Tomorrow's Shadow - Part III - Full Circle

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Tomorrow's Shadow - Part III - Full Circle Page 7

by Marcus Kruger

  ~ Regarding the Heart ~

  Stefano lay on the flat outcropping, hands under his head as he watched the stars. For once his mind wasn’t awash with problems and concerns; he let his mind wander where it would. He almost fell from his rest spot into the pounding surf when Nikolos’ voice exploded in his mind.


  I am here, my friend. You sound upset. What is amiss?

  Your lover is injured. It is not overly critical, certainly not fatal, not if attended to soon. I had thought to carry him to your Keep, but the smell of his blood is overpowering and I cannot maintain clear thoughts.

  Stefano stood and dove into the waves, slicing through the water toward his beach, yet still conversing. What happened?

  Prozzt. He attacked and had your other down. Two nights back Prozzt and I had serious fight over his desire to return here to take your lover. When he disappeared from the pack, I just had a feeling so came here. Fortunately I found him as he was taking your lover down and managed to knock Prozzt away. I do not know how serious the wounds he afflicted, only that there is blood present. I have dealt with my kin; you must take care of yours.

  Stefano reached the sand and headed up the stone steps, pausing briefly at the top to force his trousers over his wet form. Where is he?

  Come quickly. There is a small grove opposite your home – several grand oaks interspersed with evergreens. I can try to guide you with our thought connection if you need.

  Stefano sighed. I know the place, but why would Gerik be way out … Apologies, Niko – you would not know why or how. I am just glad you were near enough to intervene.

  There is a grey gelding here; my assumption would be he was out riding and Prozzt surprised him. He seems to be sleeping, dear heart, but I cannot be certain from this distance - you kindred have a nasty gift of not needing breath. I have done all I can manage.

  Thank you, Niko, my love… Stefano caught himself, cursing inwardly for the slip. He cleared his mind briefly when he reached the stables. He released Zarchos and swung onto the stallion’s back – no saddle, no bridle. He leaned forward and whispered into the animal’s ear “D`I zor Zarchos! Afla Fila. (Hurry Zarchos. Find Shadow.)” The steed gave a snort and bolted across the land. Stefano reached with his mind again to repeat his thanks to Nikolos, but received no response. Before he could stress over his choice of words earlier, Zarchos broke to a stop beside Shadow.

  Stefano slid a dismount and moved quickly to Gerik’s side. Of the many wounds that had been inflicted, most had sealed or were closing. There was no sign of Prozzt or Nikolos anywhere. Stefano put his hand tenderly on his chylde’s cheek and spoke in a soft yet urgent voice.

  “Gerik. Beloved. If you can hear me, wake.”

  He slid his hand under his chylde’s head then withdrew it in frustration. Gerik’s hair was slightly matted with blood. There was no flow, but clearly had been. Stefano picked his lover up in his arms and clicked his tongue. Zarchos trotted to his side. Stefano slid Gerik’s body onto the horse, then swung on behind him. He sat his chylde up enough to cradle him against his body and gave his steed the command for home. The horse raced for the Keep; Shadow followed at a lesser pace. While Zarchos was stopping at the front doors Stefano slid off and slipped Gerik fully back in his arms. He walked through the front doors, his mind shouting.

  Viktor. I need you!

  Moments later his manservant stepped in from his room, dressed in a cotton nightshirt that hung to his ankles. He carried a small vial with him. “Put him near the fire.” Viktor followed Stefano to a settee then kneeled beside the prone kindred. As he uncorked the vial a stringent odor filled the room. He held the vial to the unconscious kindred’s lips and tilted it. “Drink, Lord Gerik.”

  Whether Gerik heard Viktor or the mage used command was uncertain, but the results fit either; the younger kindred opened his mouth for a sip. A couple moments later he was sitting up coughing and gagging. Viktor grinned at Stefano. “Usually does the job. You will want to open the balcony doors and most likely the main ones as well to allow the aroma to clear.”

  Stefano nodded, wiping watery eyes and fighting coughs himself as he headed across the room. “What is that?”

  Viktor chuckled. “A remedy. Knowing more would raise more questions than those it answered, so that will need suffice.”

  “It shall, good friend.” Stefano returned and knelt before his chylde. “How are you feeling?”

  Gerik’s coughing subsided slowly. “Like I have tasted the bane of Hades itself.” He looked at Viktor. “What, did you try to poison me?”

  The mage corked the bottle and started toward the bar. “If I had, there would be no waking ye, m’Lord. Excuse me, Master Stefano, if ye need me for naught else, I shall return to my bed and covers.”

