The Rules Series

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The Rules Series Page 16

by LaShawn Vasser

  Gina wasn’t quick to respond. “Something’s up. Your mouth is usually going a mile a minute about whatever silliness happened at school. You were mostly quiet in the car on the way home. Did something happen?”

  “Nope. I just don’t feel like talking.”

  “Hmmm . . .” Gina took off her backpack and sat it down near her feet. “You’re lying. Are you sure you don’t want to talk about whatever it is?”

  “Can I at least have my thoughts to myself? Do I always have to share everything with you?!”

  Gina extended her arms out in front of her and put her hands up as if to say stop. “Fine. Be pissed because I give a shit. So, I won’t. I’m going to study.” She turned around and went upstairs. She continued to speak as she mounted them. “But, when you’re ready to be a human again, I’ll be in my room.”

  “Nina!” She heard the sound of her father’s voice calling her from his office. It wasn’t a surprise. She knew they would be having a face-to-face sometime today. Briefly, she closed her eyes then turned on her heels to see what he wanted. Nina peeped her head around the corner of his office door. “You called me?”

  His voice was stern. His dark eyes were hard as his brows knitted together. “Come in and close the door.”

  She did as he asked. The best course of action was to get the discussion over with as soon as possible. Nina was respectful, and answered, “Yes, Sir” in Mandarin. “Shì, Duìyú juéshì.” Chang wanted them to speak English and French but never to him. They always had to address him in their own language. “I got a call today from the headmaster of your school.” She kept her eyes focused on him. Nina learned a long time ago to keep eye contact with her father. He demanded it. Her nervousness couldn’t be entirely hidden, Nina shifted her feet from side to side. Chang narrowed his eyes, and she immediately stopped. Slowly, he walked over until he stood directly in front of her. It wasn’t a surprise when he struck her across the face. Chang hit Nina so hard that she tasted her own blood. “You little slut. Did you think I wouldn’t find out?” Nina whispered. “I’m sorry.” “Did you think attempting to seduce that boy in the bathroom was going to get you what you wanted? You’re a Lee-Xiou dammit! I’ve given you every advantage in life when society would shun you. Yet, you would do this?” He smacked her hard across the other cheek. Nina’s head jerked in the other direction. The vein in Chang’s neck pulsed, while his eyes bulged as if they were going to pop out of his skull. Chang didn’t yell. He never yelled. He thought yelling was for those not sure of their own power. Somehow spittle escaped as he spoke through clenched teeth. “You will not bring shame to this family’s name. It’s bad enough you carry the sin of looking more like your mother than me but this . . . this will not be tolerated.” Nina stayed silent and did her best to hold her tears at bay. If they were to leak down her cheek whatever punishment Chang was going to give would be ten times worse. His words sliced through every part of her body, but his most cutting remark was yet to come. “Gina would never have done something so disgusting. You may not be the smarter sister, but you have enough of my blood in your body to use your wits, not your tits.” Nina was gutted. She wondered if she would ever live up to precious little Gina’s standards. She never made mistakes. “Get out of my sight! I can’t even stand to look at you!” Nina rushed out of his office and not a moment too soon because the first of many tears began to flow.

  As Nina remembered that horrible day, she also wondered if that was the moment she’d started to hate Gina.

  She may not have been her parent’s favorite, and they may have lacked faith in her but after tonight she was the queen. Yes, tonight was a culmination of a singular focus and determination. She could now finally put old ghosts to rest.

  Nina’s smile was slow, but it eventually stretched across her entire face as she gazed into the mirror with the knowledge that Gina had to be devastated at this turn of events.

  Thinking about her place in the Lee-Xiou family, Nina would have never in her wildest dreams believed the members of the Family Council would have selected her as its leader. Technically, they didn’t actually pick her since Gina removed her name from contention. But, she didn’t care. The result was the same. Nina Lee-Xiou was now its leader.

