The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission

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The Boardroom Series – Complete Boxed Set (Boxes 1 – 6) : An office romance turned seductive submission Page 34

by Annabel Lucas

  Tess laughed. "The taskmaster, huh?"

  Shane nodded, “Yeah, and it’s weird too because he’s usually the laid back one. He’s been driving the concept. The whole spread is about you,” Shane paused for a moment, “you and the vineyard.

  “It’s going to be a big spread featured at the exclusive Food and Wine Festival this summer. It’s all he talks about. You’ll love it.”

  “I’m sure I will.” Tess said.

  The road jogged, and the GPS chimed, alerting Shane to the change of direction. "I think I'm pretty close now, Tess. I should watch the directions, so I actually get to you.”

  "Yes, please. If you’ve reached the turn-off, you probably will need…”. Tess’s voice cut out, and Shane thought she’d lost her. Then her voice came through clear as a bell. “It’s a bit windy from there. Call if you need me."

  “Okay, see you soon.” Shane said, scanning the steering wheel for the button to disconnect the call.

  “See you soon.” Tess echoed and, she was gone.

  The GPS chime indicated she had, in fact, missed the turn. Shane continued down the road until she found a spot where she could turn back. Soon she was turning off the highway, climbing over the hills, then descending into the valley below.


  The Ranch

  R yan relayed the history of the vineyard, but it was actually the history of the valley. How the valley was especially fertile, and it was blessed by the sea. That was held sacred by those that lived there and all that came before them. The vineyard lay on the valley floor, protected from the sun and wind by the hills. The valley floor was fertile with vegetation, fed by the sea. Michael, Drew and Tess’s family have been there for generations. As she neared the valley floor, Shane could see fields filled with sun-ripened grapes.

  Behind her was the inland hillside, in front of her, beyond the valley, a smaller hill formed a protective barrier guarding the family farm against the seaside storms. Shane wound her way through the valley. It was incredibly lush. The line on the map between Shane and Tessa was barely present now, nothing but a blip.

  She'd been driving along a road that paralleled what she believed to be the Vino's vineyard. It lay beyond a split rail fence meant to deter trespassers; now, she came to the gate. It was built from the same sort of split rail as the fence and stopped under an elegant arch and what she could only assume was the Rossi's family crest -simple and beautiful.

  Shane considered the gate before she stopped the car and got out. She looked around tentatively before she crossed the road and unlatched the gate. It swung back open with a wheeze. Shane caught movement out of the corner of her eye and turned. Two dogs appeared on the horizon padding toward her, and she remembered that Ryan had said something about the presence of the family dogs.

  “They always have dogs, for company and vermin,” he had said. “It’s sort of secluded.” Shane eyed them warily.

  They were not small dogs; they were also too close to do much about if they were not friendly dogs. Shane eyed them warily and continued to open the gate, quite aware of the distance between herself and the car door.

  Shane latched the gate to a pole and eyed the dogs. The larger of the two was a dingy white and moved with its head hung low. It trotted up the road in her direction, but not exactly to her. She moved back to the car door and slipped in. The smaller of the two dogs had a sandy color with a similar build, only smaller. It followed up the rear. Shane watched them carefully as she drove through the gate, stopping just beyond the threshold so she could pull it closed. Shane waited for a moment, watching to see what the dogs would do. They dogs circled the car and seemed satisfied with her presence; ignoring her when she slid out of the car. By the time she'd latched the gate closed behind the little yellow car, they were trotting back up the road. The road, she assumed, lead to Tess.

  Ryan was right. The house was secluded. She turned the memory over in her mind, and it wasn’t quite right. He hadn’t said secluded. He’d said isolated, and it was. She passed fields of grapes and vines until the house took shape in the distance. The GPS had begun to fade in and out, a testament to the poor cell phone service. No matter, though, she was close now.

  Shane turned a bend and felt her jaw drop. Ryan had been right, again. It was a sprawling ranch. He hadn’t relayed its beauty. The house was built of white stone topped with terracotta shingle; nestled into a perfectly manicured lawn. The landscaping was immaculate; and alive with color and flowers in bloom. Apparently, all the flowers were in season. Shane approached the house with its impressive drive and decided to take the spot closest to the front door. By the time she'd put the car in park, the dogs had reappeared. This time they approached her with an easy gait, their mistress following up the rear.

