The Harder They Fall

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The Harder They Fall Page 17

by Sandrine Gasq-Dion

  “I’m sorry, Heath, I had no idea they would be there.”

  “It’s not your fault. You told me you had been with other men.”

  “You just never thought you’d meet one.”

  “Yeah.” Heath ran his hand through his hair and took a deep breath. “Honestly, as much as that bothered me, what really pissed me off was the way he talked about you. I wanted to kick his nasty ass.”

  Caleb came up behind him, wrapped his hands around Heath’s waist and kissed his neck.

  “He’s not worth it. You know I love you and only you, right?”

  Heath smiled. “I do.”

  “I’m going to marry you, Heath Youngblood.” Caleb turned him around to face him.

  “I know.” Heath’s face softened.

  “Come here.” Caleb pulled him in tight and kissed him. “Let’s go home, baby.”

  The ride home went by quickly and when they got into the apartment, Heath crashed into the bed.

  “I’m so tired.” Heath mumbled into the pillow.

  “I know. Come here.” Caleb got in bed and pulled Heath into him. “I love you, Heath. I’ll always love you.”

  “I love you too, Caleb. Always.”

  Chapter 15

  Tanner reclined against the bar with a bored sigh. He’d been at the warehouse club for a while waiting to meet the guy he’d met the night he tried to get Mark back. What a disaster that was.

  The door opened and Greg strolled in with Jay. Tanner had to grin; those two were attached at the hip. Greg took the empty stool next to Tanner.

  “Where’s the group tonight, Greg?” Tanner smiled at Jay. He was twirling on the stool.

  “On their way, you know how it is.” Greg sipped his drink and motioned to the front door. “Paul and Mark just showed up.”

  Mark walked over to the bar and sat next to Jay. “Hey, Puss.”

  Jay giggled. “Hi, Mark.”

  “How’s the plan working?” Mark whispered in Jay’s ear.

  “He still won’t. I know he’s taking ice-cold showers, though,” Jay whispered back.

  “Now, now, you two. What’s with the whispering?” Greg moved to stand by Jay.

  “Jay was telling me how he’s doing in school.” Mark elbowed Jay.

  “Oh yeah, I’m doing great.” Jay smiled innocently.

  “Uh huh.” Greg’s eyes narrowed. “Something is afoot here.”

  “I have to go to the bathroom now,” Jay announced and took off.


  “Greg?” Mark smiled and winked.

  “Don’t give him any pointers. He’s killing me already.” Greg sighed.

  “Why not just date someone you can fuck then, Greg?”

  “Where’s the fun in that?” Greg’s brows rose. He nodded to Paul crossing the room. “Where’s he off to?”

  “Talk to the DJ,” Mark answered.


  Jay was in the middle of washing his hands when he overheard an argument in the hall outside the bathroom. He walked to the door to listen.

  “We’re over Daniel; we weren’t even a ‘thing.’ Stay the fuck away from me and stay even further away from my boyfriend. I don’t know what you’re doing here but I don’t like it.”

  Jay listened closely; it sounded like Paul.

  “Look, I’m here meeting Tanner, okay? I’m not even here for you. Since when do you have a boyfriend, anyway?”

  “Since now. If you’re here for Tanner, fine. But if I even see you look at my boyfriend I end you, understand?”

  “Jesus, Paul, since when are you so goddamn protective? You don’t do relationships — you fuck and leave.”

  “Not anymore. Don’t do anything stupid, Daniel. You know Tanner’s brother will skin you alive if you fuck with him. I may not like Tanner right now, but I’ll put you down if you fuck him over.”

  Jay backed away from the door; he went back to the sink and washed his hands again. He didn’t want to come out if they were still out there. The door opened and the guy who came in was taller than Jay by a lot and he was pretty built.

  “Well, look who I found. A lamb for the slaughter.”

  “Hi, I’ll just be going now,” Jay muttered nervously.

  “Did you hear everything?”

  “What…what do you mean?”

  “What’s your name, kid?”


  “Well, Jay, I’m Daniel and I go to college. Ever been with a college guy?”

  “No.” Jay tried to walk around him but Daniel blocked him.

  “Where ya off to, sweetie?” Daniel took Jay by the arm and pushed him into the wall. He sniffed his neck. “Oh, you are pure, aren’t you?”

