Stand-In Saturday: (A standalone romcom. Book 2 in the Love For Days series)

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Stand-In Saturday: (A standalone romcom. Book 2 in the Love For Days series) Page 16

by Kirsty Moseley

  We say our goodbyes to the people left around, agreeing to meet some of his family downstairs for breakfast, and then I follow Theo to the lobby and into the lift. My body is all jittery as I wonder what happens now.

  Is the night over? Will he kiss me? Do I want him to?

  Duh, stupid question, Lucie. Yes!

  We stand on opposite sides of the lift, facing each other. He’s not even touching me, but I can feel my hormones building at an alarming rate just because his eyes don’t leave mine. I’m not sure if he can feel it, too, but the temperature in the lift seems to grow hotter as the air thickens with lust.

  When the doors ping and slide open, I break eye contact and step out, holding a hand to my chest in a pathetic attempt to stop my heart from hammering against my ribcage.

  Stopping outside my door, I deliberately take a while to retrieve my keycard from my clutch bag. I just need a minute to catch my breath and collect my thoughts.

  Theo leans one shoulder on the wall next to my door, casually crossing his ankles as he shoves one hand through his hair, messing it up and making it flop back across his forehead. His jaw is tight, and his eyes are solely focussed on me.

  “I had a great night,” I say, biting my lip.

  He nods, a smile twitching at the corner of his mouth. “Me too.”

  There’s a moment of silence. I can hear my own heart beating.

  “Well, good night, Luce.” He leans in, dropping a soft kiss to my cheek.

  Disappointment grips me, and my hand automatically fists his shirt, not letting him pull back, as a small whimper leaves my lips. His body stills against mine, just a hair’s breadth away. We’re so close, and I think I feel him tremble, but it could be me instead. When he eventually pulls back, my hand acts of its own accord. I reach out and push his hair from his forehead. I’ve been dying to do that for the last hour.

  His hand catches mine, and he presses my palm flat against his chest, holding it there as his gaze flicks from my eyes to my mouth. Slowly, he leans in, making me lean back against the door as he traps me in a little cage with his body, the heat of him pulsing into me.

  I’m so attracted to this man. My lust is a living, breathing thing, clawing at my insides, demanding I move closer, that I pull his mouth to mine to get a taste of him—and this time, remember it.

  My body is desperate for an epic skin-deep affair, where I get to screw the life out of the hot guy just for one night. Maybe I could follow that line of muscle at his hips and get down on my knees to see what he tastes like. Thoughts of his hands gripping my hair, his mouth on my body, the kind of frenzied passion I saw on that video from last night … I want that so badly, I ache.

  This might be my last chance. Tomorrow, I’ll go back to the humdrum of normality—lying awake on my uncomfortable second-hand bed in my best friend’s flat, wondering if Lucas is letting that gym bunny sleep on my Egyptian cotton sheets.

  My inner voice is screaming at me, reasoning how I need to indulge in some wild rebound sex for the night.

  It turns out, my inner voice is a slut—she also sounds suspiciously like Aubrey.

  I look up at Theo, our eyes meet, and I gulp. I want him more than I’ve ever wanted anything. This is probably my only opportunity to sleep with someone as hot as him. We could have one mind-blowing night that I’ll get to hold on to for the rest of my life and compare all future guys to—yeah, you might be hot, but you’re not Theo Stone in a posh hotel with a view of a lake hot.

  I hold his gaze, hoping to convey without having to say it that I want him to make a move. Yes, I’m that chicken that can talk the talk but not walk the walk. I need him to start the engine and kiss me first; after that, I can drive the damn car. I just need a little jump-start to boost my confidence. After Lucas, I’m a little lacking.

  The muscle in his jaw twitches as he reaches out, brushing his fingers across my cheek before curling his hand around the nape of my neck. I arch my back, moving impossibly closer. I can feel how hard he is already; his erection pushes against my stomach and almost drives me insane with desire. My whole being is taut like a bow. Sparks flicker to life between us.

  My hands are on his chest, so I can feel his heart thumping rapidly under my palm. When his head starts dipping towards mine, my insides rejoice, and I hold my breath, just waiting for our mouths to connect. My blood sizzles; the waiting is torture.

