Love Under Two Mavericks

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Love Under Two Mavericks Page 11

by Cara Covington

  “The damn antibiotics completely slipped my mind just now! So…they really do cancel out the birth control pills, don’t they?”

  “Well, I think it’s rare.” Lewis drew her closer using her right hand. “I’ve heard some do more than others, but I don’t know about the ones you’re on. However, since it can happen, I think it would be a good idea if we didn’t do anything that could end up getting you pregnant.”

  “Because that’s a decision—the decision to have a baby—that should be made deliberately, sweetheart. It’s too important to be considered an accident.”

  Michaela met Randy’s serious gaze with his words echoing in her mind. Then she looked at Lewis, whose expression was just as serious. “Yes, having a baby is too important a decision to be an unintended consequence.”

  Lewis gave her a slow grin. “We’re all on the same page, it seems.”

  “We are. Lewis?”

  “Yes, baby girl?”

  Michaela licked her lips. Everything about these two men—not just the physical but their essence, their souls—all felt just so damn right to her.

  “I’m really horny. Can you teach me how to suck your cock? Because I really want to know what the two of you taste like. And I really want to give you that pleasure and have you return the favor.”

  “Oh, Michaela, I don’t think you’re going to need much instruction at all.” He picked her up and then gave her a way-too-short, and way-too-tame, kiss. “Let’s go back to your bed and get naked. And see where that leads us.”

  “I know where it’s going to lead us,” Michaela said. “It’s going to lead us straight to heaven.”

  Their low growly sounds of agreement sent another shaft of pleasure racing through her.

  They tickled her some as they stripped her. Michaela giggled, loving the playful mood. Then, in less than a heartbeat, that mood evolved to sultry and sexy. Lewis and Randy were naked, too, and the scent of their bodies—their sweat and, yes, their sex—brought her so close to orgasm she became convinced she was indeed a sex addict.

  Lewis combed his fingers through her hair, using them to grip her as he laid his mouth on hers. Hot and hungry, his kiss fueled her climb. Her nipples peaked, her pussy leaked, and her arousal turned to need. She couldn’t hold back the whimper that emerged. Lewis lifted his head and used one thumb to stroke her lips.

  Michaela met his gaze and the heat, the lust she read there filled her with the greatest desire she’d ever known. A desire to please her lover, to give him all he wanted, all he craved.

  “On your knees, woman.” He released her head, freeing her to obey him.

  Michaela couldn’t believe the thrill that rippled through her with those three words. She slid down then looked down at the pillow her knees had landed upon. In her peripheral vision, Randy’s quick grin let her know that, between them, these men would always consider her before themselves.

  Lewis sat on the bed, and his cock was at the exact level she needed it to be. He reached out and took her left wrist in his right hand. Leaning forward, he kissed it then laid her bandaged hand on the bed, against his thigh.

  He tugged on her hair with his left hand, and she looked up and met his gaze.

  “Use your right hand to fist my cock.”

  Michaela grasped him, wrapping her fingers around him. They barely met, and the hot silky feel of his flesh against the skin of her palm sent a shiver through her.

  “You can give me a bit tighter squeeze, Michaela. I won’t break.”

  She increased her pressure on him, and his low moan let her know he liked that.

  “Pump me a couple times and then suck my cock into that sweet mouth of yours, baby girl.”

  Michaela found her balance held because Lewis had hold of her arm. She pumped him, loving the slide of his cock against her palm, wondering what it would feel like if she lubed him up. Then she leaned in. The sight of a large drop of pre-cum drew her. The scent of him put her in mind of the hot romp they’d already had, for all that they’d been exquisitely careful of her injury.

  She felt his cock get even bigger in her hand, drew in the fresh scent of his sex from the increased heat of his body, and wondered that her mouth watered.

