Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

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Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set Page 9

by Bella King

  “You’re dripping cum out of your pussy as well,” he said with a smirk, picking up my panties from the grass and tossing them to me.

  I caught them and looked down, seeing a droplet of white beading down one leg. Fuck, everyone was going to know what I was doing. It was impossible to hide all this.

  Andrew didn’t seem terribly concerned. He was as sharp as he always was, looking smooth and put-together in his black button-down shirt and black trousers. His tattoos peeked out from the rolled-up sleeves, the only thing setting him apart from a proper man. He was dirty and edgy, just the way I liked them, but so clean at the same time. It was magical how he could be both of those at once.

  “I’ll see you at the party,” Andrew said, attempting to slip out of the garden without me, as though he was ashamed of what he had just done.

  “Hey, wait up,” I said, stepping into my panties and pulling them up before running after him. I wasn’t going to let him pull a hit and run on me. I had a smidgen more self-respect than that.

  Andrew chuckled as I came up beside him looking like a complete mess. “Your friend Eden is going to know what you’ve been up to,” he said with a smile as we exited the overgrown garden.

  “She’s probably shaking up with Daniel already,” I said, hoping that she was. I didn’t want her to see me like this.

  “I highly doubt that, unless Daniel wants his penis cut off,” Andrew replied.


  “I don’t let my members have sex with women outside the gang,” he said.

  “That means they can only fuck me,” I said, frowning.

  “Not yet,” he said with a chuckle. “You haven’t finished your initiation.”

  “Was that not it?” I asked, pointing back toward the garden where I had been roughly fucked.

  “No,” he said, shaking his head. “That was for personal pleasure. Your mission against Laney is work. Big difference.”

  I sighed. I knew that he wouldn’t make this easy on me. He should have, seeing as I was doing literally everything he wanted, but he didn’t. Andrew ran a tight ship, and he wasn’t going to give me any extra rope just because he was attracted to me.

  “So, if I’m part of the gang, does that mean the others are allowed to have sex with me?” I asked, remembering what Troy and Martin had said about Natasha.

  Andrew’s face returned to its regular serious expression we drew closer to the party. “You’re not part of the gang yet,” he said, failing to answer my question.

  It seemed like the time for questions was over. We were getting too close to the party for Andrew to pay attention to me anymore. He already had his eyes on a fresh blunt that Troy and Martin were sharing, as though the first one hadn’t been enough.

  “Speak with Daniel about the supplies, and get to work,” Andrew said, patting me on the but before he left for Troy and Martin.

  I placed my hands on my hips and shook my head at him as he walked away. He was really something else entirely, but I couldn’t be mad. I had just experienced the best sex of my life.

  Chapter 13

  I wasn’t willing to continue with the party without first changing into something clean and dry. A soggy red dress wasn’t a good look this early in the night. I would look like I was already sloppy drunk, which wasn’t an image I cared to give off. I had to protect my reputation as a member of Andrew’s gang, even if I wasn’t all the way initiated yet.

  I breezed past Eden as quickly as I could so that I wouldn’t be spotted and stopped. She was still talking to Daniel in an overtly flirtatious manner, twirling her hair around a finger and batting her eyelashes rapidly at every word he said. She looked ridiculous, but I knew men enjoyed that sort of thing. They all thought with their dicks.

  This evening, I hadn’t been any better than one of them though. When Andrew came onto me, I accepted his advances like he was offering me a million bucks. Except now, I was walking back into the school with a soaked dress and no money, What a bummer.

  I could still feel the tug of my hair against my scalp as I walked up the stairs to the women’s dormitory. A goofy smile invaded my face as I thought about it again. I wouldn’t be able to think about much else this week.

  Schoolwork was taking the back seat to Andrew and his gang, but that didn’t matter much to me. They made it stupidly easy to graduate, so long as you actually went to class occasionally. I had skipped a few, but that was permissible here. It was when you never went that you would get into trouble. If they made it any harder, nobody would ever graduate. The students were delinquents, not high achievers.