  At the last possible moment, I see a brief flash of something akin to panic flicker in his eyes, and he seems to have a change of heart. Instead of kissing me, he turns his head slightly, setting his cheek to my temple as he hugs me.

  No! Just a hug? This is how it ends?

  Disappointment surges through me, and I accidentally let a needy whimper slip from my lips. His incredible smell engulfs me, and I can’t help but lean in and tuck my face into the crook of his neck. My nerve endings are like live wires, sparking dangerously.

  He huffs out a breathy groan, and his shoulders slump, his lips brushing against my cheek as he speaks, “Shit. I got nervous and wimped out. Did I just fumble the bag?” His voice is thick with arousal as it blows across my ear, causing goose bumps to break out on my skin. His arms tighten on me, crushing my body against his.

  Hope prickles at my subconscious. Chuckling, I shake my head. “No, you didn’t.” I actually like that he’s nervous; it gives him a cute edge. I’m nervous too. It’s been a while since I’ve been this close to a man—not counting last night, of course.

  “No?” He pulls back, his hopeful eyes searching my face as his teeth sink into his bottom lip.

  Shaking my head, I slowly slide my hands up his chest, relishing how his whole body tightens when I tangle one hand into the back of his hair, fisting the soft strands. My heart thumps erratically. “Try again,” I encourage.

  He blinks and swallows, and just like that, his nerves are gone; instead, his eyes blaze with white-hot heat. It’s scorching; I feel like it might burn me up. I’ve never had anyone look at me like that before. My body softens against his, and I grip his shoulders for support as his eyes say he wants to devour me whole.

  I’m not sure I’m even ready for the kind of passion I can see burning there. It’s exhilarating and frightening at the same time.

  His hands cup my jaw, tilting my head as he moves in so close that I can taste the champagne on his breath. Every inch of him presses against me. I’m trapped between the door and his hard body. I couldn’t move an inch even if I wanted to—which I don’t.

  His thumb traces across my bottom lip, and I see his pupils blow out with desire. “I’ve been thinking about these lips all damn day. They’re so red. Like my favourite cherry Push Pops I used to suck on as a kid.” His voice is gravelly and seems to have a direct line to my core.

  I’m so uncomfortable; I can barely keep still.

  “Bloody hell, Theo, stop teasing me. Either kiss me or leave me alone, so I can go jill off while I imagine you did!” I’m getting antsy now.

  “Jesus.” His nostrils flare, and his eyes widen in surprise.

  I must admit, I’m a little surprised myself. I don’t know where that came from.

  He chuckles and teasingly traces his nose up the side of mine, shifting on his feet. Where he moves, it causes our chests to rub; my nipples are already hard, so the friction is maddening. My eyes drop closed as a flutter of pleasure grips my core.

  Oh man, can you come from not even being touched? Because I think I’m close.

  I’ve been on edge all day, and this is too much.

  Suddenly, his lips brush against mine, a featherlight kiss that makes my knees weaken. I whimper and slide my arms around his neck, carelessly dropping my clutch bag on the floor as I hold on to him for dear life. He kisses me again, harder this time, his teeth scraping on my bottom lip. My hand tightens in his hair as the kiss deepens. When his tongue traces along mine, he groans into my mouth, and the kiss swiftly changes into something else entirely. It’s no longer sweet and soft; it appears that his passion has sp
iked, too, and he presses against me desperately, one hand moulding over my hip, his fingers digging into my skin, causing a little pleasurable pain that sends my body into a frenzy. His other hand grips the back of my neck as he kisses me like he can suck out my soul. It’s wild, confident, possessive, masterful. I love it so much that another of those small, pleasurable flurries hits me. I’ve never been so turned on by a kiss. Scratch that. I’ve never been this turned on, period.

  He breaks the kiss and rests his forehead against mine. A low moan rumbles in the back of his throat. It’s my new favourite sound.

  “You taste like that fucking chocolate cake from dinner. I didn’t think the damn thing could taste any better, but I was wrong,” he growls, licking my lips.

  I’m gasping for breath as he moves, slipping one of his legs between mine, forcing them apart; his thigh presses against my core as his erection pokes into my stomach.

