No Limits

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No Limits Page 27

by Nicki Bennett

  Rising reluctantly, Jonathan retrieved the slim leather band from the top of Devon’s dresser. They no longer kept their rings in the toy box, since they saw far more use than any of the other toys. There were days, when they’d been working on particularly intimate scenes, that he was sure he’d never have made it through filming without jumping one or both of his lovers if he hadn’t been wearing his ring. Returning to where Kit and Devon stood at the end of the bed, Jonathan slid gracefully to his knees again. “May I put it on him?” he asked Kit, wondering if he ought to ask for his own as well. He wasn’t sure how long he’d be able to last without it, given the visual temptation of Devon in restraints and at their mercy. Well, at Kit’s mercy, to be precise, but Jonathan had every intention of adding his own touches to Kit’s sweet torment.

  “Go ahead,” Kit allowed. “And while you’re doing that, I’ll see how else we can decorate him.” He picked up the nipple clamps from the bed. “You all right with these?” He knew how much he enjoyed them, and he couldn’t imagine Devon doing something to either Jonathan or Kit that he didn’t enjoy himself, but he wanted to check anyway.

  “Fuck, yeah.” Devon’s voice sounded harsh to his ears, but that was because he was having trouble breathing when all the blood in his body was rushing to the places that anticipated Kit’s touch. His cock jumped when Jonathan’s fingers resumed their teasing meander up his thighs, skating over the most sensitive spots, seeming in no hurry to reach their ultimate goal. Knowing he wasn’t supposed to speak, he tried to glare at Jonathan to urge him to speed things up, but Jonathan just flashed him a wicked grin that made it clear the snail’s pace was deliberate. By the time those wandering fingers finally reached his bollocks and wove into the thatch of hair above them, Devon’s cock was jutting upward in its own silent plea for attention.

  Jonathan wasn’t immune to Devon’s predicament, but he’d been the recipient of enough of the same teasing attentions to know how much more intense delayed gratification could be. Not that Devon wasn’t providing his own form of torment, even if it was unintentional—it was all Jonathan could do not to swipe his tongue over the swollen crown of Devon’s cock, bouncing only inches from his face. “Don’t threaten me with that thing when you aren’t going to be able to use it,” he muttered, fitting the ring around the base of the thick shaft and adjusting the strap to the perfect degree of tightness.

  Kit frowned at Jonathan’s comment. It wasn’t like him to act this way in the middle of a scene, at least not when Devon was their Dom. That was usually Kit’s role, one he took a great deal of pleasure in because Devon always “punished” him so delightfully. Kit wasn’t comfortable in that role, though. He had no qualms about trussing Devon up and ratcheting the pleasure so high that he couldn’t do anything but beg and moan and come, but the thought of having to discipline a recalcitrant sub made his stomach queasy. He sent Jonathan a quelling look, hoping he’d get the message, and turned his attention to fastening the nipple clamps to Devon’s chest.

  Devon’s nipples were already taut, but Kit wanted the pleasure of teasing Devon a little before affixing the clamps, so he tweaked one, then the other, firmly, even twisting a little to add the tiny bite of pain Devon loved. As expected, Devon’s eyes closed immediately, a soft gasp escaping. Kit smiled and did it again. “Open your eyes,” he said. “I want to see how good I’m making you feel.”

  Devon’s eyes opened slowly, the emerald gaze hazy with desire. Kit smiled and kissed Devon quickly. “Beautiful. And all ours.”

  Kit pulled away too quickly for Devon to return the fleeting kiss, leaving his mouth open in a gasp of pleasure that deepened into a groan when Kit fixed one of the clamps to his nipple. They were among the first toys he’d come to crave as a sub, their bite teaching him the riches to be found skating the boundary between pleasure and pain. Devon wished Kit had picked one of the butterfly clamps instead, preferring their tighter grip, but since he’d never used them on Kit, the lad wouldn’t know the difference. “Tighter,” he moaned when Kit slid the adjusting bead to a stop about halfway down the legs of the clamp.

  “Anything you want,” Kit replied, pushing the bead higher. “Tell me if it gets to be too much. You have to talk to me, Devon, okay? You know I have no real idea what I’m doing.”

