Behind Closed Doors

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Behind Closed Doors Page 15

by Anna Stone

She answered the phone. “Emma?”

  “Lillian?” Emma sounded faint.

  “What’s the matter?” The other end of the line was silent for what seemed like an eternity. Lillian’s heart sped up. “Emma!”

  “There was a man in my apartment.”

  Lillian’s blood ran cold. “Is he still there?” It had been an hour or two since Emma had left the office.

  “No. I’m pretty sure he’s gone.” Emma’s words were slow and slurred. “It’s just… it’s hard to remember.”

  Lillian frowned. “Are you all right? Are you hurt?”

  “I don’t know. My head hurts.”

  “Did he hit you? Are you bleeding?”

  “I don’t think so. I can’t remember what happened.”

  “Emma. I’m coming over there right now, but I need you to hang up and call 911. Tell them someone broke into your house and that you need medical attention. And the police. Can you do that?”


  Lillian frowned. Emma didn’t sound like she was taking anything Lillian said in. “Just try. Please. I’ll be right there, I promise.”

  “Okay,” Emma said.

  Lillian hung up and rushed out to reception. “Bridget. Find me Emma’s address.”

  “Is everything okay, Ms. White?” Bridget asked.

  “Just do it. Now.”

  As soon as Bridget wrote Emma’s details down, Lillian snatched up the piece of paper, rushed toward the elevator, and dialed 911.

  Lillian reached Emma’s address and got out of the cab. A police car and an ambulance were already parked on the street out front. She made her way into the building and rushed up the stairs to Emma’s apartment.

  She burst through Emma’s open front door, her heart in her throat. “Emma?”

  Emma was sitting on the couch in her living room. A paramedic sat on the coffee table in front of her, shining a light into her eyes. Two policemen stood in the kitchen talking.

  Lillian threw her arms around Emma. “Thank god you’re all right.”

  “Lillian?” Emma said, her tone uncertain. “What are you doing here?”

  “I told you I was coming when you called me.”

  “I don’t remember calling you.”

  Lillian looked from Emma to the paramedic. “Is she okay?”

  “Don’t worry,” he said. “It’s probably just a concussion. Some confusion and memory loss from around the time of injury is normal.” He clicked off his penlight. “Were you the one who called 911?”

  “Yes, I’m her girlfriend.” Lillian said it without thinking. She didn’t miss the scowl that broke out on Emma’s face when she did. “Is she going to be all right? Does she need to go to the hospital?”

  “She should be fine. But since she can’t tell us what happened, she should get checked out by a doctor just in case. The doctor will probably want to do a CT scan and some other tests to be safe.”

  Lillian was flooded with relief. “I’ll take her.” She wasn’t letting Emma out of her sight.

  The paramedic nodded. As he packed up his bag to leave, the police came over to talk to Lillian and Emma. They reassured Lillian that the house was empty, nothing was amiss, and they had tried to take a statement from Emma, but it was full of holes. She had no memory between arriving home to find a man in her house and the paramedics arriving.

  The police took a statement from Lillian about what Emma had said to her on the phone, which wasn’t any more helpful than Emma’s account. Lillian considered telling them about everything that had been happening to her but decided against it. She had no doubt that it was connected to the man who had been in Emma’s apartment, but she didn’t want to bring the police in just yet. Besides, all she cared about right now was making sure that Emma was okay.

  The police gave Emma a card, instructing her to call them if she remembered anything, then left, leaving Emma and Lillian alone in the apartment.

  Lillian sat down on the couch next to Emma. “How are you feeling?”

  Emma ignored Lillian’s question. “What are you doing here?” Her voice had a sharp edge.

  “You called me,” Lillian said. “So, I came.”

  “I don’t remember calling you. It must have been because I was confused.” Emma crossed her arms. “You should leave.”

  “Look, I’m sorry—”

  “You’re sorry? Sorry isn’t good enough. You threw me away to protect yourself, your job, and now what, you feel guilty?”

  “I lied, Emma!” Lillian said. “It was all an act. I swear I was just trying to protect you.”

