Harley Merlin 12

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Harley Merlin 12 Page 6

by Bella Forrest

  “Actually, we’re in a rush,” Harley cut in, ever the good sister. “Can we catch up another time?” Now that she knew the stakes, it seemed to be working in my favor.

  O’Halloran frowned. “Yes, I suppose it can wait. But didn’t you say you were coming to find me?”

  “We were just going to stick our heads in and say hello on our way to see the others,” Harley replied without missing a beat. Oh, she was good. I’d forgotten how good.

  I missed you, sis. I really did.

  O’Halloran nodded. “Right, you must be looking forward to seeing them after being away so long.”

  “Very much so,” I said.

  “Then, I won’t keep you. But I do want us to continue this talk later,” O’Halloran insisted.

  I smiled sweetly. “Sure thing, Director.”

  Leaving a curious O’Halloran and a nagging Diarmuid behind, Harley and I pressed on.

  “Thanks for that,” I whispered. I expected a “no problem” or a “don’t mention it.” Instead, Harley turned to me with a furrowed brow.

  “I just hope you know what you’re doing,” she said firmly. “And, please, remember your promise. As soon as this starts to sour, you tell me so we can figure something out together. Just because I can’t help you now doesn’t mean I’m not ready to dive in at a moment’s notice.”

  “Hey, I’ll stick to my promise, you stick to yours.”

  “Fair exchange.” Her lips turned up in a slight smile. “On one condition.”

  I squinted at her. “What condition?”

  “You come to Ignatius’s Restaurant tonight at eight o’clock.”

  I groaned. “I’m not in the mood for dinners and stuff. Anything that requires more than a T-shirt and jeans, I’m out.”

  “Not taking no for an answer, Finch. You’re hauling your ass to Ignatius’s tonight, or I will flay you.”

  “Maybe I’ll flay myself and make you stare at my sinews over spaghetti Bolognese. I bet that’d put you off. Is it mincemeat, is it Finch, who knows?” I managed my first real laugh. What could I say? I was hilarious, even in a deteriorating mental state. Maybe more so.

  She shot me a withering look. “Eight o’clock. Be there. I mean it.”

  “All right, all right, I’ll be there. I’d rather sit through a meal than have you chasing me around, guilt-tripping me for the rest of my life.”

  “Good.” She smiled, evidently satisfied.

  My phone pinged. I took it out and hardly dared to look at the screen, in case it was another autocorrect minefield from Erebus. Instead, Melody’s name flashed. Puzzled, I swiped the banner and read the message:

  Hi Finch! Hope you don’t mind, but we had a change of plans. I’m outside the Fleet Science Center. Luke’s here, too. I managed to badger him into submission! Yayyyy! Come let us in.

  I rolled my eyes. Of course she’d badgered Luke into bringing her here. That man just couldn’t say no to her big eyes. The moment I’d indulged in a bit of showboating and mentioned knowing Tobe back at the monastery, I should’ve known it’d spell trouble. Melody had a weakness for all things knowledgeable, including the Bestiary, and she wouldn’t leave until she’d seen it herself and spoken to its big pussycat of a guardian.

  “Who is it?” Harley asked, like a paranoid girlfriend.

  I put the phone away. “Come with me. There’s someone I’d like you to meet.”



  “Should I be worried about who we’re meeting?” Harley asked as we exited the coven and headed through Kid City. A few rug rats ran around making a nuisance of themselves. Tommy Pickles had Chucky in a headlock while their moms chattered amongst themselves, talking about their plans for next weekend.

  “Nope. She’s all cotton candy and fairy dust.”

  Harley pulled on my arm. “Are you being sarcastic?”

  “For once, no.” A few minutes later, we made it through the glass doors of the Fleet Science Center and out into the warm sunlight. I drank it in and enjoyed the gentle breeze drying the sheen of sweat that had beaded on my forehead. Here comes the excessive sweating Melody warned me about… The laundromat better be ready. My hands trembled slightly, but I shoved them in my pockets to hide it. It would pass, like it had at the table with the Winchesters.

