In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow)

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In Sickness & in Health (Vegas Vow) Page 2

by K. L. Humphreys

  His lips curl up at the side as he snarls at me. “And what did you do?” The anger in his voice would make a lesser man squirm.

  “I was a fucking idiot. I took Callie to a bedroom. Vi saw us, and saw my hand on her ass.” Effectively ruining any chance I had to be with Violet. “When I took Callie into the room, I didn’t fuck her. Hell I told her to get the fuck out, but Vi had already seen me with her and the hurt on her face is something I’ve never been able to forget.” Something I don’t want to forget either, I shouldn’t have done it, even though nothing happened between us, it hurt Violet.

  He crosses his arms over his chest, looking every inch the protective brother. “What are you going to do to fix this?”

  “I wish I could, but Vi hates me. She barely even gives me the time of day. Not to mention she’s in a relationship.” I’ve tried talking to her but she acts as though I don’t matter to her and I hate that she’s with another man.

  Cam laughs, “Are you talking about Rhea’s father, Lance?” I nod. “That was a one-night thing. When Vi told him about Rhea, he told her he wanted nothing to do with Vi or the baby.”

  Blood rushes to my brain as my ears begin to buzz. She’s single.

  Fuck. I need to find a way to apologize, to convince her to forgive me and to make her realize that I’d never do that again. I have always wanted Violet Washington and that’s never going to change.

  “Well find a way to fix it. She’s going to need us all around her now. But hurt her again, and there’s nothing that’ll stop me from beating your ass.”

  I fight back the smile and nod, “I’ll try. So what can I do to help with Rhea?”

  He sighs, “Unless you’ve got a job that offers to pay most of the insurance for Rhea’s surgery, then there’s nothing you can do. She’s taken on another job to help pay for the surgery. She’s working for Tommy Garant.” He growls and my fists clench. Tommy’s a son-of-a-bitch that’ll treat her like shit. “She needs a better job, just one that’ll pay better.”

  My mind starts to whirl and I smirk. I have an idea that’ll give her everything she needs as well as have her in close contact with me on a daily basis.

  “Oh, shit,” he comments. “What the fuck are you thinking?”

  “Leave it with me, I have an idea that’ll sort out her problems as well as mine.”

  He narrows his eyes at me but nods. “You sort this out for her and then we’re even.”

  I should have known he wouldn’t have taken the fact that I slept with Vi as well as he did. Knowing him, he’s been hatching a plan to exact revenge.

  “Let’s hope she’ll listen to me.”

  “She’ll be there at dinner, I’ll have you sit beside her and you can work on that oh-so-famous charm of yours on her.” The grin on his face tells me that he knows that Vi’s immune to my charm, she hates me enough to not let it affect her.


  Now I need to make a few phone calls and get the ball rolling so that Vi knows just how serious I am about this, and that she knows that no matter what happens, Rhea’s surgery and everything else will be paid for.



  Walking into the restaurant, Rhea lets out a high-pitched squeal as she spots Cameron. Her tiny hands make grabby movements letting me know that she wants her uncle. Cam as usual, doesn’t even hesitate, he walks over to us and takes my daughter from my arms and places a kiss against my cheek.

  “You look better,” he says softly to me before he turns his gaze to Rhea and smiles brightly at her. “Did you manage to get any sleep?”

  Sleep? What’s that? “Some,” I lie, if I were to tell him that I’ve not been sleeping well, he’d just try and boss me around until he gets his way and I don’t need that right now.

  “Liar.” He’s way too observant for his own good. “I spoke to Drew earlier and I told him about Rhea.”

  I freeze. What the hell? I frown at him. “Why?” I whisper, annoyed that he’s told Drew.

  “Because he’s my best friend and I needed someone to rant to. I know you don’t like him, I understand after everything that happened between the two of you but, Vi, he wants to make amends.”

  I rock backward at his words. “You know?” I ask horrified, I never wanted Cam to know what happened between us. God.

  He nods, “He was stupid, Vi, but he doesn’t deserve the hatred you keep.”