  “Why didn’t you tell me that?” Emma’s voice quavered. “Why did you make me believe that you cared about your job more than me?”

  “It was the only way I could think of to get you to stay away,” Lillian said. “I couldn’t risk you getting involved. And I knew you wouldn’t take no for an answer.”

  “Why should I believe you?”

  “You’re right. You have no reason to believe me. But it’s the truth. My job, all of that, none of it matters. All I wanted was for you to be safe.”

  Emma grunted. “It didn’t even work.”

  “I know,” Lillian said. “And I’ll never forgive myself for letting you get hurt. I don’t expect you to forgive me either. But you heard what the paramedic said. You need to get checked out. I’m taking you to the hospital.”

  “I’m fine. I’ll go myself.”

  “No, you’re not. I’m not letting you go alone.”

  “Then I’ll find someone else to take me,” Emma said.

  “Emma.” Lillian placed her hand on Emma’s arm. “Please. Let me do this. It’s the least I can do.”

  “Fine. But I’m still mad at you.”

  “You have every right to be. But you’re going to have to put up with me for a little longer. After we’re finished at the hospital, I’m taking you somewhere safe until this is all over.”

  There was a flicker of fear in Emma’s eyes. “Do you think whoever is doing this is going to come back? Or do something else?”

  “I don’t think so, but I’m not taking any chances,” Lillian replied. “And I won’t let any harm come to you.”



  Emma woke up early on Saturday morning after a strange dream in which she was drowning in an enormous, plush bed. It wasn’t far from reality. She pushed aside the covers and rolled onto her back. Her head ached. For a moment, Emma didn’t know where she was. Then the events of the day before came rushing back to her.

  After the police had left, Lillian took Emma to a modern-looking hospital where they were seen immediately. Emma made a comment about how much it would cost, but Lillian told her not to worry about anything. The doctor confirmed that she had nothing more than a concussion. She’d have a bad headache and some dizziness and irritability, but that was all.

  Emma groggily rolled over. Lillian was fast asleep next to her, her long golden hair fanned out on the pillow behind her head. The doctor had instructed Lillian not to leave Emma alone for forty-eight hours, and to make sure that she rested. Emma was still furious with Lillian. She barely spoke a word to her at the hospital, and on the way back. But at the same time, she was grateful for Lillian’s presence and her insistence that they go somewhere safe. Emma was shaken by everything that had happened, even though she didn’t remember much. She didn’t want to be alone, especially not in her house.

  The safe place that Lillian had chosen for them was a hotel known for its high security due to its wealthy clientele. Lillian said she was just being cautious, but Emma appreciated it all the same. The fact that their suite was just as luxurious as the one they had stayed at in San Francisco was a bonus. By the time they arrived, it was evening. Emma had been so tired that she’d practically passed out on the huge bed immediately.

  As Emma watched Lillian sleep, her chest rising and falling rhythmically, she found herself drifting off again. When Emma next awoke, it was midday, and she was alone in the room. She got up
from the bed and was immediately hit by a wave of dizziness, so she sat back down. On her second try, she managed to stay on her feet. She made her way out of the bedroom.

  “Lillian?” Emma looked around the living room.

  “Emma.” Lillian rushed out of the kitchen. “Are you all right? Do you need something?”

  “I’m okay,” Emma said.

  “Then why are you out of bed?”

  “I’ve been asleep for fifteen hours! I’m sick of being in bed.”

  “Emma, you’re supposed to be resting.” Lillian pointed at the bed.

  Emma crossed her arms. “We’re not at work. You don’t get to boss me around.”

  Lillian raised an eyebrow. “This must be what the doctor meant when he said you might be irritable.”

  “This isn’t funny, Lillian!”

  “All right, I’m sorry.” Lillian placed a hand on Emma’s shoulder. “Will you get back into bed if I come sit with you?”

  “Okay,” Emma grumbled.

  Lillian led her back to bed. After making sure that Emma was comfortable, Lillian got in next to her. After a moment, Emma rested her head on Lillian’s shoulder.

