In Mage We Trust (Of Mystics and Mayhem Book 1)

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In Mage We Trust (Of Mystics and Mayhem Book 1) Page 22

by Heidi Vanlandingham

  “I was too stubborn to listen to what he tried to tell me and, instead, continued to believe I was right. Unfortunately, by doing so, I hurt him terribly. I don’t even know where he is—if he’s even still alive.”

  I formed a rueful smile. “Oh, I think you’d know if he wasn’t. Simply being apart from Johnna has about killed me. Without a doubt I know she’s alive. Not happy, but alive. Have you thought about apologizing?”

  Gaia turned and met my gaze. “Have you?”

  My lips twitched as I finally caught on to what she’d just done. “Touché.”

  “My granddaughter is young and reckless, but she’s one tough and very intelligent cookie, so don’t take her youthfulness away from her. She practically raised herself and, in my opinion, that alone should be enough for you. She has been thrown into a new world, discovered her entire life isn’t what she thought, developed and is mastering her magic, and found her true mate. I think she’s handled the upheaval remarkably well.”

  “Yes, exactly. Young and reckless. She has no idea what she’s doing as she runs directly in the middle of chaos. My heart can’t take watching her risk her life.”

  “Niki, that’s what loving someone is. It’s a risk, and only you can decide if it’s worth it or not. Do you love her? Can you see her by your side in a thousand years? Two thousand?”

  “I can see her beside me for eternity. Yes, I love her. I know I hurt her and feel horrible about what I said. I’m not one of those mushy men. I don’t understand the jumble of feelings rioting inside of me.”

  Gaia set her cup on the bench beside her and cupped my face between her hands. “Then go after her, you schmuck. Swallow your damned pride and tell her—no, show her what she is to you. She’s your life, your soul, and your future, demon enforcer.”

  “Thank you, Gaia,” I whispered. Her words calmed the burning agony in my heart from the pain I’d caused Johnna.

  She smiled and wiped away a tear before slapping my shoulder. “Oh, go on with you. You look absolutely horrible. You’ve spent way too much time apart. Johnna’s with Lucien at the castle, so go claim her, Niki, and never let her go again.”

  ~ ~ ~


  Pacing around the decent-sized suite—where the sour-faced black imp dressed in an ugly gray suit had stuck us eight days ago—I felt like I was in prison, punished for something I had yet to figure out. Eight days since Niki had left me. Other than being allowed to eat and occasionally walk in an outside garden space, Markus and I hadn’t left this room. Thank the gods we had an adjoining bathroom.

  Unfortunately, bad things happened when I got bored. And I was beyond bored. Three days into our obligatory stay, the same imp brought us food and told us Lucien had been called to a meeting with the Watchers, whatever those were. Markus had explained the Watchers were guardians for all the realms in Dark World and carried out the final judgments, but it was all still a bit hazy in my head.

  Maybe we had to wait for these Watchers. After all, we were already in a sort of prison, although the room’s ambiance was nice. The pale-yellow walls were the perfect background for the light-green cushion underneath me and on the facing sofa.

  In a rotten mood and itching to pick on someone, anyone, I scowled at Markus, who sat in a sturdy looking wooden chair next to my sofa.

  My new, official protector looked too calm. Which really irritated me.

  “What kind of waiting room is this? There aren’t even any out-of-date magazines to read.” I drummed my fingers hard on a sofa pillow. “There’s no television either . . . this sucks.” I threw my head against the wall and liked the way my skull hurt afterward. At least I felt something.

  “I don’t know what to tell you,” Markus said.

  I groaned. “You don’t have to say anything. I’m frustrated. It’s never a good thing when I’m bored.” Since there wasn’t anything else to do, I’d had plenty of time to sleep and to think. Not all good thoughts either. Much to my disgust, Niki had been mostly right. I was reckless about my safety. I’d never needed to think about my actions affecting someone else before. It was an entirely new experience.

