Emerge- The Betrayal

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Emerge- The Betrayal Page 35

by Melissa A. Craven

  “So even if we were all here we’d never make it inside.” A look of defeat settled into Pilar’s eyes.

  “Oh, we could get in,” Aidan said. “If we were prepared to defect to the other side right now. I know the man who likely made this barrier. He would give us refuge, but we aren’t ready for that today.” Aidan wasn’t sure he could even face Navid after all this time, much less ask him for asylum.

  “Will we ever be ready?” Wes asked. “I’ve got to get Ezra out of the Initiative but if we’re never allowed out on assignment together, we’re screwed.”

  “I need you all to trust me. Our chance for escape is coming and it’s going to be soon. But for now, we have other business to handle. Come on, they’re opening up.” Aidan and his soldiers lined up in front of the barrier opening. The familiar faces lurking inside sent Aidan’s heart racing.

  Navid and Quinn were the first to appear beyond the barrier, protecting Sterling Tower from Marcus. The years had changed the young man who was so like a brother to Aidan. He wanted to go to Quinn’s side, but Aidan had a job to do first.

  “The First Princess will see you now,” Navid said, his tone solemn and his eyes sad.

  First Princess? Why would the last Queen of Indriell take a lesser title? That title belonged to … someone else.

  “Are you okay?” Pilar whispered. “You look like you’re about to vomit.”

  Aidan shook his head. “No, I am not okay.” He saw her before she saw him. He couldn’t breathe or move for fear he would charge across this park and never look back. Aidan had expected the queen. Never in a million years would he have guessed Allie was the one behind the Soma takeover. She’d beaten him to the punch and in the process, she’d stolen his only means of escape right out from under him. A hopeless rage ripped through Aidan’s body. The darkness within him wanted to throttle Allie almost as much as the other half of him wanted to take her in his arms and never let go.

  She was even more beautiful than the last time he’d seen her—more mature and regal. Confident, but guarded. His arms ached to hold her.

  “They are devoted to her. Like full on, drank the Kool Aid, legit followers,” Neela said. “They love her.”

  One look at the sea of adoring faces surrounding Allie as she made her way through the barrier told Aidan she had their trust and their devotion. “She is worth following.”

  “That’s your girlfriend?” Rowan gaped. “Man … she scares the bejesus out of me.”

  “And we’re about to go piss her off.” Aidan stood ramrod straight, too angry and frustrated to let himself feel the joy the sight of her should bring him. After all this time, this wasn’t the reunion he’d dreamed of. She doesn’t know she just destroyed our only chance of escape. His rage wasn’t for Allie. The moment he saw her, Aidan sank into a deep well of despair. Marcus knew about her. But had he connected all the dots yet? Did he know she was the child of prophecy? Aidan’s only recourse now was to continue with this farce of a meeting and return to Marcus for his next orders. Aidan studied the faces among the Senate soldiers, knowing some, if not all would report to Marcus with the details of this “parley.”

  “Yeah, let’s try not to piss off the scary princess girl,” Bennett said.

  “Just follow my lead.” Aidan’s jaw creaked with tension. Four years had changed them. He hardly recognized himself. He couldn’t expect Allie to be the same girl she was, but this … this just wasn’t her. She would never want this.

  “You heard the man,” Pilar said, “let’s do this.”

  “Dad.” Aidan hid his shock behind his stony facade when Gregg and Liam marched down the lines of soldiers pouring from the barrier entrance behind Allie. His father barked instructions, yet his eyes never wavered from his son. In that moment, it gutted Aidan to see his father and his uncle preparing to battle him. Shame bloomed in his chest and he couldn’t bear the look of sadness on Greggory McBrien’s face.

  But Aidan saw a glimmer of hope. Marcus knew he’d sent Aidan into the midst of his family. This was a test of his loyalty. This was the key to earning Marcus’s trust and his permission to lead the whole Syntrophos army right to Soma’s doorstep. Aidan just hoped his family would forgive him someday.

