by Bret Harte
"----the baby is doing well. And only think--Gabe has struck it again!And you was the cause, dear--and he says it all belongs to you--like theold mule that he is. Don't you remember when you was telling me aboutDoctor Divergers giving you that rock and how you rubed it until thesilver shone, well, you took up a rock from our old chimbly and rubedit, while you was telling it. And thet rock Gabe came across nextmorning, all shining where you had rubed it. And shure enuff it wassollid silver. And then Gabe says, says he, 'We've struck it agin, furthe chimbly rock was taken from the first hole I dug on the hill only ahundred feet from here.' And shure enuff, yesterday he purspected thehole and found the leed agin. And we are all very ritch agin and comin'to see you next yeer, only that Gabe is such a fool! Your loving Sister,
Library Books
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* * * * *
_A catalogue containing portraits of many of the above authors, with adescription of their works, will be sent free, on application, to anyaddress._
* * * * *
[Transcriber's Note:
Obvious punctuation errors repaired.
The original text contains a number of non-ASCII characters. These arerepresented in the text as follows:
[~n] 'n' with tilde above ['e] 'e' with acute above ['a] 'a' with acute above [:o] 'o' with diaeresis (umlaut) above [`a] 'a' with grave above [`e] 'e' with grave above [c,] 'c' with cedilla below [ae] ligature [:e] 'e' with diaeresis (umlaut) above [oe] ligature.
This text has extensive dialect with many non-conventional spellings andwords.
Page 341, missing 'f' inserted. (-hills, which)
Spelling "adjourn" and "ad-journ" retained.
Spelling "arm-chair" and "armchair" retained.
Spelling "awe-struck" and "awestruck" retained.
Spelling "death-like" and "deathlike" retained.
Spelling "good-humoured" and "good-humored" retained.
Spelling "half-way" and "halfway" retained.
Spelling "hill-side" and "hillside" retained.
Spelling "preoccupied" and "pre-occupied" retained.
Spelling "humor" and "humour" retained.
Spelling "dispatched" and "despatched" retained.
Spelling "intrust" and "entrust" retained.