  When his mouth claims mine in another scorching kiss, the ache between my legs becomes unbearable. Unable to keep still, I move my hips, rubbing my sex against his thigh, seeking out that delicious friction, moaning into his mouth. Every part of my body is hypersensitive; my brain is slowly dissolving, and my nerve endings zip and crackle. I can’t think of anything but chasing the pleasure as it grows and grows so quickly that I can barely keep up.

  My orgasm hits me out of nowhere. My body shatters. I tremble all over, and Theo’s arm wraps around my waist, holding me upright as I gasp his name and throw my head back, not even feeling it when it thuds against the door.

  “Holy shit.” His mouth pops open, his eyes dancing with excitement. “Did you just come”—he blinks and looks around—“in the hallway?”

  My face flushes as I struggle to come down from my high. My body feels boneless and weak. His arms are probably the only things keeping me upright.

  “Don’t gloat,” I rasp breathlessly, tightening my arms around his neck as a massive smirk slips onto his face.

  “Well, I think I’m entitled to a little gloat after that. I didn’t even touch you before you went off. That was glorious, Luce.” The delight is easy to hear in his tone. He dips his head and kisses the sensitive spot under my ear before pulling back to put his forehead to mine as I catch my breath.

  His eyes burn into mine with both passion and need. There’s promise in his eyes. That one look says it all … he’s not done with me yet.

  And just like that, I want him again.

  “Would you like to come in?” My voice is breathy and husky. I’m still riding my bliss cloud. I’m not even ashamed. I want more, and this time, I want to take him over the edge with me.

  He smiles wickedly. “Is that a trick question?”

  “No.” I grin and trace my hand around his collar, fingering the button at his Adam’s apple as my body heats from the inside out. “We’re both adults. Neither of us is too drunk to consent to a one-night stand. I’m attracted to you, as evidenced by the fact that you just made me come without lifting a finger—or a dick—”

  He laughs at that, his eyes twinkling with pride.

  I continue, “And I think, unless I’ve misread the signs spectacularly, you’re attracted to me too …” I look up at him through my eyelashes.

  “I am.” He smirks at me and shifts his hips, his erection grinding against my stomach as proof.

  My lust ratchets up five more levels.

  I blush and shrug one shoulder. “Well then …”

  “Well then …” He nods, leaning in, kissing me again.

  It’s all hot tongues and nipping teeth, and it scrambles my brain. I can’t get close enough to him. He pulls back sharply before I’m ready, and a soft whine of protest slips out of me, but he just stoops and picks up my clutch bag and room key I dropped earlier, inserting the keycard into the lock. My eyes drift down, seeing the light turn green, and then we’re on the move inside. Arms tangle, mouths meet, the door to my room slams closed behind us, and I think I might die from the anticipation of what’s about to happen.

  I’m pinned against the wall as our tongues slide against one another.

  Suddenly, Theo pulls his head back and puts his forehead to mine, his eyes shining with excitement. “You know, I don’t think I’m ever going to recover from watching you come whilst dry-humping my leg in a hotel hallway. I think you just ruined me.” He shakes his head, his eyes still awed.

  Giggling, face flaming with embarrassed heat, I cover his mouth with my hand. “Stop talking, and let’s do this.”

  He nods in agreement, and we stumble our way over to the bed, my hands already fumbling with the hidden zipper at the side of my dress. Theo steps back and watches as I ease the thin straps off my shoulders, pushing the material down, shimmying it over my breasts and waist, leaving me in my black lace underwear. His eyes are dark and predatory as he watches every inch of flesh be exposed. Usually, I would feel self-conscious. I’m not exactly the skinniest girl in the world. Lucas described me as cute but chunky. But the way Theo is watching me—eyes tight, teeth sinking into his bottom lip, palm pressing against the crotch of his trousers as if it’s painful—it makes me feel like the most beautiful girl in the world. I can practically taste his lust as his eyes caress my body, skimming over my breasts and stomach. The dress pools at my feet, and I look up at him, watching as he watches me. It’s incredibly sexy.

  He gulps, his eyes meeting mine again. “You’re fucking beautiful.” His voice is thick with lust. “Am I allowed to touch you?”

  A smile twitches at the corner of my mouth. A consensual king. It turns me on even more. “Yes, please. And thank you.”