  Tess was breathtaking. She wore a simple white sundress, and her feet were bare; her golden hair glinted in the sunlight. Shane watched her move, seeking shape under the shifting sundress; she could not help but smile. Shane was more than glad, she'd come.

  Shane raised her hand in a half wave, grinning as Tess crossed the distance between them, her bare feet barely touching the ground. In a breath, she was there, warm and soft as she wrapped her arms around Shane.

  Shane breathed her in, taking in her sweet smell, her face covered by Tessa’s golden hair.

  "Well, hello." She said and buried her face in the taller girl's shoulder. Tess was soft, her skin warmed from the sun. Before she could stop herself, Shane had pressed her lips to Tessa’s shoulder, giving her a kiss. In response, Tess’s little hands were on her face, bringing her close with a kiss. Shane found her lower lip caught between Tess’s sucking, tasting lips as her tongue slipped into Shane’s mouth. Shane met her where she stood, pulling the girl closer.

  Tess broke the kiss reluctantly, her forehead pressed against Shane’s. "Well, hello, yourself." She said, taken with the moment. Shane wasn't sure she would go on, and then Tess said softly. "I'm so glad you're here."

  Shane blushed. “Me too.”

  The smaller dog brushed against Shane's leg, and she looked down to greet her new friend, still holding on to Tess. “Who’s your friend?”

  Tess bent down, reaching for the dog and scratching it behind the ears. “This needy little girl is Sammie.”

  Shane nodded at the bigger white dog, “and that one?”

  “Well, that would be, Ty.” At the sound of his name, the dog approached and slid his head into the palm of Tess’s waiting hand. Ty was not a small dog, the top of his shoulder landed midthigh for Tess.

  “Ty and Sammie?” Shane asked. Sammie cocked her head when Shane spoke her name.

  “That’s right,” said Tess, glancing at the dogs. “Ty and Sammie.”

  “Come on in,” she said, reaching for Shane’s hand. “I’ll show you around. You hungry?”

  Her stomached growled at the inquiry, and Shane laughed. "Very. I stopped at a little fruit stand farmer's market and got some goodies. I've been starving since." She said, nodding to the front seat and her recent purchase.

  “Well, then. Let’s get you settled and fed.”

  Shane went around the car and pulled her suitcase from the trunk, as Tess took her carry on from her and retrieved the goodies from the fruit stand from the front seat.

  “Here, this way,” Tess said, “I’ll show you your room.” Shane followed Tess through the double doors into the house.

  The wood in the house was dark and matched the heavy artisan doors. Moroccan rugs colored in reds and oranges covered potions of the hardwood floors. The walls throughout the house were a soft shade the color of sandstone. Shane breathed into the space, feeling warm and welcome.

  The entryway was wide and open, with the kitchen to the left, and a large dining room to the right. A large sitting room straight ahead. She stood in the entry way taking in her new surroundings. On the dining room table sat an enormous bouquet of tulips shades of pink, orange, yellow, and red.

  Tess took a left before she got to the sitting room
and passed the kitchen. Beyond the sitting room lay a terrace and a glorious pool.

  "Oh, Tess, its beautiful," Shane said as she walked closer, enchanted.

  Tess cast a backward glance at Shane.

  “It’s the place that feels most like home to me, and you know the boys aren’t really ever here anyway, they’re usually off doing their thing. Michael mans the vineyard in Vegas, Oh god. I promise to show you that property as well…” her voice trailed off. “one of these days. And Drew, well, you know he's with Micah for now.” another pause. “He’s always loved it in Italy. Believe me, you, he’d take an extended stay there any day.” The dogs followed her as she walked, and she knelt down to pet Sammie. “Plus, with them gone, who would take care of Sammie and Ty if I wasn’t here?”

  Tess, the powerhouse, Shane had witnessed her first night in Vegas had softened. Shane wasn’t quite sure what to make of it. Tess shifted between soft and playful to unyielding; and now back to soft and playful. Maybe that was part of the game. It certainly held her interest. Shane felt a flush of desire as she remembered their night in Vegas and wanting to play some more.