  “I know this is your family, but don’t waver on me now,” Pilar said.

  “I’ve got this,” Aidan said, though he wished the earth would open up and swallow him.

  Aidan waved his soldiers forward to approach Allie and her gathering at the mouth of the barrier. Aidan’s numbers were equal to hers, though hers were a rag-tag group of students and teachers come to stand behind her. How did we get here? Aidan’s thoughts pressed against a different barrier. The one in his mind that kept him isolated from Allie. How did we end up on opposite sides?

  Aidan reached deep within himself, touching the warmth of his power and the darkness Marcus had awakened inside him. Pulling on that darkness now, Aidan embraced his anger. It was the only way he would survive this encounter with his Complement and convince those watching that he was Marcus’s man through and through. Allie had cut him off at the knees, doing the very thing he’d spent years planning to do for himself and his students. Whatever led her to this, she’d done the right thing for those inside Sterling Tower, but in doing so, she’d called attention to herself. After everything he’d done to protect her—to buy her more time—she’d annihilated the house of cards Aidan had so carefully built.

  “Alexis.” Aidan’s voice sounded like broken glass, but he schooled his emotions behind a calm facade. Just for today, Aidan needed to be her enemy. “Or should I say, princess?” He gave a mockery of a bow, showing as much disdain as he could. The look on her face wounded him. He’d cut her too deeply.

  “Aidan, don’t be a dick.” Sasha took a step forward, but Quinn held her back. It was nice to see some things never changed.

  Aidan raised his hand to bring his Senate troops to a halt behind him. They lined up like experienced soldiers on a battlefield, putting her show of force to shame.

  “Aidan.” Gregg came to stand beside Allie, his arms crossed behind him, as if waiting for her orders.

  “Dad.” Aidan nodded at his father, wanting to say so much more, but now was not the time.

  Allie closed her eyes for a brief moment, and Aidan could feel her hammering at the barrier in his mind.

  “You know me better than this.” Her voice was so strong, and it was like music to his ears. If it weren’t for Naomi, trapped an ocean away back at the Initiative, Aidan would fall on his knees in front of Allie and beg her forgiveness.

  “Do I? You’ve made some serious claims against the Senate,” he said. “The Chief Justice calls you an imposter, and I’m inclined to agree. The Allie I knew would never reach for this kind of power.” It was true. The woman he loved was not power hungry, but Aidan wanted to understand her motivations.

  “I am no imposter.” She lifted her chin in defiance. “I am the named heir of Alísun, the last queen of Indriell, and you damn well know it.”

  Of course, he knew it. She’d confessed her fears about her family lineage years ago. He’d known she was a princess then, even if she wasn’t ready to accept it. The naming, however, that was news to him. He found himself wondering how that went over.

  “How can we know your claim is anything more than words?” he asked, standing stiffly with his hands behind his back. “The queens died ages ago without naming an heir. Indriell carries no weight with the Senate or the Immortal population. How can an unknown girl expect to take the name of Indriell without any proof?”

  “I see my idiot brother has reached an entirely new level of stupid.” Darius gave Aidan a hostile glare. “You know who she is, Aidan.”

  “I thought I did.” Aidan’s hand drifted to the hilt of his sword when what he really wanted to do was hug his brother and tell him how much he’d missed his stupid face.

  “We are her proof.” Alísun and Alexander stepped forward. “She has been named.” The ancient queen gave off an au
ra that demanded those near her take notice of her authority. There was no mistaking Alísun for the queen she was.

  “I’ve got this, Grandmother,” Allie said with respect. Her face took on a serene look, and a mantle of power just like the queen’s settled over Allie’s shoulders. Aidan was in awe of this beautiful creature he no longer recognized. She was the First Princess, and he wanted nothing more than to kneel and pledge his loyalty to her this instant.

  “Indriell carries no weight with the people?” Allie tilted her head, her eyes blazing with power. “I’m sure the Senate would like to think so. Yet look at all the Immortals standing behind me.” She gestured over her shoulder.