  “Does this mean you’re not angry at me anymore?” Lillian asked.

  “I don’t know,” Emma replied.

  “You were right, you know. About everything. Pushing you away was a mistake. I was scared, and I wasn’t thinking. And I shouldn’t have treated you so cruelly. I’m sorry.”

  Emma sighed. It was clear that Lillian was tying herself in knots over this. “I can’t stay mad at you forever. Honestly, I was so happy to see you when you walked through my door yesterday. Even with everything that happened, even though I was upset with you, when I was scared and alone, all I could think about was how much I wished you were there.”

  “I’m here now. And I’m not going anywhere.” Lillian reached for Emma’s hand and laced her fingers between Emma’s.

  “So what happens now?” Emma asked. “With us? With everything?”

  “We can talk about it later,” Lillian said. “You need to rest.”

  “For god’s sake, Lillian. I have a concussion, I’m not dying.”

  “All right then. What do you want to happen next?”

  “I don’t know,” Emma said. “But I don’t want to go back to hiding our relationship.”

  “I don’t want that either. From now on, no more hiding.”

  “Really? What about your job?”

  “I don’t give a damn about my job,” Lillian said. “That’s another thing you were right about. I’ve been making myself miserable for a long time.”

  Emma winced. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to be so harsh.”

  “Everything you said was true. I’ve been too scared to step off the path I put myself on, even though it’s killing me. I needed to hear it to accept it.”

  “Does this mean you’re going to quit your job?”

  “Not yet,” Lillian said. “I’ll figure that out once I’ve dealt with everything else.”

  “Everything else? You know who’s behind all this?” Emma asked.

  “I have a few ideas.”

  “Are you going to go to the police?”

  “I will eventually,” Lillian said. “But I don’t have anything definitive to give them yet. They won’t be able to do much. And I don’t want to lose this opportunity.”

  “The opportunity for what?” Emma asked.

  “To bring whoever is doing this down.”

  “Lillian? You’re not going to do something dangerous are you?”

  “I’m not, I promise,” Lillian said. “But don’t think for a second that I’m going to let the person who did this get away with it. I don’t care what dirty tricks they use to get to me. No one hurts the woman I love.”

  It took Emma a moment for Lillian’s words to register in her mind. “You said love.”

  “Yes, I did. I love you, Emma.”

  “I…” Emma’s heart skittered in her chest. “I love you, too.”

  Lillian took Emma’s chin and planted a soft kiss on her lips. Emma’s head started to spin all over again.

  “My head still feels a little off,” Emma said. “You might have to remind me that you love me again later, in case I forget. You know, with the memory loss and all.”

  Lillian smiled. “I love you. And I’m never going to let you forget.” She kissed Emma again. “Now, it’s really time for you to rest. Why don’t we watch something? Last time we were in bed together, you said that you wanted to snuggle up and watch movies.” Lillian reached over and picked up the remote control from beside the bed. “We can watch some of those romance movies I told you about.”

  “That sounds perfect,” Emma said.

  Lillian picked out a movie, one that she assured Emma she would enjoy. As soon as the movie began, Emma became so absorbed in it that she forgot all about her aching head, and all the crazy things that had happened. Soon, her anger toward Lillian disappeared completely.

  Hours passed, and they watched another movie, then another. At some point, they ordered room service and had a decadent feast right there on the bed. It was heaven.

  Between cuddling in bed with Lillian and watching women fall in love on screen over and over, Emma started to feel like her younger self again. The Emma who believed in love, and romance, and happily-ever-afters. Perhaps it was naive. But she was beginning to wonder if she’d been wrong when she’d given up on ever having her own fairytale ending.



  By Sunday, Emma was back to normal. Lillian insisted that she continue to rest, but she convinced Lillian to let her get out of bed. They continued their movie marathon, this time on the couch in the hotel suite.

  Late in the afternoon, Lillian got up and announced she was going to take a shower.

  As Lillian walked away, Emma grabbed her hand. “Why don’t I join you?” she asked, peering up at Lillian.

