Faking For Mr. Pope (City Billionaires Book 1)

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Faking For Mr. Pope (City Billionaires Book 1) Page 8

by Coco Miller

  I should have come clean and just told Nicholas everything about my past and my living situation and asked him for help. That’s what I intend to do tomorrow morning. I know where he lives; hopefully he’ll be in and listen to my story.

  He has to listen, right?

  I need help, major help, and I’m not afraid to admit it. Not anymore. Only a fool would continue living like this. I’m tired of having to carry the designer clothes with me everyday, because I’m afraid one of my roommates might steal them. I saw one of the girls looking at them as if they were a prized jewel. I knew if I left them lying around that they would be gone by the evening.

  I start to head up the stairs and take off my heels. The same thing I used to do every day when I worked in his office. It was only for a little while, but it felt like heaven at the time. The idea of not having to spend all day walking on the streets or even here, listening to a baby crying or one of the girls talking about a job that they’re going to tonight.

  I think that’s part of the reason that they don’t like me. It’s clear a couple of the girls work the streets. Turning tricks and who knows what else. And the others maybe strip in clubs. I don’t want to work that kind of life and I suppose to them, I’m a snob or stupid.

  I’m neither of those things though. I just don’t want to sell my body for money. Imagine me stripping? I already feel bad enough that I accepted gifts from Nicholas, but me approaching him about my situation would be different. I would be asking him for help, with no strings attached. He’ll either help me or he won’t.

  As soon as I open the door, I can’t believe who’s sitting on my bed. Eight floors, I’m tired, exhausted and his name has been on my mind all the way up the stairs.


  He glances up. “So...remember what I said about asking for help.” His voice is soft, and it frightens me. It’s as if he’s hurting just by seeing me live like this.

  I nod my head, my eyes as big as saucers.

  “Well, it starts here and now. You’re not spending another night here.”

  “Who let you in?” I ask in my defense.

  He stands up and says, “Someone who wanted fifty dollars to let me in.”

  I nod. “Figures–money talks in this place.”

  I can't believe that Nicholas is in my room. I want to run out of here and pretend I don't live here. I’m embarrassed.

  “Which is a lot more than you ever did, Keisha. Get what’s dear to you and I’ll wait outside. You’re not staying here again. Do you understand?”

  I want to yell at him. I want to fight him. I want to tell him that it’s been a whole week, that I haven’t heard anything from him. I want to say to him that he has no right to come here and tell me how to live. I want to tell him all the things that my stupid pride would come out and say, but a tear escapes my eye as I say the only thing that should be on the tip of my tongue, at the front of my head, “Thank you.”

  He kisses me on the forehead as he passes me by and says, “Don’t thank me. Just get what you need.”

  I do it without thinking twice. One of the girls, Portia, looks at me and apart from my ID which is in my purse, I don’t need anything else.

  “Who’s the white boy?” Portia asks.

  “A friend,” I say.

  “Thought you said you didn’t have no friends.”

  “I do now.”

  I toss one of the designer shirts to the right, to a girl that’s around the same age as me, and to the left I hand Portia the dress she’s been eyeballing.

  Neither of them say thank you. They wouldn’t say thanks, because they’re just the way I used to be. They think that they don’t need anyone. They think it’s weak to accept anything that they didn’t shake their asses for, but I don’t care.

  It makes me feel better to know that I’ve helped them whether they like it or not. I’m going to a new life, I’ll work hard, but I won’t live like this anymore, because I don’t want to. I deserve more.

  I know I do.



  It feels good having Keisha by my side. I’m such an idiot for waiting so long to look for her. Seeing the way she lived, the people she shared a room with, my heart broke–but now my heart is wide open. Open much more than it ever was before.

  I’ve never felt like this before.

  Never have I wanted a woman so much and never have I wanted to provide and take care of a woman this badly.

  We enter the limo and Keisha grabs my hand. “Thank you.”

  “You don’t need to thank me anymore. I was an idiot for taking so long to come after you. I’m sorry.”

  “It was one night. There were no promises made.”

  “You don’t honestly believe what you’re saying right? You had to have known that I was fighting with myself the entire time you were with me. I selfishly wanted you to stay, but I also wanted to do what was right.”

  “There’s nothing wrong about wanting me, Mr. Pope.” She smiles and not only does my dick harden, but my heart practically jumps.

  Oh yeah, I’m in big fucking trouble.

  “Yeah, I think you’re right.”

  “What took you so long to figure it out?”

  I run a hand along my jaw. “Work. I’ve been having a hell of a week with Roberta.”

  “Oh really? Why?” She’s cute how she angles her body to face me. “Did our little act not work?”

  “I think it worked too well.” I squeeze her hand. “She’s spreading rumors about me. She’s also trying to steal my clients by telling them awful things, and some have already considered leaving.”

  “That’s horrible.” She glances out the window.

  “I haven’t stopped thinking about you since you left,” I say in a still, small voice.

  She turns toward me. “I haven’t stopped thinking about you either.”

  I lean into kiss her, our tongues tracing along each other.

  God, I’ve missed her.

  “A thought occurred to me when you mentioned Roberta stealing clients,” she says.