  Anger rolls through my body, “He doesn’t?” My voice is a lot calmer than I had thought it would be, but then again, Cam should know the tone and realize that he’s treading on thin ice. Very thin ice.

  He nods, “Yeah, you were both young.”

  I scoff, “Him fucking me and leaving, I can and have got over.” Liar. “But not even two minutes later, taking another woman into a different room, her lips all over his neck, and his hand glued to her ass, is something I have trouble forgiving him for. He humiliated me, he hurt me, Cam.”

  The rage that flashes through Cam’s eyes should settle my own but it doesn’t. “I never wanted you to know. Drew is your best friend and the last thing I’d want is for you two to stop talking because of this.”

  He gives me a sad smile. “Always the same with you, Vi.” He kisses my cheek. “Always thinking of everyone else but yourself. Drew and I will be fine.”

  I narrow my eyes at him, “Yet, you still want me to talk to him, to forgive him?” He just grins, “Ugh, fine. But if he pisses me off again, I’ll be blaming you.”

  “Come on,” he says wrapping his arm around my shoulders, Rhea still attached to his hip, pulling on his shaggy hair.

  He leads us to the table and everyone is already here. Monique is glaring at me, Trellan is looking down at his watch, and Mom has a huge smile solely for Rhea. It’s something that happens when you become a parent, you move down the pecking order. Instead of being greeted first, you’ll be greeted after your children. I’ve become used to it now, and find it amusing. Sadie has her eyes glued to her cell phone, not bothering looking up to greet me and I’m grateful, the fakeness of her greetings make me cringe.

  Drew’s intense gaze however is firmly on me, he’s learned how to mask his features, and he’s hard to read. I never know what he’s thinking or feeling. I freaking hate that, especially as the man can read me so damn well.

  I greet everyone, not wasting my time on more than a quick hello to both Monique and Trellan. Of course, it’s left so that the only available seat is between Cam and Drew.

  “Baby, I’ll take, Rhea, you settle down and enjoy your meal,” Mom tells me as Cam places the highchair beside mom.

  Monique tuts loudly and I glare at her, I despise bullies and that’s exactly what Monique is. “Are we ready to order? I mean, we’ve been sitting here for thirty minutes.” She gives me a pointed look as though to say I’m the reason.

  I watch as Cam leans in and whispers something to Sadie, she drops her cell phone on the table and glances at her parents. “Mom,” Sadie sighs, “you’ve been here for ten minutes.”

  I warned Cam that I wouldn’t be holding my tongue. “Funny, seeing as I was told to be here at seven thirty and that’s what time I arrived. Maybe, if you were able to be on time, no one would lie to you about what time you should arrive.”

  She gasps in outrage but everyone else around the table, including her husband, have smirks on their faces.

  “When do you start work at Tommy’s?” Mom asks as she fusses over Rhea.

  “Monday.” At my words, Drew tenses beside me. “What’s wrong?” I ask him quietly.

  His eyes widen slightly and it’s the first time in almost five years that I’ve been able to get a proper reaction out of him. “I have a proposition for you, something that will help us both out.”

  Now I’m surprised as well as more than a bit wary. “What is it?”

  “Let’s enjoy our dinner and then we’ll talk afterward?” His voice is soft and I’m not sure I’ve ever heard him this way before.

  “Sure,” I reply with a shrug,
not really in the mood to argue with him.

  “How’s Rhea? She looks to be having a good time.”

  I glance at my baby and sure enough, she’s got a bright smile on her face, her front teeth showcasing as Mom tickles her belly. When I turn back to Drew he’s watching me with heated eyes, “She’s okay, some days are worse than others.”

  “Will the surgery help?”

  Seems as though Cam told him everything.

  “The doctors are hopeful, they say that the majority of patients recover and go on to live a healthy life. That’s all I want.”

  He nods. “We all want that, Vi, every single one of us. We love Rhea.”

  I inhale in a sharp breath as his hand gently brushes against my thigh, goosebumps spread across my body and I hate that he still has the power to elicit this type of reaction from me.

  “Why are you being so nice?” I can’t help the bite to my tone. He’s hurt me before, so I’m always looking out for his motives.