  She pulled her mind away from the memory and focused on her friend. Tess was still giving the tour.

  “My suite is at the end of the hall. I thought just for a little space, you could have your own room here." Tess said, pointing to the bedroom closest to hers and entered the room as she continued to speak. “Then we’ll put Ryan here when he comes.” Tess gestured to the second room off the hallway. “I imagine we’ll sleep where we like, but that gives each of us our own space.”

  Shane nodded and felt a blush rise to her cheeks. “That sounds great."

  Tess nodded. "Would you like to get settled, and then we head to the beach?"

  Shane nodded again. “Yes, actually. I’d love it.”

  Tess smiled and leaned in, to kiss Shane’s cheek. “Get changed, then we’ll go.”

  Shane nodded and slipped into her bedroom, closing the door behind her. The room did, in fact, have a California king-sized bed. It was enormous. Shane slipped out of her flip-flops and felt the thick plush rug under her feet. She pulled her top over her head and shimmied out of her pants. Off, off, and off. She wanted out of those things. The California weather was suddenly too beautifully warm to be in stretchy pants and a hoodie. As she changed, Shane surveyed her surroundings.

  The bedroom stayed with the general theme of the house, but the bed was covered in a thick down comforter. She pulled it back to expose fresh linens with hospital corners. Someone used to making beds made this one. The sheets smelled like lavender, the cotton lovely and cool. Opposite the bed stood a floor-length mirror, beside a small dresser. Two nightstands flanked the bed on either side. The bedroom’s back wall was lined with windows, sporting the same lovely view of the pool she’d seen from the sitting room. Shane pulled the blinds to get a better view. The pool was pristine. It stood empty and crystal clear.

  Above her, a large ceiling fan turned slowly, allowing a cool breeze on a warm California day. She pulled the suitcase up onto the bed and unzipped it, searching for her bathing suit. Her hand clasped a two-piece suit, one she’d not yet worn. It was something she picked up last summer but had been too busy to actually use. Shane remembered it had been a bit snug when she got it. Now she slid into it and was pleased to find it complemented her figure quite nicely.

  Shane eyed her reflection in the mirror. She twisted from side to side to see her freshly painted toes, slender legs, and flat belly. When she'd found out about the trip, she'd paid a special trip to the saloon and for a Brazilian wax. While not the most delightful experience, she was glad now. Her naked pussy felt divine in the teeny tiny bikini bottom.

  The top was a halter, connected at the nape of her neck. It formed to her breasts and held her securely by a clasp in the back; no strings to tie here. It would not come undone by a wave or untimely dive. Shane slid her feet into her flip flops and pulled a t-shirt over her head. The t-shirt came mid-belly and left her entire lower half exposed.

  Shane gathered her clothes into her arms and moved her things to the dresser before she tucked her suitcase into a corner of the expansive closet. There, Shane found a small beach bag packed with a towel and sunscreen. Amazing. This place was like a hotel.

  Shane slung the bag over her shoulder. She left her cell phone and purse on the bed where they lay. She was looking forward to the disconnect. Just as she was leaving, a thought occurred to her, and she retrieved the phone.

  Her fingers scrolled over her messages, looking for their last text. “Ry made it safe. The house is gorgeous. Heading down to the beach right now. Talk soon.” Then she tossed the phone on the bed, not waiting for his reply. Shane closed the door gently behind her as she left her room.

  “Tess?” She called out as she wandered down the hallway toward the sitting room and absorbed the ambiance of the great room. French doors at the back of the house opened up to the covered terrace and pool. Beyond the pool, lay an expansive lawn. The same carpet of grass she’d observed on her drive in. It appeared the lawn crew had arrived. Three men tended the perfectly manicured lawn and plants. So that’s how she keeps it looking like this.

  Shane returned to her search, turning away from the lawn crew and tried again. “Tess?”

  “Here, Shanie." Shane smiled at the nickname only Ryan, and now Tess used it for her.

  "The house is so big!” Shane called back. “A girl could get lost.”

  Shane heard Tess’s laughter lilt down the hall. “A girl could get lost,” Tess echoed.

  Shane frowned, her laughter coming a bit more hesitantly. “Tess?”

  “Right here.”

