Circle of Elements: Water and Wind Collide

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Circle of Elements: Water and Wind Collide Page 6

by Mandy Adler

  “Ella! Enough, they are finished. You are draining too much of your power!”

  Suddenly the world went dark. The last thing I saw was Asher’s panicked face and Christian’s worried one.

  Chapter Seven


  She was going to be the death of me. I had waited so long for her to walk into my life, I’d be damned if I lose her so soon for draining herself. But that was the thing that drove her, her need to protect everyone she loved. But I needed to protect her, and waiting for her to wake up was hell. I could feel her, I knew she was okay. But until I saw those beautiful green eyes open, I would be freaking out.

  Asher was driving me nuts with the pacing, the bond those two had was nothing I had ever seen before. He was just as worried as I was. He was also making the room into a sauna and I was worried she would overheat.

  “When is she going to wake up?” Asher chewed on his nail, a habit I noticed his sister had too. “How long does it normally take for someone to recover from a draining?”

  “Soon,” I tell him with a calmness I didn’t feel, but if Asher blew up… so would the house and everything in it. “I can feel her stirring. She’ll wake soon. Why don’t you go get something to eat and I’ll call you if she wakes?”

  Asher watched his sister for a moment longer before walking over and kissing the top of her head. They didn’t know how lucky they were to have each other, to have a sibling to lean on, to grow up with. “Okay. Come get me if she wakes, I mean it. As soon as she wakes. I’ll be back soon.”

  I gave him a nod and he left the room, closing the door softly. I got up and sat on the edge of the bed. She was still too pale for my liking. I gently brushed her hair back from her face, I needed her to be okay.

  The first time I saw her I had a feeling she was mine, even without the marks I was drawn to her. She was so timid and shy, I wanted to protect her from the world. But she had a fire in her she didn’t even know she had yet. She was opening up, but it was a slow process. She wore her heart on her sleeve and she couldn’t hide anything.

  “Come on Ella. It’s time to open those beautiful eyes sweetheart,” I whisper, I know she can hear me because I can feel her heartbeat pick up in speed. She knew my voice even if she wasn’t conscious, her soul knew mine. “I need to know that you’re okay, Love.”

  Slowly, very slowly, her eyes started to flicker. Finally, after what seemed like hours, though was only minutes, her eyes locked on mine. “Christian? What happened?” Her voice was soft, confused.

  “You drained yourself,” I tell her gently. I wanted to yell at her for being too reckless with her own life, but there was no way I could yell at this soft-heart girl, so I kept my voice calm. “And if I ever catch you using your powers to that brink again and putting your life on the line, I will ground your powers for a while.” Her bright eyes filled with tears. “I’m not trying to hurt you, Love, but you scared the hell out me. Dylan and Asher are out of their minds with worry too. Remember, there are four of us in this circle. It’s not all on you to save us, we are a team. Understand?”

  “I’m sorry.” Her soft voice quivered as she spoke, breaking my heart that I put it there. “I was just so scared, things got wild really fast and I can’t lose you, any of you.”

  I pulled her into my arms, not being able to stand the distance any longer. I know she needed to take things slow, but I needed to feel her in my arms and reassure myself she was okay. “I know, and I love that you care for us so deeply, but I will not, cannot, allow you to put your life on the line like that again. I just found you, I’m not letting you go for a long time to come.” I felt her nod against my chest. “I’m going to get the others before Asher catches fire to my kitchen.”

  “Okay.” She whispered. “I’m sorry.”

  “I know Zania, just remember how you felt when you thought you could lose us. That’s how we felt when you went down.” I told her before opening the door and calling down to let them know she was awake.

  I could hear the thunder of the boys running before I saw them. Asher was shoving past me and into the room before I could move aside. Dylan stood beside me and gave Ella a sweet smile.

  “Are you okay? Does anything hurt? Do you remember everything? Say something Ell!” Asher got all this out in one breath making Dylan and Me chuckle. Like he gave her a chance to say anything.

