The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 1

by Annabel Lucas

  The Boardroom

  The Complete Boxset

  Table of Contents

  The Boardroom

  The Bedroom

  The Waiting Room

  The Game Room

  The Playroom

  The Darkroom

  The Boardroom

  Annabel Lucas

  No part of this book may be reproduced, transmitted, or stored in an information retrieval system in any form or by any means, without prior written permission from the author.

  This book is a work of fiction. Any references to historical events, real people, or real places are used fictionally. Other names, characters, places, and events are products of the author’s imagination, and any resemblance to actual events or places or persons, living or dead, is entirely coincidental.

  All rights reserved.

  Copyright © (2020)

  Annabel Lucas

  This book is dedicated to my beloved.

  Thank you for always seeing the best in me. You are my love story.




















  S hane drew in a deep breath as she pushed away from her desk to stretch her arms above her head. Her head throbbed, and her back ached from hours of tedious work and the bad habit she had cultivated of hunching herself over her keyboard while she worked. Just a few more minutes, she thought to herself as she lowered her arms to continue her work.

  Her computer dinged as an instant messenger box appeared on the screen displaying a new message. Why are you still here? The message blinked at her. It was Ryan.

  Good question. She replied. Why was she still here? Her fingers clicked back a quick response.

  Just leaving.

  Heard that before. Came his reply. Don't stay long.


  With a click of her mouse, his words were gone. She smiled to herself as she tended to whenever she thought about Ryan. It was always nice to have someone notice her, but it was something else entirely when it was Ryan doing the noticing. When he paid attention or complimented her on a job well done, it offered its own kind of satisfaction. His attention never failed to please her or to spike her pulse rate. Usually, they worked the same hours, arriving early and leaving long after the masses had gone for the day. Wish he was working late tonight, she thought wistfully as her fingers flew over the keyboard, and she forced her attention back to the task at hand.

  When she looked up again, an hour had passed. Shane pushed a stack of papers out of her way and surveyed her desk with tired eyes. She was grateful for the office music playing. It made her feel less lonely. She rose to her feet, letting the tension of her workday shift away as she stretched her limbs and made her way out of her cubicle. She caught her reflection in the glass door of the office behind her and stopped to survey the day's damage. A pretty but tired looking girl stared back. Her dark hair was just a tangled mess of curls that fell well past her shoulders. Her blouse and fitted skirt were hopelessly wrinkled from sitting at her desk for so long. Shane stretched her arms above her head, lengthening her body to its full five-foot-five stature. The stretch ran through her body, making her muscles ache, and she wished she'd gone for that run this morning. After work, she was never good for a run.

  Her feet ached and her mind begged to rest, as she subconsciously went through her list of to-dos. She rejected the tasks as quickly as they came. The only to-do she felt obligated to was to check the breakroom, a single job that was really about twenty tasks, but who was counting.

  Shane was usually the office’s unnamed caretaker. The only one who ever thought to clean the break room or turn off the coffee maker. She headed toward the beacon of light across the office. The overhead lights dimmed automatically as she left the cubicles without motion to activate them. The darkness that lay over the office told her just how alone she was. As she walked down the corridor, the automatic lights were triggered, lighting her path. The empty office always felt a little too quiet.

  She straightened up the small kitchen, putting away a few items and mugs then reached into the top cupboard for supplies to fill the sugar and creamer. Her evening ritual included making the breakroom ready so that the first person in – Ryan - needed only to press the start button on the machine. She knew he appreciated the gesture and he did the same for her on nights when he was the last person to leave the office. Shane reached into the box of coffee and came up empty-handed.

  No coffee. Damn it. She and Ryan certainly weren't the only ones in the office who liked that morning cup of caffeine. They always kept an extra stash in the boardroom for client meetings, though. She should know. She was the one who kept it there.

  Shane retraced her steps out of the breakroom, and through the maze of cubicles. She dreaded the walk to the boardroom on the next floor up. She'd have to leave the secure area of her building and take the elevator or stairs. As she approached the landing and eyed the dark stairwell, the decision seemed made for her, she did not want to brave the stairs. Elevator it is then. She opened the heavy door that stood between her small office space and the rest of the building. Shane paused for a moment as she gathered her courage and dashed like a child to push the elevator button.

  The elevator engine whirred to life several floors down. She clicked her nails together impatiently and listened as it made its way to the fifth floor where she stood. Come on, she chanted in her head.

  Comeoncomeonecomeon. She watched the numbers climb slowly to the fifth story. The mirrored doors slid open with a friendly ding, and the sound echoed in the empty hall. Shane stepped toward the well-lit elevator and caught a glimpse of a figure behind her in the mirrored door. Her adrenaline spiked and a small scream escaped her lips as she spun on her heel, ready to run for her life. It took her a moment to register his grin.

  "Ryan!" Oh. My. God. Relief flooded her limbs, and she sagged against the wall. "You scared me to death."

  "Didn't mean to." Light danced in his eyes; his amusement evident. "I forgot my phone."

  She swatted at him. "You know I hate being here alone."

