Falling for My Son's Best Friend: An Age Gap BWWM Forbidden Romance

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Falling for My Son's Best Friend: An Age Gap BWWM Forbidden Romance Page 7

by Andrea L. Smith

  “Hey, Karen. Brooke.” I feel his eyes boring into me. “Alison.”

  “Hi, Nate.” I look up. Barbie’s clinging to his arm as if she thinks he’ll escape. He seems ok with the gesture, quite relaxed, actually, as if they are an item. He sure moved fast. Where is the guy who claimed his love for me a week ago?

  Liar. I dodged a bullet, didn’t? Thank God I did the right thing by ending our affair.

  But the expected relief does not come, just the urge to cry. When the burning in my eyes gets worse, I push my chair back.

  “Excuse me, I need to use the restroom.” I move as fast as my legs can carry me. Come on, Alison, don’t cry. Don’t cry.

  I enter the restroom with a sob and move to lean against the sink, taking deep breaths to calm myself. I’d been a mess for the entire week since Nate and I made love, losing focus at work, drinking more than usual each night. I tried to convince myself that I’d done the right thing by letting him go, that the pain in my chest was anything but regret.

  I’m positive I’d done the right thing. It would have been a grave mistake, baring myself to him. My ending would have been the same as those other girls he’s been with. Thank God I avoided being dumped like garbage, right?


  Where is the relief?

  The door bangs open and I wipe my eyes.


  I spin around so fast, I almost get whiplash. “You can’t be in here.”

  Nate advances with a predatory stare, sending a thrill down my spine. “Why not?”

  “This is the ladies' room.”

  “So?” He comes closer and I back up until my butt hits the front of the sink.

  “So… you need to leave.”



  “Not until I do this.” He grips a handful of my hair with a raw emotion in his eyes that steals my breath. Licking his lips, he tugs my head back before kissing me.

  That’s all it takes. I lose all my senses, forget everything. I return his kiss with an intensity I’ve never experienced. I missed him. There’s no denying it. Not now.

  As quick as a wink, he’s dropping to his knees and lifting my dress. I bat his hands away. “What are you doing?”

  It’s clear, his intention, but its hard to believe he wants to eat me out on a public restroom. Sure, it’s a luxurious room with a refreshing eucalyptus scent, but it’s still public.

  Nate gives me that devilish grin of his before repeatedly stroking the seat of my panties with his fingers. I gasp from the slow, erotic gesture. “Not here, Nate. Someone’s sure to enter any minute.”

  “Let them.” With a growl, he tugs my panties down. I step from it and he pockets it with a grin.

  I grin back. “You’re bad.”

  He responds by dipping and slashing my sex with his tongue. The sudden moan that leaves me, I’m sure transcends this room. His tongue works me, easing inside, stabbing like a small cock, licking the outer parts, sucking my clit.

  “Oh, God, Nate…” The ecstasy is like a drug, inebriating me. “I miss this. Miss you…”

  Nate responds by moaning against my flesh and the vibration kicks my desire up a notch. I’m so high on pleasure, I wouldn’t care if someone enters. I just want to come, hard.

  And I do. White-hot passion fills me and I cry out, unable to take it all at once. My fingers grip the end of the sink, holding firm as I churn my hips, fucking Nate’s face. He sucks me dry, sapping my all my energy. I collapse against him and catches me.

  “There, I’ve got you.” He shifts loose hair from my face with a tender smile. “Always.”

  “Nate…” Maybe it’s because I’m still on a high, still bowled over from that earth-shattering orgasm. But I find the courage to say, “I love you.”

  He stills, and his smile recedes. “Is it me, or the sex?”

  “Oh, come on. Don’t you think I know the difference between euphoria and love? I love you, goddamnit. Call me stupid, but I just can’t stop.”

  “And I don’t want you to. Because I love you, too.”

  “Really.” I pull down my dress and shift from him. Before we take another step, we need to clear the air. “Why has Barbie been clinging to your arm like you’re about to get stolen?”

  He chuckles. “Barbie?”

  “Don’t act clueless. You’ve been sleeping with your date.”

  “Says who?”

  “Your track record.”

