Walk With You (With You #1)

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Walk With You (With You #1) Page 4

by Anna Heal

  Is he giving her his number? Really?

  He writes something down fast and hands it back to her. REALLY?

  She bites her lower lip again while tossing her long hair behind her and sticking out her chest.

  “How was everything?” Ryan is beside me out of nowhere startling me a bit and making me realize I was digging my fingers into the table. Relaxing and making a quick glance towards where Evan is still standing, I answer in a husky voice, “Everything was great, thanks to you.”

  Two can play at this game.

  I’m not normally a huge flirt. Quite frankly I don’t like the attention most of the time but right now seeing Evan and the hostess standing so close my jealousy bitch meter is at max. “I’m glad, so how’s your date going?” Ryan asks with a sideways glance to Evans empty chair.

  “Oh, this isn’t a date we’re just friends.”

  His eyes widen with delight and he crouches down next to my chair. He really is adorable. All American good looks, blonde hair, blue eyes, perfect teeth but without Evans ruggedness and the way his face demands attention from everyone in the room. Evan is definitely far superior in a non-human kind of way but Ryan is still a hot guy in his own right.

  “Really? The way your friend looks at you I would’ve thought you guys have been together for a while.”

  How does he look at me?


  Flashing my flirtiest smile at him, he says, “Well if that means your single then how about we have dinner sometime?”

  “I don’t think that will work.”

  Evans voice booms over us as he stands beside Ryan dwarfing him with his stature. Ryan stands ups in front of him replying “And why not? Are you her brother or something?”

  Got to give it to Ryan he is about 4 inches shorter than Evan and has nothing on Evans lean muscular shape but he is standing his ground.


  “Because a) she’s not from here and b) I don’t think your boss would like to hear about you asking customers out during your shift.”

  Noticing people starting to stare and point now, I speak up. “Okay guys, maybe we should take a step back now and stop the pissing contest.”

  Getting out of my chair and moving to stand in between them. Both men making me feel like a small child, towering over me like skyscrapers. I put my hand gently on Evans chest and try to push him back slightly, knowing if he lost his cool he could pound Ryan into the ground with one punch. Of course, he doesn’t budge because he is a brick wall. Grabbing his arm, I start to turn him to get him to come with me to the exit. He starts to turn and reaches for my hand to guide me down the stairs. “Man, what’s your problem? If you like her so much why don’t you just date her then? Or did she turn you down and put you in the friend zone?”

  Ryan’s cockiness is going to get him hurt.


  I can’t get Evan to leave fast enough.

  “I guess with an ass like hers, you for sure wouldn’t be good enough.”

  So close!

  Chapter 16

  It happens so fast I don’t react right away.

  All I see is Evan fly toward Ryan and grab a hold of his shirt pushing him on our table. Glasses spilling, falling to the floor and breaking. Screams of other customers trying to get out of the way of the train wreck.

  “Watch what you say about her.” I hear Evan bark into Ryan’s ear before letting him go and backing up toward where I’m still standing in complete shock. I’ve never even witnessed two guys fighting over one girl let alone that girl being me.

  Before he could fully turn I hear Ryan say loudly, “I don’t care who you are dude, I can say whatever I want to her. She’s not yours to protect.”

  Ryan lunges towards Evans midsection sending the two of them tumbling down a few of the steps.

  Finally, with the help of security and some good Samaritans they pull the two men off of each other. Even though it takes double the people to hold Evan back, Ryan still proceeds with the insults under his breath. Finally, what looks like the manager gets into Ryan’s face while telling the others to let go of Evan. Not being able to make out what he is saying due to the constant chatter of the crowd around me I do catch “good customer” and “what if someone has a camera”.

  Telling security to escort Ryan out of the building, the manager turns to Evan and starts to apologize profusely.

  Why isn’t he being thrown out too?

  Making my way down the stairs now that I have people staring at me and whispering I pass where Evan is standing and keep walking. Not sure if it’s from the shock of what just happened or because I’m so pissed that he would feel the need to answer for me. I near the front door of the lounge where I spot Miss-my-legs-go-up-to-my-neck and watch as she steps in front of me to say, “Leaving so soon?”

  I will end you!

  “That’s right, he’s all yours. Guess you won’t have any trouble contacting him.”

  Giving me a confused look, she steps aside so I can leave.

  I can’t believe he gave that chick his number!

  At least I know what kind of girls he’s into now. Almost running out the doors, I turn left to keep walking towards my hotel, with or without Evan. Feeling myself starting to get upset with how things went down, I hear heavy running footsteps coming up behind me. Evan grabs my upper arms to stop and spin me around to look at him.

  “Where are you going?” he asks me in a near panicked voice. “I’m going back to my hotel; it was getting a little dramatic for me back there.” I say crossing my arms over my chest.

  “I’m sorry, but that guy. What he said about you. He was a jackass! I couldn’t just do nothing.”

  “Oh you definitely didn’t do nothing. You took him out like a boxer. Is that what you are, a fighter?”

  Cocking his head to the side, he frowns at me “No, I’m not a fighter Izzy.”

  His hat is torn a little at the front now because of the scuffle, hope it wasn’t new.