  "I know. I know. I'm so sorry." He teased, "I would've called, but…you know. I forgot my phone." He paused, glancing at the open elevator behind her. "Where are you going?"

  "To get more coffee. We're out. I thought there might be some in the boardroom."

  "Oh, nice." He nodded. "Want me to go with you?"

  She resisted her urge to brush away the offer, letting the words No, its fine. die in her throat.

  "I would love that," she replied. "Would you mind staying for a few minutes after so I can grab my things and we can leave together?"

  He glanced at his watch, "You know I would, but I've got a hot date tonight. I've got to go, Shanie." Her heart dropped a moment before she caught the tease in his eyes, a blush rising in her cheeks at the sound of the nickname that only he used. His laughter echoed through the empty halls. "Of course, I'll stay. Come on, let's get the coffee."

  He stepped onto the elevator with her. In tandem, they moved to the handrail at the back of the small sp
ace. He was so close. It was hard not to notice. Honestly, she always noticed Ryan- just like everyone else did. He was hunky and charismatic, always friendly and helpful. The closer their friendship grew, the more she liked him. With a slight shift, she felt him lean into her. Just for a moment while he adjusted his stance; his muscular shoulder pressed into her narrow frame, his pressure calculated, intentional. She willed her body to be still and let a moment pass before she looked up, not surprised to meet his steady gaze. A spark of mischief shone in his eyes, and she smiled. Shane leaned back and hoped he didn't notice how her knees trembled.

  Dark shadow lined his jaw. He'd had a long day too. Shane wondered how the stubble would feel under her fingertips. She let herself entertain the thought for only a moment before she brushed it away. The elevator had reached their destination. She moved away from him and stepped on to the executive floor.

  The emptiness of the after-hours office toyed with her mind again. The privacy made this little field trip for coffee feel more like a date than one final task to be completed. Twenty minutes ago, she couldn't wait to leave, and now she was grateful for the quiet. Ryan's presence alleviated her fear of the quiet building.

  Shane passed the large boardroom windows and let her gaze slide over the stately mahogany table. The room was formal, powerful. She pushed at the heavy double doors, and Ryan reached over her shoulder to help hold them open as she stepped into the room. She was aware of his nearness, his palm inches from her fingertips. The room was dark, lit only by low lights around the perimeter. Shane reached for the dimmer to turn up the lights.

  "Leave the lights off." His voice was low. It sent shivers down Shane's spine as her hand froze in the air, midway to the dimmer. The air shifted, and she felt him behind her, his breath warm against her ear. He did not touch her. She held her breath as he stood behind her, silent for a moment before he spoke. "Do you know where they keep the coffee?" Ever on task.

  "Here. I usually keep some in the cabinets," she paused. "Over here." Shane crossed the room in silence, acutely aware of the beating of her heart. She rummaged through the cabinets and came up empty. No coffee. "Maybe it's up here." She stretched up on tiptoe to open the cabinet door above her head and spotted the brown packaging of the coffee. Hands outstretched; Shane made an effort to reach the top shelf, but she wasn't tall enough

  "Find what you're looking for?" He was so close. Right behind her. How did he get so close? In a move to attain the coveted coffee beans, he reached over her, pressing his body against hers. Shane tilted her head and felt his breath against her cheek.

  He settled the fragrant bag of coffee beans into her hands. "Thanks," she said breathlessly. The next words tumbled out, spilling truth beyond what she held in her hands. "This exactly what I was looking for."

  He was silent for a minute as he considered the weight of her words, letting the true meaning circle between them. When he spoke, his voice was husky, and the words caught in his throat. "So…do you still need me then?"

  Shane fought to keep her breath even. "Yeah, I think I do." A low growl of approval came from his chest and she reveled in the sound of it, so easily identifiable as desire. Shane tipped her head back against his shoulder in an open show of reciprocation. Her mind was cautioning against what was coming next, but her body had its own agenda. Ryan's hand skimmed her waist, and his fingers splayed out across her belly. This is happening, she thought. This is really happening. He pulled her back towards him so that there was absolutely no space between them and held her tight. Knees trembling, she twisted her head to meet his eyes.

  "You want to get out of here?"

  Shane felt the whisper of his words against her neck.

  "Yeah," her voice was hoarse when she spoke. "I really do."

  "Me too."

  She turned into him as he lowered his head to hers. Shane felt his warm breath on her skin for a moment before his lips met hers. The kiss was gentle, exploring, then he pushed in deeper. His intensity grew, confirming the connection she'd felt for months. It was real, hidden behind his playful flirting manner, behind the tease. The glint that she had always noticed in his eyes had shown only a flicker of the desire she felt in his touch.

  He led her a few steps from where they stood, at attempt to leave the building. Shane glanced up at and him and caught his eye. His arms were around her pulling her close. Ryan dipped his head, and she felt his lips warm against her neck, sending thrills down her spine. She ran the tips of her fingers along his belt, she felt his narrow waist under the starched suit shirt. Shane wound her fingers through his belt loops, and leaned back, allowing him access to her throat. Ryan accepted her invitation. His touch slow and deliberate as he covered her exposed skin with a combination of whispered kisses, barely a brush of his lips, and his tasting tongue darting out now and then to lick and tease. Barely formed words slipped from her lips as gasps and moans.

