The Angel of Tarut

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by Andrew Dobell

  The Angel of Tārūt

  Tales of the Magi Saga

  Book 1


  Andrew Dobell

  The book is Copyright © to Andrew Dobell, Creative Edge Studios Ltd, 2019.

  No part of this book may be reproduced without prior permission of the copyright holder.

  All locations, events, and characters within this book are either fictitious or have been fictionalised for the purposes of this book.


  Star Magi Saga – Space Fantasy

  Star Magi – Book 1

  Magi Nexus – Book 2

  War Magi – Book 3

  Star Magi Saga Tales – Space Fantasy

  Maiden Voyage – Prequel

  Epiphany – Book 2

  Quantum Legends

  Anomaly on Cerka

  The Magi Saga – Urban Fantasy

  Magi Dawn: The Magi Saga Book 1

  Magi Rising: The Magi Saga Book 2

  Magi Omen: The Magi Saga Book 3

  Magi Edge: The Magi Saga Book 4

  Magi Odyssey: The Magi Saga Book 5

  Magi Descent: The Magi Saga Book 6

  Magi Rebirth: The Magi Saga Book 7

  Tales of the Magi Saga – Urban Fantasy

  Angel of Tārūt

  His Love

  Hack Imperfect

  Casino Red


  A Thoroughly Modern Witch


  Arcanum Black Ops

  Nights Rise

  Wasteland Road Knights – Post Apocalyptic





  The New Prometheus - Cyberpunk

  The New Prometheus

  The Prometheus Gambit

  The Prometheus Trap

  Prometheus Vengeance

  Anthologies I am part of:

  The Expanding Universe – Sci-Fi

  The Expanding Universe 3 – Sci-Fi

  Pew Pew – A fist full of Pews

  Bobs Bar 1

  Bobs Bar 2

  Sign up to my Mailing List.


  For my Grandfather, who was a continual inspiration and support. I miss you, and this is for you.

  Thank you to my wife and family for their love and tolerance and help. You make everything worthwhile.

  Thank you to my old gaming friends, you guys have inspired this story more than you can know. I have some of the best memories from those hours sitting at the gaming table.

  Thank you to my Editors: Julie Hall, CP Bialois, and Hanna Elizabeth. Your input has been amazing. Thank you.

  Thank you to Vicki Blatchley for being my cover model.


  For my boys, my kids, I love you!


  I’m a British author living in Britain, and I write in British English with British spellings. ;-)


  Rome, Italy.

  AD 42

  “…all that I have prophesied will come to pass when Ishtar gives birth.”

  The voice did not belong to the seer before them. Instead, it sounded twisted and guttural, not the voice of a woman in her mid-twenties. The crowd stood in silent awe of all that they’d seen. Both Senators and aides alike, were stunned into silence.

  Simon Gita went to his wife’s side where she knelt in the centre of the Senate building. She caught her breath and looked lovingly up at her husband through her matted red hair.

  “Are you well, my sweet?” he asked her gently under his breath, so the assembled crowd couldn’t hear.

  “Yes, I’m fine,” she replied, smiling up at him.

  Simon rose to his full height and addressed the dignitaries before him. “You have seen the foresight Helena possesses. She has proven herself many times to you these past few months, passing every test you have given her. Each and every prophecy you have asked her to foretell, has come to pass. Do you believe this one?”

  There were mixed responses from those assembled. Some were nodding in agreement, a few looked unsure, while the rest remained defiant, clearly unimpressed by the prophecy or Helena. Towards the back of the room, a small group of men looked on with cold, stony expressions. Amongst them stood a man Simon recognised, Simeon Cephas.

  Simon had noticed him a few days ago when he’d arrived in Rome, it sent a shiver down his spine seeing him here. It surely did not bode well. Simon could still remember the last time he’d met Cephas in Tyre.

  It wasn’t a pleasant memory.

  Cephas watched with dispassionate eyes, contempt etched across his face.

  “Is it true? Everything she has said, will it come to pass?”

  Simon turned to the Magi Senator who’d addressed him, “I believe so. She has foretold many things. Each and every one comes to fruition, and I believe this one will too, although not for many years.”

  “But she speaks of the Archons’ return—she speaks of the end of the world,” the Senator said incredulously.

  “That is correct Senator, but she also speaks of hope. It will not be the end of all things.”

  The Angel of Tārūt

  The Middle East

  Modern Day.

  “Thank you,” Matt said to the taxi driver and handed him some cash.

  The driver nodded and took the money, briefly counting it before stuffing it in his pocket.

  “You brave man, coming here,” the driver said in broken English. “You British?”

  Matt nodded “I am. It’s very beautiful here. Thank you for the ride.”

  “No problem. You be careful, yes?”

  “I will, thanks,” Matt said, climbing out the vehicle, shutting the door, and watching the driver turn the car around and drive off over the bridge, back to the mainland via the Riyadh Road. He wasn’t quite sure how he’d get back to Bahrain, but he’d figure it out, eventually.

