Married to Krampus (My Holiday Tails)

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Married to Krampus (My Holiday Tails) Page 14

by Marina Simcoe

  Unlike the rest of the images, his didn’t disappear. His face just moved a little farther, letting his muscular torso come into view. The Colonel was standing on his knees over me, straddling my thighs as I lay in his bed. I could even feel the weight of him, pressing me down.

  And he was naked.


  “Oh, no...” Air rushed out of my chest as he leaned closer.

  “Yesss,” he hissed. The tip of his impossibly long tongue trailed along the side of my neck.

  A tide of warmth came over me, flooding me with pleasure and taking my breath away. The feelings I’d been suppressing rushed to the surface.

  His large hands palmed my breasts, warm and rough against my skin. He rubbed my nipples with his thumbs, then squished my breasts together, burying his face between them.

  Something nudged between my thighs—his tail, I realized, squirming under him.

  Turning his head, he sucked one of my nipples into his mouth, while the pointy end of the arrowhead of his tail slid inside me.

  “Oh God...” I moaned, and he grunted in reply, switching to my other nipple, sucking it in and swirling that long deft tongue of his over it.

  The point of his tail twirled just inside my opening, tugging at my most sensitive spot that felt hot and swollen.

  “Please, please, fuck me,” I begged, with pitiful needy sounds in my throat.

  With a growl, he flipped me onto my belly then yanked my hips up, fitting himself behind me. An incredibly large, hot cock pushed inside me, stretching me around it.

  “Oh yes...” I whimpered. “I need this, so much.”

  His hand in my hair, his other arm around my hips to hold me in place for him, he shoved his entire length in, in one thrust.

  I screamed out in pleasure, my knees shaking from need.

  He yanked my head back, the sting from the roots of my hair spread with shivers through the rest of my body.

  I fisted my hands in the sheets, trying not to fly off the bed as he pounded hard into me from behind. Each shove of his cock into me came with a slam of his flesh against mine, my swollen nipples dragging along the bedding with an added tantalising sensation.

  “Yes, yes, please...” I chanted, as the tip of his tail relentlessly flicked between my legs, taking me higher and higher.

  Hot lust crested in a swell. Then, the orgasm slammed into me, hard and furious. Pleasure exploded through me, making my limbs shake.

  “Oh God, I can’t take it...” I buried my face in the bedding as waves of ecstasy rolled through me. Again and again.

  “We hope you have found your experience with Dream Spa satisfactory,” a voice filtered through from somewhere—from another dimension, it seemed. “All referrals are highly appreciated.”

  The sensation of the magnificent dick inside me had disappeared. Curled on my side, I was lying inside the pleasure capsule, the luxurious padding soaking in my sweat and the remnants of my arousal.

  I’d just had the best sex in my life.

  And it all had been mostly in my head.

  “WAS IT GOOD?” LIEVOA greeted me when I finally made it out of the spa, fully dressed but on the shaking legs.

  All I could do was just nod in reply.

  She fixed my hair and adjusted my skirt for me.

  “You look like you’ve just been ravaged by a wild beast,” she fussed.

  She had no idea...

  Chapter 14


  With the boys coming home that weekend, Daisy appeared to be growing increasingly more anxious.

  She had cleaned and decorated the twins’ room, insisting on doing most of the work herself and refusing his or Omni’s help. Even when everything was done and ready for them, she continued to act differently than before.

  She’d been unusually quiet at mealtimes, going upstairs right after dinner. He knew she stayed up late, as he heard her moving about the bedroom until past his bedtime. Yet she wouldn’t stay downstairs with him, as if avoiding him on purpose.

  He missed their time together.

  He’d been trying to muster some patience to keep his hands off her since that one disastrous attempt at the beginning. Instead, he’d been learning to enjoy his new wife in other ways. There was so much more to being with a woman than just sex, he’d discovered.