  Maybe he was also right about me needing to grow up. Since my parents hadn’t been there, I’d had a lot more leeway in life than most kids. I couldn’t keep hiding behind my sarcasm. Part of growing up meant dealing with what life threw at me, including losing someone I loved.

  As soon as we found my parents, I would do that very thing. I would prove to Niki I could be a proper true mate. Maybe I would even return home and graduate—

  “Penny for your thoughts?”

  I twisted around to see the demon king standing behind me. “Uncle Lucien!” I threw my arms around his neck, holding him as tightly as I could. Before I knew it, hard sobs shook my body, in the throes of a full-on emotional breakdown. Thankfully, my uncle didn’t say a word and just held me tighter.

  Sniffing several times, I finally pushed myself away, wiping my eyes with the backs of my hands. “You know, for your first official act as an uncle, I have to give you an A. You made an F in hospitality though.”

  “Only an A? Where’s my plus?” he joked. “And why an F?”

  His question momentarily threw me until I saw his smirk. “You haven’t done anything to deserve a plus . . . yet. The ‘F’ is because of this room. Do you know how long we’ve been forced to sit around with absolutely nothing to do?”

  “Impossible standards. If you stay here with me, I’ll help you lower them.” Lucien nodded briefly to my faithful protector before returning his focus to me. “Markus, you may go back to your quarters. I will call for you when I’m finished here.”

  I smiled at Markus, who had stood the moment Lucien entered the room and was now hiding in the corner behind us. In a blink, the corner was empty.

  “Hmm. Looks like he’s grown into his muscles since I last saw him.”

  “He’s taller too,” I pointed out. “But we’ll talk about it later. Explain to me why some horrible imp had us put in here. Did I break some law I haven’t learned about yet?”

  “I am sorry. Mukesh is usually better at following my directions. He’s getting a bit dodgy in his old age. I instructed him to put you both in separate rooms and to keep you entertained while I was at the Bastille.” He brushed my cheek with the back of his fingers, his touch feather light against my skin. “I hope one day you will feel comfortable enough to trust me. Talk to me no matter what the problem. Know I will be here when you need me.”

  My throat closed and my eyes filled, blurring his beautiful face. “Thank you, Uncle Lucien. You don’t know how much that means to me.” I swallowed a final sob. “I’m so tired of being alone.”

  Lucien wiped my tearstained cheeks with his thumbs. Sighing, he pulled me into his embrace and hugged me again. “No, sweetie, you’re not alone, and you have my vow to find your parents.” He led me over to the end of the sofa and sat me down. Dragging over and straddling the closest chair, he faced me as I regarded him expectantly.

  “I know you’re upset about your parents, but there’s something else, isn’t there?” He held my gaze. “What did Niki do?”

  Guess I would never be able to fool my uncle. “Is it so obvious?”

  “No, I just know Niki. He’s too serious and overbearing. I can’t remember the last time I’ve heard him laugh. I do, however, trust him with my life and now yours.”

  I waited, trying to be patient while he thought over his next words. I could tell because he made the same clenching motion with his jaw as my dad. It was somehow comforting.

  “Niki doesn’t know the meaning of halfway. He puts in as much heart as he does energy. You’re his mate, Johnna. I hate to tell you this, but your relationship with him won’t be easy. Demons are problematic and difficult by nature.” He shrugged. “I speak from experience since I am
one and I lead millions more.”

  “I think I understand what you’re saying, now that I know Dad’s half demon. He never had to say anything, but I could always tell by the look on his face. He got this everything-is-doomed look, and he’s moody and very particular about everything.”

  “Ha—I know that look well, and he is particular, but it’s made him excellent at his job.”

  I fiddled with the seam of my pant legs, wishing I had a change of clothes. “Niki told me I was too reckless. I had to either grow up or he’d leave.” Feeling lethargic, I slumped against the back of my chair. My newfound energy seemed to be disappearing fast. “He also said I took too many risks, and I don’t think before jumping into something where I could get hurt.”

