Alpha Bloodlines

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Alpha Bloodlines Page 13

by Kirsty Moseley

  I shook my head "No it's fine, keep calling her Mel, and if you get through to her call me" I said. I grabbed my t-shirt and keys and ran for my car. Something was wrong I just knew it, she always answered the phone to Mel, always.

  Chapter 14

  I sped to her house and parked a couple of houses away, his car was in the driveway so I knew they were here. I called Mel quickly, "Have you spoken to her?" I asked desperately.

  She sighed "No Jay, still no answer, honestly I think you should just leave it, she won't thank you if you start causing trouble between her and her boyfriend" she said pleadingly. I squeezed my eyes shut at the word boyfriend, maybe she wasn't answering the phone because they were having sex! I groaned as pain ripped through my heart, I knew she had sex with him, I could smell him on her occasionally when we met for lunch, but I tried my hardest not to ever think about it, it was just too painful.

  "Thanks, I'll let you know how I get on ok" I said snapping the phone shut unable to hear anymore of her protests.

  I opened my phone again and called Brook, after about ten rings I was just about to give up and go and knock when Trey answered. I gripped the edge of the seat hard enough to tear the leather refusing to shift as jealousy ripped through my body. "Yeah?" he said lazily.

  "Hi can I speak to Brook please?" I asked trying not to sound too aggressive.

  He sniffed loudly, "Who the fuck's this?" he asked angrily, my wolf fought to get free, he wouldn't be disrespected.

  "A friend of hers from school" I answered squeezing my eyes shut tight. Come on Jayden keep it together, you need to get used to this asshole if you want to be in her life!

  "Baby, someone on the phone for you" he called away from the phone.

  "Who is it hon?" she asked, I heard her gasp.

  "Some guy from your school, hurry the fuck up and get rid, tell him not to call you again" he growled angrily.

  "Ok" she said quietly. There was a rustling with the phone, "Hello?" she said curiously, obviously my number not appearing on her caller id, she had memorised it so she wouldn't have too many calls and texts from me on her phone, she said that he used her phone a lot.

  "Brook, it's Jayden, you ok?" I asked gripping the seat harder and tearing the leather even more.

  "Um yeah, I'm fine thanks, listen I can't speak to you now" she said clearly uncomfortable.

  "Hurry the fuck up!" I heard him shout angrily. If he shouts at her again I swear I'm going in there and ripping his head off!

  "Brook, is everything ok? I could come over" I suggested looking longingly at her house, please say yes, please!

  "No! No, I'll see you in school ok?" she said quickly.

  "Tell him not to fucking call you again Brook, NOW!" he ordered sounding really pissed. I heard her make a little yelping noise and I burst out of the car nearly taking the door off.

  "I have to go, don't call me again ok?" she said breathlessly, she hung up and I ran towards her door.

  As I ran up the drive I heard a bang, she whimpered again, if he's hurting her I'm gonna fucking kill him! I tried the door to see it was unlocked so I let myself in, ok wow if I'm wrong about this, I am gonna in so much trouble with her!

  "Why the fuck is a guy calling you?" he asked angrily.

  "He's just a guy from school, that's all, he needed help with something! A project, we're doing a project together" she said breathlessly. My hands were shaking my wolf wanting out so bad I could barely hold him back.

  I listened, they were upstairs at the front of the house, "A project? Why can't you do it with a girl?

  You sleeping with him? Huh? You fucking him you little tramp?" he shouted.

  I took the steps three at a time, "No!" she cried. I heard another bang and she cried out in pain.

  "He wouldn't fucking want you anyway, who the fuck would want you? Look at you! Get up!

  You're fucking lucky I still want you, if I didn't love you I wouldn't even be able to stand looking at your fat ass" he said.

  I burst into the room, she was pinned against the wall, he had his hand round her throat, her cheek was bright red, her lip was split, she was crying and clutching at his wrist desperately. I grabbed his shoulder and jerked him backwards away from her as I punched him hard in the face, his head snapped back his eyes rolling back into his head. I punched him again snapping his nose, he was a little limp so I threw him away from me, he slammed against the other wall hard leaving a huge dent in it as he slumped to the floor like a rag doll. I was so fucking angry I wanted to kill him, shit, could I stop myself from killing him? I stepped towards him my hands shaking, my wolf wanting revenge on him for hurting my mate, I couldn't think of anything else but how I was gonna kill him, how much of his blood I would spill before I finally let him die.