  Michaela leaned closer and used her tongue to scoop up that drop. The flavor lay on her tongue, a hint of tang, of something different but dark and delicious. Then she opened her mouth and sucked his cock inside. The sensation of him there—the heat, the firmness—did something to her, not so much a physical thing but a spiritual one. Protection, pleasure, all given freely by her in this one act. This is the definition of loving. She let the thought linger, knowing the truth in that one word but not ready yet to acknowledge it. So she ran her tongue along the shaft of his cock, sucking, moving her head, letting her hand continue to pump as she did so. Her baby finger stretched to brush his balls on the down stroke, and his response—the sucking in of breath, the low curse, and the increase in pre-cum—told her he really liked that.

  Her only thought was to give, and when she felt a hand stroking her cunt, when she felt fingers there and at her anus, she shivered.

  Giving this pleasure fed her arousal, and the stroking Randy delivered became kerosene on those embers.

  “Oh, baby, yes.” Lewis bent closer, his left hand gripping her hair, and he trembled.

  He’s such a strong man, and yet I made him tremble!

  It was a wondrous feeling and urged her to give more. She hummed her pleasure and knew she’d found another way to stir him, to make his enjoyment even more than it had been a heartbeat before.

  A cool gel on her anus hit a trigger that surged her hips back, making firmer the meeting of Randy’s fingers and her asshole.

  “I’m so close, baby. Will you drink me down?”

  There was nothing she wanted more in that moment than to do just that. It would be the ultimate gift, one she intended to give to both of her lovers. She hummed again, giving Lewis her assent, and then she began to draw on him, a firm, rhythmic pull that coaxed a groan from his throat and the seed from his body.

  “Yes! Michaela, yes.”

  Stream after stream of his semen hit her throat, and she swallowed. The strong flavor surprised her, yet by the third spurt, she found she really liked it. She focused so completely on Lewis, on taking every drop, that the stroking of her clit and the slight pinch startled her. Then Randy pressed a finger against her rosette and pushed right through her sphincter.

  Michaela screamed around the cock in her mouth, a cock that was eased out from between her lips. Wave after wave of fierce rapture covered her, enveloped her, shooting her toward the stars. The men wrapped themselves around her, surrounding her in their heat, their gentle croons soothing her as she slowly floated back down to earth.

  Michaela was lifted and settled into her bed, with a lover on either side of her. Aftershocks rattled her, each one carrying a drop more ecstasy to add to her already overloaded system. But as she shivered, and as she held fast to her lovers, she knew her prediction had come true.

  For a long solid moment, she’d glimpsed through the door of heaven.

  Chapter Twelve

  Lewis paid close attention as Dr. Jessop unwrapped Michaela’s left hand. She’d refused pain pills that morning, and while a part of him accepted that as her right, another part wanted to do all he could to take away any pain she might be feeling.

  “It’s looking good.” Dr. Jessop looked up and met his gaze for just a moment then turned his attention back to Michaela. “Are you generally a fast healer?”

  “I haven’t often injured myself,” she said. “So I don’t know if I can honestly answer that.”

  “Well, this looks good. I want you to finish the prescription of antibiotics I gave you, but whether you take any of the pain medication is up to you. If the wound begins to ache, that would be a sign either that you’re doing too much or there’s infection. You know the signs of infection?”

  Michaela nodded. “Redness and warmth to the touch.”

  “That’s it. That happens, get in here. Otherwise, I want to see you on Friday, and if it’s as good as I think it will be then, you can go back to work beginning Saturday.”

  “All right, thank you. It was easy to remember not to use my left hand with the overabundance of bandages you put on it.”

  Robert Jessop grinned. “You have no idea how many people say that to me.” He looked down at her hand. “I’ll dress the wound and then bind it to the next finger, only. How’s that for a compromise? Then, tomorrow morning, when you dress it, you can just use a simple bandage.”

  Michaela tilted her head as she considered him. “I’m beginning to see it now. That would be good, thanks, though the brat in me must point out that it’s not really a compromise if it’s what you’ve decided to do, regardless.”

  Lewis raised one eyebrow and shrugged when, laughing, Robert looked at him again. “Give it one more day before you get it wet. I’ll put some antibiotic cream on it, but there’s no sign of infection. I’ll feel better if that heals just a bit more before you get it wet. And by wet, I mean shower. Stay away from doing the dishes for a bit, yet. And please keep your hands out of any physical work whatsoever—wet or dry.”