  She’d taken a huge gamble when she returned to her old life, and it paid off. Nina was confident that the ghosts of her recent past life couldn’t touch her here. Being the leader of the Family Council guaranteed it. But, if she planned to keep it that way and be successful in her role, she wouldn’t let her current enemies threaten it. Several loose ends would need tying up, and that would mean those members who didn’t vote for her and Gina.

  Chapter 12

  Gina Lee-Xiou

  Every step I took was excruciating. To keep my sanity, I needed to focus on something . . . anything. I started counting, one, two, three . . . it took thirty-five steps to walk from the nurse’s station to the elevators and ten seconds for the doors to open. Once we stepped inside, Brody’s doctor pressed a button, and they closed.

  I hugged myself tightly as my head tilted toward the floor. Breathe, Gina . . . just breathe. I continued to count, only this time, it was the carpet tiles on the floor. Dex rested his hand lightly on my shoulder. I wanted to lash out, yell, or scream, and tell him not to touch me, but I couldn’t. I’d been rendered almost entirely paralyzed.

  I had no right to ask but dear God! How much was I supposed to take? Keeping my tears at bay had never been this difficult, not even when Laurette left, but the colors of the carpet began to blur. Fortunately, my hair hung low enough to give me a bit of privacy. No one needed to see me have a complete meltdown.

  In the last several days, a sister I long thought dead and loved more than myself reappeared in my life only to want to take everything away from me—my home, my legacy, and even my life. The why of it all was still shrouded in mystery.

  The one part of my life that wasn’t corrupt, damaged or evil was snatched away before it even had a chance to grow. Was I cursed? Was I supposed to spend the rest of my life alone with no one to love me and no one to love? Everyone had a breaking point; I think I was getting close to mine. How strong was I meant to be?

  The ride down to the hospital morgue had been quiet aside from the low hum of the elevator moving from floor to floor. It stopped on the third floor instead of the basement where the morgue was located.

  Dex’s forehead wrinkled, and his eyes narrowed as he looked at the elevator panel. “Dr. Weller, why are we stopping on this floor?” His tone caused my natural instincts to kick in.

  “I’m sorry, I forgot my keycard. It’s late, so I’m sure those doors down in the morgue are locked. It’ll only take a second. Please follow me.”

  When I started to exit, Dex blocked my path. He whispered low. “Stay behind me just to be safe. Something feels off. He’s been trying too hard to get you to his office.”

  I felt the same way and had already snapped into survival mode. I was on heightened alert as I followed lagging just a few steps behind.

  Dr. Weller turned around toward us. “This is my office right here.”

  Dex positioned his hand on his firearm at his hip ready to whip it out if necessary. He wasn’t alone. I popped the button on the holder of my revolver at my side as well—just in case.

  “This keycard sticks sometimes.”

  Didn’t Dr. Weller say we needed to stop by his office to get the card to enter the morgue? Dex gazed at me with a raised eyebrow. He was thinking the same thing I was. My adrenaline started to pump like crazy. I didn’t know what was waiting for me behind that door. Hell, if my life had to end in a hospital then so be it.

  The doctor fiddled with the door trying to open it. Why did it seem as if it were taking him forever and a day? Finally, it opened just a crack, and ever so slowly, it widened enough for us to walk through—first Dr. Weller, Dex, and then me. Dex stopped so abruptly at the threshold that I almost ran into his back.

  He hadn’t whipped out his gun. So, What?
What was wrong? I looked around his hulking body to see for myself.

  No one would need to kill me. I just died standing there.


  Dr. Weller’s office had been transformed into a hospital suite. The entire Windham clan was there watching me as I walked through the door—waiting for my reaction.

  Brody Windham was sitting up slightly. Those crystal blue eyes were full of life and trained directly on me. Is this real? My eyes glanced around the room at everyone, waiting for someone to say I wasn’t dreaming. Initially, my feet were rooted to the ground but dream or not, if I could have just five more minutes with this man, I’d take what I could get.

