Time's Demon

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Time's Demon Page 49

by D. B. Jackson

  She stepped to the edge of the surf, and said, “Ujie.”

  Yadreg treated as many of the wounded sailors as he could, but Mara’s wound was beyond him. Tobias and Bramm rowed to the city and returned sometime later with a healer, a young woman, barely more than a girl.

  She proved more adept than Mara would have guessed. Using a honed blade and a two-headed instrument Mara had never seen before, she removed the bullet. Mara lost consciousness during the surgery, but she assumed the healer then drew upon her magick to repair the damage and close the wound.

  Mara woke late in the night, when most of the others aboard the Sea Dove had retreated into the hold to sleep. Not Tobias and Sofya, though. Upon seeing Mara open her eyes, Tobias released a ragged breath, his eyes welling.

  “Was it that bad, then?” she asked, her voice like sand on wood. A blanket covered her. A second, folded, cushioned her head.

  “No. They said you’d be fine. I had to see it for myself.”

  Sofya gave a little squeal and reached for her, hands opening and closing.

  “It’s all right,” Mara said. “Put her on my belly.”

  He did. Sofya clapped her hands before putting a thumb in her mouth, content to sit on Mara’s stomach. Mara stroked the princess’s cheek with a finger. Her leg throbbed and she was certain that beneath the bandages the skin remained a mess. She wondered if she would ever walk without a limp.

  “We need to leave the ship,” Tobias said, breaking a lengthy silence.

  She tucked her chin. A tear slipped from one eye.

  “Orzili knows to search for it. And even if the captain sells this vessel and finds another, he’ll know to search for her.”

  “I understand.” More tears fell. “Where?”

  “I wouldn’t decide that without you.”

  “I have no idea.” I don’t want to leave the Dove.

  “Wherever we decide to go, it won’t be the last place. This is going to happen again.”

  And again. And again.


  “I love you, Mara. Sofya loves you. And I want you with us. But if you’d prefer–”

  “Don’t you dare!” She glared at him, tears blurring her vision. “Don’t you even think of saying that to me! Look at me. Look at how old I am. Look at my leg. Do you think I’m doing this on a whim?”

  His eyes had gone wide. “I didn’t–”

  “I love you both, apparently more than you think I do!”

  “No! I never–”

  “You have no right to say that to me, to make such a gesture! I’m your wife, Tobias! I have no ring. We’ve had no ceremony. But I am your wife, just the same! So don’t you ever speak to me of ‘if I would prefer!’”

  She stared daggers at him. He seemed to will himself to hold her gaze. A smile crept over his face. Still he said nothing. In time, she couldn’t help but smile as well. She glanced away, a small laugh escaping her.

  “It’s not funny,” she said. Which only made her laugh more. “I’m not the one laughing.”

  “You smiled. That made me laugh.”

  He took her hand, raised it to his lips.

  “I’m sorry,” he whispered.

  Her mirth subsided. “Thank you.”

  “I do love you. And I know how much you love both of us. I was… Seeing you get shot. It terrified me.”

  “I know the feeling,” she said, the words pointed. “But I made my choice a long time ago, and I haven’t questioned it since. You need to trust that, and trust me.”

  “Then I will,” he said. “Forevermore. Until the Two grant us rest.”

  The words brought a smile, and fresh tears.

  “Forevermore,” she echoed. “Until the Two grant us rest.”

  He leaned forward and kissed her lightly on the lips. Blood rushed to her cheeks. Sofya clapped again, making them both laugh.

  “All right, then,” Mara said, forcing a bright tone. “Where should we go?”

  Tobias laced his fingers through hers. “We’ll decide in the morning. You should sleep. We all should. I can carry you down to the hold.”

  She shook her head. “Bring up our blankets. I’d like to sleep here.”

  He grinned and left her, only to return moments later with blankets and pillows. He arranged a family bed, and lay down next to her with Sofya between them. The princess put her thumb in her mouth and began to hum tunelessly. Tobias and Mara held hands, darkness all around them, and a million stars above


  Aperture – A Bound device used by Crossers. An aperture is a golden circlet that expands and contracts according to the needs of the Crosser. When placed against a wooden or stone surface, it creates a portal that allows the Crosser to move through that surface.

  Arrokad – Creatures of the sea, they are considered by humans to be demon-kind. They take human form and possess magicks that remain poorly understood. Capricious, sexual, powerful, dangerous, they can be reasoned with and bargained with, though their tolerance for human interaction is limited.