  “I’ve always been this way, baby, you’ve just kept me at arm’s length.” The sincerity in his voice pulls at my heart.

  Fuck. He’s right.

  “What do you want from me, Drew?”

  “So many things, Vi. All include you. But tonight, we’re going to enjoy our meal, then I’m going to tell you my proposition.”

  “And then?” I ask, needing to know what he hasn’t said.

  “Then, we’ll go from there. I have a hell of a lot to make up for. I hurt you, sweetheart, and I’m going to make it up to you.”

  I should push his hand away from my thigh. I should tell him to shove his proposition up his ass. I should stay clear of him; the hurt he laid on me five years ago stung deep. But I don't. Instead, I nod and squeeze his hand and my thigh.

  I’m rewarded by the best smile he’s ever given me, his green eyes so bright and filled with happiness that his smile is showing. My stomach clenches and I swallow hard as I realize that those feelings I had for Drew didn’t vanish. No, they were just buried, and now they’re rearing their ugly head.



  Watching Vi walk into the restaurant, her black dress hugging her curves and showcasing her amazing breasts, has my body tightening. God, she’s fucking beautiful, but what makes her even more so is when she smiles brightly at her pretty daughter on her hip.

  Rhea’s face lights up when she spots her uncle Cam. For such a small girl, she has a lot of love to give and what I wouldn’t do to have the chance to be one of those people.

  Throughout dinner, Vi and I talk, we keep everything light, no mention of the past and no talk of Rhea’s surgery or the fact that she’s going it alone. I was in awe of her being such a good mom, but knowing that she’s a single mom, has made me even prouder of her. She’s something special; I’ve known that for a hell of a long time.

  Thankfully, Monique and Trellan leave not wanting to stay for dessert. As soon as they leave, Vi sits up taller and smiles more freely. Rhea’s having the time of her life, between Cam and Mindy, she’s been spoiled with affection. It’s clear to see that Mindy has a lot of love for her only grandchild and Cam, well that man turns into a big pile of goo whenever Rhea’s mentioned.

  “Vi, baby, I was talking to your father…” Mindy begins, Hamilton didn’t come to dinner as he works evenings, he’s a manager at the local factory and one of the best men I know. He’s the dad I never had. “We have some savings, we want to give it to you so that when the time comes to pay for Rhea’s surgery it won’t be a huge hit.”

  I feel as Vi tenses beside me, I glance at her and see her fists clenched resting against her thighs, her nails biting into the flesh on her palms. Before she’s able to respond to Mindy, Cam speaks.

  “I’ve also told her that I’d help, I’ve some savings saved up.”

  The sharp intake of breath from Sadie has me reaching out for Vi’s hand, she clings onto mine as though it’s a lifeline. “You offered up the deposit for our house?”

  “Fuck,” Vi, mutters as she squeezes my hand tightly. Her hand is so small and dainty against mine.

  The ugly sneer on Sadie’s face aimed at Vi, solidifies my feelings. She’s a bitch and Cam deserves so much better than her. She sunk her claws into him six years ago and has been leading him by his balls ever since. But she tries to dictate his life and always complains if he wants to hang with the guys or even if he wants to spend time with Vi and Rhea.

  “Yes, it’s my money, Sadie. Mine. I earned it, I saved it. If I want to give it to my sister to pay for my niece’s surgery, I damn well will,” he snarls at her and I fight the smirk, it’s about damn time that he stood up to her.

  “Ours,” she hisses, “our money. We’re in a relationship, Cameron. We’re supposed to be starting a new chapter in our life. Buying a home, getting married, and having children.”

  Vi stands up, “It’s time for us to leave.” She reaches for Rhea and Mindy gets to her feet. “Thank you for a wonderful evening.”

  Cam motions toward the waitress for the check, by the time Rhea and Mindy are standing with their jackets on, the waitress is back with it.

  “Cam, call me later,” Mindy instructs him, placing a kiss on his cheek while glaring at Sadie. “Drew, darling…” She has a big smile on her face, one that showcases her dimples. She's always called me darling, I spent more time in their house growing up than in my own. Mom was always working because Dad was gone. “Could you be a dear, and take Vi and Rhea home? I have the car seat in my car. I have to swing by Kathy’s house and Rhea’s about ready for sleep.”