  “I see,” Aidan said, his mouth dry and his skin burning with awareness of her, and the Complement bond she still did not recognize. That alone shattered the last vestiges of his spirit. He used to think after so many years apart that Allie would only have to take one look at him when he returned and she would know.

  “You are supposed to be dead, Alísun.” His eyes burned with the threat of tears as he forced his attention away from Allie to the queen. “The history books tell us you died thousands of years ago.” He knew the books contained false records. He’d met the queen before, but witnesses needed to corroborate his ignorance.

  “I am the Scholar. I wrote the history books, son,” the ancient man beside the queen said. “To protect our family, I recorded our death.”

  “Now that we’re here face to face, I can sense you are who you claim to be,” Aidan said with a hint of regret in his voice. “But the Chief Justice would ask you, what right have you to return, seeking power after all this time? Why use this girl to make such a claim?” He leveled an accusing glare at Allie, knowing she would likely get stabby at the idea that he would think she’d ever let anyone use her.

  “We have not—” Alísun began, but Allie held up her hand to silence her grandmother.

  “Use?” Allie arched a brow at Aidan. “I am no puppet. The queen has named me her heir, and it is my place to decide what’s to be done in my name.”

  “Our lineage gives Alexis the right to stake a claim in the leadership of this world,” Alísun said. “The people here today have chosen to follow her. And more will come in time. Alexis has the authority of the ancient queens coursing through her blood. The people recognize that, and they will follow her. She will be heard. She will be respected. But she will never be controlled.”

  I like this queen. Aidan could see so much of Alísun in her granddaughter. For years, Aidan had been surrounded by people he didn’t trust. Fighting for causes he didn’t believe in. He wanted so badly to change sides and finally have something worth fighting for. Just the idea that he might have that chance soon lifted the darkness clouding his mind. Allie would bring him back to himself. He could be the man his father raised him to be. That was the choice he would make to set himself free of Marcus’s influence.

  “What do you expect to accomplish by standing in the way of the Senate, Allie?” Aidan asked, returning his gaze to her. His voice wavered as he spoke her name. She deserved reverence and love, not disdain.

  “Soma belongs to the royal family,” Allie said in a firm voice. “I do not wish to rule anyone, and I have no thirst for power. You know that better than anyone, Aidan McBrien. But Soma will not fall under the Senate’s thumb as long as I am the heir.”

  Aidan shivered at the power and authority radiating from her. She is glorious. He wasn’t sure about the other people standing around watching this insanity, but he would follow her to the ends of the earth and back again.

  “The Senate demands you cease and desist. You will remove this barrier and allow us entry. Soma belongs to the Immortal government now.”

  “I’m afraid we aren’t moving, Aidan.”

  She couldn’t tear her eyes away from him any more than he could. She was different, yes. She had changed and grown into an amazing woman, but the girl he loved was still there, too.

  What have you been through? Her thoughts hammered at the mental barrier standing between them. He fought her, determined to keep her out, but he wanted it too much. Aidan’s resolve crumbled as her thoughts filled his mind.

  I could ask you the same question, Lex. The touch of her thoughts was like home. His hands shook, and he wasn’t sure he could keep this up any longer. She still loved him, and it was breaking her heart all over again to see him like this.

  “The royal family intends to disobey a direct order from the Senate?” he asked. “Do you have any idea of the consequences you will face if you do not yield to me now?”

  “I will not yield and damn the consequences. The Senate has proven time and again that they have as little regard for young Immortals as Soma had.” Her voice shook with rage. “I’ve watched them use and abuse those I love. The royals will not stand aside any longer. Soma will be a safe haven for our generation and those that come after us. I will not tolerate the abuse any more.” Least of all what they have done to you.

  “The Senate holds the same desire. There is no need for you to oppose us. We are all on the same side here. Stand down, Alexis. While you have the chance.” Please. You don’t know what you’re doing. I can imagine you must be thrilled to have your true family with you finally, but I fear they have led you astray. Aidan kept his real opinions from her. Witnesses needed to see her anger. He could not risk telling her too much.