  “Thank you, Viktor. And rest well.” Stefano brushed the back of his fingers along the side of his chylde’s face. “What happened? How did you get so far from the Keep? I assume out riding?”

  “We weren’t exactly communicating well about then, Stef. And before I continue I need to apologize, to my Sire and my Prince, but mostly to the one who holds my heart. I know you would never do anything to purposely hurt me. But it did hurt and anger me to think you would have invited my parents without talking to me first. I know, I know, you thought I understood from your mentioning it earlier. I guess maybe we both tend to think the other will just know what we’re doing and why, rather than verifying that first.”

  Stefano gave Gerik a peck on the lips, then leaned his forehead against the other’s. “And I am still too quick at pulling at authority and becoming a tyrant instead of a lover. I realize this. I am also very sorry for the hurt I’ve put you through.”

  “Thank you, Stef. But yes, I went riding. Shadow moves so smoothly across the ground, it is akin to flying. Freeing, relaxing… he is a wonderful mount and I am so proud he is mine. I had actually started to come back when I felt something … wrong. I couldn’t put a name to it, but I knew there was something or someone near that did not belong here. That’s when the whiny wolven … Prozzt, I guess, when he knocked me off Shadow and onto the ground. It stunned me; I felt a little disoriented but knew I had to keep him at bay. Then I started to feel weaker.”

  “That would be the wolven touch, my heart. Wolven claws are toxic to kindred. In battle, if they swipe you and reach blood, it most likely will slow you down. I would imagine since Prozzt had you down already, he had pierced you with his claws but didn’t retract them. Prolonged exposure would have incapacitated you completely after time.”

  “He was holding me with them. I thought it was just to keep me down, I didn’t realize what his real motive was.”

  “That is my fault for not instructing you more on dealing with wolven. We will spend more time once you are fully recovered. Wolven and mage. Not all are as congenial as Viktor. And I do believe it’s time to finish your instructions on the different clans of kindred.”

  “Lucky me.” Gerik tried to laugh, but ended coughing. “I will be good to know these things, I am sure. Now then, as I was starting to lose concentration, another wolven entered the picture. At first I thought my time was certainly over until I saw the glint of blue at his ear, then I knew it to be Nikolos. And I didn’t feel any animosity from him. If I felt anything, it was protection or peace. He knocked Prozzt from over me. I remember them speaking … or growling. I didn’t understand any words, but it did sound like they were conversing. Nikolos had just grabbed the other by his throat when I finally blacked out.”

  “Nikolos reached me in thought; told me where to find you. He said he had taken care of Prozzt but that you needed my help.” Stefano paused, considering how much he should tell and decided to avoid part of the conversation with Nikolos. “I got Zarchos and rode to you. I tried to thank Nikolos but he was silent. Perhaps already leaving the island.”

  “He saved my life, Stef. I have no idea how to repay such.”

  “Knowing Nikolos, I doubt he is expecting repayment. It
would be most unlike him.”

  “But that does not lessen my desire to find a way to thank him. Could he visit with us here at the Keep? Could we visit his home?”

  “Nikolos and I spoke of the same. Unfortunately our very natures are anathema to each other. What was your desire, your hunger, when Prozzt attacked?”

  “I wished to tear him apart. To actually dismember him and let his blood run into the ground. Since blood-wasting is a serious wrong for kindred; it was a surprising feeling.”

  “That would be the true response to a wolven by a kindred. To struggle against that for any length of time is nigh on impossible.”

  “Lord Vargon has a wolven friend. Has he mastered this, or do they never meet in person?”

  “I cannot answer that, Sire would need to. However, he did say she only took wolven form during the wolfmoon. It is my understanding there is no natural animosity between kindred and wolven in mortal form. This would be the best cause for a wolven to discard his original form. The danger of being taken by a kindred unaware is negligible.”

  “Has Nikolos then completely lost his mortal shell?”

  “Unfortunately, my heart, he has.”

  Gerik leaned forward to kiss Stefano. “This must be most difficult for you.”

  “Nikolos is part of my past. You, Viktor, Vargon – should he so choose, you are all part of my present and you, my love, are my future. Not all decisions are easily made.”

  “How can you forget a love so great? In truth, I have worried over his return; I do not wish to lose you.”

  “You shall not lose me. You are my life.”

  “And you just stop loving another?”

  “One does what one must in life. Whether mortal, kindred, or even wolven.”

  “This does not seem fair or just.”

  “It is what it is.”


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