  “Well, last week there was an odd phone call from a Mr. Peters,” she starts.

  “Yes, I know Paul Peters.” My mind is intrigued.

  Peters has always been a friend, but maybe Roberta got to him. I haven’t spoken to him since the party.

  “Yes, well he said he had some very important files for you to look over. I forwarded them to your email.”

  “Hmm, I don’t remember.” The fact I never saw her email concerns me. Does Roberta have my email password? Did she find these files? Is that how she’s undercut me the past week? See, this woman has me completely paranoid.

  “Mr. Peters said you would definitely find them interesting as they were about an ex. At the time I didn’t know what he meant. I just scribbled down the message and sent the files.”

  “Why didn’t he send them to me himself?”

  “He didn’t say. He was being very cryptic, but I didn’t really think much of it at the time.”

  I kiss her hand, gazing into her eyes. “I spent many nights at Roberta’s place. She could have access to my email easily.”

  She glances down to her lap. “Well, the files should still be in your assistant’s email. I never deleted it.”

  “You’re a genius!” I exclaim. I could kiss her right now but I don’t. Instead I press the intercom in the car and tell Roger to head to my office. As he turns the car around I start tapping my foot on the floorboard– my nerves getting the best of me.

  I want to see these files. I need to see these files. If Peters has dirty information on Roberta this could be the thing to ruin her, and in this moment I need something. I need a hail Mary.

  Roger pulls up to the curb of the street. “We’re here, sir.”

  I open the car door, and rush to open the door for Keisha, taking her sweet hand in mine. We head inside my company building, my strides long and unyielding as Keisha tries to keep up. We take t
he elevator all the way up to my office. My mind races over what could possibly be in this email. All the things that could be happening. My heartbeat amps up the closer the elevator reaches the top floor. My palms are sweaty and my nerves bubble around inside me.

  Joanne’s green eyes widen when we step through the doors. “Hi, I didn’t expect to see you back today.”

  “We need a file off of your computer,” I say, heading right to her desk. I almost want to snap my fingers at her, but I calm down, knowing I’ll see them soon enough. Sometimes I get over anxious, demanding things at a quick pace. I breathe, trying to remember to keep my wits about me.

  She pushes her chair out of the way and gets up. “Sure thing.”

  I move the mouse, and search for anything that may look conspicuous. I glance at Keisha. “What am I looking for?”

  She steps closer, pursing her lips as she studies the computer. Her hand rests atop mine on the mouse, igniting a warm sensation to travel up into my chest. She’s so close. The smell of her sugary scent does things to me, but I need to push those thoughts out of my mind for now. Later, I can do things to this woman. For now, I need to see the email. I need to see the files and get my life back.

  Keisha clicks on the email icon, bringing up the past emails for the last sixty days. Then she does a search for Paul Peters, and lo and behold it’s still there.

  She clicks it open, and I can’t read it quick enough.

  Peters was able to find Roberta’s company holdings, and some very shady business deals she was involved in. Deal after shady deal all laid out for me to see, with addresses and bank accounts. This bitch has been taking money from her clients and not investing it like she promises.

  I copy the files to a flash drive and call my business partner.

  One quick stop to his office, and then Keisha and I head back to my place.

  When we enter my building, I smile in utter relief.

  “I can’t believe how this day has turned out.”

  She laughs. “You can’t? I can’t. I feel like we just solved a big CSI case!”

  I walk closer to the bar, my eyes glancing over what liquor I should pour her.

  “Want a drink?” I ask her.

  She nods, chewing on her bottom lip. “I’ll have what you’re having.”

  I want to strip her down and have my way with her, but I also know that she’s mine now. Whether she knows it or not, this woman standing in the middle of my living room floor is all mine and I’ll have plenty of time to have my way with her.

  There’s no rush.

  Keisha takes her purse off and sets it on the table as I pour her and I a drink. Gin and tonic. I cut up a lime and drop a slice into each our drinks. “Do you like gin?”

  She nods, biting the bottom of her lip. “Sure.”

  I hand her the drink, taking a sip of my own. “I’m glad you’re here.” And I am. She belongs in this place.

  She smiles, a cute shy smile. Her cheeks turn a little red. Her dark hair encases her face in such beauty. “I’m glad I’m here too.” She takes a sip of her drink, her nose scrunching just a bit from the taste of the alcohol.

  I take the drink from her hand, setting the glasses on the same table as her purse, and then I kiss her. A kiss to let her know exactly who she is–my future.

  All the madness of the last twenty-four hours has lead me to this place with her. To this moment with my future. And I have no plans of letting her go anytime soon.

  She kisses me back with about the same angst as I kissed her with. Like she’s happy to be here. God knows that I’m happy that I’ve rescued her from her life. I plan to always rescue her from everything in her life. I want her to know she’s safe with me. She will always have a safe place to fall with me.

  I wrap her close to me, pulling her against my body and she moans into my mouth. I want her to know I’ll do anything for her. That she doesn’t need to worry anymore about anything. That I’m the one who will protect her now. That she belongs to me.

  I break the kiss, and she smiles, reaching for her drink to take another sip. I laugh. “DId I make you thirsty?”