  I heard Brook move behind me, she gasped for breath, the sound seemed to snap me out of my rage, I took a deep breath and turned back to her, she was rubbing her neck as she looked at me shocked.

  "Shit! Are you ok?" I asked moving quickly back to her side and putting my arm around her waist, she winced as my arm went around her, obviously he'd hurt her ribs or back. I gritted my teeth as the rage started to take over again, I raised my hand and stroked her bruised cheek with my fingertips. She nodded and gripped my arm, her eyes were wide and scared.

  "What are you doing here?" she asked her voice breaking slightly as she continued to cry.

  She clung to me tightly, "I thought you were in trouble" I said frowning and looking back at the piece of shit who was slumped on the other side on the room.

  His arm twitched and then he started to push himself up off of the floor, what the hell? He should be in a coma right now how hard he hit that wall! When he was standing he wiped the blood from his face with the back of his hand and took a step forward glaring at me looking murderously angry.

  The rage was building inside me and I knew I was gonna kill him, if he wanted to live he needed to get the hell away from me right now. I felt a growl trying to rip it's way out of my throat, my wolf trying to force me to shift. Brook whimpered so I shoved her behind me quickly, there was no way he was getting anywhere near her, she cringed into my back.

  His hands started to shake as he sneered at me. I saw his eyes turn black, HOLY SHIT! He's a shifter! I stepped back forcing Brook against the wall behind me pinning her there, I needed her out of the way if he was gonna shift. I can't believe she's dating a shifter!

  "You're gonna die now boy, then your fucking mother Brook, but not before I rape the shit out of her, and your coming home with me" he said angrily.

  She screamed behind me, "NO! Trey please! Please! Nothing happened, I swear, please don't hurt my Mom please" she screamed, she was banging her fists against my back squirming trying to get out of the little cage I had created with my body, trapping her against the wall. "Move Jayden! Move!" she screamed hysterically.

  "You come anywhere near her or her Mom and I'll kill you and your whole pack" I growled.

  He looked at me a little shocked, "You're a shifter?" he asked smiling with a wicked glint in his black eyes, I nodded waiting for him to move. "You know who I am?" he asked smiling cockily.

  I shook my head "Should I?" I asked looking him over, he was quite big but I was confident I could take him, I was from Alpha bloodline and I had my mate to fight for which would give me extra will to kill him.

  He laughed "I'm Trey Newton, from The Trident pack, Alpha of The Tridents actually" he said smiling. My blood froze in my veins, he was an Alpha! The Tridents was a really bad pack, they were basically all the badass' that didn't want to belong to my father's pack and any rogues that decided to join them instead of us.

  "Jayden Philips of Willow creak" I said not taking my eyes off of him once.

  "Philips? As in Alpha Philips? Any relation?" he asked raising one eyebrow.

  "He's my father" I said staring at him, fighting my wolf that wanted to kill him.

  "Father really? I met him once, he's an ass so I decided to go to the Tridents inst
ead" he said sneering at me, obviously trying to provoke me into a fight so I would leave Brook unprotected, but that just wasn't happening.

  "He is an ass, your right" I said honestly.

  He smiled "Well maybe you should leave that shitty pack and join up with the big boys" he said waving a hand at himself.

  "Big boys, right, I don't think so, but thanks for the offer" I said turning my nose up, his eyes narrowed at the disrespect and I could see he was fighting with his wolf now too.

  Both of us were ignoring the still struggling and screaming Brook behind me, suddenly he laughed

  "So it appears that my girlfriend wants out from behind you, you'd better let her go" he said warningly.

  "No, you'd better fucking leave here right now and never come back or I swear to you I will rip your heart out and give it to her as a present" I growled angrily.

  He stiffened at the threat, "I am Alpha! You will show me respect" he demanded sinking into a slight crouch, I matched his posture readying for his attack.

