Because He's Perfect

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Because He's Perfect Page 49

by Anna Edwards

  Sincere or not, she wanted him gone. “Goodnight, Ian.”

  “Goodnight, Sarah.”

  Removing his foot, he turned and made his way toward the elevators. Sarah wasted no time closing the door and engaging both the deadbolt and the lock on the doorknob.

  With her palms flat against the door, she stood there for a moment, working to get her racing heart back to normal.

  “That man is certifiable,” she mumbled to herself as she turned and started toward her kitchen.

  Between worrying about Kole and Ian scaring her half to death just now, Sarah decided she’d earned a glass of her favorite wine.

  First, she was going to call down to the front desk and let them know that under no circumstances were they ever to allow Ian Prescott to come to her apartment again.

  She’d only taken a few steps when her phone began to ring. Sarah’s heart began to race again. Only, this time, it was for a completely different reason.

  The ringtone was one she’d assigned to Kole’s number.

  She’d been trying to reach him for days, but he’d stopped taking her calls and refused to answer her texts. It was the main reason she’d asked Nate to meet her for dinner tonight. She was hoping he’d be able to find out where Kole was and make sure he was okay.

  That was all she’d planned to discuss. Then Ian showed up at the pizza place, and Sarah hadn’t been able to school her expression in time. Nate had noticed, of course. Like Kole, he saw too damn much.

  He must have found Kole and told him about Ian. It was probably the only reason Kole was calling her now. Well, screw that.

  Let him see how being ignored feels.

  Moving back toward the kitchen, she’d only made it a few more feet when a loud bang and the sound of wood splintering came from behind her. Sarah screamed and spun around.

  It took her mind a few seconds to process the fact that Ian Prescott had just busted her door in. He’d put on a pair of black, leather gloves…and he was holding a very large knife.

  “I’m sorry, Sarah. This really can’t wait until Monday.”

  Chapter Six

  “She’s still not answering.” Kole leaned over to glance over at Nate’s speedometer. “Can’t this thing go a little faster?”

  “Sure, but it’ll take us even longer to get there if I get pulled over.”

  Kole slammed his hand down on the dash. “Goddammit! I never should’ve left her.”

  “Would you calm your shit? The woman’s just giving you a taste of your own medicine. Frankly, it makes me like her even more.”

  “Is everything a big joke to you?” Kole bit out between clenched teeth.

  Nate acted as though he was carefully considering the question. Then he shrugged and said, “No, not everything.”

  Kole wanted to fucking scream. “Just wait. One of these days, some woman’s gonna knock you on your ass. Then we’ll see how funny you think everything is.”

  A snorting sound came from the back of Nate’s throat. “Yeah, the odds of that happening are about a billion to one. Trust me. I’ve crunched the numbers.”

  Kole wasn’t sure whether his friend was joking or not. Knowing Nate, probably not.

  He tried calling Sarah, again. When she still didn’t answer, he checked their current location to see how much longer it would be before they got to their apartment.

  They were still fifteen minutes out. Too damn long.

  “Do you have your computer with you?”

  Still looking at the road. “You know, that’s the second stupid question you’ve asked me tonight.” Feigning tears, he added, “I’m starting to think you don’t know me at all.”

  “Where’s the fucking computer?” Kole bit out, not in the mood to waste time.

  With his thumb, Nate pointed toward the back seat. “It’s back there. Man, you really do have your panties in a wad.”

  Ignoring him, Kole released his seatbelt long enough to retrieve the black computer bag, then secured the buckle once more. Quickly, he unzipped the padded bag and pulled out the expensive laptop.

  “Be gentle. That baby cost an arm and a leg.”

  “Like you had to pay for it,” Kole mumbled beneath his breath.

  “No, but Jake did. Pretty sure he doesn’t want to have to replace her already.”

  “Her?” Kole asked as he slid the computer toward Nate.

  With his eyes still on the road, the guy took his right hand off the steering wheel and quickly typed in his password.

