Forever Logan

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Forever Logan Page 6

by Elena Matthews

  Joe lets out a low whistle. “Shit. You’re kidding?”

  I shake my head. “No, I saw them both leave the ladies’ restroom and then watched how they sucked each other’s faces. If I weren’t a cop, I wouldn’t even hesitate to smash a glass over his head.”

  “We could just arrest him for indecent exposure,” he suggests, staring daggers at the piece of shit.

  I shrug my shoulders. “I had the same thought, but in approximately ten minutes, he’s going to have his ass handed to him anyway.”

  “You told Ally?”

  “Of course I did. I called her, and she’s on her way here to confront him.” I see the way he’s eyeing me with suspicion. “And stop looking at me like that. I didn’t do it because I want her. I did it because she deserves better. Though seeing him get his ass kicked will definitely be a bonus.”

  Joe chuckles before taking a sip of his drink. His features smooth out before he speaks again, “God, how stupid can you be to cheat on someone as beautiful as Ally? She’s like day and night compared to that woman with him right now. I’m sure some dudes were dropped on their heads as children.”

  “You’re definitely right about that. Too many fuckers with little dicks and no brains. It’s the big dicks and big brains that women need. You know, good in bed but book smart.”

  “What, someone like you?” he asks knowingly, smirking.

  “Well, I did go to MIT, and I’ve yet to have any complaints in the bedroom.”

  “You’re also one arrogant motherfucker,” he says, pointing his glass my way.

  “You know me so well; you’d think we were partners or something.”

  I look down at my empty drink and decide I need another. “I think I’m gonna head to the bar for another drink. You want anything?”

  “No, I’m good.” He purposely glances over at Eddie before returning his gaze back to me. “Just holler if you need backup,” he tells me with a smile, knowing the actual reason I’m heading to the bar.

  I stand and approach the bar, and almost like magic, a gap becomes free next to him. I slip in beside him and wait a minute for the bartender to serve me. I keep my eyes zoned forward, but in my peripheral vision, I see him nuzzling into the chick’s ear, making her giggle with his whispers. A waiter nods at me, awaiting my order.

  Holding out a finger, I say, “A bourbon, neat, please.”

  He’s back with my drink within seconds, and I slide a five-dollar bill over to him, telling him to keep the change. Remaining in my spot, I take a sip of my drink while pivoting on my feet so I’m facing Eddie. I edge forward a little, so I know he can hear me.

  “Freddie, well, well, well, I wonder what your girlfriend would think of you banging some other girl.”

  His shoulders physically freeze at the sound of my voice, and I know he doesn’t have to turn around to realize who it is. That, and I’m fairly certain I’m the only person who calls him Freddie. He does turn around though, and the instant his eyes lock on to me, all color seems to drain from his face.

  He doesn’t waste any time in pushing the chick away from him, and he straightens to his full height. I laugh when he comes at least a few inches shorter than me.

  “Oh, hi, Nate,” he says, and I pull him under my scrutiny.

  I get it; he’s trying to be funny like me by calling me the wrong twin name. He fucking knows it’s me.

  “Oh, you wish I were Nate.” I point to the girl who’s watching us both with confusion. “You not going to introduce me to your friend?”

  His cheeks redden as he glances at her, and for a few seconds, they have their own little silent conversation with their eyes.

  When he doesn’t answer me, I say, “I’m guessing she’s not your sister.”

  “I don’t know what you think you saw, but you’re wrong.”

  I swipe my phone from my pocket and pull up the snapshot I took. I hold it out for him to see. “So, this isn’t you and your lady friend going at it just seconds after exiting the restroom?”

  He pales even more before glancing back at me, shaking his head. “It’s not what it—”

  “It’s not what it looks like? Don’t give me that bullshit. I bet if I walked in there”—I point in the vicinity of the ladies’ restroom—“I’d find drops of your cum on the floor.”

  He looks sheepish at my comment, and I glare at him with a mixture of disappointment and pure disgust.

  “Damn, cheating on your girlfriend and not wrapping up while you do so? That’s such a douche bag thing to do.”