  “I don’t know what you mean.” Jay tried to get loose, to no avail.

  “You’re a virgin.” Daniel smiled.

  “Okay, good guess. Can I go now?”

  “No. I don’t think so.” Daniel leaned in and kissed Jay.

  “Please don’t hurt me,” Jay whispered. Greg was the only guy he’d ever kissed.

  “It only hurts at first, and then it feels good.” Daniel unbuttoned Jay’s pants. Jay tried to yell but Daniel clamped a hand over his mouth. “Now don’t go ruining my fun, little one.”


  At the bar, Mark and Greg were looking for Jay. He had been gone for quite a while now.

  “Where’s my munchkin?” Greg was looking in the far corner.

  “Where did he go?” Paul asked.

  “He went to the bathroom.”

  “I don’t see Daniel, either.” Paul’s eyes snapped back to Greg.

  “Who’s Daniel?” Mark looked to Paul, then back at Greg.

  “Oh no!” Greg ran.


  Paul and Mark were right on his heels. When they got to the bathroom, Daniel had Jay pinned against the wall. His hand was clamped over his mouth, and he was trying to get Jay’s pants down.

  “Get the fuck off him!” Greg roared as he pulled Daniel off and hit him with a right hook.

  “Get out, Greg.” Daniel recovered, massaging his jaw.

  “No, you get out, Daniel. Now.” Greg hissed. “Before I do something you won’t like.”

  “You and what army, asshole?” Daniel smiled.

  “That would be us, dickhead,” Paul sneered.

  Daniel noticed Paul and Mark for the first time.

  “Well this is great. Ruin my fun.”

  Tanner entered the bathroom and practically slid to a stop in front of Daniel.

  “What the fuck is all this?” he shouted.

  “Daniel tried to rape my boyfriend.” Greg put his arms around Jay.

  Tanner turned on Daniel. “Jesus, Daniel!”

  “Oh, I was just having some fun with the kid.” Daniel grinned.

  Jay shook in Greg’s arms, and buried his face in his neck.

  “Get out now.” Paul pointed a finger at Daniel.

  “Is that your boyfriend, Paul? Wow, he’s a knockout.” Daniel smiled again.

  Paul grabbed him and threw him up against the wall. Daniel’s head hit it with a thud. “What the fuck did I say, Daniel? You forget already? Stay the fuck away from me and my boyfriend!”

  Paul tightened his grip on Daniel’s neck, taking pleasure in watching the color leave the other man’s face.

  “Paul, stop! He can’t breathe,” Tanner yelled.

  “I care why?” Paul smiled.

  “Paul.” Mark put his hand on Paul’s arm.

  Paul dropped his hand and Daniel gasped for air.

  “Come on, Tanner, let’s go.” Daniel tried to grab Tanner’s hand.

  “Oh, you’re fucking nuts if you think I’m going anywhere with you.” Tanner stood with Paul and Mark, arms crossed.

  Daniel spat and left quickly. The rest of the group stayed in the bathroom. Jay was sobbing now; hiding his face in Greg’s neck.

  “Come on, guys, let’s leave these two alone for a minute.” Paul took Mark by the hand.

  Mark propped on a st
ool when they got back to the bar. “Who’s Daniel?”

  “One of those mistakes I made.” Paul cupped Mark’s face. “I’m sorry.”

  “For what? I can’t fault you; it was before us, Paul.”

  “I know. Right now, I’m just glad we got to Jay in time.”

  “Oh God, poor Jay.” Mark looked toward the bathroom.


  Greg was sitting on the floor, his arms wrapped around his little munchkin. Jay was still shaking and sniffling in his neck.

  “Are you okay, Munchkin?” Greg tried to ease Jay out of his neck.

  “You hit that guy,” Jay snuffled.

  Greg sighed. “Yeah, I did.” He tried to ease Jay out again, but Jay just clung more tightly. He was like a human koala. “Someday we have to leave the bathroom.”

  “I know.” Jay eased out a tad.

  “Can I see you now?” Greg asked.

  Jay pulled out of his neck and Greg got a good look at him. His eyes were bloodshot and he was still shaking.