  “Yeah, her. She’s state-of-the-art, has smooth lines, and the most amazing features. She’s not just a computer, man. She’s a goddess. Besides, you call your gun a ‘her’.”

  “That’s different.”


  “My gun can kick your ass.”

  Switching to his sensei accent, Nate said, “Ah, young grasshopper. You underestimate the power hidden behind the keyboard.”

  Rolling his eyes, Kole pulled up the link to the security feed from his building. The first day they’d moved in, Nate had hacked into the system and set it up so Kole could access it from anywhere, if needed. He was probably overreacting, but it was better to be safe than sorry.

  “What do you see?”

  “Nothing, yet. It’s pulling up now.”

  Kole only had to wait a few seconds longer before a clear image of the building’s front lobby filled the screen. The video was in real-time, but thanks to Nate, Kole had the ability to view previous footage.

  “What time did you and Sarah leave the pizza place?”

  Nate thought for a minute. “About six-thirty. I followed her home, watched her go inside, then came to you.”

  Thinking out loud, Kole said, “Tony’s is about a ten minute drive from our place, with traffic, so…” His voice trailed off as he worked to find the time Sarah came home.

  With the pad of his finger, he slid the time bar at the bottom of the screen back to when she should have gotten there.

  He watched as Ben, the young man who often worked the front desk in the evenings, took a phone call. A tenant he recognized walked in a few seconds later, and then a stretch of time went on until…

  “There she is.” Seeing her again was like a kick to the balls.

  Sarah walked toward the main elevator, giving Ben a small wave as she passed. Kole switched to the feed from their floor. He found when Sarah exited the elevator and walked down the hallway to their apartment.

  His heart felt heavy as he studied the expression on her face. She looked unhappy, and Kole wanted to kick his own ass.

  He breathed a little easier once he saw her unlock the apartment door and go inside. Safe and sound.

  He fast-forwarded the feed a bit, just to make sure she hadn’t gone anywhere else.

  “It doesn’t look like she left again after she got home.”

  “See? I told you she was just giving you payback.”

  Kole nodded, actually thankful that seemed to be it. He was about to close out of the program when a man entered the same hallway and approached their door.

  At first, he couldn’t see the guy’s face, but then he turned his head slightly, giving the camera a clear shot.


  “What’s the matter?” Nate asked while still watching the road.

  “Prescott,” was all Kole could manage to say.

  “What about him?”

  Kole glanced down at the time stamp before turning the computer so Nate could see for himself. “He showed up at my apartment five minutes ago.”

  Sarah started to run, but Ian was too fast. He leaped forward, hitting her with such force, they both went down to the carpet. She grunted from the impact, but then opened her mouth to scream again. Not that anyone would hear her.

  Only two other apartments on their floor were occupied. One was a doctor, the other was shared by two firefighters. All three worked the nightshift.

  Flipping her over onto her back, Ian covered her mouth with his gloved hand and brought the
knife to her face.

  “Shh…We’ve already made too much noise, Sarah. I know the other tenants on this floor have left for the evening, but we should still be careful. There are people below us, and…I’d hate for anyone else to get hurt.”

  This can’t be happening. Sarah’s mind raced to think of a way out of this. When she tried to speak behind his hand, he looked at her quizzically.

  “I’d love to hear what you have to say. You have such a lovely voice. If I remove my hand, do you promise not to scream?”

  She nodded her head frantically.

  “I’m trusting you, Sarah. You don’t want to break that trust. Do you understand?

  She gave another desperate nod.

  Slowly, as if he were testing her, Ian lifted his hand from her mouth.

  “Y-you don’t want to do this, Ian.”

  He smiled down at her. How had she missed such craziness? He didn’t want you to see it.

  “Oh, trust me, my sweet Sarah. I’ve wanted to do this from the moment we met.”

  Grasping for straws, Sarah licked her lips and said, “K-Kole will be home any second. He’ll k-kill you if he finds you in here like this.”