  “Doing… fine,” Devon managed to rasp out between breaths as he let the bite of the clamp’s teeth wash over him, sending him deeper into the subspace he hadn’t been sure he’d ever reach again. “Want… the other.”

  Jonathan watched from his vantage point at Devon’s feet, his own nipples tightening as if Kit were fastening the clamps to his chest instead of Devon’s. It felt awkward, wanting to feel Kit’s hands on him, wanting to touch Devon, but having to wait for Kit to remember to include him. That he hadn’t wanted to take charge of the scene himself didn’t make taking a passive role any easier. He drew in a breath and released it slowly, trying to find the headspace Devon seemed to be able to put him in without effort.

  Kit bent his head and bit Devon’s unclamped nipple sharply before licking over it, enjoying the way Devon’s back arched in response. He glanced down at Jonathan and smiled. “I think he liked that. I think you should bite him again. You always manage to bite him harder than I do.”

  Sending Kit a grateful glance, Jonathan pushed up on one foot until he could reach Devon’s chest. Wrapping an arm around Devon’s hips to brace himself, he tongued around the swollen nipple, imagining he could taste a trace of Kit’s saliva overlaying the flavor of Devon’s skin. He tried to catch Devon’s gaze, but his eyes were soft and unfocused. Jonathan knew that feeling well, of being lost in a place where every sensation seemed amplified and it was too much effort to do more than respond to his Dom’s demands. He bit into the pebbled flesh, sucking it between his teeth, relishing the sounds he wrung from Devon’s lips since he didn’t know how much more of a part Kit would allow him to take in Devon’s ravishment.

  Devon wasn’t sure what sounds he was making, but he didn’t try to hold them back. Kit had asked him what he wanted, but at the moment he couldn’t think of anything he wanted more than this: to be wholly at Kit’s command, feeling Jonathan’s hands and teeth on him, knowing his lovers would give him what he needed.

  Kit stroked Jonathan’s hair as he paid homage to Devon’s chest. Leaving them for a moment, he went back to the bed to get the weights that clipped onto the clamps. Devon had used three on him, but he suspected he could take—indeed, would want—more than that. Returning to Devon’s side, he tapped Jonathan’s head lightly. “Enough now. Let me finish decorating him, and then we can play.”

  Jonathan couldn’t stop the moan of protest at Kit’s command, though he was pleased to see he’d left Devon’s nipple swollen and red when he released it. Sinking back to his knees, he nipped Devon’s flat abdomen on the way down, grinning when the muscles rippled in reaction.

  Kit frowned again as Jonathan took liberties with his command, but he decided simply to ignore it. It hadn’t upset Devon, nor had it kept Kit from doing something he had intended to do. Turning his attention to Devon again, he pinched the swollen nipple once more, holding it ready for the clamp. After tightening the bead until both sides matched, he slipped the chain into the hooks and tugged on it lightly. “How many weights can you take? Or should I just add them until you tell me it’s enough?”

  “Whatever… you want.” Devon had to concentrate on forming the words, every time Kit asked him a question pulling him out of the place he wanted to stay in, where he could forget everything that was waiting for him in the States and focus only on what Kit and Jonathan were making him feel. “Doms… don’t ask.”

  “You do,” Kit said softly, remembering how many times a simple question had settled his nerves because Devon cared enough to check in with him.

  “He does because he’s Devon.” Jonathan knew he was talking out of turn, but helping Kit understand was more important than his teasing disobedience. “Every time you ask him a question, it forces hi
m out of his headspace. He trusts you, kitten. We both do. Just trust yourself. You’ll know if it gets to be more than he can take.”

  Kit marveled once more at his lovers’ ability to find that headspace Jonathan referred to. He wasn’t sure he ever had. Perhaps for a moment before the caning went wrong or in the later scene when Devon used the riding crop on him, but even then, he hadn’t been able to hold on to it. Taking a deep breath, he nodded. Tonight was supposed to be about giving Devon what he needed. If what he needed was for Kit to be decisive, then that’s what Kit would do. “Okay then.” He added a weight to each side of the chain, watching Devon’s face closely for any sign of unwelcome pain. When Devon’s body swayed toward him rather than away, clearly begging for more, Kit gave it, adding two more weights, still balanced on either side.

