Mickey's Way

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Mickey's Way Page 15

by Karen Clow

  “I’m fine. It’s just that since being told it may be twins, I’ve been wondering if I might have a brother or a sister? Because all the doctors ask which side of the family twins run in and we know there’s no knowledge of twins regarding Jimmy’s family and your family don’t have twins, so it must be from my biological family.”

  “What’s biological Mummy?” asked Madeline.

  “It means who peoples’ parents are and their grandparents. I’ll explain it when you’re a bit older.”

  They could see that Madeline was thinking about what her mum had said. No one had any idea what was about to come out of her mouth until she asked if it was like Jimmy being her real dad.

  “Who told you that?” snapped Maria.

  The child could tell from her mum’s voice and facial expression that she had upset her. Maria felt terrible as she looked at her because she knew Madeline had not said it to hurt her, she had obviously heard it somewhere. Reaching over she held her hand and said in a soft voice told her she was sorry, but asked where she’d heard that.

  “That nasty lady told me Mummy.”

  Everyone knew she was referring to Beth.

  “Yes she was nasty sweetheart, so don’t worry about what she said. I expect she was jealous because she knew you have such a lovely daddy.”

  “That’s right baby” interrupted Mickey, “you have the best mummy and daddy in the world.”

  “Yes we do Daddy; she was just nasty because her daddy is horrible.”

  “That’s right sweetie, so don’t believe anything she said.”

  Maria could see that Madeline was going over things in her head, regarding the kidnapping. So she interrupted her thoughts by asking who wanted bananas and custard.

  “Yes please,” said Billy quickly followed by the twins.

  Fortunately, neither twin mentioned Beth again during dessert nor did Maria mention her biological family.

  Mary offered to bath the girls. When they returned downstairs to say goodnight to everyone the twins asked if Billy could put them to bed and read the story.

  Despite Mickey telling them Billy was tired, the girls were having none of it and begged him to let Billy take them. Their dad tried tactfully to get Billy off the hook, but they were not falling for it. Billy grinned, he didn’t mind taking them up; if it was ok with Mickey you and Maria. Finally their dad said yes. They kissed everyone good night and headed upstairs with Billy, who was immediately followed by Rosie.

  When they disappeared from sight, Mary said how good Billy was with the girls. Maria looked over at Mickey, although she knew that Mary had only said what was obvious to everyone, she was worried because of some of the earlier conversations she’d had with him about Billy. She was relieved when Mickey agreed, in fact, maybe they should consider keeping him on for when the babies were born. They could employ him as a fulltime bodyguard and nanny.

  Everyone laughed, especially as Billy appeared just as he’d finished speaking and asked what they were laughing about?

  Maria told him about Mickey’s suggestion.

  “I’d love the job babe, but how would all the girls in London manage without me?”

  “Well they’ve managed up ‘til now” said Mickey, “and I dare say Kevin is taking good care of them for you.”

  “Yeah Kevin’s quite a lad with the ladies Mick, but they respond better to someone more sophisticated and refined like myself. It’s not that I wouldn’t love to stay down here and look after the kids and Maria’s cooking would be a real bonus. It’s just that I owe it to all those poor girls back home that have been pining for me. If it wasn’t for them, I’d be staying here with you lot permanently!”

  Everyone laughed.

  They were just about to continue the conversation when the house phone rang. Mickey answered it. It was Sarah calling to tell him the riding stables were selling off some ponies and she’d told the owner that he might be interested. She gave him a name and the number for the stables. Thanking her, he said they’d see her the following day.

  Maria and the others looked curious as he walked back towards them she asked what the call was about. After telling her about the conversation he suggested calling the owner, Mrs Wilkins to see what she says about the ponies. Maria nodded, but reminded him they hadn’t even looked in to extending the stables.

  “It can’t be too difficult to build a stable babe; after all they’re only a glorified shed. I dare say if we put our minds to it we could build it.”