  I edge even closer until I get right into his face. Then, I have to take a step back when I get the distinct scent of pussy. I pull out a packet of gum from the back pocket of my jeans and hold it out for him.

  “Did you have fish today? Your breath smells a little funky,” I tell him.

  His little girlfriend has the audacity to giggle, and he glares at her, all the while covering his mouth with his hands. He doesn’t take the gum though.

  “You’d better clean up before you get your balls ripped from your body.”

  “What do you mean?”

  I look down at my watch. “Well, in just a few minutes, the entertainment in this place is about to improve. A boxing match, I think,” I say with a twinkle in my eye. I have to say, I’m kind of enjoying torturing him. It’s fun.

  He seemingly stops breathing for a moment. “Ally’s coming here?”

  “You know, that’s where you and I are totally different species. You screw over the people you’re supposed to care about. I, on the other hand, am loyal to a fault when it comes to the people I love, and that means, when I see my friend’s boyfriend screwing around on her—the boyfriend who is so out of her fucking league, he should be in little league—then I’m going to tell that friend.”

  “You son of a bitch,” he threatens, pulling back his fist to hit me.

  With my fantastic reflexes, I catch him with my elbow, causing him to stumble back a little, and I don’t even spill a drop of my bourbon.

  “What, you’re going to hit a cop? Trust me, there are at least five cops in here, and I promise you, it won’t end well.”

  He snarls at me, “I see the way you look at her. You didn’t do this because you care for her. You did this because you just want to get into her panties. You’re no different from an asshole like me. But this, this thing you did isn’t going to work in your favor because she hates your guts.”

  “Not as much as I hate you!”

  Before I can blink, my glass of bourbon gets snatched from my hand, and the contents get thrown in his face.

  The chick beside him shrieks when she gets caught with the cold beverage, shouting, “What the hell?”

  Ally looks between Eddie and the girl with steam coming out of her nostrils; she’s so furious.

  Wow, and I thought I’d seen Ally at her angriest, but this, it’s like the devil meets Voldemort.

  “Is this who you were caught fucking with?”


  The slap she gives him is literally heard around the entire bar, and immediately, all eyes are on us.

  Eddie stills for a moment, almost as if he can’t believe she hit him, but damn, that was one hell of a slap. Then, his eyes turn black, glaring at her, and I automatically step closer to her, my invisible protective shield going up.

  “Jesus, woman!” Then, he assesses his hand, and I see there are a few drops of blood.

  I glance back to his face and see a two-inch cut along his cheek, thanks to Ally’s pointy nails. One of the good uses of getting acrylic manicures? They’re like mini weapons, just as deadly as a knife.

  “You fucking cut me!”

  “Whoops, did I? Oh, I’m so sorry,” she mocks in an aww, boohoo kind of way. Then, she stares daggers at him. “Well, considering you’ve just been caught cheating behind my back, I guess we’re even.”

  I’m not sure where the other chick has been in the past five minutes, but she seems to finally get a clue. “Wait, che
ating?” she asks Eddie. “You said you were in an open relationship.”

  Ally bursts out laughing, but it’s the kind of laugh that could send you to an insane asylum. “It seems he lied to you, too.” She turns her attention back to Eddie. “What was the lie you told me about why you had to cancel on our date—again? Oh, right, a family emergency. God, I’m so fucking stupid. I guess you got bored, huh? Bored of waiting for me because I wouldn’t open my legs for you,” she grits out while he palms his hand over his cheek.

  My eyes widen at this sudden information, and I have to stop myself from smiling at the fact that they’ve never had sex. To say this makes me happy would be an understatement.

  “Well, I’m glad I didn’t sleep with you, you piece of shit, because I deserve better than an asshole who can’t keep it in his pants.”

  He tilts his head and points his finger at me. “What, someone like Logan?”

  Um, yes.

  Unfortunately, Ally doesn’t get the chance to answer because he speaks before she can, “You know, maybe if you weren’t such a prude, then I wouldn’t have had to go look elsewhere.”