  "You're not my Alpha, get the fuck out of here, if you hurt her or her Mother, you'll be begging for death long before I give it to you" I said angrily, my hands were shaking needing to shift, I clenched them tight trying to stay in control.

  "Brook get here now" he demanded.

  She started up again, "Jayden please move! He'll hurt my Mom please!" she begged sobbing as I refused to let her go.

  "He won't get anywhere near her shortie, I promise you" I said, her hands gripped the back of my t-shirt as she pressed her body against mine tightly.

  "Yes I will Brook, you know me baby, I'll have all my boys rape her two at a time, then I'll slice her from groin to neck and let her bleed to death" Trey said smiling wickedly.

  She screamed and started beating against me again. "Please Trey, please! I'll do anything, please, anything you want I swear please!" she begged her voice breaking. Her breathing hitching as she continued to sob, she was breaking my heart, I hated to hear her so upset, I wanted to comfort her.

  But I needed to make her safe first.

  "What the hell would I want from you that I haven't already had?" he asked laughing.

  "Please Trey, I love you" she cried desperately, I felt sick, her words were killing me, his face softened slightly, I could see he loved her.

  "Come here to me and I won't hurt your mother" he said pointing to the floor in front of him.

  "I can't, please, he won't let me go!" she cried, "Please Jayden" she whispered.

  I shook my head "What do you want with her anyway? You can't mate her" I said watching his face closely, his jaw snapped tight.

  "None of your fucking business" he said scowling, I'd obviously hit a sore spot there, had he tried?

  "Have you tried to mate her?" I asked curiously.

  "I can't! She's a fucking human in case you didn't notice" he growled angrily.

  I nodded "Yeah I noticed, I just wondered what would happen if you tried" I said shrugging.

  He laughed "Well I can help you there, nothing happens, she bleeds" he said chuckling, my wolf lurched at the thought of his teeth on her neck but I forced him away. He had tried to mate her and it didn't work? What the hell does that mean?

  "Nothing happens? Really? Show him your neck shortie" I said sternly, she whimpered.

  He frowned confused, "What about it?" he asked, "Show him shortie, it's ok, I promise, you trust me right?" I said moving my hand from the wall to touch her leg but still pinning her behind me.

  "Yes" she whispered.

  I moved slightly to one side so he could see her, she moved behind me, obviously moving her shirt to the side. I knew the exact moment he saw my mark on her neck. His face went red, his hands shook and a split second later he exploded into his wolf leaping towards us. I grabbed her arm pulling down towards the floor making her drop, I spun slightly and just as the wolf's teeth were snapping at my face I gripped hold of him around the throat and threw him as hard as I could away from us, readying myself to shift. "Stay down Brook" I said sternly, I saw her nod slightly as she cowered on the floor.

  He skidded along the floor and slammed into the wall as I shifted and lunged for his throat. He twisted at the last second so my teeth sank into his shoulder making him yelp and jerk away from me. I lunged for him again forcing him back away from Brook, I couldn't have this happen too close to her she could get hurt by accident. He dodged again his teeth snapping at my face missing me by mere millimetres, I raised up onto my back legs slightly to come at him from a different angle and sank my teeth into the back of his neck twisting trying to snap it, but I didn't have a good enough grip.

  He threw me off and ran at me the force of his body hitting mine slamming me into the wall knocking my breath out of me. He immediately turned towards Brook, my blood boiled in my veins, I pushed myself up and jumped over the top of him landing in front of her putting my body between him and her. He wouldn't get anywhere near her, no fucking way. I could hear her sobbing behind me, he was sizing me up thinking of how to attack me, I wouldn't wait for him to attack, I couldn't have him any closer to her than he already is.

  I lunged forwards again at the same time he did, I bent low putting my head in his chest and pushed forward as hard as I could throwing him backwards making him loose his balance. When he was on the floor I buried my teeth as hard as I could into his shoulder feeling the bones beneath my teeth.

  He yelped and I lifted him and whipped my head to the side throwing him towards the wall. I must have thrown harder than I thought, I still wasn't used to all this extra coming of age strength yet.

