Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set

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Cruel Boys: The Dark Bully Romance Box Set Page 11

by Bella King

  As quick to anger as he was, Andrew kept a cool head about the situation between Natasha and me. She had crossed a line by damaging his little Rose, and now he was cold and calculated. That kind of fury was more intimidating and serious than blind rage. Andrew wasn’t messing around anymore.

  The mood was heavy during our meeting, and we only had time for a quick lunch break before we went back to work. Daniel had stolen some food from the cafeteria for us to enjoy, so we ate in the classroom while Andrew made more notes at the front of the room.

  “Andrew told me you really fucked up Natasha’s bed. Nothing but ashes left,” Troy said excitedly, scooting his chair toward me while I took a bite of mashed potatoes.

  I smiled. “Yeah, the fucking thing exploded when I dropped a match on it.”

  “Damn, I wish I had seen it,” Troy said, his beautiful eyes glimmering with excitement. “You’re way better than Natasha ever was,” he whispered, leaning in so that nobody else could hear him.

  “I’m not sure if Andrew thinks so,” I replied.

  “Andrew? Didn’t you two have sex the other day?” Troy said, rubbing his strong chin. I could smell his intoxicatingly delicious cologne from how close he was sitting.

  I nodded. “Sure.”

  “You don’t have to be exclusive, you know. Andrew doesn’t mind,” Troy said, placing a hand on my thigh.

  I nearly jumped at his touch. I hadn’t been expecting that, but I didn’t move his hand. I quite liked the feeling over his powerful grip on my bare thigh. Skirts had so many advantages when you were around such good-looking men.

  Maybe I should have felt guilty for being attracted to literally everyone in the gang, but I wasn’t. It wasn’t like Andrew was much better. Who knew how many women he had before me? I didn’t know how long any of this would last, or if I would ever truly be a member of the group, so I wanted to enjoy myself and take it easy. Why make choices and confine yourself when you can’t predict the future?

  “What Andrew thinks isn’t any of my business. I’m the one who decides what I want,” I said, establishing my dominance.

  Troy smiled, nodding his head. “I like you, Rose. You’re different.” His eyes flickered down to my shirt, where I had purposely chosen not to wear a bra. The room wasn’t cold, but my nipples were hard from his touch.

  “That’s what they all say, isn’t it?” I asked him with a sly smile.

  “Maybe, but I’m telling the truth,” Troy answered.

  I laughed, taking another bite of my food and shaking my head. He and Martin were so similar. Every time I talked to one of them, I felt like I was speaking to the same person. They even looked similar, but then again, everyone in this gang looked similar, aside from David. They were all tall, muscular, heavily tattooed, and looked like a cross between a model and a thug. It was delightful.

  “I’ll let you finish your food,” Troy said, scooting his chair away from me.

  I waved goodbye and took another bite of my meal.

  No sooner had he left than Martin slid up beside me. He raised his eyebrows at me, smiling like he knew something that I didn’t.

  “What?” I asked, giving him a side glance before returning to my food.

  “Nothing,” he said, looking me up and down.

  I rolled my eyes. “Did you just come over to stare?”

  “Sort of, yeah,” he replied.

  I couldn’t hold back a smile. He was so ridiculous sometimes. “Well, enjoy the view,” I said, giving my torso a small shake.

  His eyes widened as he watched my breasts move beneath the thin fabric of my shirt. “Every time I see you, I get an erection,” he stated, being just about as blunt as he could be.

  I nearly spat out my food. I had to swallow it to respond quickly. “You’re too much,” I replied.

  “Nah, I’m just honest,” he replied. “And plus, I saw Troy copping a feel your soft little thigh. How about you let me have a touch?” He asked, pouting his lips out like he would be sad if I didn’t allow it.

  Normally, I would have been shocked and a bit angry that someone would approach me like that, but my life had changed drastically since coming to Ridgeview. I wasn’t the innocent woman who came in on mistaken charges. I was a full-fledged delinquent like the rest of them. People change.