  “Asher, give me chance and I will, sheesh.” She grabbed her twin's hand to give him the comfort he needed. “I’m okay. No, I’m not hurting. I remember everything and I already promised Christian not to push myself like that again.” She looked into her brother’s eyes and smiled sadly. “I’m sorry for scaring you. I really am okay, I promise.”

  “Jesus, Ell. You scared the hell out of me. Don’t do that to me again. You and me, kid. Remember? Well, now you, me, Dylan, and Christian. Don’t’ make me think about losing you again, I can’t take it. We already owe Christian some new curtains.”

  She kind of gasped and giggled at the same time, it was adorable. “Asher, tell me you didn’t catch fire to them!”

  “Sorry. Your fault little sister. If I wasn’t freaking about you passing out, and being white as a ghost I wouldn’t have lost control.” He glanced over at me a huffed a laugh. “Christian set a freaking hurricane in the damn field though.”

  Her eyes caught mine and I gave her a smile. “I haven’t lost control in years. It was like I was a young child again, seeing you hit the ground it all just burst out, my power and yours.”

  “It was quite a sight. The two of them.” Dylan chimed it. “Though I will say young Zania, if you worry us like that again I will personally build a damn cave around you and lock you in for safety.” He gave her a wink and she giggled. What she didn’t know was that he wasn’t kidding, he was just a worried as Asher and me. He loved her like a little sister already.

  “I really am sorry guys.” She said, her eyes darting to each of us.

  “You are off patrol for the week, until you recover,” I tell her, trying to soften my voice. “No arguments.”

  Then I left the room with Dylan, giving Asher some time alone with her, and myself some time to calm down. I hadn’t left her room since she went down and I needed time to cool down before I blew up and scared her.

  “She’s okay Aeolius,” Dylan said quietly as I braced my hands on the kitchen counter. “She’s out of danger and safe here.” I felt his hand on my shoulder

  “But it could have been so much worse. She nearly completely drained, it was almost too late.” I let out a breath. “I had to knock her out for crap's sake.” I shook my head. “Never did I think I would ever knock out my own mate.”

  “You had to. She’s still learning, she went her whole life without using her powers much.” He eyed me warily. “We are going to have to take them to meet the Elders. They are powerful, and I would bet that they knew their parents.”

  “I know. Dammit, I know. But as soon as they see how powerful they are… they will want us to up our patrols, putting her in even more danger. We are now one of the strongest circles, and that’s without a spirit caster.” That was what I was really afraid of. As soon as they saw the twins they would see the potential of putting us in more dangerous areas. I hated the thought of putting her in that kind of danger.

  “We will protect her, her and Asher both. You knew this would come, she’s your Chosen, you could never have kept this from them.”

  Just then we heard Asher come in. “She’s asking for you.” He tells me with a rueful smile. “Take care of her.”

  I nod to him, letting him know I would. And I headed up to see my girl.

  Chapter Eight

  She was sitting up leaning again the headboard when I walked in.

  She gave me small, guilty smile. “Hi, Christian.”

  “Don’t look at me like that, Sweetheart,” I say gently as I sit beside her. “I’m not mad at you, I was just worried. I’m not used to worrying about someone so deeply and I’m not sure how to handle it.�

  “I’m sorry, I wasn’t trying to drain myself.” She looked close to tears again.

  I pulled her to me gently and place a soft kiss on her head. “I know. It’s not your fault, your still new to all this, sometimes… sometimes I forget you didn’t grow up in the same world. You and Asher caught up so fast and are such naturals at all this. I’m sorry for getting angry, I wasn’t mad at you, just the situation.”

  “Asher was mad.” She gave a little laugh. “He was kind of freaked. The whole twin thing makes us protective of each other.”