  Greg smoothed Jay’s hair back. “Are you okay?”

  Jay nodded.

  “You think we can go back to the bar now?”

  “Is…is he gone?” Jay said quietly.

  “Yes, he’s gone.”

  “Okay, then.” Jay got up and tried to fix his pants, but his hands were shaking too badly.

  “Here, let me.” Greg moved Jay’s hands and buttoned his pants. He fixed his shirt and dried his face. “I’m sorry I didn’t get here sooner.”

  “It’s okay.” Jay suddenly smiled. “You called me your boyfriend!”

  “I did?” Greg took Jay’s hand. “I don’t remember that.”

  “Oh, come on!” Jay stood his ground and pouted.

  Greg sighed. The look on Jay’s face was beyond adorable. Dammit, he did look like Puss n Boots. “Okay, what do you want me to say?”

  “That I’m your boyfriend.” Jay raised his head defiantly and crossed his arms.

  “Okay, fine. You’re my boyfriend.”

  “Really?” Jay’s eyes lit up.

  “Yes really. Now can we get back out there?”

  “Okay.” Jay grinned.

  They got back to the bar and Mark wrapped Jay up in a hug.

  “You okay, lil buddy?” he asked.

  “Yeah, I’m okay.” Jay gazed at Greg in adoration.

  “Okay, that’s it. From now on, no one goes to the bathroom alone,” Paul announced.

  “What?” Mark laughed and tugged Paul into a hug.

  Greg pulled Jay into him. Seeing him manhandled had left him with a feeling of nausea. “You sure you’re okay? I can take you home if you want.”

  “No, I want to stay here with you.” Jay returned the hug.

  Damon and Tyler had finally shown up and they were talking with Paul as Mark stayed with Greg and Jay. Mark glanced over at Greg.

  “How do you know Daniel?” he asked.

  “He was friends with my older brother, which is also how I know Paul. I mean we all went to the same school, but my brother knew Paul from football. Daniel wasn’t a good guy, even then. He and Paul fucked a few times and then Paul kicked his ass to the curb.”

  Mark glanced over his shoulder at Paul across the way. “So he knew what Daniel was capable of.”

  “Yeah, and so did I. Let’s just say I’ve heard the stories. Hey, I didn’t mean to say that shit about fucking. I’m sorry.”

  Mark shrugged at Greg. “I know Paul’s had sex, he’s already told me. Don’t worry about it.” Mark smiled. “Besides, I like to think his taste has vastly improved.”

  Damon and Tyler approached and hugged Jay.

  “Hey, sport — you okay?” Tyler studied the little guy. He looked so small next to Greg.

  “I’m okay.” Jay smiled shyly and inched into Greg.

  Greg pulled him in and looked at his face; he palmed it and kissed him lightly. “You sure you don’t want to go home?”

  Jay smiled. Greg was being so sweet to him. He’d never seen this side. He knew Greg cared or he wouldn’t keep him around the way he did, but tonight showed him Greg cared a lot more than he let on.

  “I’m okay, honest.”

  “Okay, when you want to leave you let me know.” Greg took Jay’s hand.

  Jay looked down at Greg’s hand; it was starting to bruise from hitting Daniel. Jay brought the hand up and kissed his knuckles lightly.

  “You’re getting a bruise.”

  Greg’s mouth was hanging slightly open; the simple act of Jay kissing his knuckles was doing strange things to him.

  “It will be fine.” Greg smiled and tried to hold it together. “Hope his face looks a lot worse tomorrow and hurts like a sonofabitch.”

  “Will you miss me when I’m at my dad’s?” Jay asked, changing the subject.

  “How long will you be gone?”

  “Six months.”

  “Six months?! Jesus, I’m just hearing about this now?” Greg protested.

  “You can call me.”

  “Who’s fucked up idea was that?”

  “My mom’s. The divorce was bad.” Jay searched Greg’s features; he was visibly upset. “You will miss me, won’t you?”

  “Don’t get your boxers in a bunch.” Greg tried to smile. “I’ll live.”

  Jay pouted again and Greg laughed. “Come here.”

  Greg pulled him into his chest and Jay cuddled in, loving the feel of Greg’s arms wrapped around him. He kissed Greg’s neck and ran his tongue along his collarbone. A soft sigh came from above him.