  Adjusting his backpack, Matt turned and looked inland, up the road into the centre of town. He’d been travelling through Saudi Arabia and had just spent the day on the island of Bahrain, where he’d been told of the second largest island in the Persian Gulf—the island of Tārūt.

  It was apparently an undiscovered gem and well worth a visit. So, he’d taken an early taxi to Tārūt and crossed to the island. The cab had dropped him on the edge of Al-Qatif, the main urban area on the island. It looked amazing, just as he’d hoped it would.

  Having graduated from university with a degree in Computer Science he’d longed to travel the world. He wanted to have adventures and experience other cultures before he found a job and started his career.

  Looking every bit the typical tourist, Matt immediately started exploring the streets, ambling through the markets and enjoying the sights, sounds, and smells of the town. Local traders picked him out from the crowd as an easy target and hawked their wares to him. Everything from rugs to spices were offered, but he’d long since learned how to handle their attentions and keep his money in his pocket.

  The streets were often narrow and little more than sandy tracks snaking through the buildings. They were busy with crowds pushing their way through, going about their business for the day. The occasional car or moped dodged through the pedestrians, sounding their horns to try to make people move, but it never seemed to help much.

  After wandering for about an hour through Al-Qatif, fascinated by the local culture and soaking up the atmosphere, he began to think about heading out of town. Matt was keen to see more of the island, but something caught his eye through the crowds that looked as out of place as he did.

  For days h
e’d seen almost no other Westerners. No one else with pasty white skin. Everywhere he’d looked, the skin was dark and the hair black, so when he saw deep, flame-red hair framing an alabaster face, he couldn’t help but notice. A young woman stood in the street a short distance from him. Matt could just about make out her head and shoulders through the bustle of people.

  She seemed to be alone and a little lost, and he wondered if he could help. Making his way through the crowd, he tried to settle on a way to open conversation with her. As he approached, he couldn’t help but admire her. She appeared to be a similar age to him, in her early twenties, and he thought she was beautiful. As he got closer, thoughts about how he could chat her up rushed through his head. He had something of a soft spot for redheads. There was just something about that eye-catching hair colour and fiery personality that he found attractive. He’d yet to date one though, but couldn’t help but hope that his luck was changing.

  She had her back to him as he stepped up to her, her long, bright red hair hiding her face as it fell over her shoulders.

  “Hi,” he said, leaning slightly forward as he spoke.

  She immediately turned and looked up at him, one of her eyebrows arched in surprise. She had beautiful green eyes that fixed him with their stare and held him there. For a brief, crazy moment, it felt like she was able to read his thoughts or stare into his soul, and he found himself transfixed by her striking features.

  The redhead had a girl-next-door look to her—a natural kind of beauty that fascinated him. She was shorter than Matt, maybe about five foot six.

  She was also heavily pregnant. Really heavily pregnant. She looked literally about to burst, her hands rested on the sides of her distended belly, her swollen bosom straining her top.

  Staring down at her bump, he wondered what he must look like. What was his expression at that moment? Surprise? Maybe a look of defeat? Who knew? But as he looked back into her eyes, he saw something else there that he’d missed before. It was a look of fear and slight confusion. Concern for her filled his mind. Something was wrong here, but what?

  “Are you alright?” he asked. “Is there anything I can do?”

  Her eyes bulged suddenly and she winced, bending over as she gritted her teeth.

  “Oh crap,” Matt muttered to himself. She was about to give birth. “Um, help. Help, please…” he started to say. A few people looked around, but the girl’s hand shot out and grabbed his arm.

  “No,” she said, without looking up, “don’t do that.”


  “No help, please.”

  “But you’re about to give birth. We have to do something.” Why didn’t she want any help? He felt confused. Surely they needed to get to a hospital or something.

  Raising her head, she looked up at him with gritted teeth, she seemed to be thinking for a moment before her eyes locked back onto his. “Okay. You can help me. Come on.”

  “What? Me? I, um, I’m not sure that’s a…”

  Before he could continue his protestations she started walking, pulling him along by the arm with a grip like iron, heading to a nearby hotel.

  “Look, I’m really not sure this is the best idea. I’m no doctor. I have no idea what to do,” he protested, but she wasn’t listening and her grip was surprisingly firm.

  As they reached the edge of the street, he stopped objecting and gave in. She needed help and seemed fixed on the idea of him being the one to do it. So, he sucked down a steadying breath and followed her into the hotel.

  The girl spoke the local language perfectly and booked a room without issue, gritting her teeth through another contraction as she dealt with the man at reception. They headed upstairs right away, the man behind the desk giving them a strange look as they went.

  The girl winced and doubled up in pain a couple more times as they ascended the stairs. On reaching their door, the girl handed him the room key and Matt let them in.

  The room was dank and grim-looking. No place to give birth in his opinion, but she shut the door and ordered him to lock it as she made for the bed. Matt secured the door and turned around to find her pulling off her trousers and underwear.