  Amusement filled the sicko’s eyes. “I know for a fact, that’s not true. You see, I’ve been following you for quite some time. I know he left you.”

  Sarah felt sick. Not only because the man had been watching her so closely, but also because what he said was true. Kole wasn’t coming.

  She thought of the phone call, and it gave her an idea. It wasn’t a great one, but at this point, she was willing to try anything.

  “He called right after you left. Said he was on his way here, and he”—she licked her lips—“he wanted to talk things out. He was only a few minutes away then, so you seriously need to leave before he shows up.”

  Ian thought for a moment. “I don’t think so.”

  “It’s true. You can check my phone. It’s on the island in the kitchen.”

  She’d be screwed if he actually checked it. He’d be able to tell she hadn’t answered Kole’s call. Still, it might at least buy her enough time to get away.

  “I can see those wheels turning, Sarah. I love watching you think.” He ran the blade’s tip down her cheek. “Your intelligence is one of the first things that attracted me to you.”

  She tried to flinch away from his touch, but there was nowhere to go.

  “What I don’t enjoy”—he grabbed her chin in a bruising grip, causing her to whimper— “is being lied to.”

  Ian’s entire mood had changed in an instant. He moved the knife down to her throat. “I’ll give you a pass on it, just this once. Lie to me again, pretty Sarah, and there will be consequences. Understand?”

  Sarah tried to nod, but his painful hold and the knife at her neck made it nearly impossible.

  “Good.” Ian smiled, letting her face go with a rough shove.

  Fear left her paralyzed as he stood. He pulled her to her feet and made a move to sweep some hair from her face. She flinched, angering him once more.

  “Don’t do that,” he warned angrily.

  “D-do what?”

  “Act as though my touch revolts you.”

  She had no idea what the right answer would be, or what could possibly trigger him, so she decided to try honesty.

  “Y-you broke into my apartment, Ian. You busted the door down! How am I supposed to—”

  “Only because you made me leave.” His brows turned inward, as though he were pouting. “That wasn’t nice, Sarah. You’ve always been so nice to me.”

  “That’s why you’re doing this? Because I was nice to you?”

  “I’m doing this, because we belong together. I’ve known it since the first time I laid eyes on you.”

  Jesus. The man truly believed what he was saying. Sarah contemplated what she should say or do, and an idea formed. If he really thought she was into him, maybe she could use that against him.

  “I-I felt it, too, Ian. I just couldn’t say anything because of Kole.” She took a step forward and laid her hand against his chest. “You’re right. He did leave, which means we have the place all to ourselves.”

  Heat flared behind his crazy eyes. “You don’t mean that.”

  “I do.” Sarah pressed herself to him. As sick as it made her feel, she raised her hand and traced his jawline. “You’re so handsome, Ian. So powerful. We’d make the perfect couple.”

  “Oh, Sarah. I’ve waited so long to hear you say that.”

  She swallowed hard, terrified he’d see her true feelings. “Let’s go, then. My bedroom’s back this way.”

  Sarah took a chance and turned around. With his hand still holding her wrist, Ian actually started to follow her down the hallway.

  His grip loosened some, almost enough to break free. She just needed to get to her room first. More accurately, she needed to get to her nightstand…where she kept her gun.

  Stopping, Sarah, turned back toward him. She glanced down at the knife held loosely at his side.

  In the most seductive tone she could muster, she said, “Why don’t you get rid of that. You don’t need it, Ian. Not with me.”

  He considered her request. Just when Sarah thought he was going to drop the knife, a flash of anger crossed his face.

  “I told you not to lie to me.”

  Her stomach sank. “No, Ian. I wasn’t—”

  “Stop. Lying!”

  Ian pushed her against the wall. Sarah cried out when the back of her head hit the corner of a picture frame.

  Using one forearm across her chest to hold her in place, he pressed the knife against her throat. This time, she felt a small prick and something warm dripping across her skin. Blood.

  “P-please. D-don’t.”