  “Oh, I’m not a prude. I was building up the courage to fuck someone with such a small dick.”

  A collective, “Ooh,” and howls of laughter sound throughout the bar.

  My mouth twitches with humor, proud of my girl for talking some incredible trash talk.

  “How would you know? You’ve never seen it,” he tries to smart back, but Ally is already one step ahead of him.

  “And now that you’ve cheated on me, I never will. So, whose fault is that? How did I ever think dating you was a good idea? Thank you for showing me the real you. It makes dumping you so much easier. We’re over, and I’d appreciate it if you lost my number.”

  She turns from him, and just as she’s about to step away, his next words halt her in her tracks.

  “You think you can do better than me, huh?” he taunts. “Good luck finding someone who will put up with a prude like you,” he spits out, obviously sore from this brutal breakup.

  Ally spins back around to him, flashing him a smug smile—which is a little creepy, considering the circumstances.

  “You don’t think I had opportunities while we were dating? Believe me, I’ve had better options. I was just so blindsided by you that I couldn’t see what was right in front of me.”

  “Yeah, and who’s that?” he argues back.

  Instead of answering him, her eyes land on mine, and before I take my next breath, she’s in front of me, her hands on either side of my cheeks, her lips suddenly attacking mine. Like a complete dumbass, I freeze, not understanding what’s going on.

  Is Ally really kissing me right now?

  It’s not until I feel her tongue tracing along the seam of my lips that I wake up, and I wrap my arms around her waist, pulling her into me, allowing her to deepen the kiss. I can’t keep the groan from escaping my lungs when the taste of cherry cola assaults my taste buds. I can hear cheers erupt all around us, but I find it hard to focus when all I can feel, taste, and sense is Ally. It’s like my dreams are finally coming true, that Ally is finally giving in to the pull that’s been between us since the moment we met.

  I’m soon brought back to earth when she abruptly snatches her lips from mine, and she just stares back at me in shock, her eyes filling up…and I’m not sure if the tears are from the impact of our kiss or from the asshole who just broke her heart.

  In a blink, the tears subside, and she throws one last glare in Eddie’s direction. “Go fuck yourself, Freddie,” are the last four words she says to him before fleeing the bar.

  The entire place is ghostly quiet; you could probably hear a pin drop. My eyes find Joe’s across the bar, and he looks as shocked as I do from everything that just went down.

  Then, he flicks his gaze to the door, mouthing, Go after her.

  Pulling my head out of my ass, I leave a soaked, bloody, and pissed off Eddie and go in search of Ally. As my feet hit the asphalt, I spot her car pulling out of the parking lot before she speeds off down the road. Needing to make sure she’s okay and that she doesn’t kill herself on the drive home, I pull up my phone to order an Uber since I’m over the limit, but out of the corner of my eye, I spot a cop buddy of mine getting into his car across the street. Making sure the road is clear, I jog over to him.

  “Sup, Logan,” he greets.

  “Hey, man. Did you just finish your shift?”

  “Sure did.”

  “Would you mind giving me a ride to a friend’s house? She’s upset, and I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  He nods. “Yeah, no problem. Jump in.”

  I get inside and buckle up as I tell him her address. Most of my friends would be scoping for information, basically being nosy fuckers, but the great thing about Mike is, he’s a man of very few words, and he doesn’t ask any questions. He simply drives and occasionally taps his fingers against the steering wheel to the beat of music coming from his stereo.

  As we pull up in front of the house, I breathe a sigh of relief when I see her car parked in her parents’ driveway.

  “Thanks for the ride, dude.”

  “Anytime,” is all he says with a nod of his head.

  I climb out of his car and make my way up the path, hearing Mike’s car pull away in the distance. Stepping up to the porch, I ring the bell. A few moments later, the door swings open, and Ally’s dad greets me.

  “Oh, hi, Logan.”

  “Hey, Mr. Bennett.”

  “Please, call me Dave. I take it, you’re here for Ally,” he says almost knowingly.

  “Yeah, I need to make sure she’s okay.”

  He nods, widening the door. “Come on in.”