  “That’s my past. It’s been my past since we first made love. I haven’t been with anyone else.” He jabs his thumb to wards the door. “Jesse’s my uncle’s new wife. She just moved to New York, and he’s overseas on a business trip. I’m giving her a tour of the city.”

  “Mhmm. I think she wants to be your wife, not your uncle's.”

  A pleased look fills face. He grabs and hauls me into his hard body. “Jealousy looks so sexy on you,” he whispers, his soft breath grazing my neck. “Such a turn-on.”

  I give him a playful swat before turning around to wash my hands. But I’m aroused once more, itching to finish what we started. But I need to know his intention. “What are we doing, Nate?”


  “Is this a relationship? Because I’m not interested in fooling around anymore.”

  “Neither am I.”

  “Good. Now, how do we tell Jude?”



  I’m slipping on a loose ankle-length dress when I hear the front door open. Crap. I asked Jude to meet me here and he’s a little early.

  And Nate’s late. He should have been here an hour ago so we could discuss what we're about to tell Jude. How should we begin? How much should we reveal?

  It's only been a day since our encounter in the restroom. The bliss is no more. In its place is worry, lots of it. What if Jude doesn’t accept our relationship? Could I choose between my son and my lover?

  Well, there’s an obvious choice, actually. I couldn’t break ties with Jude.

  But I’m in love with Nate; how could I let him go?


  “Coming!” I remove my headscarf, shake my curls loose and leave the room. Approaching the handrail, I look down. Jude’s standing at the foot of the stairs with a paper bag in his hand.

  “Hey, you’re early.”

  “Yeah. I had time on my hands so I stopped by the mall for Chinese food.” He raises the bag as I descend the stairs.

  “Great. I’m starving. But we have to wait. There’s someone joining us.”

  “I know. I bought enough for three,” he says, handing me the bag. His expression says it all. Yup. He knows.

  I take the bag while gauging his reaction. It’s clear I hadn’t been wrong about his suspicions. But I can’t tell what he’s thinking. “How long have you known?”

  “Since the night I left my keys. I saw Nate’s truck in the parking lot.” He pauses with a sudden grin. “What did he do, hide in your bedroom?”

  “He took the fire escape.”

  Jude laughs out loud, confusing me. Is he mad, or happy? I can’t tell. “That sneaky son-of-a-bitch.”

  “Honey, I’m sorry. It’s okay if you’re upset. You want to curse me out, go ahead. I deserve it.”

  He shrugs. “No. I don’t.”

  “Why not?”

  “Because Nate loves you.”

  “How did you find out?”

  “I realized even before he did, when he kept bringing you up. Of course, I had no clue you were the woman he’d been pining over for weeks. But when I saw his truck that night, I connected the dots.”


  “Yup.” I’ve never seen Jude more pleased with himself. “I’ve been one step ahead all this time.”

  “But, if you knew Nate’s in love with me, why did you try to hook me up with Denver?”

  “Because I wanted Nate to man up and come clean. I figured if he noticed someone else had your attention, he’d tell you the truth.”

It kinda worked. The day you called me, he was there, in my office.”

  “I know.”


  “Kelly.” He chuckles again as my mouth falls open. “She calls me whenever Nate drops by.” He gives me a similar look I’d given him when I caught him stealing cookies at eight years old. “Which was way more often than I cared for.”

  My cheeks flood with warmth. “Seriously?”

  “Don’t you dare fire Kelly, though. She tried to, but she couldn’t resist my charm.”

  “Meaning, you paid her.”

  “Just a stipend.” He takes a seat around the kitchen island as the cheerfulness fades. “Why Nate, mom?”

  I sit beside him and lean my head against his shoulder, hoping his question wasn’t a backward step. “It wasn’t planned, honey. I swear. I tried to fight my attraction to him, but it became impossible. The heart wants what it wants, Jude.”

  “He makes you happy, right?”


  He wraps his arm around me. “Good. Though I’m still kinda bummed that you kept the secret so long.”

  “I didn’t want to hurt you or ruin your relationship with Nate. That’s why I eventually ended it.”

  Jude chuckles. “You did a serious number on him. Man, he was such a mess. I tried hooking him up with Vanessa’s sister—”

  “You did what?” Leaning from him, I lash him with a harsh glare.