  Billy interrupted and told them he’d taken carpentry at college. Mickey looked surprised; he never knew Billy had gone to college.

  “Yeah, my mum insisted that I got a trade. I did it for about a year after I qualified, but the money was piss poor compared to being a doorman.”

  “Before you start erecting stables,” said Maria “perhaps you should call the owner, just in case anyone else was interested? Harry and Georgie would be so excited about having their own ponies, especially Harry, but for all we know they may have been sold already? If they haven’t, just remember the ponies would have to be mares because of our other ponies.”

  Mickey dialled the number, a man answered. Mickey introduced himself and then the man said he would put his wife on the phone. Mickey told her he was interested in possibly buying two mares. Mrs Wilkins said she had mares to sell and suggested he came along to the stables tomorrow morning to look at them as they sold very quickly.

  “Sounds good, there is just one small problem, we don’t actually have anywhere to put them yet, although the building of the new stables is already underway.”

  Reassuringly, she told him that wouldn’t be a problem and should he decide to buy the ponies, she could board them for him. They chatted for a few minutes longer, before he thanked her and said he would see her at half ten the following morning.

  As he put the phone down he noticed that everyone, especially Maria was grinning.

  “You are such a liar Mickey, ‘the building is already underway’ you only discussed it five minutes ago!”

  “Being convincing comes with my legal training babe.”

  “It’s called lying darling, that’s what it is!”

  They all laughed. Then he explained that he had arranged to look at the ponies. Maria suggested everyone going, although she did add that they should keep it a secret that the ponies were for the boys.

  After watching a film, the time was just after eleven Maria yawned and looking at the clock said she was going to bed. Mickey would join her. The others offered to lock up and see to Rosie.

  Twenty minutes later they were cuddled up together, as they laid there she mentioned what Madeline had said about Jimmy. At the time she had known from the way that Madeline had looked at him; he already knew so she asked him about it.

  “I told her not to say anything to you babe because I knew it would upset you, anyway, I’m their dad.”

  Although she didn’t question his reasons as to not telling her, she did mention her own biological family again. All her life she had wondered why her mother had abandoned her, especially since having her own family she had found it harder to except.

  “Sometimes it’s better to let sleeping dogs lie babe.”

  “Its okay for you Mickey, you know who your parents are, I’ve got no idea. It’s hard to understand why or how my mother could have just left me alone on the church steps.”

  “I don’t know how people can do certain things, but they do babe. If you want me to try and trace your mother I will. Just don’t rush into making any decisions babe; I’ve seen how these things can turn out. People don’t always want to be found and it can open up a fucking big can of worms. Your mother could actually be dead babe, or a very undesirable type. I’ve worked on cases with other solicitors where things had gone badly wrong. I remember a friend of mine taking a case some years ago. It was a man who had found his birth mother after thirty five years, like you babe she had simply abandoned him. At first everything had gone well, she made a real effort to
try and put things right. Then after about a year, things started to come out about her, she stole money from him, she told him his wife was being unfaithful, all sorts of things. Finally, he had enough and told her that he didn’t want anything to do with her, she had caused him nothing but grief. Unfortunately that wasn’t the end of it; she petitioned the courts to give her access to the grandchildren on the grounds that they were unfit parents. Thankfully she didn’t get anywhere, but it cost the bloke a fortune in money and it nearly cost him his family. I’m not suggesting for one minute that your situation would be the same, all I’m saying is your mother had reasons for doing what she did. She has never tried to contact you; maybe she wants to keep it that way. There are people here who love you like a daughter, my parents do and I know Shaun does. All I’m saying is babe think about it, I’m only thinking of you, I don’t want you getting hurt.”

  Kissing him again she ran her hand down his chest. They kissed passionately and then she made her way down his body. As she began kissing his chest, he threw back the duvet, his body was responding to what she was doing.

