The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 4

by Annabel Lucas

  Shane parked and let herself into the secured building. She slid out of the pumps and retrieved them in her free hand, then descended the stairs into her garden level condo. The heat of the day had not yet begun to break, but the space within the thick stone walls of the building remained dark and cold.

  Shane let herself in. She lived alone, and she loved coming back home to her space exactly how she left it. The décor was soft and feminine — plush pillows in soft shades of blue-lined the cream-colored couch. Her favorite throw was draped over the arm of the sofa. The small kitchen and living room faced a golf course and green space beyond. A few more steps would take her into her bedroom, where she enjoyed the same view.

  The condo community was relatively new. Her view of the back nine holes and foot traffic was usually sparse, even on weekends. She loved it here. In the morning, she enjoyed the light shifting gently into day, and at night she watched the sunset over the canopy of trees from the little patio outside her living room. It was quiet, and for some reason, the neighbors rolled in slowly, which was just fine with her.

  Dropping her things onto the couch, she pulled a bottle of wine from the fridge. She and Lila liked to drink the sweet stuff.

  Lost in thought Shane was startled by a loud knock on the sliding glass door. She turned to see Lila on the patio, bags of takeout in hand. Shane waved and hurried across the room to release the latch on the sliding glass door. Lila was breathless.

  “Girl, I got so much food. Tell me everything.”

  Shane laughed, relieving Lila of some of the bags. “Thank God. That smells amazing.”

  “Told you.” Lila crossed the room and hoisted the bags onto the breakfast island in the kitchen. Then she turned and wrapped her friend in a hug. Shane hugged her back, pressing her face into the shorter girl’s hair. Channel No. 5 filled her senses, a fragrance she would always associate with Lila. As always, her friend looked incredible; impeccably dressed, perfect hair, perfect nails. Today, Lila had a new purse, and Shane knew better than to ignore her friends’ most recent treasure.

  “Um, love the purse.”

  “Thanks.” Lila grinned. She loved being on the cutting edge and always carried a bag worth more than Shane would ever carry in cash. Lila slid into a chair and propped her chin in the palms of her hands. She looked like a little girl ready for story time. "Tell me everything."

  The night passed in a moment, a blur of giggles and detail. By the time they had consumed most of the food and wine, Lila had dragged out every detail of Shane and Ryan's encounter. Shane picked at what was left of the guac with a stale tortilla chip.

  “I can’t believe you are going out with him tomorrow,” Lila glanced down at her watch. “Today,” she corrected herself when she saw that it was past midnight.

  “Today?” Shane’s eyes grew wide. “What time is it?” Her full belly ached from laughing, and her mind was numb with wine.

  “Girl, late. Like 1:30 or something. I got to go.” Lila slid off her chair and wobbled. “I am so happy for you.” She lowered her voice, “I always knew he had a thing for you.”

  Shane laughed. “You did not.”

  "Oh, yes." She was serious now. "I did."

  Shane smiled and hugged her friend. “I don’t know if you should…”

  “Drive?” Lila supplied the word. “Hell no. I got an Uber comin’, don’t worry about it. It should be here pretty soon.”

  Shane followed Lila to the building's front door to wait. Lila gave her another quick hug and a kiss on the cheek before she was out the door, sliding into the front seat of the white SUV.

  "Text when you get home," Shane called after her.

  “Okay. I’ll get my car in the mornin’.” The drink brought out the southern drawl she worked so hard to eliminate.

  Shane nodded. "Okay. Love you. Thanks for dinner. It was so mmmm."

  Lila laughed. “Told you. Love you too.”

  Shane watched until Lila's Uber turned out of the parking lot. The summer night had cooled considerably, and now the warmth was welcome on her skin. Shane retreated into the building and let the heavy door close behind her. This time she descended the stairs much more carefully. She stepped into the apartment, feeling a little wobbly as she turned off the lights and locked the door behind her.