  “I was afraid it was something like that. Don’t worry, sweetheart. He won’t be able to stay away from you for too long. You’re beautiful, smart, and courageous. So what if you jump sooner than he would. No one’s perfect, least of all him. The stories I could tell you.” Lucien tucked his finger under my chin and tilted up my face. “These things have to be learned. You don’t grow into them. He will realize this, but if he doesn’t do it quickly enough for my satisfaction, I will remind him.”

  My smile grew. I couldn’t stop it. “I’m glad you’re my uncle. You just earned the plus.”

  He chuckled. “And here I thought it would be something difficult.”

  My mood turned sad. “Seriously. What am I going to do about Niki? I’ve been fighting my feelings for him, telling myself we were too different and there’s the age difference . . . After this past week, I don’t want to fight it anymore. I’ve had a lot of time to think—scary, I know. But he’s right. About all of it. So, I’ve decided to go home after Mom and Dad are found, graduate, and prove to him I’m more responsible and mature than he thinks.”

  “Johnna, you don’t need to do anything. This is something he has to figure out on his own too. Don’t worry so much. He’s a fairly smart demon. All the small stuff will work itself out, and yes, it will take time.” The tiny lift on the corner of Lucien’s mouth looked more like a grimace than a smile. “You have both been given a gift, finding each other. Treasure it.”

  “Would if I could. Damned youth keeps getting in my way.”

  “True, but every setback makes you stronger and more resilient.”

  I caught his dark gaze and raised one brow. “Speaking from experience again?”

  His grimace turned up into more of a smile. “Got me pegged already? Scary. You’re how old?” he teased.

  “Hopefully old enough to forgive me . . . and my stupidity.” Niki’s voice cut in, sending a hard jerk through me as the dulcet sound soothed my soul. I twisted sideways to find him leaning against the wall.

  He didn’t look so good. His skin was pale, and for a demon, I’d learned, pale was bad.

  Lucien’s hand rested in the middle of my back, pushing me to a stand. My bravery left me in one great gush. Who was I kidding? I could admit it to myself now. I loved him. He was the other half to my soul, barren without him. So, I would follow my heart.

  I finally understood what my parents shared. They gave themselves so completely to each other with no strings attached. The same as what I held inside my heart for the demon standing before me. I knew, without a doubt, we were eternal partners.

  Even if it killed me, I would learn how to compromise. My chest felt ready to explode. Maybe growing up wasn’t so bad after all, and with Niki to help and guide me, the journey would definitely be interesting.

  “I’m so sorry, Niki. I will try harder. I promise.”

  He closed the distance between us, cradling my face in his warm hands, his thumbs gently caressing my cheeks. “You have nothing to be sorry about, imp. This was my own stupidity. I’ve never had to worry about someone before. My job is to protect Lucien first then everyone else, but you’re different. You’re mine—and the thought of losing you scares me to death.”

  He pressed his lips against mine and heat exploded through me. He deepened the kiss, his tongue memorizing my mouth. I returned the favor, molding my body to his, until a not-so-subtle throat clearing behind us threw the proverbial cold water over us both.

  Niki pulled away first, his beautiful ruddy color back along with a smile. Gods, but he was gorgeous. “I’ve been alone for a very long time, and I’m finding your welfare is a constant in my mind,” he whispered.

  All the anxiety I’d been nursing inside of me settled. Replacing it was a mixture of happiness and contentment, which felt wonderful. “Niki, I’m not going anywhere—at least not now. I have never been a fragile china doll. Yes, things will go wrong, and I will definitely make mistakes. I will also learn from them and be okay. We’ll be okay.”

  “When did you get to be so smart?” I heard the amazement in his tone.

  “I asked her the same thing,” Lucien noted.

  “I have some amazing teachers in my family.” I sent Lucien a quick wink over my shoulder. “Especially my uncle.”

  Niki regarded the king. “Then I guess I need to thank him.”

  “Just make her happy, enforcer.”