  Every time I walked up the staircase to the women’s dormitory, I felt out of breath at the top. It was such a long way up. I took a breather when I got to the top, then walked through the doorway and turned right to head to the room where my bed was.

  There was nobody in the dormitory save for a few girls who looked like they would rather die than socialize with anyone. There was one goth girl sitting on her bed wearing headphones, music blaring so loud that I could hear it clearly. Another girl was on her bed reading a racy romance novel.

  I walked up to my storage chest and opened it, rummaging through the clothes inside for something clean to wear. Since it was the end of the week, I didn’t have much. I pulled out a black uniform skirt that I usually wore to class and a t-shirt with the logo for my old high-school on it. I had no clue why I brought it with me to Ridgeview, but it served its purpose.

  I took the clothes and headed to the showers, where I could clean myself up and look fresh when I returned to the party. I always bathed after sex.

  I glanced back at the other women in the room before leaving. They were in the same positions they were before, completely ignoring me. At least nobody cared that I looked like a mess. I laughed to myself and headed to the showers.

  The water from the shower wasn’t as cold as the one from the fountain, but fuck if it wasn’t close. I jumped when it came on, goosebumps rising on my skin like anthills in the summer soil. The water seemed to be colder every time I took a shower, but that was probably only my imagination. My body was still piping hot from the thrill of what had happened this evening.

  I rinsed off quickly, humming happily to myself as the water poured over my body. I took soap only to scrub my fingers and under my fingernails were moss and other vegetation had gotten into during my splash in the fountain.

  I rinsed off the rest of my body with water and turned off the shower, the knob squeaking loudly as I rotated it.

  “Hey, little Rose,” a voice said from behind me.

  Not again. I would have been comfortable with the deepness of Andrew’s voice as he said my name, but this wasn’t Andrew. The voice was female, and someone who I didn’t want to see in my vulnerable state.

  I spun around to face Natasha and six other women, all standing with their arms crossed. Two of them had blunt weapons, while Natasha held a knife in her boney hand.

  I knew that the only way I was getting out of this was through force, but there were too many of them for me to fight on my own. Even running through them would be difficult. I was wet and naked, and that meant I was likely to fall and crack my skull open on the tile floor if I fled at full speed.

  “Let’s talk,” Natasha said with a wicked smile. Her eyes were bugging out of her head like she was about to lose her sanity. I wondered if she had any to begin with.

  “I’m not talking to you. Andrew is going to have a real issue if you try anything,” I said, trying to sound strong, but feeling so terribly weak.

  “I’m not concerned about Andrew. He’s nowhere close to the man he used to be,” she snarled.

  “He’s better than you’ll ever be,” I stated boldly.

  She laughed, and her henchwomen laughed with her. “I told you to fall in line when you first arrived at Ridgeview Boarding School, but you failed at that. You attacked Laney, who is pretty upset about it.”

  “She attacked me,” I said, holding my hands up in innocence.
  “That’s not what she told me,” Natasha said , still smiling like a lunatic.

  “She’s a liar then,” I replied.

  “Maybe you want to talk to her then,” Natasha said.

  She snapped her fingers, and the women in the room rushed me. They grabbed my arms and legs, slamming me against the wall and pinning me there like an animal skin stretched against the side of a cabin to dry in the sun.

  I tried to move, but with six women holding me down, there wasn’t much I could do. I was at the will of Natasha now, it seemed. Jesus, the terror never ended. Couldn’t I have this one moment to enjoy myself before I became a punching bag for the school bully?

  “Laney!” Natasha barked, holding the long knife out beside her.

  Laney entered the shower room, walking with a prissy stride that could only have belonged to her. I was so tired of this bitch. I was amazed I ever felt sorry for her. She didn’t look like she felt very sorry for me.

  Laney snatched the knife out of Natasha’s outstretched hand, grinning at me as she came forward. I tugged against the women who were pinning me against the wall, trying hopelessly to get away from her, but it was no use. I knew it wouldn’t be, but my instinct told me to get the hell out of here before Laney could get to me.