  Before her visit to the mall, he believed they’d been making a good progress. He loved coming home to her after a long day at work. Their conversations had grown longer, their arguments rare and far between. She’d agreed to stay for an entire year, and he’d even begun to hope that theirs might be a true marriage one day.

  Now, it felt like there had been a setback, but he couldn’t figure out why.

  Daisy had been talking about missing her family. He didn’t like her leaving the house on her own, but maybe she was getting lonely, staying home every day after her parenting class?

  In an attempt to cheer her up, he’d decided to have a dinner party at his house the first evening the boys were home. It would be a very small event, pleasant without being overwhelming.

  He’d invited Lievoa. Daisy seemed to be getting along well with her, which pleased him. He didn’t always understand his cousin’s thought process and disagreed with some of her actions, but Lievoa was family. She had a good heart, and he loved her.

  The Governor and Shula had agreed to come for drinks after dinner, just before the boys would go to bed. After her latest delivery, Shula had started the customary recovery process between pregnancies and wasn’t leaving the house for long these first few weeks.

  Instead of being excited, Daisy appeared even more flustered when he told her about their guests.

  In addition to planning the dinner menu with Omni for tonight, she also woke up early in the morning to get everything ready for the desserts she wanted to make, using her recipes from Earth.

  The two of them had taken the boys to the Museum of The Natural History of Neron that morning. Zun and Olvar had participated in every interactive exhibit they could find. They ran, climbed, and explored. As a result of all the activities, the twins could barely keep their eyes open in the aircraft on the way home.

  As soon as the boys went down for a nap in the afternoon, Daisy dashed back to the kitchen. Despite her earlier claims, baking didn’t seem to be relaxing her today. Amazing smells wafted from the kitchen, mixed with clanking dishes and occasional swearing. Unlike Voranian women, she didn’t hold back in her choice of words when she was irritated or upset.

  “Fuck!” came from the kitchen as he was watching a video on his tablet on the couch in the sitting room. “The chocolate isn’t really a chocolate if it doesn’t melt. Is it?”

  He had no idea what that meant, but it bothered him that she sounded upset. He liked seeing that happy smile on her face. It reminded him of sunrise in its increasing brightness.

  Her dress might’ve first attracted his attention to her application picture. But it was her sunny smile that had made him feel close to the strange alien woman in the photo before he’d even had a chance to meet her. From the moment he saw Daisy’s smile in that picture, he knew he wanted to have her in his life.

  “Colonel.” Daisy walked into the sitting room, a red polka-dot apron tied over her blue-checkered dress—both dusted with white powder and smeared with pink, brown, and cream. “We’re going to have one dessert less today. The mousse turned out a disaster.”

  He set his tablet aside. Her crestfallen expression made him want to hug her, and the smidge of pink icing he’d just spotted on her nose made him want to lick her...

  There were many things he dreamed of doing to her. The effort of doing nothing at all had been the most excruciating.

  “How many types of dessert are there going to be this evening?” he asked.

  “I’ve planned five, but it’s only going to be four now.” She plopped on the couch next to him, raising a cloud of white powder from her skirts. “The freaking thing that I believed would be the closest to the chocolate
from Earth solidified into a rock instead of melting when heated.”

  “Isn’t there usually just one dessert after dinner? Four sounds like three more than we need,” he said evenly. Judging by her flushed cheeks and trembling lips, she was teetering on the verge of a meltdown.

  “You don’t understand!” She sounded devastated. “I wanted to have a variety for the boys to get a taste of food from Earth.” She shifted to face him, her bent knee landing on his thigh. “Don’t worry, I’m making tiny-little portions. The boys each can have up to three of those and still stay within the recommended dose of sugar, as per the Ministry’s requirements.”

  “If they can only have three and you’ve made four types, doesn’t it mean that there is still one too many?”

  She inhaled quickly, looking ready to argue, then exhaled slowly, as if deflating along with her argument.

  “I guess you’re right...” She rubbed her chin. “They’ll still have some choice even without the stupid mousse.” She gazed at him then, tilting her head, her expression more relaxed. “How were you able to stay this calm when I was about to lose it? You, of all people?”