  Melody being here had amped up my nerves and set the gremlins jittering. I mean, she hadn’t really given me time to scope out the security measures. Then again, the SDC had security up to the eyeballs after the Katherine-Imogene fiasco. O’Halloran had implemented every protocol around. After a lifetime in covert military operations, he was practically the maestro of all things security. Without him, Harley and Wade wouldn’t have had their shiny new uniforms. Even so, having the Librarian here just stank of a bad idea. It brought a different kind of danger—one that O’Halloran might not have prepped for.

  “Finch!” Melody waved from a short way up the road. Luke stood beside her, as ever.

  “I’ve got to say, this is an unexpected surprise,” I said dryly.

  Luke grimaced. “For you and me both.”

  “Did she take all your toys away, until you promised to bring her?” I arched a knowing eyebrow.

  “I tried to sit and wait for you to come back, I really did, but it seemed more useful if we were close by. I realized you might not know what you… uh… needed, so I thought we could drop in and make sure everything was clear as crystal,” Melody replied, blinking innocently up at Luke. “I also convinced him it would be an invaluable learning opportunity, and you know me—I love a learning opportunity.”

  I gave a weary smile. “Queen of the bibliophiles.”

  “I like that!” She beamed, making it difficult to hold a grudge. She absolutely shouldn’t have been here, but how could anyone say no to that enthusiasm? It radiated out of her, like a perpetual kid on Christmas.

  “Sorry, my brother is terrible at social etiquette,” Harley interjected. “I’m Harley Merlin.”

  “Oh, I know!” Melody chirped. “Everyone knows who you are. I’ve heard all about you from the papers, and the news, and from Finch, of course. The way he speaks about you is so beautiful. I can tell you mean a lot to him. You know, I always wanted a sibling, and I used to beg my mom and dad for a little brother or a sister, but they said they were happy with just me. And I suppose you can’t force them, can you?”

  “You might consider taking a breath there, Melody,” I teased.

  Her mouth fell open. “I’m so sorry, Harley. I’ve been rabbiting on without letting you get a word in edgewise. I guess I’m the one who’s forgotten my social graces.” She put out her hand. “I’m Melody Winchester, and this is Luke Prescott. He goes everywhere with me.”

  I cast him an amused look. “He really does. Stuck to her like glue.”

  “Well, it’s nice to meet you, Melody.” Harley shook her hand, then moved on to Luke. “Are the two of you together, then?”

  Melody giggled nervously. “No, nothing like that. He takes care of me. A bodyguard of sorts… not that I need a bodyguard! There’s nothing special about me, unless you count being a Winchester as special. My parents are just overly protective, so he goes where I go.”

  Oh, Melody. That mouth of yours will get you in trouble one of these days. She’d babbled a little too much. Harley could sniff a rat from twenty feet away, and we were a lot closer than twenty feet. I hoped she’d chalk it up to youthful exuberance and Melody’s tangible elation at meeting the famous Harley Merlin. Meanwhile, Luke tried not to look crushed. I had to hand it to the guy: he had perseverance by the bucketload.

  “A Winchester? As in the—” Harley started to speak, but I cut her off.

  “Yep, the rifle guy and the creepy house. It’s got spooks coming out of every outlet.”

  Harley frowned at me. “How do you know?”

  “That’s where I’ve been the last couple days,” I whispered. “I met these guys on my latest mission for the E-man. They were supposed to wait in San Jose, but I guess
they just couldn’t stay away.”

  “I really did try,” Melody said, her tone apologetic. She couldn’t fool me. She was itching to get inside the SDC and pick Tobe’s brain.

  “How did you even get here?” I eyed her curiously.

  She flushed. “Chalk door. I picked up a thing or two from you.”

  “Of course you did,” I mumbled.

  “So, you’ve told your sister?” Luke came in, the voice of solemnity.

  I sighed. “Turns out, honesty is the best policy. Who knew?”

  “Doesn’t that put her in the same predicament as the rest of us? You, me, Melody, Kenzie, and that human girl?” I knew he’d deliberately pretended to forget Ryann’s name, and I didn’t bite.

  “Harley knows what we’re up against, better than most. She’s not going to put herself in the firing line—isn’t that right, sis?” I put my arm around her shoulder and gave her a jolt of a hug.

  Harley gave me a sharp hug back. “That’s right, bro.”