  Two empty wine bottles stood among the graveyard of takeout containers. Shane retrieved a wine glass from the wreckage and downed what remained in the glass. The buzz in her head made the warm wine taste better. Shane fussed about in the kitchen, straightening things and tidying. She wanted to minimize the amount of cleaning she’d have to do in the morning

  Her new dress and shoes lay where she’d left them after the brief fashion show for Lila, who had loved them. She hadn’t thought of what to wear under it yet. The idea made her tingly. She’d done enough for today. Her body was tired and wanted rest. The moon hung full and low, casting silvery light through the dark apartment.

  She'd been so excited about the date and dinner with Lila that she had not even bothered to change clothes after work. Shane slipped out of them now, and into the crisp cotton sheets of her bed wearing only her bra and panties. She shifted her feet to get warm and felt the draw of sleep. She was exhausted, and suddenly irritated by the lacy underwire bra. Shane unhooked the clasp and felt her body's sigh of relief as she slid it away from her skin. She snuggled into her pillow when she caught sight of her phone. It was glowing. Her purse lay open on the bed, an arm's length away, and her phone was inside. It’s probably Lila. She closed her eyes and rolled over but not drunk enough to ignore the guilt she felt at not checking to make sure her friend made it home safely.

  With a groan, she reached through the darkness to retrieve the phone.

  Lila had texted as Shane had asked. Home safe. TTYL.

  But Lila’s wasn’t the only message. She had a text from Ryan too. Suddenly, she wasn’t so tired anymore.

  Couldn't sleep. Are you awake? The text had come in 12 minutes ago.

  Her fingers moved over the keyboard. Hey.

  She waited for a response but, instead of a text, her phone screen filled with the picture of Ryan she used for his contact appeared. The photo showed a two-year younger Ryan, grinning ear to ear at a company picnic. To use the photo for her contacts, she'd cropped out other coworkers on their team who surrounded him. All she'd wanted was Ryan. Just like now.

  She slid her finger across the bottom of the phone to answer his call.


  “Hey.” His voice deep and husky with sleep. So sexy.

  “Can’t sleep?” She asked.

  “I slept for a while.” He chuckled. “But when I woke up, I was hungry and thinking about you.”

  She laughed, pleased at the thought of him lying in his bed sleepy and thinking about her. “What are you hungry for?”

  He laughed again, pausing for a moment. “I’m hungry but not for food.”

  “Ohhhh.” His answer pleased her. “You sure you don’t want some pizza or something?” she teased.

  “No, definitely not pizza. What did you do tonight?”

  “I bought some shoes and came home. Lila came over. We ate Mexican food and drank wine.”

  He laughed.

  “I drank most of it,” she continued, smiling at herself for causing him to laugh. “We got caught up...on all the latest.”

  “Caught up? With Lovely Lila.” he teased. “And you drank more than your share of wine?”

  She laughed. “I did.”

  “What did Lila have to say?”

  “She thinks it’s great.” The wine made her bold.

  "She thinks, what's great?"

  “You know, that you and me…” Shane paused for effect then whispered the next word, teasingly, “connected.” The room was suddenly too warm, so she pushed down the covers and splayed her legs over the rumpled comforter and white sheets. “And she really liked the shoes,” Shane added.

  Laughter burst out of the phone. "Connected, huh? Lila's in o
n our connection then?"

  “She is.”

  “What did you tell her?” Ryan asked.

  Shane paused. She cradled the phone against her ear with her right hand, her left-hand tracing lazy circles on her belly. “Well….” Her thighs tingled, and her body felt warm and languid and warm from the wine. “I told her that I was working late, and you were working late, and that we made coffee.”

  More laughter from his side of the phone. “And that was the end of the story?”

  "No," she was giggling now. "I told her that when you came to help me get coffee that we got distracted, and you gave me the best orgasms of my life.”

  He was quiet for a beat, and when he spoke again, the laughter was gone from his voice. "Tell me more.”

  “I told her about how you kissed me, and how it felt to have your hands on my skin.”

  “How did your skin feel?” He asked.

  “So hot, like I was burning up and couldn’t get close enough to you.”