  “I plan to begin working on that right now.”

  Lucien's face darkened as a scowl replaced his slightly amused look. “Don’t make me go all daddy on you. She is still only twenty-three.”

  “Uncle Lucien,” I scolded. “I can take care of myself. You definitely don’t need to chaperone.”

  Niki tilted my face up, and my heart stuttered at the hungry look in his eyes. His lips touched mine, soft and gentle as they feathered across my mouth.

  My insides combusted, but my fog of lust came to a crashing halt when Malachi sauntered through the doorway with a knowing grin plastered to his face. “Can I interrupt this little family gathering?”

  He’d rudely yet thankfully broke up our tender but very public moment. It took me several seconds to fully concentrate on what he was saying.

  Our brief moment at romance, interrupted once again.

  “. . . still have to deal with the queen before she finds out,” Malachi said.

  You better be glad he stopped your make-out session, young lady. Lucien may fall for your machinations, but I won’t. My grandfather’s voice rippled through my brain, shrill and insistent, irritated enough to make the bracelet wiggle against my wrist. Just wait until I’m out of this charm . . .

  He hadn’t made a peep since he’d apparated into the charm and, to be honest, I’d forgotten about him. Hush up, Grandpops. Go back to sleep. Although I was beginning to worry about you.

  What impertinence. What has your father been teaching you? You probably forgot all about me.

  He taught me how to deal with you. Now I need to hear what’s being said, not argue with you. I tuned out his irate prattle and tried to catch up with the conversation.

  “We don’t have much time left,” Malachi continued. “Sending the queen on a wild goose chase to the Outlands was a good idea. However, from what our spy is telling me, she’s beginning to suspect something. I expect her to return any minute, and when she realizes Lucien isn’t where she left him . . .” Malachi's gaze bounced over each of us expectantly. “Well? Anyone have a plan?”

  My mind raced through the possibilities but kept returning to the most obvious one. Well, obvious to me, anyway. I kept my tone soft but firm and forced the words from my mouth. “I have an idea.”

  All three demons looked down at me. Need I say, intimidating? I cleared my suddenly dry throat and willed my brand-new ball of nerves to go away. “Let’s use the guards who were in the room guarding Lucien. We need to trick the queen into believing her plan is still working. Threatening to exile them to one of your more horrific realms should make their decision to help us a fairly easy one.”

  Lucien slowly nodded as Malachi formed a crooke
d, wry grin. Niki stared off into the distance. I’d given him a good beginning, now I hoped he was figuring out the rest of the plan for me.

  “Well Niki, what do you think?” Lucien asked.

  Niki's response was quick. “It’s good. I can work with this.”

  I couldn’t sense any hesitation underlying his words and breathed a sigh of relief. “How do you want the plan to play out?” I probably should have remained silent but as usual, I couldn’t.

  “The queen’s biggest weakness is her craving for power. The second is her vanity.”

  Lucien groaned. “I never understood why. I can’t see what she has to be so vain about.”

  “Uncle Lucien,” I admonished.

  He held up his palm. “I know. I know. She is my mother, but come on—she’s about as pretty as an overweight pug dog.”

  My laughter burst out. And after the emotional rollercoaster I’d been on since arriving in this crazy world, the release was amazing. After a few minutes of uninterrupted giggles, I gasped for air, swiping tears from my face—and hiccupped. Loudly. Ladylike to a fault, that’s me. “Oh, I needed that. Too much seriousness doesn’t sit well. So, what’s our plan?”

  Niki sat on the sofa and pulled me onto his lap. “Does your mind ever stop?”

  “Nope, sorry. And before you ask, it’s a permanent situation.”

  He smiled. “I’ll live. Once we get the queen in the room, we’ll have to bind her powers.” Niki deferred to Lucien. “What do you think?”

  “I think we have a problem.” Lucien raised his hands in defeat. “She’s too powerful. As queen, she’s almost my equal. The only person to ever best her was Gerard.”


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