Judgment of the Bold

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Judgment of the Bold Page 8

by Jamie McFarlane

  "What? Ooph." It was Marny's voice. Hastily, I swiped at a vid-screen in front of me, changing its view so I could see the forward area where Marny stood sentry. For a moment, my heart raced as I looked for her, only to find that she'd toppled over and was pulling against the ragged deck, looking to gain her feet.

  "You okay, Marny?" I asked.

  "Might warn a girl about a sudden shift in gravity."

  "Oops, sorry."

  Having grown up on Earth, Marny wasn't overly comfortable in a changing-gravity environment. Even so, it was considered polite to let people know when such a change would occur. In my defense, I felt it was an obvious next step.

  "I'm good. What's it look like back there?" Marny asked.

  Distracted by the video screens as they booted up, I didn’t immediately reply. I watched as Tabby walked past on one image, dragging an oversized Kroerak warrior behind her. She must have been aware of the vid sensor and suspected I was paying attention because she gave me a sidelong glance as she dumped the dead husk off the edge of the deck.

  "I think we got lucky. Only red statuses are related to the forward damage," I said. Several of the systems were showing yellow, signifying that they required attention, but we could operate without them. "Shimmering Leaves, return to patrol status," I ordered. "We're operational."

  "Okay, will do," Steve Basto replied. He hailed from York and had limited experience piloting a ship, which made him more qualified than ninety percent of the rest of the population.

  With a few swipes, I shot a message to Phentera, asking them to begin an internal security sweep.

  "Tabbs, meet me on the bridge," I said.

  "Copy," she answered.

  I pulled the door to the engine room shut behind me as I exited, making sure to lock it. Jester Ripples wouldn't last even a few seconds if there was another Kroerak aboard.

  There's a smell that develops on a ship when it sits unoccupied. I'm not exactly sure what it is, but it’s unpleasant. As the air handlers began to circulate the odor, a chill went down my spine. I sat in the captain's chair and pulled up the familiar holo projection.

  "Marny, you okay for lift-off?" I asked.

  "Copy that, Cap. I'm locked in and ready for a hard insertion at Mshindi's compound," she said.

  "PG-rated, Master Chief," Tabby cackled into the comms as she took control of Intrepid's lower turrets.

  I lifted us and leveled out the ship's orientation.

  "What?" Marny asked.

  Tabby ignored her, discovering instead a number of Kroerak targets in the scrub surrounding Intrepid as we rose. Judiciously, she used the smallest weapons we had and cleared the bugs. All of our weapons were capable of killing a warrior. It was the ships they tended to travel in that gave us so many problems.

  "Oh, seems like maybe you and Nick need a little you time. Feels like you're making some Freudian slips," Tabby answered after taking care of the threats.

  I closed my eyes and shook my head. I knew Tabby was just messing with Marny and that Marny had no idea what Tabby was implying.

  "What in the world are you on about?" Marny asked. After twenty seconds, which she apparently used to rewind the conversation, she came back with, "Oh. No! I was … you're so naughty, Tabitha Masters."

  "Are you turning down date night? We're offering free babysitting," Tabby said.

  "Seems like a distant dream," Marny said.

  "Eyes on the prize, ladies," I said. It hadn't taken long to sail the hundred kilometers and we'd already passed the edge of Mshindi territory. "I'm hailing Mshindi compound now."

  "Take it slow, Liam," Tabby instructed, firing Intrepid's turrets. "This place is crawling with bugs."

  Chapter 7


  Our earliest introduction to House Mshindi had been when Loose Nuts was invited to visit Mshindi Prime aboard the aptly named battleship, Thunder Awakes. My first impression of Mshindi leaders and their ship had been one of state-of-the-art sophistication. It was with some difficulty that I reconciled that image with the desecrated scene unfolding beneath Intrepid.

  "We should have brought a second Popeye." Tabby interrupted my thoughts. "It's hard to line up on these bugs with ship's weapons and we're causing a lot of damage."

  Mshindi's home was a hundred kilometers on a side or ten thousand square kilometers. The first fifty kilometers had been densely-packed forest and Marny hadn't wanted us to drop down near the surface until we saw the first signs of civilization past the broad fields of a crop closely equivalent to wheat. The few structures we could see were made of wood timbers and natural materials and could have been built in just about any century.

