My Book

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My Book Page 12

by Kells, India

  Relieved, Orla was about to turn away but stopped herself. “Also, when I had sex with you in the garage, I wasn’t trying to manipulate you in any way. I’ve never used sex as a weapon or to manipulate someone. I was attracted to you. Still am. That wasn’t fake.” She blushed but held her ground. “I just wanted to make that clear. I’ll let you go back to sleep.”

  The last words were rushed out, filling the silence, and as it stretched, she knew the conversation was over.

  Or maybe not.

  As she retreated, a hand fisted her hair at the back of her skull and pulled her forward before a mouth crashed against hers.

  If she could only use one word to define this connection, it would be hunger. Strong arms locked her in his embrace by bringing her flush against a muscled naked body. She yielded at the contact and opened her mouth to him, allowing his tongue to dance with hers. Orla was drowning in him, his scent and taste, and as he played and nipped at her lips, her hips began to sway against him. She could feel his cock hardening from the friction, and that simple thought had her squeezing her thighs together. Her arms came around his shoulders, and for the first time, she indulged in savoring every inch of him with her fingertips.

  Her palms detailed all she could, enjoying the hot skin and rippling muscles that reacted to her touch. If she couldn’t use her eyes, her hands could map how he looked for her feverish mind.

  Orla gasped when he pulled her roughly forward, twirling her in his arms before pushing her to the bed. Disorientation almost made her queasy, but when the mattress gave, and a very male body tore at her clothes, she was quickly brought back to more interesting matters.

  When she tried to help him get her naked faster, he pushed her hands aside. His hands trailed a path of fire and shivers over her skin, pushing and pulling at her clothing until he finally had her down her to her bra and panties.

  Blind, Orla felt vulnerable before the man she’d given power to over her body, and she pulled back, but the vigilante wouldn’t let her retreat. The hunter had his prey exactly where he wanted it and wouldn’t let her go before he got his fill.

  Before she could scoot away, he was above her, plastering her against the bed with his warm, hard body and taking possession of her lips once more. He was out of breath, and so was she, but Orla wanted more too. His fingers tickled her ribs and the sides of her breasts, his mouth turning deliciously sensual, licking and biting, stoking an inferno deep in her belly.

  Her legs parted on their own accord, and when he settled between her thighs, he was scorching hard. When had he removed his briefs? The question dissolved in her mind as his mouth abandoned hers and gently bit her neck, his tongue swirling and tasting her neck and collarbone. Her hands went to his head and reveled in his thick, soft hair. It was long enough for her to hold as he feasted at her breast. His scruff was certain to leave marks on her tender skin, but she didn’t give a fuck. The man was starving, and she was willing to offer everything he needed and much more.

  His touch was both alternatively hurried and controlled as if he repeatedly caught himself just before he fell over the edge and turned into a ravenous beast. Orla was slowly losing control over her body, her heart beat fast, and wet heat pooled and slowly trickled down her sex. The pulsing sensation had turned her into a cat in heat, and she wantonly pushed her knees wider, undulating her hips in silent invitation.

  He ignored her signals, and closed his teeth on her nipple. The sting of it melted quickly as he soothed his bite with his tongue, drawing lazy swirls on her areola, expanding his territory to her other breast. By the time he’d teased her thoroughly with his mouth, her entire body was caught in an unending wave. Breast play had never been her thing, but the man had a wicked mouth.

  When he finally released her, she thought he’d continue his descent, but instead, he hitched himself up and slightly off her. She wondered if he was staring at her body. Once more, Orla felt torn between shyness and desire and was leaning toward the first when he spoke close to her ear, his warm hand on her belly.

  “You don’t know how much I’ve wanted you like this, from the first time I laid eyes on you. On your body, on your curves.” And as he spoke, his rough palm traveled up, cupping her heavy breast, his thumb flicking her nipple.