  “I’m sorry! Okay, I lost my cool back there but he was egging me on and I don’t know. Clearly he knew what buttons to push.” Staring at the ground he shuffles his feet back and forth like it’s a nervous habit and continues, “Don’t leave it like this, don’t walk away. We’re so close.”

  Looking back up at me I see sincerity in his eyes. Not wanting to act like a complete dick I reply, “Well thanks for dinner, and the show.”

  He looks downright triumphant when I start walking with him.

  Knowing we don’t have far to go as I start to recognize some of my surroundings from earlier today, I feel a pang of sadness come over me. As much as I hate to admit it, this guy has really grown on me in our short time together.

  I think I really like him.

  That’s the reason why I should be running not walking back to my hotel without him.

  Chapter 17

  It’s shocking just how many restaurants are located in this area of New York alone. I’ll have to make sure Ella, Shannon, Jon and myself visit at least one a day while we’re here this Christmas. I can’t wait to come back already.

  “I’m coming back here with my friends near Christmas time.” Curiosity flashes in his ocean blue eyes as he asks, “Oh, really? Why?”

  “I bought Ella a surprise ticket for getting her degree because I thought New York would be an awesome place with all the architecture that’s around here. Shan and Jon thought it was an awesome idea too so we made it a group effort. She’s going to be so surprised, I can’t wait.” I reply smiling at the thought. “That’s pretty sweet! Just don’t go running into any other creeps next time. Wouldn’t want my creeper position to go to someone else.” Nudging me with his elbow, I laugh.

  “Don’t worry, no one could ever take your place.”

  Looking to the side I see a shy smile plays at his lips.

  “This is hands down the most interesting night of my life.”

  “I doubt that!”

  Smiling he says, “No seriously, think of ever
ything that has happened in such a short amount of time so far.”

  I think, Oh I have, as he continues, “I’ve never told some girl that I’d follow her anywhere. The only girls I really get to talk to are my sister, Mom and co-workers.”

  Yeah, because I can believe that!

  “Oh come on Evan! You must get hit on every minute of the day.” I scoff at him.

  “I will admit I get it a lot, but it’s always superficial. They’re either always looking for something else from me or to catch a break. Sometimes I feel as though they are more interested in the idea of me, then me as a person.”

  “That’s kind of sad.”

  Staring off into the distance he nods his head in agreement.

  Deciding to maybe lighten the mood and give him some good news. Well good news to him, it kind of makes me want to murder that stop sign up ahead.

  “Well maybe that hostess will give you a call and you won’t be such a lonely sob anymore.” Throwing him a wink, he looks at me like I’ve grown two heads.

  “What hostess?” he asks in confusion.

  “The one that sat us at the restaurant. You gave her your phone number.”

  Stopping in the middle of the sidewalk, I have to spin around to face him.

  “I didn’t give the hostess my number.”


  “Seriously Ev, I saw her give you a pen and paper and you jotted something down on it.”

  The little v is back in the middle of his eyebrows and he does not look pleased with me.

  “You saw me pay the bill. That’s it! Is that why you left me back there? Were you jealous?”

  Shock plasters my face as I reply with an incoherent sound before saying.

  “No! I’m not jealous! Why would I be jealous? That’s completely ridiculous.”

  I give him a nervous laugh before he pushes the subject further. “Admit it, you were jealous because you thought I’d done that and it pissed you off so much that you left me to get in trouble.” But you didn’t get into trouble for some reason.

  I am about to say just that when I change my mind and counter with, “The only reason you were ‘in trouble’ in the first place was because you were jealous of Ryan.”

  “Who the hell is Ryan?”

  I can see irritation on his face now, matching my own.

  “The waiter!”

  Throwing his hands up in the air “Oh so now you’re on a first name basis with him? Did you give him your number? He was asking you out, did you say yes?”

  I can’t even believe we’re having this conversation right now but I’m so annoyed at his latest line of questioning I keep going. “No, of course not. I didn’t give him anything and it’s none of your business if I said yes or not. We are not together.”

  I want to take the words back as soon as I say them. A look of hurt passes across his face before he rights himself and his impassive mask falls into place.

  “You’re right Isabelle, we’re not. Let’s just keep walking so we can get you back to your hotel as soon as possible and put this night behind us then.”

  I think that’s the first time my full name has passed his lips this whole time. Has he been calling me Izzy this whole time?

  Wow, I really am slipping.

  Chapter 18

  Well this is not how I saw this night panning out.

  Walking as far as we can from each other while still being beside one another, we walk in silence. Both probably thinking over the argument we just had. I can’t believe he would accuse me of jealously when he was doing everything out of the exact same emotion. Why are either of us jealous at all in the first place? It’s not like we are boyfriend and girlfriend. Passing a small green space at the Ave of the Americas, Evan pulls me out of my own head when he says quietly, “I’ve never been to the Empire State building.”

  “What?” I ask absent mindedly.

  Continuing like I never asked at all, he carries on, “I’ve always been driven passed it. Always wanted to go up to the top. I’ve never had the chance, never been in this place long enough to enjoy being here at all. Always working.”