  “You’re killing me, Jay,” Greg whispered.

  Damon and Tyler laughed at the look on Greg’s face.

  “Someone has you wrapped around his finger.” Tyler smiled as Jay pressed closer to Greg.

  “Okay, guys, knock it off,” Greg laughed.

  Paul came over to Mark and took his hand. “Hey guys we are out; have shit to do tomorrow.”

  Mark and Paul left and Greg noticed the time. “Shit, I have five minutes to get you home.”

  “Mom’s out of town. It’s just me and my big brother.” Jay checked his cell phone.

  “Well I’ve always gotten you home on time before, I’m not changing that now.”

  Greg said goodbye to everyone and took Jay home. They were sitting in the front seat of his car when Jay planted his landmine.

  “Will you stay with me tonight?”


  “Just sleep. My brother’s not home and I don’t want to be alone.”

  Greg ran his hand through his hair. He looked over at Jay and sighed. “Fine. Just sleep.”

  Jay unlocked the door and led Greg through the living room. Greg checked out the house. Jay’s family was well off, that was for sure. Jay’s father was an attorney, and his older brother was in college. Greg stepped around the large sectional couch in the living room as Jay pulled him through the quiet house. They got to Jay’s room and Jay shut and locked the door. He took off his shirt and pants and crawled into bed in his boxers. Greg stood in the middle of the room, unsure of what to do.

  “You can stay dressed if you want.” Jay wiggled under the covers to get comfortable.

  Greg began to take his pants off and thought better of it; he took his jacket and shirt off and joined Jay.

  “You don’t have to sleep that far away you know. I can control myself, Jay.”

  “I know, you’ve done it for months,” Jay laughed.

  “You sure you’re okay?” Greg eased Jay’s face up to his own.

  “Yeah…I mean I was scared when he kissed me and then started trying to touch me. You’re the only guy I’ve ever kissed.”


  Jay blushed. “Yeah.”

  Greg searched Jay’s eyes. He felt awful he hadn’t gotten to the bathroom sooner. He wasn’t sure if he should kiss Jay right now after everything that had happened.

  “What’s wrong, Greg?” Jay asked in confusion.

  “I don’t know if I should be here. You just
went through something traumatic.”

  “I feel safe with you.” Jay reached up and lightly kissed Greg. He waited to be pushed away and when Greg didn’t move, he kissed him again.

  Greg sighed as Jay pulled him in to his embrace. He parted Jay’s lips and slowly explored his mouth. Greg’s cock thickened and he pulled away from Jay quickly.

  “We can’t, Jay,” Greg panted.

  “I know,” Jay whispered. “I just want you to kiss me, okay?”

  “Kissing leads to other things.”


  The Puss n Boots look was back and Greg sighed. He pulled Jay in again, and this time Jay’s mouth was open and welcoming. Jay’s tongue explored his mouth and inquisitive hands slid up his torso. Greg deepened the kiss, pulling Jay in. He petted his hair, and this time Jay was the one who pulled away.

  “Okay. I see what you mean,” Jay rasped.

  “Finally,” Greg sighed. He was more than just a little turned on.

  “Just hold me. I’ll go to sleep, I promise.”

  Greg pulled him into his chest. What had started out for him as a little fun had turned into a relationship. Greg was older and sometimes he did feel bad that it seemed he took advantage of Jay. For some reason, Jay had latched on to him the beginning of his freshman year and Greg didn’t have the heart to remove him. Jay had been scared, and Greg wasn’t about to leave him to be destroyed by the bigots at Sabino.

  He heard Jay’s even breathing and smiled. He had fallen asleep as promised. Greg kissed his forehead.

  “Night, Munchkin.”

  Chapter 16

  Greg woke up in the morning with Jay in his arms. The younger teen looked so precious — something shifted inside Greg. He looked so damn perfect when he slept. His eyes were closed, lashes fanned against his cheeks, lips slightly parted.

  Greg smiled and kissed his forehead.

  Jay stirred a little and cracked opened his eyes.


  “Morning. Sleep well?”

  “Yeah I did, I’m glad you stayed.”

  “When do you need to be at the airport?”

  “Are you taking me?”

  “I can if you want.”


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