  “Go ahead, but don’t blame me if Andrew snaps your arms later because of it,” I said, parting my legs and offering one up to him.

  Martin grinned, showing cute wrinkles on the sides of his eyes. “I don’t think we need to worry about that,” he said, tracing a hand up my skirt. “He knows how to share,” he said, his voice finding a more guttural tone as he found the edge of my panties with his finger.

  “Alright,” Andrew announced at the front of the room, standing up with his hands on his hips.

  Martin, looking disappointed, moved his hand away from my leg.

  “Let’s continue where we left off,” Andrew said, addressing the entire room.

  Everyone rose to attention, pushing away half-eaten plates of food. I took a final bite of soft vegetables and potatoes before pushing my plate across the table to give Andrew my full attention again. Martin left me alone and went back to sit with Troy.

  Andrew began lecturing us on the plan that he laid out. We would be starting tomorrow, and the goal was to expose Natasha to the school administration without getting anyone else caught up in the spotlight. It wouldn’t be easy, but it could be done if we lured her into the right situation. Ridgeview would turn into a real prison sentence if she was caught doing something terrible. We intended to make that happen.

  I watched Andrew’s fluid movements as he went over what all we had to do in order for the plan to work. I could barely pay attention to what he was saying because of how fine he looked at the front of the classroom, lecturing us like he was the teacher.

  I was turned on by what Martin and Troy had done during our lunch break. I could still feel their large hands teasing my thighs as I watched Andrew at the front of the class. I had to cross my legs over each other to keep from spreading them at my desk and showing Andrew what was up my skirt. I felt hornier than ever with so many men giving me attention.

  I focused my attention on Andrew, but I kept zoning out and thinking how nice it was that all of us were together. I felt like the gang was constantly split up, all working on their own things to contribute to the greater purpose, but we rarely were all together like this. Every person I the room had their eyes glued on Andrew, and it was nice.

  I leaned back in my chair, tightening my legs over each other. The pressure it put between my legs felt good. Damn, it felt too good. I was going crazy in my seat and nobody in the room knew about it. I wanted this meeting to be over so that I could do something about my needs.

  “Rose,” Andrew said from the front of the classroom.

  I perked up, coming to attention. “Yes?”

  “I want you to come to the garden with the rest of the guys and me tonight after dark. Your final initiation will be this evening. Then, you will be an official member.”

  I shrunk down in my chair as all head turned to me. I felt shy about what he was saying, despite it being what I wanted. I wasn’t a hundred percent sure of what he wanted from me, but I hoped it wouldn’t involve anything risky or violent. I had experienced enough of that stuff already.

  “Don’t look so frightened,” he said with a chuckle. “You’re almost to the finish line.”

  I nodded, crossing my arms and sitting up straight. “I’ll do what I have to do.”

  “Good girl,” he replied, giving me a winning smile. “I’ll see you at seven.”

  Chapter 17

  I had to be careful navigating the halls of Ridgeview Boarding School as the sun began to set that evening. Natasha had her girls crawling the area, and I already had to move everything from my bed to an empty room elsewhere in the school. Thankfully, this place was enormous, so it was highly unlikely that anyone would find me when I slept that tonight.

p; Eden was terrified that I had kicked the hornet’s nest, and now she refused to even talk to me. I couldn’t exactly blame her, because she seemed to bow to Natasha way more than I was willing to. It was a shame she didn’t want to join me, but perhaps she would sing a different tune once we got Natasha kicked out of the school.

  I wasn’t angry at her, nor did I take it personally. I knew what I had to do, and I was far too deep into the war between Andrew and Natasha’s gangs to simply back out and make my peace. Tonight, I would complete my final initiation.

  I felt giddy with excitement and nervousness as I walked softly down a dark hall toward the exit into the side courtyard. I ran my hand along the rough wall, counting the stones as I took slow steps toward the exit. I wore a small watch on my wrist, which had been a gift from my parents when I left for Ridgeview. I remembered how upset they were at saying goodbye. If only they could see me now. I don’t know what they would think.