  “Look at the two of you!” Melody cooed. “It’s everything I imagined. You must be the most formidable pair of siblings on Earth.”

  “Don’t forget the Basani twins,” I retorted. “Their ears are probably burning.”

  Melody pulled a sour face. “They’re nothing but a couple of fakers compared to you two. I don’t see either of you plastered over the front cover of glossy magazines, selling photos to add a few zeroes to your bank accounts.”

  I swept back my hair theatrically. “I’m camera shy.”

  “And the press doesn’t want any photos of me besides the candid, unflattering ones of me crossing the street without makeup and my hair all over the place,” Harley added. “I swear, they know when it’s laundry day.”

  “Once, they took one of her trying to get her mouth around a double cheeseburger. Funniest thing I’ve ever seen, like a demon trying to devour someone’s soul. I’ve got it framed.” I shot Harley an evil grin, feeling slightly more like myself. She’d had that calming effect on me ever since our cult experience. Either that, or the six pills I’d taken were finally kicking in.

  “Well, let’s not leave our guests out in the cold with that image stuck in their heads,” Harley announced. “Let’s get you inside.”

  “Can we see the Bestiary?!” Melody blurted.

  Harley straightened in surprise, a flicker of caution in her eyes. “The Bestiary?”

  “Nothing to worry about. She’s got a thing for Tobe, that’s all,” I explained. “There’ll be posters on her walls after this.”

  “Finch!” Melody protested. “Don’t make it sound weird. I’m simply interested in hearing what life is like for a thousand-year-old Beast Master, and I’d love to see the creatures he cares for. I know a lot about them, but I haven’t had the chance to actually see Purge beasts, so I’m very curious.”

  “It’s a heck of a place.” Harley’s shoulders relaxed. “And I’m sure Tobe would be happy to talk with you for a while. He’s good like that. Honestly, I think everyone who meets him falls in love a little bit.”

  I wrinkled my nose. “Gross.”

  “You’re no exception, Finch. I’ve seen you go in for a hug when you think nobody’s watching,” she replied, grinning. Luke smirked, no doubt stowing that knowledge away for a rainy day.

  “Hey, sometimes a man just needs to be held by a six-foot-something lion-eagle hybrid!” Tobe really did give damn good hugs. A living teddy bear, exactly what a person needed.

  We headed back inside the Fleet Science Center, past the warring brats and through the fire exit behind Kid City. Melody and Luke waited behind us as Harley did the honors. She placed her hands on the door, said the Aperi Portam spell… and nothing happened.

  “Having problems?” I poked my head over her shoulder. “Does it need a gentler touch?”

  “No, I’ve got it.” She tried again, but the door didn’t open.

  “Is everything okay?” Melody fidgeted. Could the coven sense what she was?

  Harley pushed her hand firmly against the door. “It’s fine, it’s just stubborn. After everything that happened last year, it’s got a vendetta against newcomers.”

  “Ah, yes, the sentience of a coven.” Melody’s eyes twinkled, and I sensed another incoming encyclopedia entry. “It’s fascinating how they have a life of their own, in a way. They are living, breathing entities, the same way we are. Magicals often forget that. Some aren’t even aware of it.”

  “I said, APERI PORTAM!” Harley boomed at the poor door. The words thundered out of her like she was about to wrangle a horde of gargoyles. The interdimensional bubble fizzed in fright, and the door popped open a second later.

  As head tour guide, minus the flag and name badge, Harley took us straight to the Bestiary. It looked like she couldn’t resist Melody’s passion for knowledge, either. The entire trek, Melody prattled on about covens, Purge beasts, the former directors of the SDC, and a million other things. I let her voice wash over me, not because she bored me, but because I just didn’t have the stamina to listen.

  Harley shoved the heavy double doors that opened out onto the majesty of the Bestiary. I doubted the novelty would ever wear off. Melody’s eyes transformed into saucers.

  “Oh my,” she gasped.

  I flashed her a smile. “Lions, and tigers, and bears.”

  Speaking of lions, Tobe stood before the huge atrium, its silvery veins sparking and glinting as it sent power to all the covens of the world. Another figure stood with him, the two of them in deep conversation.

  “Is that Leonidas Levi?” Melody whispered, her voice filled with awe.