  He chuckled, “We both know you’ve calmly stopped me from blowing up on more than one occasion, too.”

  “It’s a good thing that only one of us tends to freak out at a time, now. There has been much less screaming and yelling lately, don’t you think?”

  She smiled now, and he exhaled with relief.

  The atmosphere in their house had definitely quieted down. At the beginning, they had fanned each other’s flames during an argument. By now, however, he’d learned to read Daisy’s moods much better and could predict the approaching storm before it happened. He managed to cool her temper flare-ups before they had a chance to blow out of proportions. He’d noticed, she had a similar calming effect on him, too.

  Her gaze fell on her leg resting on top of his, and she scooted back quickly, breaking their contact. Her cheeks flushed again, their bright color now rivaled that of her apron.

  “Anyway...” She shoved a lock of her hair under the colorful scarf she was wearing to hold back her bright orange tresses. “Four is enough, like you said. I better go change. Lievoa should be here any minute, now.”

  He watched her go upstairs, his gaze lingering on her quick feet in open sandals as she ran. The sight of her toes no longer shocked him. Nothing about Daisy could ever repulse him. On the contrary, every little thing about her body was extremely appealing. His cock grew painfully hard at the mere thought of how her leg had touched his.

  He groaned softly, shifting on the couch to make more space in his pants for his growing erection while he calmed himself down.

  Daisy hadn’t been her usual bubbly self lately, tripping over her words and blushing violently. Whenever he asked her about it, she acted even more discomfited, denied that anything was wrong, and ran away from him at the earliest opportunity.

  Had he done something wrong?

  The only other relationship he’d ever had with a woman was with Shula, and it had started and ended in the bedroom. Most interactions outside of the bedroom were new to him.

  With Daisy, he proceeded carefully, learning as he went. He worried that she would run all the way back to Earth if he made another mistake. And he already knew he would miss her desperately if that happened.

  As happy as he’d been when she’d agreed to stay for the year, a year wasn’t enough. He needed her for life. And he had barely over ten months left to figure out how to convince her that he was worth spending a lifetime with.


  “Did I miss your dad coming to the city?” Lievoa asked casually, popping a piece of stuffed esculi into her mouth. “I thought he had his visit scheduled for like two weeks ago.”

  “Grandpa is coming?” Olvar immediately picked up on her words.

  Zun and Daisy turned to stare at him, too.

  “No. He cancelled it.”

  In fact, Grevar had cancelled it for him. Father had been planning to come for a visit with the intension of meeting his new daughter-in-law, of course. Grevar had no doubt his dad would’ve loved Daisy the moment he met her. Then, if Grevar allowed her to leave him as he’d promised her he would, he’d have to face a severely unpleasant conversation with his father, in addition to everything else he’d be dealing with.

  More pressure on him when he already was under a lot of pressure as far as Daisy was concerned—his shoulders ached with the strain. Not to mention the torture that his cock had been enduring ever since she’d moved in. With her around, he’d been in a state of constant arousal, no matter how often he made himself come at night.

  “Was your dad planning to visit?” Daisy tilted her head with interest.

  “It didn’t work out,” he muttered quickly. “He had other plans.”

  “Oh, that’s too bad.” She gazed at him with those huge eyes of hers, the colour of the lilcae flowers.

  He had ordered some planted in his office, too. Not because he needed another reminder of Daisy during the day—his thoughts were on her constantly anyway—but because having lilcae around somehow made him miss her just a little less. And he did miss her at work—a lot. He even had her application picture framed last week. It was now it on his desk in the office.

  What the hell was he supposed to do when she left to go back to Earth?

  She couldn’t leave. That was the only answer to that question.

  “Can we go to grandpa’s house, then?” Zun asked.

  “No,” Grevar bit off, tossing a glare Lievoa’s way, annoyed at her for bringing it up.