  I winced as Tabby fired on a group of bugs running through an open field. She was right. Intrepid's turrets tore up giant chunks of ground as they eradicated the bugs. We hadn't yet seen any sign of the Felio, but the damage this short war had already wrought on the landscape was disheartening. The Kroerak hadn’t been quite as enthusiastic in their destruction of the Mshindi farmsteads as they had been at York, but they hadn’t pulled their punches either. I'd yet to pass over a building that didn't show signs of significant damage.

  "I'm not seeing any Felio corpses," Marny said, still standing in the jagged opening at Intrepid's bow and peering down from her cat-bird's perch. Our destination was the center of the property where I hoped we'd find a clue as to the whereabouts of the several hundred Felio of House Mshindi.

  "That's positive, at least," I said, nervously.

  "Now that's impressive," Tabby said as we finally reached the main buildings. Nestled against a rocky slope sat what could best be described as a multi-level hunting lodge, made of massive timbers and stone. I felt a certain loss as our data-streams showed where Kroerak had torn into the structure, no doubt looking for inhabitants.

  "I'm off," Marny announced, releasing her grip from Intrepid and freefalling into the center of a large group of buildings. There was no obvious spot to land Intrepid's one-hundred-thirty-meter-long bulk and still be able to provide cover for Marny.

  With anticipation, I kept my eyes glued to the high-resolution vid-screens that made up the forward bulkhead of Intrepid's bridge. As soon as Marny touched down, several groups of warriors rushed her from where they'd found cover inside the buildings. While not as precise as we might have liked, Tabby chewed up the bugs at the periphery and left the others for Marny to deal with.

  "Damn, Cap, never get tired of these Iskstar tuned blasters," Marny gloated over tactical comms.

  I had no desire to tamp down her fun, but Tabby and I had taken down thousands, if not tens of thousands, while on Picis. I was tired of shooting the mindless killing machines.

  "Ten more, at ninety degrees left," Tabby warned. "I don't have a great shot on their lead, so you'll get at least three."

  "Copy that," Marny answered, turning serious as she focused on the group. Tabby was carefully picking them off to keep the splash of the heavy weapons from impacting Marny.

  Kroerak warriors were drawn to the sounds of battle. In the wild, like we were, it was a good idea to remain vigilant for quite a while after initial contact. As expected, more and more Kroerak rushed out of the surrounding terrain as they became aware of our presence. Joining this fight was proving to be a bad plan for them, however. Kroerak were used to dominating every species they ran into and the instinct to run toward combat had worked for who knows how long. The Iskstar weapons changed the fight and I felt no remorse at the destruction we brought.

  "Liam, I think there's Felio on the mountain," Tabby said, highlighting a wooded area on the tall hills behind Mshindi's cabin. In real-time, whatever she'd seen had just as quickly disappeared, but my AI was smart enough to superimpose a window on the screen and roll back to the movement Tabby had caught. A lone Felio wearing nothing and holding only a sword had poked out of the tree-line and looked over at Intrepid.

  "She's naked," Tabby observed. "And look at that war-paint." The AI highlighted dark brown smudges that had been draw
n on her fur.

  "Marny, I'm going to need you and Phentera to secure Intrepid," I said. "Tabby and I are going on a walkabout."

  "You sure, Cap? Wouldn’t it be safer if I did the walkabout in the Popeye?"

  "I am," I answered. "We've got Felio on the mountain behind the main buildings. I need to go talk to 'em."

  "Copy that, Cap," Marny answered. She followed Intrepid as I moved over about a kilometer and set down on a roadway. It wasn't a perfect fit and I was surely crushing crops on both sides of the road, but we were doing less damage than what had already been done by the Kroerak.

  "So," Tabby said, her voice edged with sarcasm. "You want to talk to the naked Felio."

  "Perks of the job," I said, then flinched as she slugged me in the arm.