  I puffed out a breath. “Unfortunately, yeah.”

  He didn’t look good. Sweat drenched his white shirt, which made for uncomfortable viewing—I could see more of Levi’s chesticles than I’d ever wanted to. Dark circles ringed his eyes, and he looked to be panting despite standing still. Every couple seconds, he mopped his forehead and neck with a dirty-looking handkerchief. Ugh…

  “Tobe, we’ve got someone here to—” I started to introduce Melody, but she beat me to the punch.

  “It’s an honor, Mr. Beast Master!” She actually bowed. “My name is Melody Winchester, and I’ve been looking forward to meeting you for such a long time. And, may I say, you have a beautiful Bestiary. Honestly, my mind is blown. This is all so… amazing.”

  Tobe flashed his fangs in a surprised smile. “It is a pleasure to make your acquaintance, Miss Winchester. I would be delighted to show you more of the Bestiary, once I finish this discussion with Mr. Levi.”

  “Forget it. We were done anyway,” Levi muttered. Who peed in his cornflakes?

  Harley tilted her head. “Are you okay, Levi?”

  “I’m fine. Why wouldn’t I be fine when it is about a hundred degrees in here and my head is pounding?” He smeared the handkerchief over his brow. “You go and show them around, Tobe. I need to sit for a minute and catch my breath. Must you keep it so warm in here?” He fanned himself with his hand.

  “It is not so warm, Levi.” Tobe put his paw on Levi’s shoulder. “Are you sure you are quite well? Perhaps you should visit Dr. Krieger.”

  “I’ve got too much to do to bother with doctors,” Levi huffed and sat on the nearest glass box. “Go on, what are you all gawping at? Pay no attention to me while I slowly melt. If you find a puddle when you return, pour me in a jar and bury me.”

  Tobe ushered us away. “I think it may be best to leave him to his own devices.”

  I glanced over my shoulder as Tobe led us to a different part of the Bestiary. Levi hunched over, dabbing his face and taking deep breaths. He definitely needed to see Krieger, even if it was only a case of man-flu.

  “If anything specific tickles your fancy, Miss Winchester, you must tell me, and I will ensure you get ample viewing time.” Tobe paused beside a large box with swirling black smoke inside. He sang softly, and unexpected tears sprang to my eyes. His voice urged the black smoke to solidify. Four creatures appeared, wit
h the legs of goats and the upper halves of men. They trotted up to the pane and peered out.

  “What’s that song?” Melody sniffled, wiping her eyes. Even Luke seemed to be having trouble.

  “It is the Song of the Satyrs,” Tobe replied. The song lingered in the air, choking me up.

  Melody approached the glass. “These are satyrs?”

  “They are, Miss Winchester.” Tobe stood beside her, his arms tucked behind his back underneath his folded wings. “I thought we could begin with the most familiar Purge beasts before moving on to the more obscure creatures.”

  “They’re beautiful,” Melody whispered. “I knew they would be.”

  Tobe smiled. “I am pleased you think so.”

  “So, where are the others?” I sidled up to Harley while Melody admired the satyrs.

  “You’ll see them soon enough,” she replied distractedly. “Right now, I’m more interested in your new friend. Who is she? And don’t tell me she’s just a Winchester, because I won’t believe you. There’s something… odd about her. Not a bad odd, but something’s not quite right.”

  Smelling that rat, are we?

  “She’s just a friend helping me out.” I wanted to see if Harley could figure this out on her own. As far as I knew, she had never encountered another Empath. And I was dying to find out what happened when Empaths collided. Could they read each other?

  “Bullcrap,” she hissed. “What’s the deal with her?”

  I shrugged. “You tell me, Mademoiselle Empath.”

  “You’re infuriating.”

  I knocked into her gently. “I love you, too.”

  “I’m already using my Empath abilities, dumbass. That’s how I know something’s off,” Harley explained. “I can sense something special about her.”

  “Like what?” I probed.

  “I don’t know. It’s hard to tell. It’s not like I can read her mind—it’s a sensation I feel.” Harley scrunched her face up, deep in thought. “It’s like a pulse, under layers of excitement, and awe, and curiosity.”

  “Ooh, that’s weird.” Melody stepped away from the satyrs and twisted to stare at Harley.


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