  Orla opened her mouth, but only a strangled moan escaped as she tried to convey her growing frustration, which seemed to amuse him.

  “Fucking you in the dark, with my mask on, I didn’t think it would be that explosive. I’ve never done anything like that before, but I seem to have no sense of duty where you’re concerned.”

  The way his dark whisper inflamed her senses was almost too much to bear. “Do you know how difficult it is not to shove my cock inside you right now? Do you believe it’s restraint? Think again.”

  His hand vanished from her skin, leaving her bereft for a mere second before it cupped her mound with force. The indirect touch on her clit and sex was more intense than she’d expected. The surprise and dirty words pouring from the vigilante’s mouth was enough to make her lose her last remaining brain cells.

  “I can smell how much you want it. How much you want me.”

  Again, she opened her mouth to tell him to put up or shut up, when his fingers lessened their grasp to slide between her slick folds. “Ah! As I suspected, sugar and cream all over my hand. How long have you wanted this? My fingers buried in you?”

  And as he spoke the words, one digit slid effortlessly in. Breathless, her core tightened, but it wasn’t enough. Nothing was when her world was slowly tunneling into a single goal: coming anyway he would let her.

  “I can’t resist women who know what they want from a man. In fact, I make a point of honoring their requests.”

  And a second finger, followed by a third pushed inside, filling her to the brim. He was a big man and his hand wiggling inside her mixed pleasure with a hint of pain, like pouring gasoline over a flame. Her body seized, her hips whipped up for more, even though Orla doubted she could take more of him.

  His mouth came even closer and licked the shell of her ear before biting at the lobe and tugging a little. “More, always more. You’re greedy, and greedy little girls may get more than they bargained for.”

  When she felt him move, Orla thought he’d finally remove his hands and use the delicious cock that haunted her Still, he only changed position, and his hand moved with greater ease and power, his nimble fingers started a dance against the pulsing walls of her sex, making her lose her breath, along with any sliver of prudish self-preservation. He shifted between her legs, forcing them apart with the width of his body.

  The digits inside her expanded and retreated, as if testing the space, sending ripples of pleasure through her at the same time. The pads of his fingers ran against the anterior side of her sheath as if searching for something. Despite being with amazing lovers in the past, she hadn’t been this aroused by penetration, let alone been able to achieve orgasm. Her certainty was shaken when the vigilante glided against a spot with enough force to surprise her with a surge of sensation that had her back arching off the bed.

  “That’s what I was searching for. Why go easy when it’s more fun to drive you mad?”

  His teasing would have irritated her in any other circumstance, but it was the satisfaction in his tone that lured her into taking another step toward surrender.

  “Cup your tits for me, play with yourself, and if you convince me you want it as bad as I do, I’ll gladly give it to you.”

  Orla threw caution to the wind and opened her legs as far as she could and palmed a handful of her breast.

  “Good girl.” Orla would have snarled at the name if not for the vigilante’s thumb making lazy circles around her clit. “I love how a woman’s body reacts, how it reacts to touch. I can see your clit peeking out of its hood, trembling, pulsing, begging to be taken care of. Am I right?”

  He curled his fingers inside her as he spoke and pressed hard on the inner wall. The sensation made her both cough and gasp. I
t felt like pleasure, but more a building pressure, and her body didn’t know how to interpret it. She’d always been well attuned to her body and how to bring herself to orgasm, but she seemed to have missed a few options.

  He used his free hand to spread her open, and she reflexively tried to close her legs, but his strong body and low hiss prevented her from doing so. Despite the pleasure and the anticipation, fear was added to the mix. She’d willingly surrendered to the big bad wolf and didn’t know if any part of her would be left in the end.

  “Glistening, pink, and trembling. You’re a sight to behold, a temptress, a feast.”

  As he talked, something tickled in a distant part of her brain. There was something about his voice that was familiar, but before she could think more, a warm tongue licked her from the point where penetrated her with his fingers to the very edge of her clit, stopping a millimeter from the throbbing bundle of nerves. His hand, almost fully inside her, prevented her hips from seeking more contact, and then he upped his assault on her pussy.