  “What time would be better for him to visit?” Daisy started planning. “Do you think the next weekend would work for him? It’d be great for everyone—the children will be here. And it’s Christmas that weekend, which is a big family holiday on Earth. Not that it matters on Neron, of course...” Her voice trailed off as a shadow moved over her lovely face.

  “A holiday?” Zun bounced in his chair.

  “Let’s do a party!” Olvar slapped his brother’s shoulder excitedly.

  “Do you have a big party to celebrate Christmas back on Earth?” Lievoa asked, with interest.

  “Well, mostly just a family dinner.” Daisy put down an untouched smocked meat roll, a warm expression shining in her eyes. “Often, the entire family gets together—uncles, aunts, cousins, grandparents. It’s a great time to catch up with everyone. People also exchange gifts, eat a lot of desserts, and...well, generally have a good time.”

  “Oh, it’s like the Victory Day?” Olvar shouted in delight. “Right, Dad?”

  “Right,” he replied flatly. “Minus the military parade and the tribute to the war fallen.”

  “Well, yeah, but aside from the parade, they’re similar,” Lievoa argued. “Voranians get together in the outdoor parks and have family picnics, with desserts.” She turned to Daisy. “The Victory Day is in the middle of summer, the weather is usually nice and warm, then.”

  “Christmas is in the winter, when many countries have snow. Like here,” Daisy explained.

  “I love snow,” Zun declared. “Especially building a fort. Can we do it again?”

  Olvar snorted a laugh. “You didn’t even like fort building.”

  “I did too!”

  “Do you miss home a lot?” Grevar asked Daisy, catching her wistful expression.

  “I do,” she said, making his heart sink. “But it’s not just that. I also miss the Christmas celebrations we used to have when Grandma was still alive. With her, the entire Christmas season was one huge celebration. The two of us would start decorating a month ahead. Every room in her house was decked out with pine branches and ornaments. In the living room, we built an entire Christmas city, with porcelain houses that had real lights inside. Oh, and there was a railroad, with a train that ran on electric rail tracks. It could even whistle.”

  He watched her face light up as she talked. Propping her head on her hand, Lievoa gazed at Daisy, too, as she spoke. The
kids had quieted down, listening to the tales from another world with rapt attention.

  “Grandma would take me Christmas shopping, every year,” his wife continued. “There was an outdoor market in her town each weekend in December. Even now, whenever I smell hot chocolate I think of those days. We would buy handmade presents for everyone. Then, we would decorate Christmas trees. We always had two, one in her house and one in ours. We would have a dinner at our house on Christmas Eve. Then, my sister and I would stay the night at Grandma’s and open all the presents the next morning. Hers were always the most fun. She liked giving people gifts that were personal, but also unique and even whimsical. And of course, it was always a big surprise.” Daisy’s chest rose with an inhale. “Ever since Grandma passed away, Christmas has never been the same. Still nice, but not the same.”

  She glanced around the table. He and Lievoa remained quiet. Even the boys appeared subdued.

  “Anyway...” Daisy cleared her throat, shrugging her shoulders as if shaking off the lingering sadness of nostalgia for the times long gone. “Dessert time?” She grabbed their empty trays and dashed to the kitchen.

  Lievoa followed her with her gaze.

  “Human or whatever, Daisy is great,” she concluded.

  “I like her, too,” Zun said firmly. “Daisy is a good friend.”

  “Well, she is more than a friend, isn’t she?” Lievoa turned to the boy. “She is your—”

  “Lievoa,” Grevar interrupted, putting a warning in his voice.

  “I like Daisy,” Olvar declared. “And she is staying with us for a whole year!”

  “A year?” Lievoa leveled a stare at him. “What are your sons talking about, cousin? Care to explain?”

  He cringed inside. He should’ve foreseen a possibility that his arrangement with Daisy might not remain a secret forever. Maybe, he should’ve at least considered letting his closest family and friends in on it. Deep inside, however, he’d thought he could fix it somehow. That sooner or later, Daisy would stay with him—for life, not just a year.


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