  In case you forgot, I have a mind of my own.

  He could never forget her beautiful mind.

  “Shall I ask your team if they feel confident in the Senate’s desire to protect them?” Her hands rested on the hilts of her weapons sheathed at her side. “You stand here with half an army of Syntrophos soldiers behind you, yet their other half is missing. I stand beside my own Syntrophos,” Allie said. “I’d sooner come to you unarmed than to leave Darius behind for such a meeting as this. I can only assume the Senate has used the bond to manipulate you and your soldiers’ allegiance.”

  Of course, they had. It was the only thing standing between him and a reunion with the woman he loved. Naomi was just as important to him as Darius was to Allie. He would not leave her behind.

  “Our allegiance is to our government,” Aidan said, the words tasting like ash in his mouth. “Not to a long dead nation or a queen who abandoned us to extinction thousands of years ago. We leave our Syntrophos behind to protect ourselves from those who would think to use us for our collective power.”

  “Like the Milan Initiative uses you?” she asked. “You are never allowed to leave with your Syntrophos unless you are escorted. Doesn’t that sound familiar? A trick straight from the Coalition’s rulebook—manipulating one Complement with the safety and wellbeing of the other. Or does it sound like Soma? Did you know that’s what they did to Dean? For the last four years, your cousin has been a slave, Aidan. Bought and paid for through Soma. He managed to earn a certain level of freedom, but he and Tessa were never allowed to leave together. They love each other, and their owners used it against them. Sound familiar, Aidan?” Allie’s voice rose in anger, as she clenched her fists at her side.

  “Things need to change. The Senate sees that,” Aidan said. But you don’t have to be the one to do it, Allie. He knew she could do it, he just didn’t want her to have to. But right now, he needed her to think he didn’t have faith in her.

  “I don’t care for their methods.” This is my choice. We can stand here arguing all day about how much you believe I am being manipulated, since you clearly don’t think I’m capable of making sound decisions. Or you can come with me now. You and your Syntrophos soldiers. We will liberate your partners as a top priority.

  “That is not for you to decide. Stand aside now, and you will not be charged for your crimes against the Senate. They will take your position into consideration.” Leaving is not an option, Allie. Would you leave Darius if the situation were reversed? I know you think you are doing the right thing, but trust me, you’re in way over your head. There was just so much about th
is she didn’t know. She was throwing herself at Marcus’s feet and it was only a matter of time before he realized he had the wrong child of prophecy. Aidan just wanted to buy her more time. Time to reach her Proving.

  “Then we truly are against each other.” Allie’s face hardened at his words. Like he’d shattered something inside her. He prayed he would have the chance to explain his motives someday soon.

  “I will not allow you access to Soma.”

  “We will act by force if necessary. Your barrier can’t keep us out forever.” I have a job to do. Please stand down. I don’t think you have the full story.

  “As long as you stand with the Senate, you will not find entrance to Sterling Tower today or any other day. But if you seek refuge…” Her voice lifted to address his soldiers. “If you seek asylum, then we can talk.”

  Do you have any idea how much I’ve missed you? How much your complete lake of faith is killing me right now? Her thoughts were a jumble of chaos in his mind. She was torn between her duty to her position and her heart. This whole thing started as one in the same, and somehow things had taken a drastic turn for the unexpected, for both of them.

  I’ve been with you everyday, Lex. Just because you haven’t been able to hear me, doesn’t mean I left you. I’m afraid this will not end well for either of us, Aidan said. I’ve tried like hell to protect you from all of this. And here you are, despite all my best efforts, right in the middle of it.

  Aidan, when will you ever learn? I don’t need your protection. I don’t need you making decisions for me. I just need you … I need my equal standing here beside me. Not over there, standing against me.

  That was all Aidan ever wanted.

  “Stand down, Alexis,” Aidan said again. “Or you will endanger everyone you’re so eager to protect.”

  “I cannot.” Not even for you.


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