  “Not close enough,” he echoed.

  “No.” The fingers of her left hand seemed to have a mind of their own, drifting lazily over her lacey panties. Fingers that now expanded their circles. She spread her knees slightly to make way for them, the warmth in her belly spreading. Shane knew when she touched the thin lacy fabric between her legs, that it would be damp.

  “What else did I do?” He asked.

  “You undressed me.” The tingling in her thighs began to creep upward.

  “I did.” His voice was husky with the memory.

  “What are you wearing now?”

  “Now?” She asked coyly. Her fingers dipped lower to explore the damp lace. Her nipples were erect, exposed in the cold air. Her heart skipped as he hummed in confirmation, blood pumping hard now. “Panties.”

  His voice was low and focused on her. “What color?”

  “Black.” Shane paused. “Black panties.”

  “Do you want to take them off?”

  She closed her eyes. “Yes.” The word left her lips on an exhale, her body responding to his voice and his suggestion.

  “Then take them off.”

  “Okay.” Shane hooked her thumbs under the elastic that hugged her hips and slid them down her thighs. She tossed them over the side of her bed, the delicate lace, discarded.

  “I took them off.”

  “Good girl.” His approval was evident. She shivered as if he’d touched her, his words felt like a caress.

  She spread her knees wider and closed her eyes, her fingers stroking the smooth skin of her outer lips. “What are you wearing?" She asked breathlessly.


  She slipped into the memory, remembering how he’d felt against her. Knees splayed wide; Shane stoked the fire that burned between her legs. Her fingers slipped deeper, mingling with pleasure and desire. She turned her head pleased to find the phone held securely pressed between her pillow and her cheek, leaving both hands free. She stroked her pussy, fingers circling her clit at a faster pace. With her free hand, she pinched and rolled the hard nipple of her right breast. She breathed into the touch, pleasure building.

  “Want me to take them off?” He was talking about the boxers.

  Ohhhhh God. Her breath hitched. "Yes, please." She could feel the muscles inside begin to tighten with anticipation. She wanted to wrap her hand around him, to feel him hard against her. Inside her.

  “Do your fingers feel good?” He was so bold.

  “Yeah.” The word escaped between breaths. Shane slipped two fingers inside and marveled at how hot it felt. She abandoned her breast, wishing he was there to take it in his mouth. With the fingers of one hand rubbing firmly on her clit, she stroked herself with two fingers, going deeper with each thrust.

  “I can’t stop thinking about you. How much I want to touch you.”

  His words washed over her, sending a fresh wave arousal between her thighs.

  “How much I want to taste you,” he continued. Her breath came out faster as she imagined his hands and mouth against her skin, touching all the places that she could not.

  “Shane, are your fingers inside you?”


  “Are you touching your clit?”

  “Yes,” she gasped, pressing down harder at his question.

  “Slow down, two fingers now." His voice was commanding, and Shane responded to it instinctively. “Fuck yourself slow.” Her body responded to his words, trembling with anticipation.

  “Fuck yourself like I would…” He paused. “If I were there. I'm going to make you cum, honey."

  “Ohhhhh.” Please god let him do that.

  "Deeper now. In and out." Her muscles tightened around the void her fingers left as they slipped out and built heat as she reentered, knuckle deep into her pussy. “Circle those pretty fingers around your clit honey, but don’t touch.”

  Shane slid her fingers in and out, moving through the smooth, taut muscles with the speed of spilled honey. She wanted to cum, but she wanted to please Ryan more. She did as he said, circling her thumb around her clit and teasing herself.

  "Listen to me, darlin'. Circle that little clit. Do not touch it. That is only for me, do you understand?”

  The idea thrilled her, and she let out a gasp as her fingers went deeper. "Yes."

  “That’s mine, honey, for my fingers to touch. Mine to taste.”

  God. Shane clenched around her fingers as she resisted the urge to press down on her clit.

  “No one else.”

  “Hmmmmm.” The heat spread through her belly to her legs.

  "Not even you. Now, keep those circles up and fuck yourself, just a little faster, honey."

