Wolf in the Woods

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Wolf in the Woods Page 22

by N. J. Walters

  She was in his arms, plastered against his chest in a heartbeat. “Yes.” His kiss was hard and hot and filled with promise. He roamed his hands over her shoulders and back, practically inhaled her into his body.

  Heat poured over her, through her, and around her. All she could feel was Billy. His scent enveloped her. The taste of his lips was what pure love tasted like.

  She clutched at his biceps, wanting to be closer. Her breasts pressed against his chest, the nipples pebbling. His erection poked her thigh.

  They were outside where anyone could come across them at any time. “Should we go home?” She was breathless, almost beyond caring where they were.

  His stunned expression would have made her laugh if she wasn’t so desperate. The hunger in his eyes still smoldered, but it was banked. “Yeah, we should.” He shifted, faster than should have been possible considering he was still new at it. She did the same and they both hurried toward the house.

  This time, there were no fun detours or pauses to explore something interesting. They took the most direct route, not stopping until they reached the deck outside his bedroom.

  Billy shifted and opened the door, allowing her to slip past him. As soon as she was inside, she shifted.

  He shut the door and pulled the drapes.

  There were no nerves this time. Honestly, she couldn’t figure out why she’d been so anxious before. Billy was her mate. Waiting wouldn’t change that, wouldn’t make her any more or less sure of his commitment to her or hers to him. Their bond had been tested in every way possible.

  He scooped her into his arms and simply fell back, taking them both down onto the bed. His infectious enthusiasm made her laugh. Only he could lighten up such a serious moment.

  She ran her hands over his chiseled abs and kept going lower. On a groan, he rolled until she was on her back, caught her hands, and raised them over her head to rest on the pillow. “Too much of that and I’ll come.”

  Not to be defeated, she lifted her legs and ran her feet along his bare flanks. “Close to the edge, are you?” Arching upward, she rubbed her mound against his shaft.

  He growled and leaned down until their noses were almost touching. “You’ll pay for that.”

  Any other wolf and she’d have been scared out of her mind. But Billy would never hurt her, would only ever offer her the most delicious pleasure. “Promises, promises,” she teased.

  He nipped her chin, letting his teeth graze the tender skin. Her core contracted and she moaned.

  He slid his hands down her inner arms and sides. “Mine,” he whispered before he kissed her.

  Yes, she was his and he was hers. That was how it was supposed to be. She kept her hands over her head, for now, because it would please him. There was a feral quality about him that hadn’t been there before. It was extremely arousing.

  Their tongues tangled. Their breath melded. His hands were never still as he stroked her stomach and legs. He touched her everywhere but her breasts or between her legs. This was his payback.

  She ached for him, yearned to be joined together. “Billy,” she whispered when she finally turned her head away to catch a breath.

  He growled and cupped her breasts in his large hands, running his thumbs over the tight nipples. Pleasure raced between them and down to her core. Unwilling to wait any longer, she reached between them and wrapped her hand around his shaft.

  “Addie.” She loved it when he said her name like that, with love and a touch of desperation.

  In retaliation, he caught one tight nipple between his lips and sucked. The sensation rocketed through her, leaving trails of heat in its wake. But he was only getting started. He went back and forth between her breasts, licking and teasing until she was gasping for breath and begging for relief.

  But he wasn’t done torturing her.

  He kissed a path down her torso until he was between her thighs, forcing her to release her grip on him.

  “Now.” She didn’t want to wait.

  “Not yet.” He delved between her legs and dragged his tongue over her core. She pushed deeper into his touch and made a sound somewhere between pain and pleasure. It hurt, but the hurt was so good. She wanted more. Needed more.

  He seemed determined to make her come before he claimed her. Letting go, she sank into the sensations bombarding her. When he wrapped his warm lips around her clit and growled, the vibration rippled through her. On a thready scream, she came, legs shaking, body trembling.