  I laugh. “I don’t think that’s a twin thing. Dylan was out of his mind too, I think it’s just you. You draw people to you, make them love you, make them want to keep you in a bubble and hidden from any and all danger.” I sat up and took her face in both of my hands, she was so small. “You are so sweet and caring. You put off this light of happiness, making everyone around you feel the love you pour out without reason. We all just want to stand in your light, just to feel that love, that peacefulness we feel around you. You don’t see yourself clearly… but we do, and we love what we see.”

  Her eyes were shining with tears I hoped were happy ones. The girl cried at everything, happy or sad, excitement or sleepiness, her tear ducts were connected to everything she felt. I don’t think she even knew it. She would never be able to hide her feelings. And I loved that, I loved her.

  “I’m just not used to having anyone care about me, other than Ash.” Her fingers played with the covers nervously.

  “Well, get used to it pretty girl, because both of you are family now, and you two are here to stay,” I tell her, enjoying the way her eyes light up and the smile playing on her lips.

  “Will… Will you stay with me tonight?” Her cheeks turn red and I smile. “I just don’t want to be alone tonight.”

  “Try and make me leave tonight. You were out a while, I’m not letting you out of my sight for a long time to come, you’re going to be sick of me soon.” I was being honest, I was going to by a tyrant for a while, almost losing her… I can’t do it again.

  “Not possible.” She whispered, her eyes on my lips.

  “I’m going to be overprotective for a very long time,” I warn before moving closer. If I didn’t kiss this girl soon I was going to go crazy.

  I think she may have replied, but I didn’t catch it. The moment my lips touched hers everything around us disappeared. She tasted of strawberries and the way she leaned into me, trusting me…completely undid me. Her hands tangled in my hair and her grip tightened. I wrapped one hand behind her, holding her tight, the other held the hair at the base of her neck. She let out of breathy sigh and I pulled back gently.

  “I love you, Ella Roster,” I whispered, my lips grazing hers. “I have been waiting forever to do that.”

  “I love you too, Christian Hollister.” She sighed happily.

  I lay her back and covered her. As much as I wanted to continue kissing her, she needed sleep. She wouldn’t regain her energy without it. She grabbed my hand hard like she was afraid I was leaving. Like I could leave her now. I pulled her against me and she let out a contented sigh.

  “Sleep, Love. I’m not going anywhere.” I tell her and meant it. Nothing would pry me from this girl I loved more than I would have ever thought possible.


  I woke warm and completely happy. I don’t know what I did to deserve Christian, but I would always be thankful that he was my chosen. I woke facing him, my face on his chest. He was still sleeping, looking very peaceful. His face was relaxed in sleep, all the worries he always held seemed to just slip away. He still had one arm wrapped around me like he was afraid I would slip away from him. I could feel his peace in this moment, even though he was sleeping. Our bond was growing stronger by the day.

  Good morning, My Chosen. I could hear the smile in his voice even though he hadn’t spoken out loud.

  Good morning.

  Did you sleep well? How are you feeling this morning? His eyes opened as he looked me over sweetly, always thinking of me.

  “I slept great, and I feel fine. A little drained still, but better than yesterday.”

  “Good.” His voice was still thick with sleep, and I smiled at the sound. “Let me go get you some breakfast.”

  “I’ll go down with you.” His brow rose and I laughed. “You are not keeping me in this room. Let me shower and I’ll be down. I’m fine.” I leaned over and kissed him gently before gathering clothes and heading to the bathroom.

  The truth was I was drained, but I was feeling better and I knew if I let him he would lock me in my room for the rest of the week. No way was I letting him get away with that. I showered quickly and brushed out my hair, throwing on my yoga pants and a long shirt, today was a comfy day.

  The boys were all in the kitchen when I slowly walked in. All head turned to look me over, I rolled my eyes but smiled.

  “Good morning sis.” Asher chirped as he saw me. “How ya feeling?”

  “Better,” I replied, giving him a peck on the cheek.

  “Good to see you up and walking,” Dylan commented while pulling out a chair at the table.