  “Yes, you did.”

  I stalk closer. “You make me a lot of things, Keisha.” I wrap her into my chest, my arms skating down her body and landing on her ass. I squeeze each cheek and she moans against me.

  “You’re exactly what I want,” I tell her.

  “You were yelling at me to get you coffee just a few weeks ago. Now you want to date me?” Her eyes are bright, and her smile is wide.

  “No, I want you to move in with me.”

  She gasps. “Really?”

  “Yes, I want to spoil you in all the ways you’ve never known, and support every dream you’ve ever had for yourself.” And I mean every word I say to her. I want her to know everything, to have everything, and to be the one to share it all with her.

  She hugs me, her arms wrapping around my neck, and I sweep her off her feet. “I don’t know what to say.”

  “Say yes.”

  I set her back down, and she smiles bigger than I’ve ever seen. It takes my breath away. She takes my breath away.


  That’s all I needed to hear. I pick her up, carry her off to our room, and set her on the bed. “I want you in my bed every night.”

  Her eyes flutter closed. “I want that too.”

  I make a slow path of kisses from her ankle to her knee. I want to take my time with her tonight, and I know she needs me as badly as I need her. A week is a long fucking time.

  “You’re mine,” I say to her in a deep growl, so she never needs to question my sincerity. This is one night I don’t ever want either of us forgetting anytime soon. I know I won’t ever forget this night.

  When I first met Keisha, I thought nothing of her. It’s sad but true. I thought she was a beautiful girl, yes, but I see beautiful women everyday. Now I know better. I feel differently. There’s no one in the world who can hold a candle next to Keisha. She’s remarkably sweet and kind, but has a certain edge I find sexy. What’s even better is that she doesn’t even know that she possesses this quality, and that above all else just makes her even sexier. It’s like she can’t be bothered to know how wonderful she is.

  I continue kissing and sucking up her thigh. “Are you wet for me yet, baby?”

  She nods, opening her eyes and they meet mine. “Yes.”

  She’s so sexy. I love making her wet. I love knowing she wants me just as badly as I need her. “Spread your legs wide for me.”

  She does as she is told, and I make my way underneath her skirt. I kiss and suck along the edge of her panties, using my fingers to hook into the waistband and draw them down her long legs. She’s got great fucking legs.

  “Ah, Nicholas,” she groans out, her hand flying into my hair, her fingers gripping each strand.

  I push her skirt all the way up, so I can really get a good angle on her pussy. I want to stick my tongue deep inside her. I need to let her know she is mine, and I do just that, making sure to use my tongue to make her feel good. Better than she has ever felt before.

  I swipe my tongue along her heated skin, tasting her fully. It’s a sensual taste, one I want to dine on over and over. She tastes so good. I give attention to her clit as her legs close in around me.

  “Spread wider,” I demand hungrily.

  “Yes, sir,” she replies like the obedient little sex goddess that she is. Driving me completely out of my mind.

  I use my hands to push against each thigh to spread her legs open farther for me. I swipe her skin from her ass to her clit, and she lets out a long, hard moan. It’s sexy so I do it again and again. But, I focus most of my time, rubbing my thumb along her clit, feasting on her juices. Owning her with every swipe of my tongue. Making her feel good with each flick of my wrist. I fuck her pussy with my tongue and fingers, letting her know exactly how much she drives me crazy. And I love doing it.

  Because this is my woman now.

  Every singl
e inch of her.



  I’ve never been this turned on in all my life. The things Nicholas is doing to me is almost too much to bear. It’s like he’s working my body as if I’m the first woman he’s ever been with. As if he wants to consume me.

  He plunges a finger deep inside me, and I try my best to stifle the scream of pleasure from my lips, but I cry out anyway. “Ahhh!”

  It’s too good. It’s never been like this before, and I’m coming all over his tongue before I can even think about anything else. As soon as I catch my breath, Nicholas is removing my clothes from me in a quick hurry. He rips off his own clothing, reaching into his bedside dresser for a condom, and kneels between my legs. He holds his massive-sized dick in his hand as he rips the condom wrapper with his teeth. My eyes grow wide as he rolls the condom down his huge cock. It’s just so big and beautiful. I never really got to see it up close but now that I can, I don’t want to stop staring at it.

  “Yeah, this is all yours now.” He grins as he continues to stroke himself.

  Those words make the feeling of pride rush through me. It’s a pleasure to know that his dick in his hands is hard because of me. For me. Not because of some other woman. Only me.

  He holds his dick against my entrance. “You ready for more?” he asks me with a wicked grin.

  “Yes,” I moan a few times until the tip of his cock is spreading me open.

  It’s so big I have to wait a bit for my body to accept him in. I breathe through the pressure until he’s full seated inside me and then he begins to rock, over and over. He pushes his dick in and out of me again and again. Pleasure builds deep within me, and I grip onto his back, my nails sliding down his sweat-sheen skin.

  His eyes meet mine, and it’s like a connection forms immediately between us. I truly believe I am his and that he is mine. This isn’t fake. This is for real. And the rest of my life will never be the same which scares me shitless.


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