  Bell – A measure of time equal to fifty spirecounts. There are twenty bells in a day.

  Belvora – Also known as magick demons, they are winged predators, tall, muscular, lethal, but slow-witted. They are found mostly in northern waters, near the Labyrinth and the Sisters, the isles from which Travelers and Seers hail.

  Between, The – The space traversed by Walkers as they navigate from one time to another. A place of intense sensory stimulation, totally lacking in breathable air.

  Binder – A crafter, usually employed in noble courts, who shapes and imbues with power the gold devices (apertures, chronofors, and sextants) used by Travelers.

  Chronofor – A Bound, golden device used by Walkers. A chronofor resembles a chainwatch, but has three dials on its face, and three corresponding stems to set those dials, which represent turns, days, and bells. A fourth stem activates the device.

  Crosser – A Traveler who can move through solid matter – stone or wood – with the use of an aperture. A Crosser who encounters metal or some other material created by humans during a Crossing risks injury or death.

  Fivecount – A measure of time equal to the amount of time it takes to count to five.

  Gap, The – The space traversed by Spanners as they navigate from one location to another. A place of significant sensory stimulation and stinging wind.

  Ha’turn – A measure of time equal to fifteen days.

  Kant – A small to medium-sized merchant ship made in Kantaad.

  Healers – Most similar in their magick to Binders, Healers can mend wounds and ease illness, though their powers are limited and they are not proof against death.

  Kheraya – The Goddess, who represents birth, war, sexuality, water, the heat of summer.

  Magi – Also known as Seers, they include those who can divine the future, perceive truth or falsehood in the words of others, and remember in perfect detail everything they see or hear. For their ability to manifest, they must constantly imbibe (through drink or vapor) tincture, a highly addictive spirit.

  Marauder – A large warship made in Oaqamar and used by the Oaqamaran navy.

  Press, The – The traverse experienced by Crossers as they move through matter, which can include painful compression of the body, blindness, and deafness.

  Quad – A square brass coin, the least valuable of Islevale currency.

  Qua’turn – A measure of time equal to approximately seven days.

  Round – A round, gold coin equivalent to twenty silver treys.

  Seer – Also known as Magi, they include those who can divine the future, perceive truth or falsehood in the words of others, and remember in perfect detail everything they see or hear. For their ability to manifest, they must constantly imbibe (through drink or vapor) tincture, a highly addictive spirit.

  Sextant – A Bound, golden device used by Spanners to cover great distances. A sextant includes an arc for plotting distance, an eyepiece for selecting a ro
ute, and a trigger for activation.

  Shonla – Also known as mist demons, they only exist with clouds of vapor, though not all mists carry Shonla. They are vaguely human in form, smell of must, and bring cold. They are linked to one another and have knowledge of events occurring all through the world. They swallow sound and can be bribed with song. They disorient those at sea and even on land, feeding on screams. But they are not truly deadly.

  Sipar – The God, who represents death, peace, love, land, the cold of winter.

  Spanner – A Traveler who can cover great distance in a short period of time with the use of a sextant.

  Spirecount – A measure of time equal to the amount of time it takes to count to one hundred. There are fifty spirecounts in a bell.

  Tencount – A measure of time equal to the amount of time it takes to count to ten.

  Tincture – An addictive and narcotic spirit used by Seers (Magi) to enable their talents for divination, perception, and remembrance.

  Tirribin – Also known as time demons, they appear as children, beautiful, but smelling faintly of rot and decay. They are deadly, preying on humans and consuming their years. They have an understanding of time that goes far beyond that of humans, even Walkers. But they can be distracted by riddles.

  Traveler – Often a native of the Sisters or Sipar’s Labyrinth, trained on Trevynisle, and assigned to a noble court, s/he can be a Crosser, Spanner, or Walker. A Traveler expresses his/her talent through the use of a Bound device (aperture for a Crosser, sextant for a Spanner, chronofor for a Walker). Travelers using these traditional devices must Travel unclothed and unburdened by any objects save the devices themselves.

  Trey – A triangular silver coin equivalent to ten brass quads.

  Tri-Aperture – A Bound, golden device resembling an aperture, but constructed in three circlets that intersect to form a wedge. Three Crossers, standing in a triangular formation, can move themselves and any people standing in the space defined by their positions through matter, so long as one of the people within the triangle is also a Crosser bearing a traditional aperture. Crossers Traveling by tri-aperture can be clothed and can bear objects in addition to their bound devices.