  Shane was knuckle deep stroking that spot that would make her cum, while the fingers of her right hand moved in tight circles around her clit. Teasing, but not touching. The slow tremble of her thighs sped up as she fucked herself faster. She felt warmth curl deep in her belly.

  As if he read her thoughts, he said, "Let it climb, I’m gonna take you higher.”

  She focused on his voice, knees trembling, and her belly tight with anticipation.

  “Next time you cum honey, it will be with me inside you.” The heat rose through her thighs. She was shaking now, and her breaths were coming faster. She panted loudly as she thrust her fingers deep, feeling the heat build in her abdomen.


  “Wait.” It was not a suggestion.

  “Please.” Her voice trembled like the rest of her body did as she held back her climax.

  “I’m going to fill you up. I can’t wait to be inside you.”

  Her breathing matched the rhythm of her fingers, moving faster. As the climax rose, his words continued. “I can’t wait to touch you. To feel you when you cum.”

  “Ryan.” His name spilled from her lips. “Please.”

  “You want to cum, honey?” His voice teased, holding her right at the edge. Her whole body was shaking now with the effort to hold back the orgasm.

  “Yes, please." She breathed the words. "Please." She heard him chuckle. He liked the begging, and that thrilled her.

  "Then, cum, honey." And she let go. The orgasm flooded her limbs and she succumbed to it. Her pussy clenched around her fingers, sending waves of pleasure crashing over her. Her skin covered with a sheen of sweat, glistening in the moonlight as she arched into the orgasm, letting the sensations rush through her.

  He laughed, and she heard him saying her name. “How was that for you, honey?”

  She began to laugh. Hand still between her legs, clenched between her thighs, she shuddered as a tremor ran down her spine. “So good. That was so good.”

  “So good.” He echoed.

  “Mhmm.” She breathed deeply into the phone, completely satisfied.

  "Sleepy, Shanie?" His voice held the affectionate tease it so often did.

  “So sleepy.” Her body exhausted from the orgasm and wine. “Ry?” She paused. “I can’t wait to see you.”

  “I can’t
wait to see you.” He echoed.

  The thought filled her with warmth as the orgasm had. "Can you sleep now?" She asked.

  “Yeah,” he chuckled. “I think I can sleep now.”

  “Okay. Sleep good.”

  “You too, darlin’.” And he was gone.



  M orning came too soon. Sunlight streaming in through the livings room’s curtain-less windows paired with a horrible blaring noise pulled Shane out of the loving embrace of sleep. Her hand slapped blindly around the bed before her fingers found her phone. She tapped at the screen until the world was silent again. Shane luxuriated in her Saturday morning sleep and was annoyed with herself for forgetting to turn off her alarm the previous night. Her sleep during the weekends was deep and necessary. She rolled over and shut her eyes, willing herself to back to sleep when a new noise permeated the sweet silence of her home.

  She let her senses take in the noise without opening her eyes. It was persistent and regular. Her head pounded with each irritating demand for acknowledgment. Someone was knocking at the window in the living room.

  Shane opened her eyes and squinted. She was curled in her bed. The sheets around her formed a pocket of comfort and warmth.

  The night before came flooding back, and the knocking persisted.

  “Just a minute!” she called. Her voice was heavy with the remnants of her sleep, and she sat up slowly, looking around for her robe to cover her naked body. The loud knocking came again, and Shane scoffed. “Just. A. Minute.” What the hell time was it anyway? She sat at the foot of her bed, grumbling for a moment before she remembered. She and Lila had planned a mani-pedi date this morning.

  Shane slid off her bed, grabbing her robe from where it hung on her closet door. The cool silk shifted against her skin as she walked, made her shiver. She was sure now the visitor was Lila. Of course, it was. Only Lila would be this annoyingly persistent so early in the morning.

  “Lila. Honey, I'm coming.”

  Shane stepped into the living room to see her friend at the sliding glass door. Beautiful, sunny, not hungover Lila stood patiently waiting for her, coffee in hand.


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