Blood Moon

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Blood Moon Page 9

by McKayla Schutt

  “What’s going to happen now?” Maria’s voice shook as she met his gaze. A part of him worried about the next step. His body still buzzed from the fight with the hunters and his wolf paced in the back of his mind, ready to emerge if someone threatened his mate. The only thing keeping him remotely calm was the fact that these amateur weren’t better like the Devil Hunters. No, the Devil Hunters were trained werewolf killers and the Chief was just a wanna-be.

  “We’ll deal with one problem at a time. Like right now, I want to get you home and in my bed where you will be safe.” Derrick liked the sparkle in her eyes at the word bed, but tonight he would make sure she slept.

  Maria rubbed her nose into his chest and relaxed in his arms. She is safe, she is with me. Derrick kissed the top of her head before placing her in the truck. Olsen ran toward the truck and shifted into his human form.

  “Everyone is dead except the two vamps. Do you want me to call their leader?”

  “Yes, tell him his missing two have been found and we need to talk tomorrow night.”

  “Is Maria ok?” Olsen glanced in the truck.

  “Just shaken up.” Derrick clenched his fists, his wolf wanted to go back in time and re-kill everyone who had touched his mate tonight.

  “If she has any injuries have her shift. She won’t heal like a wolf until she does.” Olsen shifted back into his wolf and ran toward the barn before Derrick could tell him that he hadn’t changed her into a werewolf yet.

  Tomorrow he planned to change her. If she still wanted him to do so. Anything to make her stronger gave him a piece of relief. His body eased up as he climbed into the truck next to her. Maria rested her head on his shoulder while he drove them home in silence.

  Derrick pulled into the drive way and then kissed her. “Are you hurt at all?” Maria shook her head. Derrick climbed out of the truck and a scent he didn't recognize filled his nose.

  “Stay in here.” Derrick slammed the door closed quickly, his wolf on high alert and ready to shift. He noticed a magical quality to the scent. Completely aware of everything, he sniffed the air and two male figures moved toward him and his mate.

  “Who are you?” Derrick growled. The two men stood a little shorter than Derrick with long black coats that brushed against the grass.

  “We are seekers, here for her,” one male said and pointed toward Maria. They stopped a few feet away.

  “You aren't touching her.” Derrick leaned forward, ready to shift if they came any closer.

  “We don't need to touch her to get what we want.” The second male snapped his fingers and muttered something under his breath. Maria screamed in the truck making Derrick's chest tighten. Rage surged through him and he shifted, but before he had a chance to kill the second male, Maria stopped her screaming. She stumbled from the truck.

  “What the hell? What the fuck do you want?” Maria yelled at the men, her hands shook at her sides. The male who had hurt her stepped forward, but stopped when Derrick growled.

  “You have been doing magic in this area without permission.”

  “I just found out I'm a freaking witch. I had no fucking clue I needed permission and I barely know how to use my powers, I’m not a threat.” Maria stood next to Derrick.

  “What is your name?” the first male asked.

  “Maria Hunt....”

  “What’s your mother’s maiden name?” he asked with a hint of annoyance in his tone.

  “Lukrin or something like that.”

  The seekers turned toward each other. “Well, for now, please only use magic if you’re in danger and no practicing until we return in two days.”

  “What the hell? Why?” Maria sounded pissed as she grabbed on to Derrick’s fur. His wolf was poised and ready to attack if they tried their damn spell again.

  “Because the coven who rules this territory doesn’t like outsiders,” the one who had cast the spell said through his teeth. They joined hands and with a loud pop disappeared from the grounds. Derrick shifted and grabbed her. He looked her up and down to make sure there were no open wounds.

  “We need to talk to Alia.”

  “Tomorrow. Right now, you’re my priority and you need sleep.” Derrick itched for a fight, but then she yawned. A look of anger flashed through her eyes but she sighed.