  His body flew through the air and smashed straight through her bedroom window, I heard him yelp before he disappeared. I shifted back and ran to Brook's side, I grabbed her hand and yanked her to her feet pulling her quickly to the window not wanting to leave her for a second in case he came back up the stairs behind me. I leant out of the window in time to see him laying on his side, he shifted back pushing himself to his feet. Blood all over his back, neck and face.

  He looked up at the window murderously angry, his face the picture of rage as he sneered at me,

  "You're dead Philips, your all dead and it won't be painless either, I'll kill her mother first, and then I'll make you watch as I kill Brook slowly, making her scream for you" he said spitting blood onto the floor.

  Rage took over again, he needed to die. I threw one leg over the windowsill about to jump and finish this but Brook grabbed my hand "NO! Jayden please don't, please don't leave me" she begged crying hysterically. Trey just sneered at me and turned walking towards his truck, obviously not man enough come back up and take me on his own. My wolf was trying to force me after him, I wanted so badly to jump out of the window and tear him limb from limb, but I couldn't leave Brook alone, not while she was clinging to me like that. She wanted me to stay so I had to stay, it was part of my mating to give her whatever she asked for. I watched him get in and pull away before I turned to her and wrapped her in my arms.

  She was sobbing, her legs gave out so I picked her up bridal style and carried her to the bed sitting her on my lap as I rocked her gently. She wrapped her arms around my neck and sobbed onto my shoulder, "Oh God! Are you ok? Did he hurt you?" she asked desperately pulling back and looking all over my face and neck concerned.

  "I'm fine shortie" I said honestly, he didn't get anywhere near me.

  She started sobbing again and hugged me tight, "This is all my fault, I should never have gone to the stupid party, I should have just left my phone turned off, I should have told you we couldn't be friends, now he's gonna kill my Mom!" she said gripping her hand into my hair.

  I rubbed down her back as I continued to rock her as her sob's slowly calmed down. "It's ok shortie, I promise, I'll sort everything" I said soothingly. Suddenly she pulled back to look at me, she looked really angry, her eyes were red and puffy, her cheek had a blue and red tinge to it where he had hit her, her lip was slightly swollen but had stopped bleeding now.

"Why the hell did you do that? Why didn't you let me go? Then he wouldn't be after my Mom, he wouldn't want to hurt you!" she cried slapping her hands on my chest.

  I caught her wrists making her stop in case she hurt herself hitting me, "I couldn't let him hurt you" I said simply.

  She shook her head "I'd cope with it, I always cope with it, it doesn't matter, but now he's gonna hurt my Mom!" she said fresh tears spilling over.

  "You always cope with it? He's done this before? This is why you couldn't be my mate, because you knew he'd hurt your Mom" I asked cupping her face making her look at me, realisation hitting me.

  He was hurting her and she was protecting her Mom by being with him, fresh sobs broke out of her, I put my forehead to hers wishing she'd told me, I could have helped her sooner. "Why didn't you tell me?" I asked desperately.

  "He said he wouldn't ever let me go, he said he'd kill her if I tried to leave him" she said wiping her face with a shaky hand.

  "Everything's ok now shortie, he won't hurt you or your Mom, I promise you, I'll protect you" I vowed.

  "I can't see you get hurt either" she whispered looking into my eyes.

  I smiled "I won't get hurt either" I said sternly.

  "I can't believe Trey's a shifter, all this time" she asked looking shocked and scared, I nodded trying not to get angry again as I thought of him.

  She ran her hand over my face slowly making me burn in need for her, "Oh god Jayden" she whispered. She whimpered slightly and crashed her lips to mine setting my body on fire, oh god I'm kissing her again! Waves of desire for her were crashing through my system, I'd dreamt of doing this every day since the party and now I've kissed her twice in one day. I pulled her closer to me kissing her for a couple of seconds before I pulled away.

  "Call your Mom, tell her there's an emergency and that you're coming to pick her up, tell her not to go anywhere alone and if Trey shows up to call the police" I said easing her off of my lap and sitting her on the bed. I grabbed her phone from the floor and handed it to her, "Can you do that for me shortie?" I asked looking straight into her eyes, she nodded. I smiled and kissed her gently on her lips, "You have anything I could put on?" I asked slightly embarrassed that I was now naked.


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