  If I didn’t know any better, I’d swear that Mindy was trying to play matchmaker. “Of course, as long as Vi doesn’t mind.”

  I see the nod in approval by Cam and Vi narrows her eyes. “You guys suck,” she whispers, but I manage to hear her. “As long as it’s no trouble,” she tells me with a soft smile as Rhea rests her head against her shoulder, her eyes drooping as she tries to fight sleep.

  Trouble? Getting to spend time with her is never trouble. “Nope, you’re all good. Ready?” I ask wanting to leave, the last thing I need is to listen to Sadie bitch about Vi and Rhea. If I hear her do that, I’ll lose my mind and let her know exactly what we all think of her.

  Cam gets to his feet, he’s not yet replied to what Sadie’s said and I know him, he’s seething. The tightness of his eyes, the way his jaw is clenched. As soon as the two of them get home, there will be a lot of things said and I’m not sure if they’ll still be together by the end of the evening. Especially, if Sadie finally shows Cam her true bitchy, selfish side.

  “I’ll get the seat from mom’s car for you,” Cam tells us, as he throws cash down onto the table. “Sadie, go wait in the car, I won’t be long.” The snarl in his voice has Sadie withdrawing. She’s pushed him too far this time, we all know, Sadie included that Cam loves his family dearly, they’re his everything. He and Vi were practically inseparable growing up and they’ve only grown closer. Cam loves Rhea more than anything, he’d do whatever he can for her.

  I follow the Washington’s out of the restaurant, Sadie coming up the rear, her head down as she focuses on the ground. She knows that she’s fucked up and no doubt she’s trying to come up with an explanation as to why she had an outburst.

  Once we’ve said goodbye to everyone, and Rhea’s safely in her car seat, Vi gives me her address and I’m finally able to breathe easier. She’s not in a relationship and she’s finally not acting as though I don’t exist.

  “You have a proposition?” she asks not even ten minutes into the journey. I’m surprised she even waited that long.

  “Do you see the envelope beside you?” I ask, keeping my eyes on the road, and my heart in my throat, as I focus on the cars in front of me. I never thought much about having Rhea in my car, but I’m worried in case something happens. “Open it and read it,” I instruct her.

  The car’s quiet except for the rustling of the papers as Vi reads the contract and Rhea’s soft snores.

bsp; “Are you serious?” Her voice is gentle but filled with shock.

  “Yes, I need an assistant, someone I can trust and while I know you hate me, I can trust you, Vi. You need a job, one that offers all the benefits that my company offers as well as a steady nine-to-five so you can spend as much time as you can with Rhea.” I had wanted to advertise for an assistant, but when Cam told me about Rhea I knew instantly that I’d offer the job to Violet.

  “But…” She shakes her head, the headlights of an oncoming car highlight her face and I can see the tears shining in her eyes. “Why?” she asks, her throat restricting. “Why would you do this?”

  “I never fucked Callie that night, Vi.”

  Her sharp intake of breath tells me that she’s listening to me. Good.

  “I went to go to the bathroom and all I could think about was how much Cam was going to hate me. I was fucking stupid. You have to understand, your family was the only family I had growing up. Your mom and dad are like parents to me, and all that kept running through my mind was that I was going to lose them all…”

  “That wouldn’t have happened.” Her hand reaches for mine and she squeezes tightly. “They love you no matter what.”

  “I know that now, back then? Well, I was an asshole. I thought if you saw me and Callie, you’d realize you were too good for me. But when I saw your face…” Fuck. It’s something I’ve never been able to forget. “I hurt you, sweetheart, and I’ll forever be sorry for that. I should have realized that loving you was the only thing that mattered.”

  “Loving me?” She echoes, “You loved me?” She sounds so shocked as though the mere notion is unthinkable.

  “The contract, Vi, think it over and let me know tomorrow,” I say, not wanting to get into this right now. “If you accept, you’ll have to put notice in with the library and tell that asshole Tommy that you’ve found somewhere else to work.”


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