  “I don’t think so,” Lillian said. “The doctor said not to do anything strenuous. And I don’t think we can get in the shower together without doing anything strenuous.”

  “It’s been exactly forty-eight hours.”

  Lillian raised an eyebrow. “Have you been counting down the hours just for this?”

  Emma shrugged. “Maybe.”

  A smile tugged at Lillian’s lips. “Then let’s go take a shower.”

  Emma got up and made her way to the bathroom, pulling her loose cotton dress off on the way there. Lillian followed, shedding her own clothes.

  By the time Lillian reached the bathroom, Emma was naked. Lillian removed her own bra and panties, dropping them to the floor with Emma’s.

  Emma drew Lillian into the shower. The large, futuristic-looking shower had a control panel on the wall, and there was no shower head above them. Lillian pressed a few buttons on the panel, and water fell from the ceiling like rain.

  Emma closed her eyes and tilted her head back, letting the warm water flow over her face and down her hair. Wiping the water from her eyes, she caught a glimpse of Lillian through the rising steam. Droplets trickled down Lillian’s body, her wet skin shimmering under the warm light.

  Lillian cupped Emma’s face in her hands and kissed her softly, as if Emma would break at the slightest touch. But when Emma drew back and looked into Lillian’s eyes, she saw a hunger barely restrained.

  “Lillian. I’m not made of glass.” She wrapped her arms around Lillian’s neck and spoke into her ear. “I need you to fuck me right now.”

  Emma’s own words flooded her cheeks with heat, but they had the desired effect. Lillian pressed her lips against Emma’s with a ferocity that made her heart race. She pinned Emma against the cold glass with her body, trapping Emma against it. Emma closed her eyes, surrendering to Lillian’s overpowering embrace. Her hands slid over Lillian’s wet skin as she tried impossibly to pull Lillian closer.

  Lillian slid her leg between Emma’s thighs, rolling her hips slowly, rhythmically. Emma rocked back against
Lillian, eager to sate the hunger deep inside.

  “Lillian,” Emma murmured, delirious with desire.

  Without warning, Lillian spun Emma around and pushed her up against the glass again. She pulled aside the damp hair that was plastered to the back of Emma’s neck, and kissed, nibbled, and sucked her skin. Lillian’s hand crept forward and down to stroke Emma’s slit. If she wasn’t already in the shower, she’d be dripping wet.

  Lillian’s lips brushed against Emma’s ear. “Spread out your legs and put your hands on the glass.”

  Emma obeyed immediately. She turned her head to watch as Lillian unhooked a small shower head from the wall and turned it on. Warm water came blasting out of it. Lillian pulled Emma’s hips away from the glass as Emma scooted her hips even further back, pressing her ass into Lillian.

  Lillian guided the shower head around Emma’s body, directing it down her stomach, lower and lower, until it finally reached her target. Lillian used her other hand to spread Emma’s lips. Emma’s whole body shuddered as the jet of water hit her sensitive bud.

  Lillian ran her hand up the front of Emma’s chest, grasping at her breasts and pinching her nipples gently between the sides of her fingers. Emma gasped with delight, grinding back against Lillian. Lillian kept her body tense, holding Emma in place.

  As Emma writhed against her, Lillian slid her free hand down Emma’s back, skimming her fingers all the way down to her entrance.

  “Oh god, Lillian,” Emma begged.

  Emma let out a sound between a moan and a whimper as Lillian eased into her. Lillian’s fingers slipped in easily, filling her completely. Emma braced herself against the slippery glass wall, her whole-body jolting as Lillian pierced her.

  With the jet of water still directed at the crease of her thighs, it only took a few thrusts until Emma’s pleasure peaked, sending wave after wave of orgasmic ecstasy through her.

  “Mmm…” Emma’s breathing slowed, and her body calmed. Her skin felt flushed from the steam.

  Lillian dropped the shower head, spun Emma back around, and drew her in for a kiss. As the kiss deepened, a soft growl emerged from Lillian’s chest.


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