  “You don’t have to do this,” I said, trying to plead with her.

  She didn’t so much as blink at my words, striding up to me with the confidence of a woman in power, the blade of Natasha’s knife glittering under the pale fluorescent lights.

  “It’s time for you to learn your place, little Rose,” Natasha said, the last part drenched in mockery.

  “Fuck you,” I spat as Laney came toward me with the knife.

  “Hold still,” Laney said, brandishing the knife in front of me. “Where would you like me to start?” She asked, cocking her head to the side. “Maybe with your eyes?”

  I shook my head. “You won’t get away with this,” I said, trying to mask the fear that was overtaking me.

  “Well, you’re wrong about that one. Maybe you want me to start with your pussy. I could carve it right out of you. That might teach you a lesson,” she said, her eyes dancing with the devil.

  “Stop. Please,” I said.

  My heart thumped beneath my ribs as she lowered the blade to my thighs, teasing it against my flesh. She let the blade slowly travel up my leg, resting between my thighs. The cold steel sent my body on full alert. I felt like I was watching someone else’s body below me as she pressed the side of the knife into my skin.

  “Get on with it,” Natasha screeched.

  Laney rolled her eyes and brought the knife to my stomach, pressing the blade into the flesh beneath my breasts. I felt a sting as the knife began to draw blood. I winced at the pain as the horror unfolded before me.

  Laney worked the blade over my stomach, etching the letter W into my skin in painful red cuts. Blood trickled down to my legs, running down in frighteningly large amounts. How deep were the cuts she was making in me? I was afraid my insides might spill out.

  Laney continued, ignoring my cries as she worked the blade over the top of my stomach, smiling the entire time she cut through my flesh. It burned worse than a cat scratch or a tattoo. This was next-level pain, searing through my skin with no sign of remorse.

  I felt myself retracting into a pleasant corner of my mind where nothing could hurt me. I had to go there often when Lucas had been tormenting me during our relationship. On the night that he had kidnapped me and beaten me, I went there. It was a nice place in my head, but to get there, I had to be in the worst of situations. This was one of them.

  I never remembered what happened when I was there. I would blackout and come to at a later time. When the police picked me up from the side of the road, I had come back from a blackout. I didn’t even know what was going on when they cuffed me and threw me into their car.

  The past was painful to remember, but things weren’t getting much better for me. I was constantly in a state of mortal danger, and I had more enemies than ever before. The people who were supposed to be protecting me where nowhere to be found. I was lost to the world and at the hands of my captors.

  “I said, look at it,” Natasha screamed into my face as Laney stepped back from me.

  I was still pinned against the wall, but Laney had finished carving my stomach. Now, Natasha was screaming at me to look at the work Laney had done, but honestly, I was too scared of what I would see. It’s bad enough to see someone else’s bleeding body, but to witness your own body permanently disfigured by a blade was something else entirely.


  I looked down, focusing my eyes on the bloody mess that used to be my beautiful stomach. My eye widened, trying to make sense of the inverted lettering on my stomach.


  The wound was too deep to disappear as it healed. That nasty word would be scarred into my skin for a long time.

  I felt dizzy as I looked at my blood stomach, taking in the message that had been given to me. Laney laughed from behind Natasha, who was grinning like a lunatic at my horrified expression. I was humiliated, and just wanted to curl up and die. Unfortunately, Natasha had other plans.

  “Give her a beating she’ll never forget,” she said to the women holding me down, crinkling her nose in the most obnoxious smile she could muster.

  The hands that pinned me against the wall finally released me. I could barely feel my hands and feet as I fell to the wet ground, but that was the least of my worries once the shoes began to slam against my bloody stomach and ribcage.

  The breath was knocked out of me as I collapsed, face first, onto the floor. I watched as Laney and Natasha left me in the shower room alone with her gang as they beat me senseless. The damage that one man can do to you is a lot, but six women all at once were more than enough to put an end to your life if they felt like doing it.