  "Semper, please meet us in the aft cargo bay," I continued, rubbing my arm and giving Tabby a wicked grin. "Phentera, please coordinate with Marny. We'll need you to watch the data-streams and alert her if Kroerak approach. Jester Ripples can you hang out on the bridge, just in case we need you to lift off?"

  Even though Phentera Group was interested in all things related to combat, they were just as pacifistic as the rest of the Jonathan collective and would not fire weapons. That said, you couldn't find better analysis of sensor data and they'd give Marny plenty of advanced warning if an attack were imminent.

  "Good choice on the armor," Tabby said.

  Semper outfitted herself in an armored vac-suit. She also had a heavy blaster rifle strapped to her back and the pistol I’d handed her was prominently displayed in a holster on her leg.

  She nodded and looked nervously at the airlock we'd be using to exit the ship. She had no grav-suit and would be tied to the ground, fodder for Kroerak. What she hadn't experienced, however, was just how effective the Iskstar-tuned blaster could be.

  "We're clear outside, Cap," Marny called.

  A familiar twinge of anticipation rushed through me as I palmed open the outer airlock. We were squishies entering a field of battle better suited to mechanized infantry, tanks and anything else with at least half an inch of nano-crystalized armor. Tabby and I both wore grav-suits and could sail up out of harm's way, but we were all vulnerable.

  "Any advice, Semper?" I asked as Tabby and I helped the armored Felio to ground level.

  "The female you saw in the trees is called Penda," Semper said.

  I mentally kicked myself for not engaging Semper earlier. She'd taken a not-speak-unless-spoken-to approach around Tabby and me and while I found the restraint admirable, this was once her home and she'd have valuable insight.

  "Not Neema?" I asked.

  "That is our familial name," Semper said. "It is used like Hoffen, but in reverse. Penda is Neema First. She is responsible for everything before us. Her mother was sister to Mshindi Prime's mother who is credited with building the wealth of Mshindi."

  "Which is it?" Tabby asked. "Mshindi or Neema?"

  "Neema is appropriate," Semper asked. "Mshindi is always Neema, but only the select become Mshindi. We should go this way. Please follow."

  "Did you live here?" Tabby asked as Semper ducked behind a building and climbed onto well-worn rocks that were too steep for walking. Even in the armored vac-suit, Semper exhibited the grace I'd come to associate with Felio as she clambered up the path.

  "This was my home. I am Penda's seventh daughter," she answered. "My heart was lightened to see her today. She will most likely not speak to me. I left our home and live as an outcast."

  "You are no outcast, Semper," I said. "You are of House of the Bold and I am proud to have you as part of my crew."

  "You're cheating, Hoffen," Tabby admonished, breaking the awkward silence that followed. "You could use a little exercise, you know. You don't always have to use your grav-suit."

  "I like to think of it as tactical preparedness. If there are Kroerak at the top, I'll be ready for them," I said.

  "Like I won't," Tabby grunted.

  "So why was your mom running around naked in the woods?" I asked.

  "She has called Atieno," Semper said. "The people return to the woods in the dark of night and hunt. Penda believes that Zuri will provide for the needs of the people and that technology weakens the spirit."

  "I thought this was the farm-team," Tabby said.

  "Yes. My mother, sisters and all of Neema work the farms," Semper said, reaching the top of the forty-meter climb. I'd already scanned the area and found neither Kroerak nor Felio.

  I chuckled, catching the farm-team reference that Semper hadn't. "I think Tabby and I were under the impression that to be Neema meant you were not chosen to be a warrior."

  "It is true, only the best warriors are chosen to be Mshindi," Semper said. "It is Neema that train these warriors when they are young. Please be still, Penda has arrived."

  We'd stopped only a few meters into the forest and my sensors showed nothing at all. Surprisingly, Semper pulled her long blaster rifle from her back and laid it on the ground. She followed by pulling off her helmet and then continued to disrobe until she was stripped down to nothing but fur.

  "Eyes front and center, Hoffen," Tabby said. While I wouldn't say I was gawking, I'll admit she was difficult to ignore.

  "Penda, protector of Neema, honored mother. I present Hoffen Liam, Prime of House Bold and his mate, Masters Tabitha, fourth of Bold. Mshindi Prime, Adahy, has sent us to offer respite in your time of Atieno," Semper called into the trees around us.

