

  “Socket stop” she whispers but I can see goose bumps form all over her neck and I lick her “Socket stop” she whispers again but this time her hands that where pushing me hold me to her and I walk her back to the bed and we fall down. I move between her legs rubbing my hard dick on her pussy

  “Fuck baby I’ve missed you” I pull her shirt down with her bra and take her nipple into my mouth and she moans

  “Socket” she moans and I almost come as her fingers lace through my hair and I shiver

  “I want you baby so fuckin’ much let me have you please.” I look up at her and she’s crying and I sit up pulling her with me and move her to straddle my legs “Why are you crying?”

  “I don’t want you to hurt me again” she whispers and I lift her chin so she’s lookin’ at me

  “Baby I know I fucked up ok, I walked out on you and Wiley acting like a fuckin’ coward but I fuckin’ love you Dove so much” she shakes her head “Baby I promise, I won’t run again and if I get pissed we talk it out, you and me Dove”

  “And Wiley” she says and I smile

  “And Wiley baby” she looks at me and I know she’s having an internal struggle, she bites her lip and my dick is now strainin’ to fuck her. Her hot pussy just millimetres from my dick “Dove I need you” I tell her moving her closer to me and she closes her eyes “Please baby” I lay her back down and she looks up at me “Please” I kiss up her neck nipping and sucking her skin tasting her (fuck I’ve missed her so fuckin’ much) I suck her nipple back into my mouth and her legs wrap around me, the heat off her body making me moan and I sit up takin’ my Cut and shirt off and she watches as I stand up and toe my boots off undoing my jeans and lettin’ them fall to the floor. Her intake of breath tellin’ me she loves it, I rub my dick to ease some of the tension, the need to fuck her makin’ me so hard my balls ache.“Get naked” I tell her and
she sits up taking her top of and bra and I hiss at the sight of her tits (fuck she’s got great tits) I squeeze my dick the head purple and aching “And the rest.” She lays back shimming out of her trousers and panties and lays back fully naked and I kneel on the bed and she opens her legs, the smell of her pussy makin’ my dick drip with pre-come. “Fuck your gorgeous” I tell her and a blush covers her skin her nipples hard and her breathing increasing

  “Socket” she whispers again this time the need in that Socket almost undoing me, I move between her legs needing to be in her “You ready?” I ask making sure she wants this, she nods her head holding onto my biceps and I slowly slide into her hot heat groanin’ with how fuckin’ good she feels

  “Socket, move please move” she begs as she starts to fuck herself on my dick

  “Fuck baby keep doin’ that and I’m gonna come”

  “I need it Socket please” I pull out of her and she moans but when I plough into her she screams “OH GOD!” I love watchin’ her take my dick, her pussy juices all over my cock “Socket please oh god please” I pull out of her and turn her over and she gets on all fours looking over her shoulder at me and I smile slappin’ her ass hard and she screams jumping forward giving me the stink eye “WHAT THE FUCK SOCKET?” she says

  “That’s for the eye roll”

  “You’re a dick” she says and I thrust hard fillin’ her pussy and she screams my name but I stop holding her hips “Socket” she moans lookin’ at me again and I lift my hand slappin’ her arse again my dick still buried deep in her pussy “If you keep hitting me I’m leaving” she says

  “Oh, you’re not goin’ anywhere” I pull out and plough her pussy over and over her screams and moans drawin’ my balls up. “Fuck Dove I’m gonna come baby I need you to come” the sound of our bodies slappin’ together so loud she shakes her head

  “I can’t” I pull out of her and turn her over and she lays down with her legs open and I look at her gorgeous wet cunt

  “Oh, you’re gonna give me one alright” I go to the end of the bed and pull her to me and take her clit in one long suck making her scream as I devour her pussy sucking licking and fingering her


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