  I curled into a ball, struggling to breathe as the aching pain of kicks rained down on me. I felt more than helpless. Once again, I was the pathetic woman in need of a hero, but this time, Daniel wasn’t here to help me. Nobody was. I had gotten caught again, and now I was paying for it dearly.

  I Had been careless after having sex with Andrew. I let my gleeful mind lull me into a false sense of security. Everything was fun and games at the party, but I couldn’t forget that Ridgeview wasn’t the place to relax and have fun. You had to watch your back at all times, and I had failed at that.

  The women who were beating me didn’t even know who I was, and I doubted they cared. They were only doing this because Natasha told them to, but who the fuck was she? What had she done, besides fuck Andrew, to come into so much power? She was a nobody, but yet, I was the one who was a bloody mess in a pool of cold water. I was the one who was in pain while she walked free. This had to change.

  Unfortunately, that would take time. For now, I had to focus on guarding myself enough to stay alive. I didn’t know when the beating would end, but I prayed for them to grow weary of my rigid body and leave me alone. The problem was, they didn’t want to stop at the beating.

  “Grab her legs. I’ll get that arm. You get the other,” a woman in the group snapped, directing the others to pull me apart like they were carrying a corpse.

  They forced me out of my fetal position and hoisted me up, swinging me around until they could steady themselves. I felt like I was floating, and if my arms and legs hadn’t been in so much pain, it would have even been pleasant. It was certainly better than the cold, wet floor.

  “Bring her quickly,” the woman close to my head said, and I felt myself being moved from the shower room.

  I was barely conscious, and my vision was blurry as I was rushed out of the women’s dormitory into the hallway. It was daring of them to bring me out here, but I wondered where my final destination would be. They couldn’t take me anywhere where people would see them, otherwise someone would intervene.

  Fuck, who was I kidding. The only people who would save me would be the sch
ool administration, Andrew, and his gang. That wasn’t very many people, and they weren’t likely to see me as I was hurried down the hallways of Ridgeview.

  After a few minutes, the women stopped down a dark hall, swinging me violently until they let go. I flew through the air and landed with an uncomfortable commotion in a pile of plastic bags and bottles. The smell told me that I was in a large dumpster.

  I heard laughter down the hall as the women walked off, leaving me in a pile of rancid trash. This dumpster must have belonged to the cafeteria, because only school slop could smell this offensive.

  I clawed at the sides of the bin, but I was too weak from my beating to even pull myself up in a sitting position. I rested my head down on a plastic bag of trash and took a breath. Jesus, the stench alone was enough to make me want to puke.

  Thankfully, that quickly gave me the energy to get myself up. If I stayed in the trash for too long, the wound on my stomach would probably get infected. I could imagine flies puzzling around me while I slept. No ma’am. Not today.

  I pulled myself up with a hard tug on the sides of the metal bin. I looked around in the darkness to see that I was in a little nook in the hallway, still visible to anyone who happened to come down this way. Thankfully, it looked like a place nobody would come down until school started again on Monday. I was close to the cafeteria.

  I took another deep breath, trying to ignore the stench that infiltrated my lungs as I inhaled. It was bad, but it gave me the energy to get myself out of the trash and onto solid ground again.

  I landed with an echoing thud on the stone floor, having to steady myself as my body tried to keep itself upright. I was in bad shape, possibly the worst I had been in, but I was still alive. I could count my lucky stars tonight for this one.

  Tomorrow, I would begin plotting my revenge. It had been alright until I had the word WHORE carved into my stomach with a knife while I was naked in the shower. That wasn’t okay, and Natasha had something else coming if she thought I would let this slide. Retaliation was inevitable.

  So, Andrew wanted me to burn Laney’s bed? I was going to much worse, and he would have no other choice but to bring me into the gang as an official member. I was going to get my revenge and rise in status as a byproduct of my cruelty. There was nothing else I wanted.


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