  Before she’d barely registered the orgasm, he flipped her onto her stomach and pulled her up until she was on all fours.

  Panting hard, she glanced over her shoulder. His eyes were glowing and his lips were pulled back, exposing the tips of his sharp fangs. Another shiver slid through her.

  “Are you sure?” he asked.

  “God, yes.” She wanted this so badly. If he didn’t do it soon, she might just bite him.

  He fit the head of his shaft against her opening and slowly pushed. It wasn’t easy for him to work the broad head in, with her body still pulsing from her orgasm, but he kept up a steady pressure until he was inside, stretching her.

  She locked her elbows so she wouldn’t fall. Perspiration trickled down her face. Her limbs shook.

  Clasping her hips in his hands, he surged forward. He was hard and thick, forcing her inner muscles to stretch to accommodate him. Aftershocks from her orgasm had her inner muscles clutching his cock.

  Breathing heavily, she lowered her head, concentrating on drawing air into her lungs until he was finally seated to the hilt. They were intimately joined, emotionally linked, but it wasn’t permanent, not yet.

  He leaned over her, placing his hands next to hers on the mattress. They were larger, darker, and rough. A man’s hands. Her man’s hands.

  He nuzzled her neck. “Ready?”

  She tilted her head to one side, giving him access to her vulnerable neck.


  This is really happening.

  Billy fought hard to keep control. He’d never forgive himself if he hurt her at such a crucial time. This was their mating.

  They still had a lot to work out, decisions to make, but nothing was as important as this. The rest was just details. Joining their lives together, committing to each other, was all that truly mattered.

  She was tight and wet and warm. It was hell to try to go so slowly, but heaven when he finally arrived. His cock was pulsing inside her. Her inner muscles shredded his control.

  He slowly sank his fangs into the area where her shoulder and neck met and tasted blood. Rather than be revolted, he moaned as something clicked deep inside him, the joining locking into place, sealing their bond. She gasped and the telltale ripples along his shaft signaled she was coming again.

  Releasing his hold on her, he licked the area. It was already healing, for which he was grateful, but the mark would never fade. A mating mark never did.

  She moaned and bucked against him, sending him deeper. Swearing, he thrust. Once. Twice. He gritted his teeth to keep from howling. The room was soundproofed, but it was best not to risk it. The last thing he needed was his father knocking on the door. Talk about a mood killer.

  Before he collapsed, he managed to turn them so they both landed on their sides. His cock was locked inside her, pulsing with release. He brushed her damp hair out of the way and pressed a gentle kiss against the mating mark.

  On a sigh, she snuggled closer, pressing her butt tighter to his groin. His eyes almost rolled back into his head. She knew exactly what she was doing to him. Giving a mock growl, he nipped lightly at her shoulder.

  They lay there in the quiet as the room grew lighter and lighter, neither of them in a hurry to move.

  “What will your parents think of this?” Maybe it was something he should have considered before they’d mated, but he honestly hadn’t wanted to risk losing her.

  “I think they’ll be okay with our mating.” But she wasn’t sure. He could tell from the tone of her voice.

p; He disengaged, since he was no longer locked inside her, and turned her so she was facing him. “They can come and visit as often as they want.”

  She nodded while rubbing circles on his chest. “I know.”

  But it wouldn’t be the same, and she couldn’t go home. Not for a long while. Maybe not ever.

  “Do you want a house of your own?” He’d break ground this afternoon if it was what she needed. All he wanted was for her to be happy.

  “Maybe, but not yet.” She ran her fingers over his cheek. The feather-light caress had his dick straining once again. Being a werewolf came with benefits.

  “What do you want?” Better to ask outright than to try to guess.

  “I think your momma needs some time to get used to everything before we move out.”

  “You don’t mind?” Most women would. Of course, Addie had grown up with a pack and they were social creatures, more used to communal living.

  “It’s private enough. I assume the room is soundproof.”