  Admiring the sway of silver chain against Devon’s broad chest, Jonathan wished they were using the silver cock rings he’d bought the first time they’d visited the adult novelty store, back when Devon and Kit had first seduced him. He understood that leather rings were safer than the unyielding metal bands, but the balance of jeweled clamps, joined by a silver chain, and a silver ring on Devon’s golden torso was an image he’d love to photograph. Not that he’d share the pictures with anyone but his lovers. That would have to wait for some other time, though. Judging by the bliss on Devon’s face that he was enjoying the pull of the weights, Jonathan reached up to touch one, setting the chain swinging gently. Devon’s groan was reward enough to offset any chastisement from Kit at acting without permission.

  “I was planning on using the restraints on Devon’s hands,” Kit said to Jonathan in exasperation, “but now I’m wondering if I need to use them on you instead. Are you trying to make this difficult for me?”

  “You don’t need to ask Devon what to do, but you do have to tell me,” Jonathan answered softly, being careful not to sound critical or complaining. He realized he wasn’t going to be able to sink into the same headspace Devon had clearly found, and he was okay with that; tonight was about loving Devon well and truly enough that he could make it through the weeks of separation. “I thought my acting out a bit seemed to help Devon relax, though he’s probably too deep to notice it now. But I need to be a part of this, Kit. Tell me what to do or let me do it on my own, but don’t shut me out.” He swallowed, surprised at the sudden sting of tears burning his eyes. Devon wasn’t the only one who was finding his imminent departure hard to face. “I need this as much as he does.”

  Kit nodded, heart aching at the depth of feeling in Jonathan’s voice. His own voice was hoarse when he spoke. “I’m sorry. This is all new to me. I’ll try to do better.” Casting around for a task to give Jonathan, his eyes settled on the swell of Devon’s arse, more pronounced than usual because of his forcibly widened stance. “All spread out like he is, he’s just begging to be rimmed. Get him nice and wet for what’s next.”

  Jonathan stood, but before he stepped around Devon, he took Kit in his arms. He knew it was breaking all kinds of D/s protocol, but at the moment Kit was his lover, not his Dom, and his lover needed reassurance. “You’re doing fine,” he told Kit, kissing him gently. “Don’t worry about me. Just let us take care of Devon together.” Releasing Kit with another soft kiss, Jonathan knelt behind Devon, tracing the skin above the cuffs of the spreader bar. Just as he’d teased the front of Devon’s thighs earlier, he now explored the back, ruffling the fine coating of hairs, following the lines of muscle, inching his way toward the firm globes that were his ultimate destination.

  Devon had vaguely registered the quiet discussion between Kit and Jonathan, but it didn’t really penetrate his consciousness the way the lack of their hands and mouths on his body did. He sighed in relief when Jonathan knelt behind him, even though he seemed determined to draw out his anticipation even further. He could hardly complain when Jonathan touched him so lovingly, when Kit added a final weight to the center of the chain, sending curls of fiery sensation coursing from his chest through his limbs, setting him trembling.

  Kit kissed Devon again, lingering this time to enjoy the press of the nipple clamps against his own chest as he rubbed against Devon’s body. He let his hands wander over Devon’s golden skin, across his back and the upper curve of his arse, around to his belly and the treasure trail that led downward to the hard shaft confined in its ring. All the while, he kept his lips moving against Devon’s, his tongue claiming every inch of the hot cavern as his own.

  There was something so right about the two of them loving Devon this way, Jonathan thought as his touch slowly worked its way upward and Kit’s hands roamed downward, claiming the magnificent body they shared. Devon began to tremble between them, and his own cock swelled in reaction to Devon’s responsiveness. Suddenly touch wasn’t enough. Jonathan needed to taste Devon, dark and deep on his tongue. Running his palms over the toned globes, Jonathan parted them, inhaling the musky scent of sweat and desire and Devon before leaning forward, letting his tongue trace up the shadowed crease.