  The time on the clock read 6:55, five minutes until I was supposed to be in the garden. I quickened my pace to get there in time, not wanting to be late for what could be the most important event of my Ridgeview career.

  I never thought I would be officially sworn into a gang. This wasn’t at all what I had expected when I slipped in with the bad guys years ago. I was doing it for the thrill, and it led me into a life that I never really desired. Now that I was here, I didn’t really want all this. I was doing it for Andrew, Troy, Martin, and Daniel. I wanted them, not the gang.

  It wasn’t the time to get sappy though. I had a mission and I was going to accomplish it no matter what. I pushed the old wooden door of the building open, stepping out into the cool night air as I made my way toward the garden.

  My heart danced in my chest and my hands were cold and clammy as I walked. I took short and shallow breaths, but I tried to slow them so that I wouldn’t hyperventilate on the way there. I had to seem calm in the face of my big moment. I wasn’t even sure what it would be, but everyone else seemed to know already.

  I looked up at the sky. The stars were already out, twinkling above me in all their splendor. The nice thing about the school being out in the middle of nowhere was that there were no city lights to outshine the beautiful stars. I could see them so clearly in the night sky, even this early in the evening.

  I breathed in the scent of old flowers and greenery as I approached the garden, glancing once more at my watch as I went through the entrance. I was right on time.

  Andrew was by the fountain with his back toward me as I entered the secluded garden center. “I would like you to remove your clothes,” he said calmly before turning around to face me.

  Normally, I would have questioned a request like that, but this was not the time to ask questions. I was going to obey every word that he said. This was my moment to prove myself to him.

  I pulled my shirt over my head, dropping it into the overgrown grass. My breasts were exposed to the night air, tightening up as I bent over to remove my skirt. I stripped out of all of my clothes, leaving not a single thread of fabric on my pale skin.

  Andrew looked me over, his eyes lingering on the word WHORE etched into my stomach. It was starting to heal but was still clearly legible. I felt self-conscious for a brief moment before his eyes traveled down between my legs. A smirk spread across his sharp jaw, his eyes widening at the sight of my bare pussy.

  “Tonight, I would like us all to come together as one,” Andrew said, stepping toward me. “We cannot function in any other way.”

  I tensed up as he moved toward me. The air was cold against my exposed skin, and his movement brought a gust of it to me. Andrew walked straight up to me, unbuttoning his shirt and opening it in front of me. My eyes explored the, now familiar, tattoos and muscles that he was gifted with. I grew aroused just by the sight of him.

  Andrew snapped his fingers, and the three men stepped out from around the crumbling concrete walls that protected the garden. Troy, Martin, and Daniel had arrived, and they were all completely naked.

  I was shocked by the sight of their perfect bodies in the soft glow of the moon that had begun to rise. They looked as though they were statues that had come to life, finally drawn into flesh and blood by a woman entering the garden. I was the object of their desire just as much as they were mine. I knew where this was going.

  “There is no you,” Andrew said as the men approached me from all angles. “There is no I. There is no they. There is only us,” he said in a deep whisper.

  My eyes were wide as hands began to touch my body. I stood still, absorbing the intensity of the moment as all of the men began to feel across my soft skin, exploring the body I had to offer them. Andrew stepped back, continuing to remove his clothes while hands found my breasts and squeezed them, toying with my nipples as they increased their urgency.

  I was lifted by the men, carried to an old wooden bench on the outskirts of the garden center, and placed down onto it so that they could enjoy me. I watched them play with my body, running hands between my thighs and pulling at my breasts with their powerful fingers.

  There was a shock of pleasure as Daniel placed his hand between my legs, rubbing my clit with his skilled fingers. He was good at this, and I didn’t want to question why. My purpose now was to enjoy them and relax into the moment. There was no room for coherent thoughts in my head.

  “Spread her legs,” I heard Andrew's voice command.