  “Yes, sir.”

  There was cheekiness in both Michaela’s answer and her eyes when she said that. Lewis’s hand actually itched to lay a little smack on that sexy ass of hers.

  “You gotta love the brats,” Robert Jessop said.

  It was an off-the-cuff sort of comment. A throw-away line. Or it would have been, Lewis mused, if it had been said at any other time by any other person in this town.

  But here and now, and aimed at him by Robert Jessop about Michaela Powell?

  There’s nothing off the cuff or throw away about that at all, damned Dom. Which, in the end, was just as well, since he was most definitely falling in love with the woman.

  It was all he could do not to close his eyes as that truth reverberated inside his mind. Well, fuck.

  He set away for the moment the other implication of Robert Jessop’s words—that he recognized the maybe not-so-latent Dom in Lewis.

  He met Robert Jessop’s gaze. There was no mistaking the smirk the other man wore.

  In the face of Robert Jessop’s roaring confidence, Lewis found himself unable—or maybe unwilling—to play any games at all. So he addressed the man’s last comment.

  “So I’m discovering.”

  Lewis felt like smirking when his simple sentence didn’t register with Michaela, who was busy watching Robert bandaging her wound and then using the gauze to, as he promised, bind her two fingers together.

  When he was finished, she held it up and looked like she was going to say something. Then she shook her head and gave them all a sweet smile, instead.

  Lewis had no trouble understanding what she’d considered saying, as the way she’d held up her index finger and middle finger together looked as if she was flipping them all a super-sized bird.

  Randy shook his head, his grin the one he wore when he was really amused. In that moment, it gave Lewis great comfort to know that he and his best friend—in many ways, his brother—were on the same page when it came to Michaela Powell.

  He and Randy both shook Robert’s hand and then stood back silently as he gave their woman a hug.

  “If you have any questions at all, call me.”

  Questions about what? Her hand or dealing with the men on either side of her?

  Everything he knew about the way Dominants behaved, which admittedly wasn’t much despite his innate understanding of his own nature, told him that if it came down to it, Robert’s first instincts would always be to protect any woman. Which really was kind of hard to object to when he thought about it.

  “I will. Thanks.”

  They stepped outside. The door to the clinic was shaded, thanks to a large live oak that grew just to the west of the building. The shade did little to ease the heat of the day. Just past one, second week of July, and it was sweltering.

  “How about we head over to Lusty Appetites for lunch?” Lewis asked.

  The restaurant, if he recalled correctly, had AC.

  “Perfect. I actually made a promise to myself, when I knew I was going to stay here, to make an effort to come into Lusty more than I had in the past.”

  “It’s a nice town,” Randy said. “Weird, when I think about the fact that so many people here are actually related to us.”

  They’d parked by the clinic, and even though it wasn’t all that far, Lewis drove them over to the restaurant. As they got out of the pickup, Randy looked across the street. “I’ll join you in a moment.”

  Randy headed over to the drugstore. Lewis didn’t have to ask why. He took Michaela’s hand and led her into the restaurant.

  “Hey, Aunt Bernice.” It hadn’t surprised Lewis to learn the woman worked part time in the restaurant her daughter-in-law Kelsey owned. He’d already figured out that most of his Texas relatives didn’t have to work for a living if they didn’t want to. It pleased him that rather than living life as a woman of leisure, his aunt, like most of the family, kept busy.

  “Oh, Lewis, Michaela, hello! Will Randy be joining you?”

  “Yes, ma’am. He’ll be right in. How are those two new grandbabies of yours?”

  Bernice Benedict had a lovely smile. “They’re doing so well! Coming up on four months old. I swear they’re the most adorable babies, ever. And their big sister? My goodness, Mandy is just like a little mother with them.”

  Bernice showed them to a table by the window. “I’ll bring you the menus. The soup today is Leesa’s Texas Cowboy Soup. It’s really good, and it comes with either a side of some cornbread croutons or regular crackers. Do y’all want tea?”

  “Tea’s good,” Lewis said. “I think Randy would like some, too.”