  “Aaah, crap,” he muttered to himself as the reality of what was about to happen slammed home. His heart hammered away at his breastbone as he looked every which way, but at the girl. Out the corner of his eye, he could see her levering herself up onto the bed. She sat back against the headboard, her knees up as she huffed and puffed through another contraction.

  Matt gulped.

  “I need you to have a look,” she said.

  “What?” he asked, suddenly feeling very squeamish and entirely inadequate. “Look? Look where?”

  “You know where,” she answered, spreading her legs a little. “Come here and have a look, can you see anything? I can’t exactly get my head down that low.”

  “See anything? Like what?”

  “I don’t know. I just know I’m close and you need to help me, please.”

  His stomach flipped.

  “Um, heh heh, I’m not a doctor, isn’t there someone we can call, your husband maybe?” he stammered, feeling desperate.

  “I’m not married, I’m here alone, and you’re the only one who can help me, now get over here!”

  Her voice left no space for negotiation. Taking a steadying breath, Matt walked over and gingerly took a look between her legs. It wasn’t anything he hadn’t seen before and yet, for some reason, he was terrified. He wasn’t sure what he was expecting to see. Maybe a tiny face smiling back at him? But he couldn’t see anything.

  “Um, it all looks normal, I guess,” he answered with a shrug. “There’s no head yet. I can’t see anything. I mean, um, I don’t know what I’m looking for.”

  She sat back, closing her eyes as he spoke and seemed to concentrate on her breathing.

  “Get some towels and some water. I’ll talk you through it, don’t worry,” she said, in a voice that seemed way too calm for a lady in labour.

  “What’s your name?” he asked, realising he didn’t know what to call her.

  Opening her eyes, the girl looked up at him and seemed to think about it for a moment, almost as if she’d forgotten her own name. “Sophia, it’s Sophia.”

  “I’m Matt, Matt Walker.”

  “Nice to meet you, Matt, now, can you please help me?”

  Matt nodded. This was going to be a long day.


  The next few hours were a blur of blood, sweat, pain, and joy. He had no idea what he was doing and was terrified of something going wrong. Complications during birth were well known, and if something unexpected did happen… Well, he was just hoping it didn’t.

  The delivery seemed like a relatively smooth one. Certainly, there were no complications, but Matt was well aware that he was no midwife, so he really couldn’t be sure. All he knew was that she gave birth to a lovely baby girl with wispy red hair like her mother, who screamed the place down after her first breath.

  The birth was not a pretty thing. It was messy and damned scary, and Matt felt utterly exhausted after it, and he had the easy job. He could only guess at how Sophia felt.

  After hours of screaming and shouting, Sophia laid on the bed, her eyes closed, covered in a film of sweat, looking utterly exhausted.

  Matt held the baby in his arms, feeling a sense of wonder and amazement about what he’d just witnessed. Holding that brand new, precious life in his arms was a moment he knew he wouldn’t forget. Even though he wasn’t the father, he couldn’t help feeling protective of the new baby. He felt responsible for her in a bizarre way. The baby cooed at him as he held her and his heart felt like it was going to explode with emotion. Taking a breath, he took in the scene around him.

  The bedsheets were a mess. It looked like they’d murdered someone, but Sophia didn’t seem to care, so neither did he. As he wondered how they were going to explain the mess, the baby began to grumble. Matt tried to comfort he
r, but his efforts went unrewarded. She didn’t seem happy about something.

  “I think she’s hungry,” Sophia said.

  “Aaah, yes,” Matt answered, handing her over to her mother, who pulled up her top and started to feed the baby. Matt looked purposefully away, wanting to give her some privacy, and moved to a nearby chair. Sophia seemed to relax too, now that the baby was feeding quite happily.

  Later, the baby settled down to sleep, so Matt set about trying to clean things up. Sophia left him to it and stepped into the bathroom, already looking decidedly trimmer. He heard the shower turn on as he pottered about the room, doing what he could before collapsing in the chair.

  Having apparently dozed off, Matt woke up a short time later. Sophia stood nearby, dressed and looking beautiful once more. Any trace of the huge bump she’d had before had disappeared, and her stomach appeared flat and trim. Matt wondered about that for a moment, but he’d never been around a woman right after giving birth before and had no idea how quickly things returned to how they were. Maybe this was normal?

  “What did I miss?” Matt asked.

  “Nothing, it’s time to leave.”

  “Oh, yeah, okay. How’s the baby?”

  “She’s good.”

  “Do you have a name for her?” he asked, curious.

  Sophia smiled and turned towards the door. “She will have a name soon enough.”

  Frowning at this odd statement, Matt followed Sophia out the room and had the feeling that the subject was closed for discussion. He wasn’t the baby’s dad, so he left it at that. He didn’t want to poke his nose into business that wasn’t his.

  Sophia paid for the room, and within moments they were back on the street surrounded by the late afternoon bustle of the city. Sophia stopped just outside, smiling up at him with a look of happiness in her eyes.

  “Thank you, for everything you did. I won’t forget you,” she said and kissed him on the cheek. A sizzle of electricity seemed to pass between them as her lips touched him.


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