  Daniel removed his hand from my pussy and helped Troy and Martin push my legs apart. I stared up at the night sky as Andrew came in first, pressing his stiff cock against my pussy as the other held my legs open for him. He would be the first to have me, since he was the leader.

  I couldn’t believe that I was doing this with so many men. I had offers in the past, but this was the first time I actually wanted it. Every single man here was the definition of sexy, and that made me incredibly wet. I was moaning before Andrew even got inside.

  He pushed in, getting no resistance as he slid into my juices. I had wanted this since the moment he finished inside of me in the garden last time. I closed my eyes as I felt the familiar stretching sensation, then opened them as he went in all the way.

  My eyes found the men on either side of me, looking down at me with eager expressions. Troy and Martin pushed their cocks into my open hands, urging me to tug on them as Andrew pumped away between my legs. Daniel had both his hands on my breasts, lowering his stiff cock to my mouth so that I could take it in that way.

  I opened my mouth, tasting his thick shaft as he pushed it against my tongue. I did my best to give him pleasure with my mouth while Andrew pumped his hips, but I was moving too much to have much control over my mouth. I would just have to let the steady rhythm of my body do the work for me. Daniel certainly didn’t seem to mind.

  I looked up at him as the pleasure began to mount. His perfect features were contorted in a twist of extreme pleasure as I sucked his cock. I flicked my tongue around as I moved, tasting every detail of his cock as Andrew quickened his pace.

  I could feel Troy and Martin growing stiffer in my hands as I moved. I squeezed them gently, letting my body’s motion do most of the work. Andrew looked close to climax, but I was just getting started. It was a good thing that I had so many men to take care of me. It took a village to please this woman.

  Andrew moaned, pulling out of me and releasing a hot splatter of his fluids over my stomach and breasts. Troy immediately left my hand as Andrew finished, taking his place between my legs to continue the steady rhythm that I had grown accustomed to.

  “Make sure she cums,” I heard Andrew say.

  God, what a perfect man.

  Troy moved faster than Andrew had between my legs, using his speed to rub me up to the edge of climax, then slowing down to bring me back to reality. He repeated this twice before I grabbed him with my free hand and moaned as loud as I could with Daniel’s cock in my mouth. I needed him to let me finish. The blissful torture was becoming too much for me to handle.

yet, darling,” Troy teased, slowing down again and using his hips to slowly push inside of me, moving back and forth at an agonizingly slow tempo.

  The other men chuckled as he taunted me, but I grabbed his thigh and dug my nails into it. He yelped, and moved faster, which was all I needed to explode into orgasmic pleasure.

  Waves of delight pulsated through my body, shimmering with holy satisfaction as Troy brought me over the edge and into heaven. I barely even noticed Daniel climaxed into my mouth. I drank him down as I climaxed, twitching and squirming in absolute ecstasy.

  The stars above me were a blur as Troy finished over me, combining his hot semen with Andrew’s. I was in a state of sheer pleasure and satisfaction. I had never expected to be taken in this way, but if it was all meant to lead up to this moment, then the horrible things I had been through were worth it. They were all worth it for this.

  Martin hadn’t had his turn with me. Even though everyone else had finished, he was still ready to go. I was panting, lying splayed out across the bench when he picked me up. He hoisted me across one of his broad shoulders and carried me back to the center of the garden, setting me down in a similar position as Andrew had when we first had sex there.

  I bent over, spreading my legs for him and gripping the edge of the fountain. I knew what was about to come, and I was ready for it. Martin placed a hand against my soaked pussy and rubbed it, driving residual pleasure through my core. I moaned at his touch.

  “Give me that perfect pussy,” Martin growled into my ear, grabbing my shoulders and thrusting his cock into me.

  I yelped at the sudden movement, but I was so wet that there was no issue with him coming in like that. I accepted him fully and enjoyed the ride as he slammed his cock deep inside of me. Martin couldn’t stretch out his enjoyment for very long with how wet and tight I was. He came inside of me, groaning and gripping my shoulders tightly as he did so.


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