  Tabby turned a moment before I caught the slight movement in the trees. A dark-gray figure swung easily through the branches and fell seven meters to the ground. She landed gracefully in a three-point stance, bending her knees and swinging the sword she held out to the side. A moment later a second figure dropped to the ground: the red-brown Felio we’d seen from the ship.

  "Who are you to speak of Atieno, Semper, who left to work for Golenti?" the dark-gray female asked, stepping in front of the one I believed to be Penda. I looked back to Semper who, instead of responding, simply stared at the ground.

  "Hali, your sister honors us all," Penda spoke, bending at the waist and setting her sword on the ground. She ran gracefully to Semper and pulled her into an embrace. "I have joy at your return, Semper, my daughter."

  While Felio don't cry, they do have clues about their emotions in their posture. Semper's tail twitched wildly as she embraced her mother.

  "Mother, you stand before a Prime," Hali hissed, tail twitching for a completely different reason as she glared at the embracing women. Her words had their intended impact and Penda pushed away from Semper, holding her at arm's length for a moment before she turned to me.

  She straightened, her demeanor shifting from mother to leader in an instant. "Please, Bold Prime. I apologize for my break in etiquette. My breast overflowed with joy at the return of my daughter."

  Diplomacy was a skill I'd never been particularly good at. For me, honest and plain speech served where fancy words were unavailable. "Standing naked in this forest, wearing only your sword, you demonstrate the clarity of purpose that only war brings. Between us on this day, let there be no pretense. Semper is an honored member of House of the Bold and it brings me joy to see her reunited with family who we feared dead."

  "She is Neema and not strong enough to be Mshindi," Hali growled.

  Penda held up her hand to silence her daughter. "Is this true, Semper? Are you Bold?"

  "I am, Mother." I wouldn't have been surprised if Semper had lowered her head when she made the admission, but instead, she straightened and looked at Hali with fierce determination. "I am not the child who left to sit in Goboble's shack for pittance. I am not great with House of the Bold, but I have found my place."

  "Then today I am glad twice," Penda answered.

  The sound of blaster fire interrupted our conversation. I switched focus to my HUD and abruptly sailed up through the trees. Marny had engaged another band of roving Kroerak. Seeing that things were under control, I returned to ground only to find the group of
Felio had increased by a score. I wasn't sure what I found more disconcerting, the fact that I hadn't been aware of their presence or that I was now surrounded by so many naked Felio.

  "Semper, hand me your blaster rifle and pistol and put your suit back on," I ordered.

  "Yes, Prime," she answered. It wasn't lost on me that she used my Abasi designation rather than the ship’s, which was Captain.

  I'd learned a lot about the construction of blasters and knew that the tuning crystal I'd placed in the pistol could switch to the rifle without much effort. As Semper dressed, I swapped out the crystals and continued the conversation with Penda.

  "How many have you lost?" I asked.

  "We were six hundred forty and are now four hundred twelve," Penda answered.

  "How many Kroerak have you defeated?" I asked.

  Penda straightened with pride. "Thirty-two."

  "Three have been attributed to me," Hali added. "There is no need for Semper's help."

  "That's impressive," I said. "I have only killed a single warrior with a blade. I was lucky and had it not been distracted, I would be dead. But technology will win this war, not skill with a sword. Penda, Adahy is recalling House of Mshindi to Abasi Prime. She asked that I deliver this message and facilitate in any way possible."

  "A Felio's greatest weapon is her sword," Hali challenged, interrupting me for a second time.

  Annoyance flicked through Penda's whiskers as Hali again spoke out of turn. She started to reprimand her daughter when I stopped her.

  "If I may address the fiery Hali, honored Penda," I said.

  There wasn't much Penda could do to stop me. As a visiting Prime, I had quite a bit of latitude.

  "Of course, Bold Prime," she answered, clearly embarrassed.

  "Hali, you are plainspoken and focused as only one with a warrior's heart can be. I respect that," I said. "Today, your focus has not served you well. You see in me a hairless male, someone you could very likely best in hand-to-hand combat. You have missed important details that I haven’t shared out of a desire not to embarrass you."


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