  The anticipation of what she was about to do, made him breathe heavily as his hands caressed her head. Almost guiding her to him, he gasped as she took him in her mouth, his body arching and throbbing with every thrust of her mouth. Her tongue flicking him to add to his pleasure, finally he could not hold back any longer, calling out her name as he pushed her head down onto him. Knowing that she’d finished he expected her to make her way back up to him, but instead she quickly got out of bed and headed for the en-suite. From the bed he could hear her coughing and retching, five minutes later she returned.

  “I’m so sorry Mickey, I was wondering how long it would be before junior started. It’s only when you come, up until then its fine. Maybe I’ll stop just before and then finish with something else.”

  “Everything we do is great sweetheart, whatever you’re comfortable with will be fine by me, now shall we get some sleep?”

  They snuggled up together, within minutes he was fast asleep, but she laid awake thinking about her mother. She’d barely slept when the alarm clock went off at quarter past six.

  When she felt him stir, she put her arm around him.

  “I’ve made a decision Mickey. You’re right, maybe some things are best left alone and I have a wonderful family right here in this house. What’s important is that we love each other and our girls, so let’s not go upsetting that, I’ve got everything I want right here.”

  Kissing her passionately, he ran his foot up her leg; she could feel that he was hard. They kissed as he fondled her breasts, then he ran his hands over her body he knew she wanted him. Slowly he moved his body between her legs, gently guiding his way into her, he was gentle and loving. Holding him she knew that she had everything she wanted regarding family and her love for him was rock solid.

  Thankfully the twins slept in until almost half seven.

  They had just finished eating breakfast when Mickey’s mobile rang. It was Monica.

  “It’s me Mickey it’s just a quick call; I’ve been looking into big Willy’s criminal record. Surprisingly he’s quite clean, except for one arrest which was eight years ago. He was arrested for beating up a young girl. According to the arrest sheet, she was only seventeen at the time. Willy had taken her back to his flat, after a night out. It’s not too clear exactly what happened with this girl back at his flat, but she ended up in hospital with a broken jaw and a couple of broken ribs. Unfortunately she was too scared to press charges, but I can tell you this much, he’s got a violent streak, this report is horrendous. It’s obvious he just lost control, probably fuelled by alcohol, apart from that there’s not much on him. He’s been spoken to several times involving violence as a door man, but nothing ever came of it. Unusual for a bloke like him, but it happens, they hide behind their job. I’ve got to go. Tell Maria I’ll ring her later today for a chat.”

  No sooner had the call ended when Mickey called Lenny and passed on the new information about Big Willy.

  “I already knew that Mick, but I’m glad you rang. I think we should have another meeting within the next few days I can arrange it, but probably best if it was here in London so everyone can attend.”

  Mickey agreed.

  As he ended the call Maria was staring at him, he smiled and apologising said he’d probably have to go up to London again. Providing someone could stay with her, she was fine about it.

  The house phone rang.

  “We’re popular this morning!” joked Billy.

  Mickey answered the phone, it was the midwife. She hadn’t realised that Maria had private medical insurance when they met, but it meant they wouldn’t have to wait for the scan. If he called the hospital direct he could make an appointment probably for that week. Thanking her, he would call the hospital that morning.

  Maria looked worried and asked if everything was ok and why Julie had called. Smiling he explained to her then asked her to find the number for the hospital. Within minutes he was booking the appointment. It was made for the following afternoon at four o’clock.

  Billy and Mickey’s parents took the girls over to see the ponies and to give Rosie a walk; they had taken a tray of tea for the workmen on their way.

  Having five minutes to themselves, Maria tidied up the kitchen while Mickey made some more calls. While he was speaking on his mobile the house phone rang. It was Lucinda Morgan who worked in his Kent office. She’d called to tell Mickey that part time receptionist hasn’t turned up again. Fortunately the afternoon receptionist has come in to cover. Also, fellow solicitor, Roger Munford has rung several times to talk to Mickey so could he call him back. They talked for another ten minutes, arranging that hopefully, sometime in the near future they could get together for lunch.