  “Milk for me, please,” Michaela said.

  Bernice was back in less than two minutes with menus and their tea. “How’s your hand, sweetheart?” she asked Michaela.

  “Healing, thanks. Dr. Jessop credits the fact I’m a devoted milk drinker as the reason I didn’t suffer a shattered bone. And thank you so much for that chicken soup and bread. It was exactly what I wanted when I awoke after a long sleep.”

  “You’re welcome. When I was a girl, my mother told me that, when I got old, I’d be grateful to have drunk my milk every day.” She ran her hand down Michaela’s left arm. “A puncture is bad enough,” Bernice said. “But it’s good to see that some things, done right, do still have the right results.”

  Lewis wouldn’t say that he was a particularly insightful man, but he had the sudden sense that something was bothering the older woman.

  “Is something wrong, Aunt Bernice?”

  Bernice Benedict nodded. “We just had some sad news from New York. You know Jacqui, Will, and Norm Kendall? Jackie is the manager of the bookstore that’s attached to us, right over there.” She pointed to the back of the restaurant, where an archway opened to Nancy’s Books and Things. “They’ve been in New York for a couple of weeks, visiting their family there.”

  “I do,” Michaela said. Then her eyes widened. “There’s nothing wrong with their twins, is there?”

  “No.” Bernice laid a hand on Michaela’s shoulder. “No, they and their boys are all fine. But Will’s sister-in-law, Diane, married to his brother Chris just passed this morning. They discovered only a month ago that she had cancer. It was so fast, and she was so young! Not even as old as my niece, Victoria, who died suddenly a few years ago—that would be Clayton’s first wife.” Bernice sighed. “There’s just something wrong with this world when folks do everything right and then are gone so young, anyway.”

  “I know what you mean,” Lewis said. “We had a friend in Billings, a guy we went to school with named Elliot Green. He died suddenly last year—he was our age. In good shape, exercised regularly, but he dropped dead of a heart attack. Left behind two little girls, aged five and seven. It’s a hard thing, for everyone.�

  “It is. I don’t believe Chris and Diane had any children, which in one way is a blessing.” Bernice sighed. “Samantha and her husbands are headed there this afternoon, as they knew them well. Henry and Morgan are flying them there in one of the family’s jets. Will, Norm, and Jacqui will be glad of the extra support, as will the triplets—Samantha’s brothers-in-law—and their wives.”

  “There’s nothing better than being surrounded by family when tragedy strikes,” Lewis said. “Especially, I think, when you’re surrounded by this family.”

  “I have Jacqui on my Facebook,” Michaela said. “I’ll send her a note when I get home.”

  “That would be nice,” Bernice said. She looked from Lewis to Michaela, and then, as Randy came in, she looked at him too. “Life is damn short. You need to live each day the best you can to the fullest that you can.”

  “Wise words, Aunt Bernice,” Randy said.

  “I’ll give you a moment to look over the menu.” Bernice gave them all a sweet smile. Like most of the older generation he’d met here in Lusty, the woman had a kind way about her. He doubted she was one to stay sad or down for long. But by the same token, he felt pretty confident that she’d also be there for family and friends, no matter what.

  Hadn’t she been the one who’d come by with soup and bread for them just yesterday?

  Lewis waited until Bernice Benedict was seeing to other customers to catch Randy up on the latest family news. Since he’d seen Randy stop by the truck, he knew the condom problem had been solved.

  “So now it’s only one stop after lunch.” Michaela grinned as she looked from him to Randy.

  “Not much gets past you,” Lewis said.

  “Not even that ‘brat’ reaction at the clinic,” she said. “In the spirit of complete disclosure, I should tell you. When you asked me what I knew about the subject, I said I’d heard a few things. A few weeks before you gentlemen arrived in our fair state, I attended a girls’ night at which several local women, some of them submissives, were in attendance.”

  Lewis met her gaze. She was just so…so open. She didn’t use guile, though she’d use humor if she needed to get her point across—or herself out of a sticky moment. She’d been a little slow to trust, but he couldn’t hold that against her.


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