  “Just going to stand there? I expected more of a greeting than this.” His voice was raspy and weak, but it was Brody. The moment he started talking I dropped everything and went to him. I was not sure if I ran or flew, but I just needed to touch him. This time, I didn’t care who saw the tears as they rolled down my face.

  Greedily, my eyes devoured him as I stood shocked out of my mind. Tentatively, I ran my hands across his arm until they touched his, and then our fingers linked together. The warmth and pressure of my hand in his confirmed it. I wasn’t dreaming. The electricity of his touch went through my entire body. Finally, I leaned over and hovered just above his lips before gently pressing mine to his.

  I whispered. “He said you were dead?”

  “I know. That’s my fault. Jamal brought me up to speed enough to know that you’ve got a lot going on. Figured I’d take one less obstacle out of your way.”

  I laughed through my tears. “If I weren’t so happy you were alive, I’d kill you.”

  He hadn’t lost his sense of humor as he gave me a half smile. “Good thing then.”

  “I swear, if my father or anybody else rises from the dead, I’m going to have myself committed. Why didn’t Jamal or Dr. Weller just tell me?”

  “We needed this to look authentic if it was going to work.”

  “If what’s going to work?”

  “Your sister needs to . . .”

  “Stop. Stop it right there. You almost died. So, no. Not just no, but helllllllll NO! Whatever you think you’re going to do . . . you’re not. This is my problem, my fight, and I’ll solve it.”

  “I’m not letting you go through this madness alone, Gina. I can, and I will help.”

  I let go of his hand. “How? You’re laid up in a hospital bed after almost dying. Do you hear me? DYING???? Look around this room? How can you put your family through all the stress after everything they’ve been through?” I couldn’t look at him. “I won’t lose another person.” There was a broken piece inside of me that needed soothing. Brody getting involved would do nothing towards that and would take me even further off my game than I already had been.

  “You won’t lose me.”

  “I already thought I did! No. I’ve had too much loss in my life already; a toxic childhood, my mother, my sister, my niece, and pretty much everyone who has ever meant anything to me. I won’t let you put yourself in danger. I won’t allow it.”

  “Allow? That’s an interesting term since I don’t work for you which means I also don’t take orders from you.”

  Out of the corner of my eye, I could see Brody’s mom as she watched the back and forth between us with both trepidation and humor. I knew she could see immediately why we were attracted to each other. Everyone could feel our intense chemistry the moment I stepped into the room. I could see the worry lines etched across her face too.

  It was too soon for her son to be getting worked up. She quietly managed to come between us and put a gentle hand on my shoulder and Brody’s arm. “Maybe we can discuss this further after Brody has had a chance to get a little more rest.”

  Like a petulant school boy, he closed his eyes. “I don’t need to discuss anything. I already know what I’m going to do.”

  Chapter 13

  Cecily Manchetti had been nervously chewing on her bottom lip and watching the clock like a hawk. For the past forty minutes, she hadn’t heard one word her teacher said. She was too anxious to concentrate. When the bell rang, she shot out of her chair and into the hallway that was quickly filling up with throngs of school girls.

  “Leilani!” She shouted out above the chatter and laughter of her classmates. Leilani heard her name being called and turned around. She made eye contact with Cecily, who was waving like crazy. Cecily pointed to their Art classroom. It was empty, and since it was the end of the day, they wouldn’t be disturbed.

  After a few minutes, the girls made their way into the room and closed the noise out as they shut the door behind them. “What’s up, Cecily? I got your text.”

  “I have something I was hoping you could translate for me. But, before I show it to you, you’ve got to promise not to say a word about it after you’ve read it.”

  “We’re best friends. I’d never tell your secrets.”

  “I mean it Leilani. This is one you will have to take to your grave.”

  She crossed her heart. “I promise that I will never say anything about whatever it is. Although, I do have to say you’ve more than piqued my interest. What is it? What do you want me to translate?”

  “It’s in Mandarin.”