  “Ugh, fine, but we’re calling her first thing.” Maria stretched her arms behind her head. Derrick lifted her into his arms and she rested her head against his chest.

  “I’m only agreeing right now, because I’m so freaking tired,” Maria said through another yawn.

  Derrick kissed her then walked into the house. After Maria’s head hit the pillow she passed out. He sat there watching her sleep for a few minutes to make sure she wouldn’t wake up. Once he was certain she was comfortable, he grabbed his phone and called Olsen.

  “Everything is cleaned up and clear alpha,” Olsen said when he answered the phone.

  “Good. You and Alia need to come over first thing. We have a problem.” He scratched at the back of his head.

  “What’s wrong?”

  “Seekers.” They had horrible timing!

  “Shit,” Olsen repeated the word to Alia.

  “I’m sorry Derrick. I completely forgot to tell Maria about them. Stupid sleep deprived brain.” Alia continued to curse but it faded like she left the room.

  “Be at my house tomorrow. I’ll explain, but tell Alia no magic until she gets here.” His alpha side coming out making it an order.

  “She won’t be happy but ok.” Olsen sounded worried but agreed. Derrick hit the end button and strolled back to his mate.

  One problem at a time, Derrick. You can fucking do this as long as she is by your side.



  PAIN CONSUMED ALL OF Maria’s thoughts. It wrapped its tentacles around the base of her skull and vibrated down her spine. She woke up to a massive, pounding headache. Maria rubbed her neck in an attempt to stop the pain, she rolled over to see Derrick still resting but not facing her. A horrible sensation settled in the pit of her stomach as she rolled him over onto his back. His eyes were glazed over and his body ice cold. A scream left Maria’s lungs as she stared at him.

  “Maria, wake up.” Derrick’s voice called out, pulling her from her nightmare. Blinking a few times to make sure she was awake, she moved her body into Derrick’s arms. Tears fell from her eyes as she pushed her face into his chest.

  “You’re safe, Maria. I’m right here.” Derrick kissed her hair as the tears slowly stopped.

  “I thought I woke up to find you dead. You were so cold and it was so real.” Maria’s body shook in Derrick’s strong embrace.

  “I'm right here.” Derrick rubbed her back, helping her calm down. Once Maria’s breathing finally returned to normal, she pulled him into a kiss. Her body instantly warmed against him.

  “Oh, if Olsen and Alia weren't here I’d take you right now.” Derrick seemed frustrated.

  “That's ok. Tonight, we can spend all night alone. Deal?”

  “Sounds like a plan.” He gave her a quick kiss. Maria dressed quickly and grabbed her phone. She had Kate call a press conference in an hour's time. She needed to get a few things straight. The woman confirmed the message as Maria walked down the stairs.

  “So why did you need us here first thing in the morning?” Alia stretched her arms and yawned. Her baby girl was wide awake and with a cute grin on her chunky face. With her heat over it dawned on her that soon she might have a little one of her own. The thought both excited and terrified her. Would her little one be a wolf or a witch? Or would the child be able to shift and practice magic like she would be able to do soon. Once Derrick changes me tonight. Maria wanted to be the alpha female Derrick needed by his side. She was strong when she needed to be and being the mayor for a week, had given her some added experience. Let’s just hope there is less fucking paperwork, then I’m all good.

  “Two seekers came here last night,” Derrick said making Alia freeze l
ike a board.

  “What for?” Olsen asked as he wrapped his arms around Alia like he was holding her up. Derrick repeated what the seekers and Maria talked about. Maria let the words sink in. She didn't like being told what to do, but at the same time they were practically elders since they knew more magic than her. After a few moments of Derrick talking, Alia’s body visibly relaxed in Olsen’s embrace. Maria wondered what she had been through for her to have such a strong reaction to the seekers.

  “Ok. I will make some calls to figure out who is close and making these rules. I thought the closest coven was south of us. I've been talking to them but they neglected to inform me about being in Crescent Coven territory.” Alia turned toward the baby girl on the couch, who cried out for attention.