  “Yes. And their bedroom is on the other side of the house. They put us boys on this side when we were growing up.”

  Addie smiled. “Smart.”

  Yeah, he didn’t want to think about hearing his parents having sex. He knew they did, but that didn’t mean he wanted to have that confirmed on any given night.

  She laughed at the expression on his face. “You just realized this goes both ways now, didn’t you?”

  He threw himself onto his back with his arm over his eyes. “I don’t want to talk about it.”

  She propped herself up on his chest and pushed his arm up so it wasn’t covering his face. There was a twinkle in her eyes that warmed his heart, as well as other areas of his body.

  “Maybe we could get an air conditioner or a white noise machine. For summer when the windows are open,” she teased.

  He rolled, taking her under him and sliding into her, making them both moan.

  “Are you going to do that every time you don’t want to talk about something?” she asked.

  “Yes.” He began to thrust in and out.

  She clung to his shoulders and smiled. “Works for me.”

  He kissed her then, tasting home, tasting the future he’d always wanted.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  Billy loved her.

  Tilting her head to one side, she peered into the bathroom mirror, a newfound confidence filling her. The scar on her neck wasn’t overly large, but there was no missing the mating mark. It was more permanent than a wedding ring.

  There’d been a time, not so long ago, she’d believed she’d never mate, had feared such a bond would curtail her freedoms. Instead, it had set her free, enabling her to soar. Having a mate who believed in her, who wanted her happy, was a gift she’d never take for granted. But her worries weren’t totally gone. His pack would accept them, but would her parents?

  She’d deliberately chosen to wear a top with a lower neckline so the mark would be visible to everyone. When her parents arrived later today they’d be bringing her clothing so she wouldn’t have to borrow anymore.

  It made her transition to the Salvation Pack even more real.

  “What are you thinking?” Billy appeared in the mirror behind her. After taking a long nap, he’d shown her just how much fun showering together could be. Her entire body quivered at the memory. He looked fresh and alert and oh so hot wearing a pair of clean jeans and a crisp white dress shirt.

  She shrugged, not sure how to put it all into words. “It’s just a lot. I have no regrets,” she assured him, when he frowned. “But so much has happened so fast.” In a matter of days, her entire life had been turned upside down.

  He slipped his arms around her, leaned down, and kissed the mark on her neck. “I wish I could have courted you properly.” He turned her so she was facing him and touched the tips of his fingers to the scar, as though he couldn’t quite believe it was real either. “I promise things will slow down now.”

  She laughed in spite of her anxiety. “Really? Because my parents are arriving any second with all my stuff, and we’re talking about maybe building a house. I also have to figure out exactly how I plan to do my part here in the pack. That doesn’t sound like slowing down.”

  He hooked a lock of hair behind her ear, the light touch sending a shiver through her. “I thought you were going to sew quilts.”

  “Maybe they have enough people doing that.” Wow, she really was stressing. She rubbed her fingers over her forehead. “Sorry.”

  “Don’t be.” He pulled her hand away and kissed the frown lines away from between her eyes. “You don’t have to figure everything out today. And we’re staying here for a while, so you can put aside thoughts of a house until you’re ready. As for your stuff, we’ll find room for everything, even if I have to get rid of some of my things.”

  He always seemed to know what to do or say to make her feel better. “I know you’re right.” She tried to smile. “I’m just incredibly nervous.”

  He nodded in understanding. “You’re not sure how your parents will react.”

  “I’m sure they’ll be fine. But…?” She just shook her head and straightened her top. “We should go.”

  When Billy’s phone signaled, he pulled it out of his pocket and checked the text message. “They’re pulling in at the parking area.”

  Her stomach was queasy, but she took a deep breath and reached for his hand. “Let’s go greet them.”

  It didn’t take long to navigate the right path. She was already getting familiar with the trails running from house to house to the workshop and parking lot.

  Jacque, Louis, and Cole were already there when they arrived, officially greeting their visitors. Her momma sent her a nervous glance.