  Leilani’s eyebrows furrowed together. “Why would you want me to translate Mandarin? You speak and read it just as well as I do.”

  Cecily bit down on her bottom lip. “I don’t think I’m reading it right. I can’t be reading it right.”

  Leilani shrugged. “Okay, where is it?”

  Cecily pulled her cell phone out of her purse and handed it to her. She folded her arms across her chest as she continued to gnaw on her lip—waiting for answers.

  Leilani studied the images on the screen long and hard. “How’d you get this? Where did you get this?”

  “Never mind that. What does it say?”

  Leilani blinked rapidly as she cleared her throat. “The headline says—The Lee-Xiou Soap Opera continues. Nina Lee-Xiou, the daughter of prominent businessman, Chang Lee-Xiou, long thought to be dead, resurfaced after more than a fifteen-year absence.”

  Cecily suddenly felt hot all over. She took off her burgundy uniform sweater and sat down in the nearest chair. Her voice was barely a whisper. “That can’t be right.” She spoke more to herself than to Leilani.

  Her friend sat down next to her. “I’m positive that’s what it says, Cecily. Why do you care about someone in China? Who is she to you?”

  Cecily used her thumb and forefinger to rub circles on her temples. “Look at her picture. I mean really look at it and you tell me.”

  Leilani did exactly that. Slowly she lifted her head and gazed at Cecily for a long time studying her features. Then she looked back down at the image on her cell phone. After what seemed like an eternity Leilani responded. “She’s your mother. I thought she was dead.”

  Cecily dropped her face into her hands. “So did I.”

  Chapter 14

  Gina Lee-Xiou

  I entered my bedroom with a breakfast tray as Brody was getting off of his phone. His back was to me. He wore a pair of pajama bottoms and nothing else. Even after being down for a couple of months that man’s back still looked as if he’d been in the gym every day since the shooting. Focus Gina. Not on running your hands all over his body but on helping him get well. “Hey? How are you feeling?”

  His eyes shined when he turned around and made contact with mine. “I’m good, Florence.” He chuckled to himself.

  “Florence?” I sat the tray down on the table next to the bed.

  “Yeah, Florence Nightingale . . . my sister and I . . . never mind. You made me breakfast?”

  “You do realize my mother was half French right? I know who Florence Nightingale was and no, I didn’t make you breakfast. I have staff for that. I just brought it up.”

  Brody pulled me into his arms and nuzzled my neck. The heat of his breath tickled the sensitive parts of my skin. “I’d rather have you for breakfast and
no. I didn’t know your mother was part-French.”

  I was breathless and a little weak-kneed. “Creole, born and raised in New Orleans, Louisiana.” God, I loved the way this man made me feel. Just his touch sent chills throughout my entire body. The tingles were everywhere, especially between my thighs. It was both the most thrilling feeling I’d ever felt and the most terrifying. “Brody . . .”

  When he pressed his lips to that sensitive area behind my ear, I would have given him anything. Instinctively, I wrapped my arms around his neck and pressed my body into his.

  Slowly, Brody pulled back only to take my lips into a kiss that wasn’t tender. It was full of promise and pent up desire. Lightly, he bit my bottom lip to force them slightly apart creating just enough of an opening for him to slip inside. The stroke of his tongue mimicked exactly how he moved in and out of my body the last time we were together. The only time we were together.

  My nipples hardened into tight peaks as I molded my body into his. I couldn’t get close enough. His hands slid down my sides as he gripped my ass grinding into me.

  The slow burn that had been simmering inside blazed. Before I let things get too far, I broke the kiss and pushed him away. We needed some space between us. “I’m not sure you’re ready for sex.”

  He looked down at the front of his pants. The tenting of his pajama bottoms said otherwise. “No. I think I’m very ready, and if I were to slip my hands inside those yoga pants, I’m sure I’d find you are too. We had explosive. I know you remember, and I’m ready for more fireworks.”


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