  “Derrick I need to get to city hall.” Maria straightened her shirt, trying to appear clean cut. He nodded and pulled her into a big hug before they walked out of the house. Her nerves started to build the closer they inched toward her office.

  “You'll be great.” Derrick rubbed circles on her leg above her knee.

  “I really hope so.” Maria cleared her throat. A small podium sat in front of the building with a crowd of people waiting in a half circle.

  “I need one favor?” Maria turned toward her mate.

  “What my mate?” Derrick’s lips twitched up to give her a wicked grin making her body react to him.

  “Unless someone is about to harm me, will you stay in the shadows? I'm not ashamed of you, but I also don't want them to think I'm pardoning you for the second time out of being your mate.” Maria pardoned him both to save him and for saving her. She had heard what happened to a convicted alpha headed to prison. The whole pack had rioted for a full week and five humans and eight werewolves were dead at the end of it. The media had a field day with the headlines all bashing the pack just because the mayor didn’t like something small about the local alpha. The whole situation made Maria’s stomach roll.

  “I can do that this time.” He winked. Derrick parked the truck in the back. Maria took in a deep, calming breath before she climbed out of the truck and started her walk toward the front of the building. True to his word, Derrick stayed behind her. As soon as she exited the building a bunch of flashing lights assaulted her senses. Slowly she regained her focus and sauntered to the podium.

  “First off, please hold all questions until the end. I have a lot to say and I don't need to be distracted.” She tried to stand taller. Being short fucking sucks!

  “The first matter I need to explain is about the Chief of Police. Last night, Hugo and a group who believe werewolves shouldn't exist, acted on a plan I believe had been conceived with the blessing of the previous mayor. At 4:55 someone drugged me and took me from my office to a barn,” Maria paused trying to come up with a better option than the truth. Vampires weren't out in the open and Maria wasn’t going to be the one to open the flipping coffin.

  “There, the Chief had a dead werewolf. He was going to set the barn on fire so that the local pack would be blamed for the death of the interim mayor.” That sounded feasible. Maria mentally patted herself on the back. “However, before Hugo could kill me, the local Alpha came to my rescue, after hearing of the plot. In a short scuffle, the Chief and his men ended up dead while attempting to kill the werewolves who had come to my aid.” Maria blinked quickly as a few flashes from a camera hit her eyes.

  “I publicly pardon the alpha, Derrick and his pack mates for killing the Police Chief and a few of his deputies.” More flashing lights.

  “Next, as of tomorrow, all the candidates for the special election will need to announce they are running. These past few days have been eventful to say the least. That is all. Any questions?” Maria steeled herself for the next part. When the last mayor was arrested, they had asked her so many questions it made her head spin.

  A flurry of hands raised as a bunch of cameras flashed in her face. Four questions and I'm leaving.

  Maria pointed toward one lady up front.

  “Is the Police Chief really dead?” Concern filled the woman’s voice.

  “Yes, he is.” Maria pointed toward a male journalist.

  “Who will be replacing him? Will there be an investigation into his death?”

  “The Deputy with the most seniority will take his place until the new mayor can appoint one in a few weeks.” Maria’s shoulders relaxed a bit as she answered these two easy questions. Maria ignored the second half of the question, she didn’t want to think about them investigating Derrick, especially since they would soon find out about them being mates.

  “Will you be announcing your own campaign to run for mayor?” A woman called out before Maria pointed at anyone.

  “I’d announce at a later date. As of right now it is being discussed between my family and me. Last question, please.”

  “Are the rumors true about you being the local alpha's mate?” A male called out from the front. Maria’s hand tightened in her jacket pocket. So much for getting out before the rumors started.

  “The alpha saved my life and I’m thankful he heard about the plot to kill and frame his pack mate in time. Thank you all for your time.” Maria turned and walked back toward the building. The reporters yelled their questions at her retreating back but she didn't listen anymore. She still had to decide if she would be staying on as the mayor and waiting for the election to come or let go of her dream.