  Maria waited for him to finish his call and then repeated what Lucinda had said. It was clear that he was annoyed about the new receptionist not turning up again, especially as she was on a three months trial, he would have expected her to make more of an effort. He was going to sack her; she’d been nothing but a pain in the arse from day one! On a happier note, he had spoken to Tony and the meeting was going to be in Kent so he didn’t have to go to London. Maria hugged him. Now he needed to call Roger Munford. Between them they were trying to agree a settlement for their clients, both of which had been a pain in the arse. They were getting divorced not a fucking minute too soon! It’s always the same when there’s money and property involved. Mickey was representing the wife, Lady Penelope Rushmore or as he and Roger refer to her, Lady laugh-a-lot, because she was a right po faced cow. It was no wonder Basil Rushmore left her for his secretary!

  Wasting no time, he called Roger. It was obvious by the way he was joking with him that they got along well together. Maria could tell by his responses that Roger had given him some good news. Basil was offering a good deal out of court, Mickey just hoped Lady laugh-a-lot agreed to it. Five minutes later he called her. Maria listened quietly as he called Mrs Rushmore. Looking at him after the call ended she was still grinning.

  “You’re such a smoothy Mickey, yes Penelope, no Penelope, it’s been a pleasure Penelope!”

  “Well good old Penelope has just paid for the girls’ university fees, her bill will definitely be worth collecting. Now give me a proper kiss to celebrate.”

  They were kissing passionately when the others returned.

  They hadn’t noticed them until Billy said, “Blimey haven’t you two had enough of that?” Everyone laughed as Maria blushed.

  The day passed quickly, it was obvious that with every passing hour the recent events which had thrown the family into turmoil were slowly taking a back seat. Not that it was any less terrible, it was simply being accepted as something that had happened which they couldn’t change. Den had even talked to them about him and Mary going home for the weekend, although he had called his neighbour to check that everything was okay back at the house and even though there didn’t appear to be any problems, he though
t they should go back and stay there for a couple of days. Mickey thought it was also a good idea, because they couldn’t stay there with them indefinitely, but when it was mentioned, he noticed that Maria had quickly said about inviting Monica’s family down at the weekend if she wasn’t working.

  When they had finally gone to bed that night, Mickey had talked excitedly about the scan they were having the following afternoon. It was after one o’clock when they eventually went to sleep, despite having gone to bed at eleven.


  Breakfast that morning was yet another chance for him to speak about the scan although he had already convinced himself that it was twins.

  The others were taking the twins to the ponies, while Maria and Mickey visited her chapel. They all left the house together. Mickey and Maria walked hand in hand, only stopping to talk to the workmen on the way.

  Inside the chapel, she knelt down in front of the statue of the Holy Mother holding the baby Jesus. Mickey preferred to sit behind her. Silently she prayed to God and thanked him for her family and all the things she had been blessed with. Then she asked if he would let the scan show twins, as Mickey was hoping. Finally she told God that Mickey was a good husband and father and that he would love to have a son.

  As they left the chapel, she stopped in the doorway and did a type of curtsy then she pointed out the sign of the cross with her hand across her chest.

  By the time they all met back at the house, it was time to go to the riding school to check out the ponies for Harry and Georgie which they wanted to buy them for Christmas.

  After making the ten minute drive they pulled up at the riding school. A young girl asked if they were there to see the ponies. Mickey explained that they had an appointment to meet Mrs Wilkins at half ten. The girl went to tell her, five minutes later she returned with a very attractive young woman in her late thirties although Mickey had imagined her to be much older. She introduced herself as Hilary Wilkins.

  Maria noticed the way she looked at the men, especially Billy. Even when she took them to see the ponies she walked next to him and chatted. She was clearly obviously fishing about his private life, because she asked him questions like, “Do your children ride Billy?”


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