  Addie broke away from Billy and hurried forward.

  “Go and greet your daughter. We can talk more later,” Jacque told them as she skidded to a stop beside them.

  “Addie,” her daddy scolded. She knew better than to interrupt the alpha. Then his gaze fell to the low neckline of her shirt. He reached out and touched the mating mark. “What have you done?” he asked, not to her but to Billy.

  “I mated with your daughter, sir.”

  Jacque put his hands on his waist and raised his gaze to the sky as if searching for divine intervention. Addie couldn’t tell if he was pleased or not by their mating.

  Her momma grabbed her hands. “You’re okay?”

  “Yes.” Addie’s gaze went to her mate. “I’m very okay.”

  The alpha slapped Billy on the back. “Congratulations. I take it your folks don’t know yet.”

  He shook his head. “No one knows, except the five of you now. I’d planned to wait.” He shrugged, offering no further explanation, for which she was grateful. It was too personal, too private to share.

  “Let’s go back to the house.” Jacque turned to Louis. “Call Elias and Sue. And you better call Reece and Sage as well.” Then he turned to Cole. “Let Gator know he needs to push back our meal for a bit. Maybe an hour to be safe.”

  “No, please.” Upsetting everyone’s plans was not the way she wanted to start her new life here. “Gator’s gone to a lot of trouble. No need to delay it.”

  When Jacque came to her, she lowered her gaze, unable to meet his. Billy was immediately behind her, slipping his arms around her waist and urging her to lean against him. The alpha caught her chin in his hand and raised her head.

  “You need to stop worrying, chère. You’re part of this pack. You’re Billy’s mate. Besides,” he released her chin, “his parents need to be told before the others.”

  “Of course.” God, why hadn’t they waited? Billy leaned down and kissed her temple, sending a blast of heat through her. That’s why they hadn’t waited. He was just too much temptation.

  Her daddy stepped forward and held out his hand. “I can see my daughter is in good hands.”

  “All I want is for her to be happy.” Billy couldn’t have said anything better.

r momma’s eyes filled up and then she opened her arms. “I’m so happy for you both.”

  Addie hugged her. Then her daddy had her in a bear hug. Jacque and the others slipped away, leaving the four of them alone.

  Her momma pointed at the car. “We have your clothes, but not all your belongings.” She bit her lip and glanced at Billy. “We wanted an excuse to come see you again.”

  “Oh, Momma.” She couldn’t imagine not seeing her and her daddy on a daily basis. She would miss her terribly.

  Billy finally put his hand on her shoulder and gave it a gentle squeeze. “We should go. The others are probably waiting.”

  “Of course.” She swiped at her eyes and forced a smile.

  “Addie, honey, you go in there looking like that and my family is going to whip my butt for making you sad.”

  That made her laugh. “Your family adores you,” she reminded him.

  “They do. But they adore you, too. If my father thought for one second I’d pushed you into mating, he would not be happy.”

  From his expression, he wasn’t saying it to help her relax. He really meant it. Talk about a revelation. She curled her arm around his. “Let’s not keep them waiting.”

  With her parents following, they led the way to the alpha’s home. Her new in-laws were already there. Addie scented them as they walked up the porch stairs. The door opened and Elias stood there, big and broad and intimidating.

  Except she was no longer afraid of him.

  His gaze went to her neck and then to her face. She smiled and nodded. A huge grin split his face. He came to her and gently cupped her face in his hands. “Welcome to the family.”

  Following her instincts, she hugged him, smiling more when he hugged her back. Then he released her and all but pounced on Billy. He dragged his son into his arms and lifted him off his feet.

  Her parents watched the exchange—her daddy with a smile, while her momma brushed away tears. The spontaneous show of affection did more for settling their doubts than anything else could have.

  Sue stepped out onto the porch and glanced at her son and Elias, then turned her attention to Addie. “You mated with my boy.”


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