  Once more, his head went between her legs and started to lick, tease, nibble, and nip, alternating sensations in a way that made anticipation grow and her curses became louder.

  But he only laughed. “I love to fuck, but bringing a strong woman to the edge of madness is way more fun, don’t you think?”

  Orla forced herself to speak, to end her agony. “I’m about to punch you if you don’t stop.”

  “Oooh. You want me to stop everything altogether or something in particular?” His amusement made her snarl, and she reached down but he pushed her hands aside. “Or maybe you’d like to be restrained. Interesting.”

  As he spoke, his fingers pulled and pushed at her desire, adding a slow rocking movement that had her on the verge of screaming in frustration. It was too much and not enough at the same time. Everything he did made it harder to focus on his words. The orgasm that was a promise only moments ago now loomed within her grasp, if only he would touch her clit.

  “Please, stop torturing me. Damn.” Her voice held a pleading tone that she’d never heard before, another part of her, even more intimate, was making itself vulnerable to him.

  He kissed the inside of the thigh before answering. “This torment is for both of us. I don’t want you to orgasm, I want you to fall to pieces, to ache and yearn the same way I did when you took me in your mouth, down on your knees in front of me. I need you to be so close to finding your pleasure that when I finally push myself inside you, you shatter in my embrace like I dreamed you would. There aren’t enough fantasies in this world, Orla. Death is my constant companion, but now, with you, I only want you wrung out with desire and myself on the verge of insanity. You aren’t the only one here being teased. Don’t you know I’d prefer to be balls deep inside you?”

  “Then, do it. Put that cock of yours in me.”

  For the briefest of moments, his fingers paused before resuming their intense stimulation. “It’s been a long time since I’ve had a woman under my hands, at my mercy to pleasure. For me, you’re like the most intricate lock with a treasure inside. I’ve done this most of my life until my downfall. That may sound corny to you, but I get high on solving puzzles and you, Orla, are my obsession.”

  Orla knew she needed to focus on the words as he revealed a part of himself, but all thoughts were gone when his scratchy cheek rubbed against her leg before his mouth devoured her.

  She didn’t know if it was the surprise of the warm lips on her most sensitive tissues or the exhilarating sensation he drew from her in less than a second of contact that made her cry out. One hand grabbed his hair; another tore at the bed sheets. She was under the most addictive attack. The orgasm built over consecutive endless waves, and despite being surrounded by this mysterious man, she felt alone, adrift in the middle of a sea of pleasure. The sensation was bittersweet, so much that after a while, she pushed away, freeing herself from his torment while banging her head on the headboard.

  “What’s wrong? Are you all right?”

  High on desire, she was tempted to say no. Instead, she crawled over the bed in the direction of his voice and found him kneeling by the edge.

  The vigilante stood still as a statue, breathing hard, waiting for a response from her, but there was nothing she could say, and everything she could show.

  She estimated the inches separating their naked bodies, and in a lucky guess, her lips made contact with his torso. Now having a map, she rubbed her cheek against his pectoral like a cat, letting her hands detail every sinew, every muscle of his body, enjoying it immensely when his breathing picked up, and his body heat exploded. While her lips traced a wet trail upwards, her fingers took the opposite direction. She reached his neck and felt his pulse increase. Orla smiled as he wiggled away from her tickling fingertips when they detailed his ribs, but his hiss definitely turned into a groan when her hand closed around his erection. His member jerked in her palm and her mouth watered in anticipation, but it was his lips she wanted first. His breath fanned her face, but he seemed to wait for a signal from her. No wonder, if she pulled away, he was still on guard.

  Resisting that kiss was an impossibility, and as soon as she parted her lips, she was a goner, but this time, on her own terms.