  He pushed forward, bending her slightly backward and she moved easily under his touch. Ryan peppered small, firm kisses up one side of her neck and down the other. He paused, his breath warm on her collar bone as her chest rose and fell with the beating of her heart. He raised one of his hands from where it was gripped her waist and hovered it over the top button of her blouse in a silent question to which Shane nodded. His fingers immediately went to work to free her of the shirt, undoing the first few buttons. Maybe we could stay here just a little longer, Shane thought with a sigh of contentment as he pushed the blouse open. Murmurs of encouragement slipped through her lips. He traced a single finger down her chest between the swells of her breasts, which were being held up by her most beautiful white lace bra. Shane arched her back in invitation. Thank God I wore sexy underwear today. The stubble of his day-old shave prickled her skin when he leaned down to press his lips on the top of one breast. The bristles stoked the fire that was already heating up within her. That's what his five o’clock shadow feels like. Shane smiled and struggled to stand on trembling legs, nearly undone by his slow descent, when she felt his breath on her belly. Oh, God. Shane shifted in his arms and wrapped her fingers around his loosened tie, using it to pull him back up. Here baby, come here.

  She thought the words, and his body responded. Shane parted her lips and welcomed him with a kiss. He met her with soft lips and a probing tongue. She breathed into the kiss and pressed against the length of him. The kiss deepened and, she was lost; to his taste and his touch and the growing wetness between her legs. He held her tight, as one hand slid down to caress her ass. She groaned softly. His hands felt good. His touch was light and not enough to quell the growing thirst in Shane. She raised her leg and wound it around his right leg, the thick muscles of his left leg were wedged between hers. Murmurs of pleasure escaped her lips in soft moans, encouraging every touch. She felt his throaty reply as her name slipped from his lips and his second hand joined the first at her ass.

  The trembling in her knees was no longer caused by nerves but by the electricity in his touch. He stepped away momentarily but did not release her. His fingers danced down the inside of her arm; a maddening touch she wished would go on and on goosebumps rise in his wake. He found the tender skin of her wrist and his thumb traced circles into her palm. He slipped his hand into hers and led her across the dark room to the massive mahogany table.

  Shane surveyed the space. Floor to ceiling windows lined the room. High-backed chairs surrounded the table. Ryan, always a multitasker, kissed her while pushing chairs out of their way. He backed her against the table and, with one smooth motion, turned her around, so she was faced away from him and staring down the table instead into his eyes. Then he brushed her hair over one shoulder and kissed the back of her neck. His mouth was warm and wet, his five o'clock shadow prickling at her tender skin. Shane leaned into him as chills raced down her spine and goosebumps covered her arms.



  U nbutton your shirt." His voice was low. His words hung in the air between them.

  I guess we're
staying. She wanted to obey and yet she remained still, hypnotized by his touch. A shock jolted through her body as he kissed her neck, his mouth warm and wet. This time she felt his teeth against her skin. A love-bite.

  "Unbutton your shirt."

  If the last statement had been a question, this was not. With trembling fingers, she began undoing the last of the buttons. His fingers threaded through hers and he pulled the fabric apart, baring her lacy bra and flat stomach. The white lace provided a little protection against the bite of the cold room. She felt his chest rumble as he released a small grunt to show his approval. He slid his hand across the thin material that remained over her breast, his breath just as heavy as hers as he rolled her right nipple between his forefinger and thumb.

  His touch met no resistance.

  She sucked in a heavy gulp of air as he slid his fingers under the top of the sheer fabric and rubbed tiny circles around her nipple. Her nipples immediately stiffened under his touch and she released the air in her lungs. She leaned back, surrendering to him. His circling fingers were exploring and patient. Shane sighed as she felt her blouse slip from her shoulders and fall to the floor.

  Oh, God. His hands suddenly were everywhere. The fingers of one twisted her nipple, drawing warmth from her belly while the other caressed the rest of her, stroking over her stomach and dipping under her skirt to tease at the sensitive skin of her inner thighs. His twisting fingers alternated between breasts, pinching harder at times and making her let out startled and aroused gasps. When the slow build-up finally became unbearable, Shane turned to face him, and his mouth immediately went down and replaced those twisting fingers.

  "Ohhhhh," she moaned loudly, shivering in his arms. His fingers were nothing compared to the warm, wet heat of his mouth. Reaching through the darkness, her hands found his face and pulled him closer, tighter against her. Waves of pleasure from his hot breath and nipping teeth washed over her. With shaking hands, she willed his kiss to travel south and ease the need between her thighs. He pulled back and rose to his full height, stepping closer to her and lifting her onto the mahogany table. With a hand on her shoulder, he gently pushed her backwards onto cold surface of the table. Only then did Shane realize that her bra had fallen completely away.


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