  Chuckling, he retrieves his wallet from his pocket, tossing it onto the bed before he steps forward, and his mouth crashes against mine. His hands go straight to my bum, eagerly palming and gripping it, groaning appreciatively into my mouth as he lifts me off my feet.

  I smile against his lips and wrap my legs around his waist. Oh, so he’s a butt man. Good to know.

  While he manoeuvres us onto the bed, his hands don’t leave my body. As he presses me down into the mattress, his fingers work deftly at my back, unclasping my bra and sliding it off. The cool bite of the air-conditioning hitting my oversensitive nipples makes me gasp, and he uses it to his advantage to slip his tongue back into my mouth.

  Fumbling with excitement, I get to work on his shirt buttons, opening a panel at the front to reveal those abs and muscles I’ve been lusting after since we were on the beach yesterday. My breath catches, and my mouth goes dry.

  Before I can undo the last couple of buttons, he moves, kissing down my neck, across my collarbone, his mouth closing over my nipple. A bolt of pleasure draws a gasp from my lips. I wriggle, and my eyes drop closed.

  “You taste so good,” he groans. His mouth and hands lavish attention on my body, teeth scraping, lips peppering tiny, open-mouthed kisses over my breasts, stomach, and hips as his fingers curl around my underwear, sliding them down so slowly that I decide I might die before this night is over.

  The ache is building again. I need him inside me. I’m about to start begging when I realise he has other ideas. He’s heading down south, and I get so excited that I can’t keep still. My hands thread into his hair as I look down to watch; my heart is in my throat.

  As he kisses and nips at the skin at the insides of my thighs, he smirks up at me. “I shaved this time; you should be good tomorrow.”

  I snicker, but my laugh is cut off as he drops his head, his tongue tracing along my slit in one long stroke. Pleasure zings up my spine, and my back arches off the mattress as my eyes roll into the back of my head.

  “Oh, bloody hell. This is legit my favourite thing ever,” I moan breathily.

  His arms wrap around my thighs, holding me in position as he draws his head back, eyes meeting mine. “Note to self: Lucie’s favourite thing ever is having her vagina licked.”

  I giggle, but it dies on my lips as he dips his head again, his hot tongue meeting my sensitive flesh. Groaning, I press my hips
up against his face as my hands fist into his hair while he works his magic, whipping me into a state of frenzy and euphoria.

  It doesn’t take long for his talented mouth to push me over the edge. My heartbeat is crashing in my ears as I come again, bowing off the bed and covering my mouth with my hand as I moan his name and squeeze my eyes shut. Slumping back, I suck in a ragged breath. I’m already spent, and I’ve done nothing so far. I’m two orgasms in, and he’s still mostly clothed. I’m seriously lacking here.

  Getting up to his knees, he unfastens the last couple of buttons on his shirt that I didn’t manage to undo. His gaze lingers on me, jaw tight, eyes blazing, pupils blown with desire as he drinks me in. I sit up and help rid him of his clothes, my fingers tracing across muscles, delighting in the warmth of his skin as they follow that exquisite V down to where it disappears into his trousers.

  God, he’s mesmerising and delicious.

  While he eases his shirt off his shoulders, I get to work on his belt and zipper, eagerly pushing his trousers down over his hips and thighs, taking his boxer shorts with them. My hand traces over his arse, and memories of seeing that cute little butt this morning make my mouth water. When his erection springs free, I whimper and press my thighs together at the sight of it, just imagining what’s to happen next.

  Unable to stop myself, I reach out and close a hand over it, stroking the hard length from base to tip.

  Theo groans and looks down at my hand wrapped around him. “I’ve been thinking about what those pretty nails would look like while wrapped around my cock ever since I saw them at the wedding.”

  Heat burns across my cheeks at his admission. I smile, and we both watch, enthralled, as I stroke him. My nails look great against his skin. His forehead creases with a frown, his lips part in pleasure, and then his head drops back on his shoulders as he lets out a long, breathy sigh. While he’s distracted, I lean forward and do what I’ve also been thinking about a lot of the day. I close my mouth over the tip of his cock and taste him.

  “Fuck!” His whole body tightens as his attention snaps back to me.


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