  One hand behind his neck, the other still having a solid grip on him, Orla leaned back, spreading her legs in the process, that way she was certain of one thing; that he would follow her down and lose himself inside.

  The vigilante didn’t hesitate and covered her with his body as she spread her thighs and guided him inside her.

  “Damn, woman.” It was impossible to know if he was cursing or blessing her, pushing deep inside her tightening core until she couldn’t take any more. Again, he paused, but she wasn’t having any of it, and this time, pushed her hips up.

  With another curse, the vigilante tried to take back control, but Orla knew it was too late, both by the way his hips jerked forward and how he swelled even more inside her. “If you continue doing that, I won’t last.”

  At his menacing tone, she only tightened her legs even more solidly around his hips. “Then, you’d better get us both off quickly. I don’t want to be teased. I don’t want to wait. I want you to fuck me until I don’t care if the world disappears around us. Fuck me. Make me scream.”

  She guessed more than saw his smile when he answered. “Yes, ma’am.”

  And before she could react, he thrust inside her with force, once, then a second time, before hooking his arm around her knees and pulling her toward him.

  When he resumed his assault, he reached new territory in her slick heat, and she tightened around him, intensifying the friction. A groan of approval rumbled through him, and he picked up the pace. The slight twist of his hips created a pleasurable tension inside her, one similar to his fingers and Orla undulated her hips in an attempt to increase it.

  The smell of sex permeated the room, and she wished she could see him fucking her; how he looked at her as he pounded with more aggression. From the inventive lover earlier, now rose an animalistic male who brought her a mixture of pleasure and pain, dominance and submissiveness.

  However, she still wanted more, or more accurately needed more, and she slid her shaky hand between her legs. Before she could part her slick folds, he pushed her hand away once more.

  “You can play with your tits as much as you like, but for the time being, your pussy is mine.” And he confirmed his words with his thumb touching her clit. The contact made her jump, but soon he retreated and started a maddening pattern of circles again until he made direct contact.

  Obeying his order, she started pulling at her nipples and arching her back as he finally slid the length of his digit over her sensitive bundle, propelling her so close to her orgasm, her body clenched in anticipation. Her body wasn’t her own anymore, and at this precise moment, she didn’t care. Weren’t they both rutting animals, lustful bodies without faces?

  Their joining was a violent delight, a perfect storm, and when his fing
ers and cock pushed her toward the edge, her cry was swallowed by his kissing her.

  Now he plastered her against the bed, both hands on each side of her head, and Orla held him tight, enjoying how his pubic bone was grinding against her exposed clit, turning pleasure into sweet suffering until her lover’s voice caught in his throat, his hips jerking, his mouth leaving hers, he emitted a tortured groan as he poured himself inside her.

  Still blinded and content, Orla opened her arms when he lowered himself on top of her.

  His body grounded her like nothing else, and as she lazily caressed his back, she felt him relax.

  Reality lurked in the back of her brain, reminding her there was no happy ending for her, only a reprieve in this storm with an unknown ally that her body and heart would likely never forget.

  Chapter Fifteen

  Sam was surprised he’d slept; his system was so revved. He remembered how his body almost shut down when he came in Orla’s embrace. Exhausted, he’d never felt so at peace in his life, although this serenity would only last but a fleeting moment. His last clear memory before falling asleep had been turning on his back, keeping the still blindfolded Orla tight against him, and raising the sheet to cover them both.

  Three hours later, when he woke, they were still in the same position, and if he could’ve, Sam would have remained there, and woken her with another round of wild sex, but the pause was over.

  It took some doing to untangle himself from Orla, and as she remained still, it proved she was even more tired than she’d let on.

  After a much-needed shower, Sam put his suit on, and mask in hand, went to check on her. She’d moved on the bed, rolling to her belly, her hand outreached where he’d been lying, maybe trying to touch him. Or maybe not. It was difficult to know what the woman was thinking or what she intended to do.


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