  Devon gasped against Kit’s lips at the first swipe of Jonathan’s tongue. Not that Kit’s mouth against his wasn’t enough to steal his breath, but paired with Jonathan’s facile tongue working its way inside him, the combined sensations were enough to make breathing nearly impossible. Though he could do without breathing himself when each of Kit’s breaths intensified the bite of the clamps against his nipples, when each of Jonathan’s breaths added to the heat of his tongue as it delved inside him, slick and wet and probing. The rush of sensations, spreading from everywhere their bodies touched, flowed to Devon’s limbs, stealing his strength as they built toward a climax throbbing in his bollocks behind the constraint of the ring.

  Devon trembled again, swaying unsteadily, breaking Kit from the kiss.

  “Jon, Devon’s going to fall if we aren’t careful. Help me get him onto his knees,” Kit directed.

  Kit’s voice recalled Jonathan from his single-minded focus on Devon’s ass. He loved rimming almost as much as he loved being rimmed, but he remembered how unsteady he’d felt the first time Devon had used the spreader bar on him and knew Kit was right. With a final kiss to the now well-wet pucker, Jonathan stood and moved to Devon’s side, holding his shoulder and helping Kit ease him down to his knees. He couldn’t resist leaning in to claim a kiss, sharing the intimate taste that lingered on his tongue with Devon himself.

  There was no mistaking Jonathan’s kiss for Kit’s, Devon thought as he opened willingly to the insistent press of his lips. Kit probed and claimed, but Jonathan tangled with him in a silent war of dominance, fighting for mastery in this arena when he wouldn’t in any other. Devon lifted a hand to pull him closer when Jonathan would have drawn away, savoring the muskiness in Jonathan’s mouth.

  Kit grinned as Devon and Jonathan kissed. He loved watching them together almost as much as he loved being with them. The movement of Devon’s hand, the first since the scene had begun, gave Kit the opening he’d been waiting for. “Hands behind your back, Devon. Since you can’t keep them to yourself, I’ll have to take care of them for you.”

  Kit grabbed the suede restraints from the bed and reached for Devon’s arm to draw it behind his back.

  The sudden movement put Devon off-balance, but that wasn’t what made his muscles tense in fear. Just for a moment, he was back in Robert’s crawl space, restrained on his knees, his arms cuffed behind his back, helpless. He shook his head, freeing himself from the vision. He wasn’t there anymore, wasn’t that man anymore. These were his lovers—he’d trust them with his life—but that didn’t make the irrational reaction any less powerful. “Not behind my back,” he asked quietly, ashamed of the weakness that made him ask but not willing to taint a moment of this time with those memories.

  The combination of clarity and fear in Devon’s voice struck Kit to the core. Releasing Devon’s wrist, he knelt next to him, running a soothing hand up and down Devon’s back. He still liked the idea of restraining Devon’s hands, but not if it would bring back
bad memories. The rings on the outside of the spreader bar caught his attention. “What about against your knees, then?” he asked, touched and reassured beyond measure that Devon had limits he could not cross the same as Kit did.

  Jonathan’s knuckles brushed Devon’s cheek, his other hand grasping Devon’s shoulder in wordless reassurance. Devon had to swallow against the tightness in his chest as his lovers once again proved their acceptance of the worst days of Devon’s past. “Aye,” he managed to force out, moving his hands to his knees. “Front is fine.”

  “That’s likely to leave him a little unsteady, Jon,” Kit warned. “You won’t let him fall, will you?” Kit remembered with perfect clarity the feeling of leaning against Jonathan’s steadying warmth as Devon flogged him and then fucked him a few weeks earlier. Having that support for his body had let his mind go flying. He hoped it would have the same effect for Devon.

  “Never,” Jonathan promised, hoping Devon knew he meant that in far more than their present circumstances. He scooted in front of Devon until their knees met and then leaned forward until their foreheads touched, clasping Devon’s shoulders. In that position, there was no way he could resist claiming Devon’s lips in another kiss.

  Devon didn’t even register Kit fastening the soft cuffs around his wrists or securing them to the outer edges of the spreader bar. The tenseness was gone, washed away in the unconditional love from Kit and Jonathan. He let Jonathan’s strength brace him, losing himself in the kiss until Kit nudged him forward, off his heels. The shift in position pushed him against Jonathan’s shoulders and set the weighted chain between his nipples swinging. The pull of the clamps was so exquisite that he didn’t realize the move had exposed his arse to Kit’s ministrations until a loving swat recalled his attention.


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