  “Did she tell you what happened?” I ask him as he closes the door behind me.

  He shakes his head. “No, but I could tell she was upset. What’s going on?”

  “I’m sure Ally would prefer to tell you, but let’s just say, Eddie is out of the picture.”

  He nods with understanding. “Ahh, I see. I’d say, good riddance, but I don’t like seeing my daughter so upset.”

  She was angrier than upset, but I don’t say that.

  I follow him into what appears to be the kitchen. I smile when I see Ally’s mom sitting at the counter reading through a recipe book.

  “Hi, Logan. It’s so nice to see you again.”

  “Hi, Mrs. Bennett. It’s great to see you, too.”

  She points in the direction of the patio doors. “Ally’s outside in the guest cabin.”

  My brows pull up with intrigue. “You have a guest cabin?”

  In the same way Ally does, she rolls her eyes, pointing at Dave now. “It was a pet project of Dave’s. Needless to say, we’ve had no guests stay in there in the two years it’s been there. We just use it as a hideaway when we want to murder each other.” She giggles.

  “Am I okay to head out there?” I ask, just being polite.

  “Only if you promise to put a smile back on that pretty face of hers.”

  “I’ll try my damn hardest, ma’am.”

  I walk through the patio doors and step outside into the breezy November evening. The backyard is relatively big, and my eyes widen with surprise as I take in the log cabin at the end of the garden with integrated spotlights coming from the porch. It’s like something you would see in the middle of the forest. It’s definitely not the summer house I was expecting. It’s nice, too, with rich oak wood and a black steel roof. As I step up to the porch, I notice a wooden rocking chair and a firepit. Though there is no fire burning right now.

  I gently rap my knuckles against the door.

  “Hey, Mom. I’m fine, really. I just want to be alone right now,” Ally hollers from inside.

  “It’s Logan actually,” I tell her.

  She doesn’t answer, but I hear the pad of her feet move inside, and a second later, the door swings open.

  “What are you doing here?” she asks, keeping her eyes downcast, look
ing a little sheepish.

  “Seeing if you’re okay. You rushed away from the bar so quickly.”

  “Yeah…well, I wasn’t exactly going to stick around a second longer. I’d already made a fool of myself.”

  “How did you make a fool of yourself? I thought you were kick-ass in there,” I tell her, not bothering to hide my pride. “And that slap? Damn, even I felt it.”

  She nibbles on her bottom lip. “That isn’t what I feel embarrassed about. I…shouldn’t have kissed you like that. I’m sorry.”

  The part of my brain, the side responsible for the sarcasm and humor, wants to make a joke out of the fact that she just apologized to me. Never in the months I’ve known her has she apologized for anything. However, seeing the regret in her eyes, I know that humor isn’t what she needs right now. Instead, I go with honesty.

  “You definitely caught me by surprise, and if you’d given me a heads-up, I would have kissed you way better than that, but you have nothing to be sorry or embarrassed about.”

  “What, even though I only kissed you to spite Eddie?”

  I shrug my shoulders, pushing my hands into the front pockets of my jeans. “I’ve never liked that asshole anyway, so I have to admit, it was nice to stick it to him like that.”

  “So, you’re not mad?”

  “Only for not kissing you the way you deserved.”

  Her cheeks brighten at that, and her flush glows so sweet against the dim light of the porch and the moonlight.

  “I have beer. Do you want to come inside?”

  “You had me at beer.” I wink.

  She lets out a subdued laugh as she steps aside and I walk over the threshold.

  She closes the door behind me, and I watch as she wanders over to a small state-of-the-art kitchen. I have to hold in my groan as she bends over to retrieve a beer from a mini fridge. Hot damn, her ass is like a tight peach. How that dickhead cheated on her, I have no idea. She’s so perfect that it literally makes my heart hurt. But now that he’s out of the picture, I have a better chance of her finally getting to know the real me. I mean, not this minute. I’m not one of those guys who swoops in the second a girl gets her heart broken. At least, not anymore, I’m not. Tonight, I’m here as her friend. Even though all she sees me as is her enemy.


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