  Tri-Devices – Bound, golden devices developed in the 630s and used by Travelers. They enable groups of Travelers to Span or Cross together, fully clothed and bearing objects, including weapons. There are tri-apertures and tri-sextants. There are, as of yet, no trichronofors.

  Tri-Sextant – A Bound, golden device resembling a sextant, but constructed with three arcs. Three Spanners, standing in a triangular formation, can transport themselves and any people standing in the space defined by their positions, so long as one of the people within the triangle is also a Spanner bearing a traditional sextant. Spanners Traveling by tri-sextant can be clothed and can bear objects in addition to their bound devices.

  Turn – A measure of time equal to thirty days and corresponding to the cycle of the moon.

  Two, The – Kheraya and Sipar, the Goddess and God, worshipped in some isles or cities in tandem, and in others individually.

  Walker – A Traveler who can move through time with the use of a chronofor. For each day a Walker moves backward or forward through time, s/he ages a corresponding day.

  The Year:

  Each season is equal to three turns; each turn is equal to thirty days.


  (Kheraya’s Emergence – Equinox, Goddess’s day, first day of the year. Powerful, sensual day and night.)

  Kheraya’s Stirring – Storms and wind, the first hint of life’s return Kheraya’s Waking – Warm, rainy, peaceful, plantings begin in the northern isles

  Kheraya’s Ascent – Warmer, blooming, resplendent, plantings begin in the southern isles


  (Kheraya Ascendent – Summer Solstice, a day of feasts, celebration, gift-giving)

  Kheraya’s Descent – Hot, dry, northern crops begin to come in Kheraya’s Fading – Hot, stormy, southern crops begin to come in Kheraya’s Settling – Hot, languid days


  (Sipar’s Emergence – Equinox God’s day, the pivot of the year. Powerful, sensual day and night.)

  Sipar’s Stirring – Stormy, windy, harvest begins in the southern isles

  Sipar’s Waking – Cool, clear, harvest begins in the northern isles Sipar’s Ascent – End of harvest, leaves changing, resplendent


  (Sipar Ascendent – Winter Solstice, a day of fasting, contemplation)

  Sipar’s Descent – Cold, snows begin in southern isles

  Sipar’s Fading – Cold, storms and snow in northern isles Sipar’s Settling – Cold, quiet, shortest days


  As always I am indebted to a number of people for their help with this manuscript.

  They include Faith Hunter, AJ Hartley, Leanna Renee Hieber; my friends in the Rivendell Writer’s Group: Laura Willis, Virginia Craighill, Megan Roberts, April Alvarez, Patrick Dean, Adam Latham, and Brooks Egerton; my dear friend and wonderful agent, Lucienne Diver; and the terrific people at Angry Robot: Marc Gascoigne, Phil Jourdan, Penny Reeve, Nick Tyler, Lottie Llewelyn-Wells, Gemma Creffield, and editor Simon Spanton-Walker.

  Finally, as in all things, I am most grateful to my wife, Nancy, and our daughters, Alex and Erin. As I said in the acknowledgments of the first Islevale book, when all is said and done, this is a series – a story – about family. My family lies at the heart of all I do and all that is possible in my world. I love them more than words can say.


  D. B. Jackson is the award-winning author of more than twenty books and as many short stories, spanning historical fiction, epic fantasy, contemporary fantasy, and the occasional media tie-in. His novels have been translated into more than a dozen languages. He has a Masters degree and a PhD in US history, and briefly considered a career in academia. He wisely thought better of it. He lives with his family in the mountains of Appalachia.

  Visit him at http://www.dbjackson-author.com.

  By the same author…




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  Two Victorian missionaries travel into darkest fairyland, to deliver their uplifting message to the godless magical beings who dwell there… at the risk of losing their own mortal souls.

  Winner of the Sydney J Bounds Award, the British Fantasy Award for Best Newcomer

  Shortlisted for the John W Campbell Award


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  An Angry Robot paperback original, 2019

  Copyright © D B Jackson 2019

  Cover by Jan Weßbecher

  Map by Argh! Nottingham

  Set in Meridien

  All rights reserved. D B Jackson asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library.

  This novel is entirely a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are the products of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, organizations or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

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  Angry Robot and the Angry Robot icon are registered trademarks of Watkins Media Ltd.

  ISBN 978 0 85766 793 9

  Ebook ISBN 978 0 85766 794 6

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