  At first, Shane thought she was in the kitchen, but that wasn't right. The kitchen was also empty; devoid of Tess. Shane moved down the hallway, thinking Tess was in her bedroom, but that was wrong, now her voice sounded closer. Getting warmer. As Shane approached her own room, she noticed the door was slightly open. A moment ago, she'd left it closed. Shane raised an eyebrow as she approached the door. She pushed gently, and the door swung inwards.

  Tess was seated on the bed, her golden hair hung loose around her shoulders. She was perfectly naked.


  Let Them Watch

  S hane’s stomached dropped. Her dismay at being unable to locate her friend in the big house, replaced with delight.

  "Oh, there you are," Shane said as she leaned against the door frame, eyeing the treat that lay before her. Tess was just as Shane had remembered, simply perfect. Her lovely languid body held no tan lines, save the slight shift in skin tone at the bend in her hip. Her perfect breasts were perky. Nipples tight and slightly upturned, as if wanting for a kiss.

  “I thought we were going to the beach,” Shane said with a smirk on her face.

  “I thought so too,” Tess said. “But then I realized I haven't seen you for weeks, and I wanted to see a little more before we head out."

  Shane’s smirk grew to a smile. She started towards Tess mouth-watering. Shane had caught movement out of the corner of her eye and stopped in her tracks.

  "Tess," she said, laughing, incredulous. “Your lawn crew is here. Let me close the blinds…” Shane started passed her, and Tess caught her hand.

  Shane laughed, a startled sound that died away as Tess pulled her in. She was so close now, Shane stood between Tessa’s open thighs. An invitation. Her hands roamed, moving gently over Shane’s face and neck. Tess dug her fingers in Shane’s hair as she gently kissed her. Lips on lips, Shane succumbed to the kiss and it occurred to Shane that Tess tasted of strawberries.

  Shane's tongue slipped through into Tess's mouth, and she felt more than heard her gasp. She slid her hands over Tess’s hips, reveling in the warmth of her golden skin; reacquainting herself with the girl’s shape.

  Tess pulled her close until Shane’s body was pressed hard against Tess’s, leaving no space between them. Shane’s belly pressed flush against Tess’s, hip bones on hip bon
es. Tess’s legs spread wide to make space for her and she couldn’t get close enough.

  Tess’s fingers skirted under the edge of Shane’s bikini bottoms, and Shane’s heart fluttered. Tess deepened the kiss for a moment before she pulled away. Her eyes never left Shane’s, as Shane slid her perfect white bikini bottoms down to the floor. Tess’s lips curled into a smile; Shane had known Tess would appreciate her soft exposed pussy. Shane stepped out of the bikini bottoms and reached behind her back to unclasp her top. She wished momentarily for strings and bows. Then leaned in closer to Tess, for another kiss as her fingers released the clasp behind her neck.

  Tess’s hand cupped her almost free breast, running her hand over Shane’s already hardened nipple. It was a light barely-there movement that left her wanting more. Her other hand had already found Shane’s naked hip. Pulling them together, skin on skin. Tess’s hands in her hair. Her lips wet and wanting, tongue tasting. Shane moved forward, pressing Tess backward into the bed. She wanted to lie down with her, to be free of clothes and space, to be lost to touch; to explore and be explored.

  Shane felt Tess smile through the kiss. Tess moved backward, crawling onto the expanse of the bed, and Shane followed. Tess allowed Shane to move her momentarily then shifted her and Shane found herself lying beside Tess on the California King.

  “Such a pretty little kitty.” Tess cooed, her hand moving lightly over Shane’s exposed nether lips. Connected by the kiss, as Tess murmuring to her between tastes. Shane’s perky nipples stood hard and at attention. Her belly flat, trembling, as Tess’s fingers moved over her skin. The touch traveled over her collarbone, up and over the nape of her neck, and into her hair as Tess kissed her. Tess deepen the kiss until she dominated Shane’s mouth with hers. Shane moaned into the kiss, wanting more. She felt Tess’s fingers trace her collarbone, down, between her breasts, drawing circles on her belly. As the perfectly manicured fingers, sent goosebumps racing over her skin. Shane raised her knees, spreading them wider, wanting the southbound touch.


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