  “I told you what would happen if you lied.”

  “I-I didn’t—”

  He pulled back. For a second, Sarah thought he actually believed her. Then he backhanded her with his free hand, the force of the blow sending her down to the floor.

  Her cheek felt as if it was on fire, and Sarah blinked quickly against the stars flashing before her eyes.

  Ian was on her before she could even move. He flipped her over onto her back, the inferno of rage she saw burning behind his eyes more terrifying than anything she’d ever seen.

  “I thought you were different, but you’re not. You’re just like all the others.”

  The others? Sarah started to shake her head, to tell him he was wrong. Before she could make a sound, a large hand clamped down onto her throat.

  Sarah fought with all she had, kicking and clawing, but he was too strong. Her lungs burned with the need for oxygen, and the pressure in her head was unbearable. If she didn’t get free soon, she knew she was going to die.

  Just then, Kole’s loud voice reached her throbbing ears. “Get away from her!”

  At first, she thought she’d imagined it. Until Ian yelled back, “She’s mine, now. All mine.”

  “I said get away from her!”

  Sarah couldn’t see Kole from her position. Please, God. Let me see him, one last time.

  Her prayers were answered when the pressure on her throat suddenly vanished, and Ian yanked her to her feet. Like a fish out of water, Sarah gasped loudly as he spun her around.

  Her knees nearly gave out when she saw him. Standing a few feet away, Kole’s taught arms were extended in front of him, his gun pointed at Ian’s head.

  His expression was fierce. Kole had become a warrior. Her warrior.

  Beside him stood Nate, his weapon trained on Ian, as well.

  Ian pressed the blade against her throat’s delicate skin. “I’ll kill her! I swear to God, I will.”

  “Drop. The fucking. Knife!” Kole shouted through clenched teeth.

  Sarah felt a sting as its tip cut into her again. “Leave right now, or I will cut her throat while you watch.”

  A muscle in Kole’s cheek twitched slightly. The only indication that Ian’s words had affected him.

/>   “Last chance. Let her go, or I will put a bullet through your brain where you stand.”

  Nate spoke up next. “Are you really ready to die, Ian? Because that’s what’s gonna happen if you don’t listen to him and put the weapon down.”

  Ian’s hold loosened slightly, the blade pulling away from her neck as his resolve waivered. Knowing it may be her only opportunity, Sarah willed Kole to look at her.

  As if he could read her thoughts, Kole’s beautiful, tortured eyes slid to hers. Knowing her time was running out, Sarah mouthed the word, “Now.”

  Ramming her elbow back into Ian’s stomach, she bent down at her waist as much as she could. Sarah screamed as a loud gunshot filled the tense air.

  Behind her, she felt Ian’s body jerk just before he fell backward, taking her down to the floor with him.


  Kole’s terrified voice was muffled by the ringing in her ears. Then, he was there. Pulling her to her feet and wrapping his strong arms around her.

  “Oh, God, baby. Are you okay?”

  Strong, trembling hands moved across her body as he checked her for injuries. A fierce rage fell over his face when he saw the bruise on her cheek and small cuts on her neck

  “Where else are you hurt?” his low voice rumbled with fear.

  That didn’t seem right. Kole wasn’t afraid of anything.

  “I…n-nowhere. I-m okay.”

  Guilt filled his blue eyes, and Sarah knew he was thinking of the unresolved issues still hovering between them.

  None of that mattered, now. He was here, and she was safe. They could figure the rest out later.

  Kole pulled her against him again, tucking her head beneath his chin as held her tight.

  “Jesus Christ, Sarah…that was close.” He blew out a breath. “Way too fucking close.”

  While he continued to hold her, Sarah could hear Nate talking to the authorities. After that call was over, he made another to his and Kole’s boss to explain what had happened.

  Her entire body started to shake, despite the comfort of Kole’s embrace. Then, as much as she fought them, tears spilled from her eyes. Sarah held it all in for as long as she could before a loud sob broke free.


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