  Derrick or being the Mayor. What am I going to do? Her feelings were leaning toward the first. The alpha had grown on her greatly.



  WATCHING MARIA HANDLE the press conference had impressed Derrick. She had a poise to her which held the crowd's attention. Also, she did a wonderful job of not bringing vampires into the mix. He didn't want the local vamps or the vamp league on his ass for letting his mate expose them. After a few minutes, once she disappeared into the building, he followed her inside.

  He entered her office, her appearance making his cock harden. He locked the door before moving over toward his mate.

  “Thank you for...” Her voice vanished as his lips locked onto hers. Derrick had been planning to wait until tonight to make love to his mate, but watching her handle the media with such composure made him lose all of his control.

  Her hands slid under his shirt sending a shiver down his spine. A low growl vibrated against her lips. She pulled away and tried to reach for the blinds on the window. Derrick made quick work to conceal them before he raced back to his mate. He lifted her skirt up to her hips before he lifted her onto the desk. Watching him kneel in front of her made her breathing more rapid. Quickly, Derrick removed her black panties and placed them in his pocket. His mouth came down on the little bundle of nerves he loved so much. She pushed her hips into his face while nibbling on her lip. A small moan slipped from her perfect pink lips.

  She gripped the desk tightly, trying to keep her composure as he assaulted her bundle of pleasure with his tongue. Licking and sucking on it, in a rapid motion, made her legs quiver next to him. He pushed one finger into her folds and her walls clamped tightly around him as she climaxed. Derrick lapped up her release before he stood and kissed her. She moaned into his mouth while he dropped his pants.

  Derrick placed the tip of his cock at her entrance and slid it home. Maria pushed her head into his chest to stifle her moan. She wrapped her legs around his waist while he gripped her hips. He didn’t do slow and steady but she seemed to enjoy it.

  Plunging deep and fast into her sweet body made Derrick feel empowered. Every whimper she made egged him on. He didn't care about being in her office in a public place. The only thing he cared about was his mate reaching her next climax. He pulled her forward so her lower half hovered off the desk and her back lay flat on the messy stacks of papers.

  His balls slammed into her ass as he picked up his pace. His finish inched closer while his pleasure rose higher. Maria lifted her hips, causing more friction on his cock. Her back arched as she
reached her climax. Derrick no longer held back as he released himself inside of her warm body. His cock did not relent as it stayed hard inside of his mate.

  He pulled out and flipped her over so her ass faced him. Lifting her up a bit, his tip found her entrance once more. After a few slow thrusts he picked up his pace, unable to take her any other way. Derrick reached around and gripped each of her beautiful breasts. Maria pushed her face into the papers as a moan left her lips. Pushing his hips faster into her body made her moan louder this time.

  His balls tightened, signaling he was close to his next release. Ladies first! Derrick slid one of his hands away from her breast and down between her legs. Flicking her bundle twice with his index finger made her cry out as she came. Her inner walls clamped down onto his cock sending him into the bliss of pleasure with her. Derrick hovered above her as his cock finally settled down. Maria turned and kissed him. Everything was right in this one moment.

  A fist banged on the door ruining Derrick's good mood. Maria fixed her skirt while Derrick zipped up his jeans.

  “How is my hair?” Maria hissed as she shoved her hands through it. The banging started again, making Maria jump.

  “Looks great.” Derrick pushed a few strands into place and smiled.

  “Who is it?” Maria called out.

  “Walter. Let me in Maria!” Walter yelled through the thick door. Maria clicked the lock and opened the door to her frantic older brother.

  “So, did you lose your phone or what?”

  “What’s going on?” Maria asked.

  “You need to leave. This is all your fault.” Walter didn’t look at Maria as he charged toward Derrick. Maria managed to slip between them and stop her brother. She slapped him lightly on the face bringing his attention back to her.


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