  Shaking his head, I look over to see a muscle in his jaw work while again, and not without trying not to, admiring his features.

  Feeling like I have nothing else to lose right now, I take a quick right on W 34th Street.

  “Where are you going? The hotel is that way.” Pointing north, he turns to follow me anyway.

  “I know, but we have a small detour we have to take and we have to hurry because we don’t have much time left.”

  Noting from one of the building clocks we only have 20 minutes before the observation deck closes or we’re S.O.L.

  “What are you talking about Izzy?”

  Running to catch up to me I reach my hand out when he gets close enough and take his in mine. Trying to ignore the warm flutters and how comfortable and solid his hand is around mine I say, “I’m taking you to that damn building if it kills me.”

  A slow mystified smile pulls at his mouth. “Most interesting night. Ever.”

  Pulling him with me we head southeast on W 34th. Making a right on 5th we stare up in awe at the lit up 102 story monster before us. We go inside and look around at the beautiful marble floors and walls adorned with stainless steel and wood accents in its signature art deco style. Seeing the huge mural straight ahead of us, there is a little information desk below it.

  “Wait here.”

  Evan lets go of my hand and walks up to the desk while I stare at the back of him confused.

  Still, him walking away, a great sight.

  Smiling to myself a little, I turn to check out the art on the walls. After a minute I feel a hand on my lower back and immediately the warm fluttering is back.

  “Come on, we don’t have much time.”

  Guiding me by the same hand on the small of my back he leads me to the elevator towards the observation deck. Skipping passed the small line of tourists still lined up in the lobby to go up, a doorman leads us to the waiting elevator. As the doors close I ask Evan, “How did we just skip to the front of the line?” With the most adorable wink he says “Because I paid off the front desk.”

  Laughing with him, I can’t believe it. He’s so unpredictable, I’ve never met anyone like him before. Watching the floors tick up higher and higher on the little red digital sign I can feel my ears starting to pop from the height. Evan must have the same thing because I see him open and close his mouth to dislodge the air. Reaching the 102nd floor we make our way out of the elevator to a small closed-in observation deck. The view is beautiful and I can’t even begin to believe I don’t have a camera to capture this moment. Instead, I don’t take it for granted and just take it all in. I hear a door creak open and turn around away from the windows to find Evan standing in the doorway.

  “What are you doing? You’re going to get us kicked out.” Smiling a delicious boyish smile, he replies “No we’re not. Trust me.”

  I do.

  Placing my hand in his we ascend a set of stairs to what I presume is the 103rd floor. I didn’t even know one existed.

  Oh but it does, and it’s the most beautiful spot I’ve ever seen.

  Chapter 19

  I am immediately hit with the warmest, most comforting breeze when the door opens. The small circular balcony before me, gives us a full 360-degree view of the city below. I’ve never in all my life seen so many twinkling lights. From the river below to the skyscrapers up high.

  “It’s magical.” I whisper into the view laid out before me. If someone was afraid of heights this would be their worst nightmare but for me it’s a dream come to life. I make my way forward to rest my hands on the thick cool metal railing. Evan hasn’t spoken a word yet but I can feel him behind me radiating heat. I try to thank him for this opportunity but I don’t even know how to express the thought right now. Instead he says “Thank you.”

  I turn to look at him, while the view just follows me and gives him a shining backdrop.

>   “For what? You were the one that set this up, I need to be thanking you. I just don’t know how because I feel like thank you isn’t enough for all this.” Waving my hand over the city that never sleeps.

  He adds, “For everything. For tonight. For the last few hours. This entire night I haven’t had to think about anything but being here with you. Lost in paradise. Haven’t had to think about work which seems to be consuming my entire existence over the last year especially. Haven’t had to think of the terrible night I had last night. I’ve just been allowed to be human with you, a rarity lately.”


  It’s the nicest thing anyone has ever said to me and I’m trying desperately not to act like a complete girl and weep like a lunatic. So instead I try to add a little humor while turning to stare back at the view so that he doesn’t see me sneakily wipe away tears.

  “When you asked me to walk with you I thought you were going to kidnap and murder me. Which I haven’t ruled out yet considering you brought me up this high.”

  I hear him chuckle beside me so I continue, “However, I could’ve never predicted the adventures this night brought me and it’s all thanks to you. This is…”

  I try to find the words, I really do. Usually I’m quite eloquent but right now all I can do is wave my hand in the general direction of the city and let it fall back down to the railing while shaking my head in disbelief. I feel Evans hand wrap around mine as we both stand next to each other. We fall into a comfortable silence. I turn my body into his to say something only I probably think is funny and catch him staring at me with a heated gaze. I immediately freeze at the serious look in his eyes. The muscle in his jaw ticks away as dark shadows hide his features that I still feel I know from somewhere. He opens his mouth to say something but seems to change his mind and instead stares at the ground and shuffles his feet back and forth. He’s nervous.

  I try to take his mind in a different direction as curiosity strikes me.

  “What happened last night that was so bad?”

  Dropping my hand immediately his head snaps up to mine almost hitting my nose with the rim of his baseball hat. He looks as though he wants to jump off the building instead of answer me.


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