  “Thanks. Really, guys, I’m fine.” I said as they continued to stare.

  I met Christian’s eyes and returned his smile before he set way too much food in front of me. Did he honestly think I could eat all of this? There were eggs, bacon, hash browns, toast, pancakes, and strawberries! Good grief! I couldn’t even eat half of this.

  “Good, then you’ll be a good girl and sit and eat and let us worry over you for a bit.” Asher huffed, making me laugh. The tension left Christian and Dylan at the sound.

  It hit me then, those boys are family now… both of them. I would do anything to protect this new family of mine, and I knew Ash felt the same way.

  Finally, they all sat down and started eating. I stayed mostly silent, listening to the easy banter between the three. I looked over at Asher who, in return, winked. Yeah, he was loving this too. It had been just the two of us for so long, and that was okay, but we both loved Christian and Dylan.

  I couldn’t imagine going back to a life without them.

  If those boys didn’t stop hovering I was going to scream! Six days have passed since I drained my energy and they were still acting like I was still weak and injured. I loved them, but come on! Every time I stepped out of my room one of them was there, waiting to catch me if I fell. Cristian hasn’t even kissed me since that first time. I wasn’t going to break! I had to get that through to them somehow.

  Tonight, we were planning to go out back by the water and light the bonfire, Christian said it would speed up my healing, being closer to the water. I couldn’t wait, I loved when we completed the circle. Dylan and Asher had been out every night patrolling while Christian stayed with me. A week has passed tomorrow and I planned on going with them, I knew they would fight me, but I needed to get back to normal. Well, normal for a circle of casters anyways. I was going to break the news to them tonight after the circle was cast.


  I was still worried about her, I knew her energy was back up, I just couldn’t help it. It was like the very blood in my veins was screaming at me to protect her. I knew she wanted to go back on patrol, she thought she was sneaky but I could feel the emotions rolling off her in waves… we were driving her insane. One of us was always with her; Dylan would crack jokes when Asher or I had something to do, Or Asher would tease her when Dylan and I were busy. We watched her like a hawk.

  I watched as she stood ankle deep in the water, her hair blowing in the wind I let pick up so she wasn’t hot. We completed the circle tonight and we were just as strong, even with Cora no longer with us. The four of us combined had more power than complete circles. Asher was throwing fireballs at Dylan while he keeps blocking with walls of sand and dirt.

  I walked up behind and slipped my arms around her, pulling her to my chest. She was so small she fit just right up against me like she made for my arms. She made
a soft humming sound filled with contentment. I kissed the top of her head as she leaned in back to relax against me. Her hands fell to my arms and held them there.

  “It’s getting late, sweetheart,” I whispered in her ear softly.

  “I know. Just a little longer.”

  “So, you want to wait to let us know you are patrolling tomorrow? I would have thought you would have wanted to get that out of the way.” I laughed as she spun around in my arms to face me.

  “So, you aren’t going to try and fight me on it?”

  I brushed the hair out her eyes and answered honestly. “I would love to, I hate the idea of you back out there soon. But it wouldn’t do me a lick of good, you would get your way anyways. I don’t want to fight with you Ell, never you. This way I know I’ll be out there with you and stand by your side.”

  “Thank you, Christian.” She says so softly I almost missed it, her eyes on my mouth.

  Finally, I do what her eyes are begging me for, I kiss her. Standing under the light of the moon, the water rolling past our feet, wind blowing softly. And I could never get enough of this, of this beautiful girl I get to call mine. It was tentative at first, soft, sweet. Slowly her shyness wore off and she picked up the pace and pressure, I let her lead. This tentative girl I was so afraid of scaring off. I crushed her to me and lifted her off the ground while enjoying the moment. I don’t know what she does to make her lips taste like strawberries, but I hope she never stops, whatever it is. She was letting her walls down and welcoming me in, I wasn’t going to let her back out now. She was mine, and I plan to keep her forever.


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