  “Chill, mom, it was a test, and he passed. He told me he was in love with you—well, indirectly. He still has no clue that I know.”

  The doorbell rings. “Well, he’s about to find out.”

  “Let me get it,” Jude says. He moves off before my protest, throwing the door open. “I should kick your ass.”

  Nate shoots me a look over Jude’s shoulder. I mouth, he knows.

  “Look, man.” Nate raises both palms with a guarded expression. “I meant no disrespect. I should have told you the truth from the beginning.”

  “Damn right, you should have.”

  “But I’m not trying to have a good time. I really want to be with Alison.”

  “Oh, you’d better. Because I’m not letting you off the hook. My mom deserves forever and you better give it to her.” He moves aside to let Nate in. “I swear to God, dude, you hurt my mom, I’m coming for you.”

  “You won’t have to. I promise.” He's looking at me as he says this, the love on his face warming my insides. I want to kiss him until my knees lose strength, but I keep my hands to myself.

  “The food’s getting cold,” Jude says, closing the door. “Come on, let’s eat.” He throws his hand over Nate’s shoulder. “Meanwhile, I’d like to hear your plans for marrying my mom, buddy.”


  “Just kidding, mom.” He moves from Nate, backing into the kitchen with a mischievous grin. “Or am I?”

  I join in his laughter, happy, free, and ready for the next chapter. Now that I have my son’s blessing, there’s plenty of time to savor my love for Nate. My open love. There’s no more second guessing or sneaking around. I look forward to every single moment with him.


  Thanks for reading Alison’s love affair!

  Brooke’s story, Falling for my Billionaire Boss is coming soon.

  Continue reading for a preview of Karen’s steamy romance, Falling for a Younger Man.

  Preview: Falling for a Younger Man

  Still, sleep would not come. Again, thoughts of Aaron surfaced.

  I don’t want to want him. God, I don’t want to.

  But you do.

  The truth settled within me, forcing me to think. What was the obstacle that kept me from giving in to him? Was it my kids, and the fear they would lose respect for me, just as they did for Thomas? Or was it the fear of getting in too deep?

  Aaron wanted a good time; nothing else. He didn’t say as much, but a hot guy like him pursuing an older woman like me…

  Yeah, he didn’t need to say it. He wanted to fuck me and add another notch to his belt. Knowing his intention, could I handle taking a taste of him?

  After being with one man for almost three decades, I had no experience with ‘dippin’ and doin’ it’. I’ve never had a one-night stand, did not know how to walk away after giving someone that special part of me.

  Falling for Aaron scared me. Sleeping with him increased the likelihood that I’d fall, because my heart had a permanent residence on my sleeve. I couldn’t bear being rejected after sex.

  Sure, I looked great for my age, but I didn’t fit the image for the woman he would settle down with. Twenty years younger? I might have been. Definitely not now. He would definitely hang me out to pasture after sex, no doubt.

  But how bad did I want him? Could I handle the risk? Could I protect my heart?

  With Aaron, I needed extra armor. The way he made me feel… emotionally raw and vulnerable. It would take nothing to fall over the edge.

  Still, the question remained; did I want to take the risk, to ease the hunger that tormented me?

  I had to. Needed to. It was too much to bear any more. All I needed was one taste… one night in his arms. Nothing more.

  I slipped from bed and removed my clothes. I ran my hair through with my fingers, giving it a tousled, sexy look. Then I moisturized from head to toe and added a splash of perfume to my wrists and neck. Satisfied, I slipped into a silk robe and with my heart racing, walked down the hallway to Aaron’s room.

  A long beat passed as I stood outside his door, and my nerves grew worse by the minute. My palms ran rivers. I wiped them on my robe and raised one knuckle to the door, breathing deeply. This was it. Time to step into the unknown.

  I knocked, softly, a part of me wishing he wouldn’t hear it. Because then I could remain on this familiar side, safe and untouched by what awaited me on the other side. But the door opened on the second knock, revealing Aaron.

  A very sexy, naked Aaron.

  I took an automatic step backwards, shocked, not just by his bareness, but his bold stance. He stood with his legs parted, revealing everything… everything. I couldn’t take my eyes off him. I took it all in; his massive pecs, the sleekness of his well-developed abs, his thick thighs and oh… the beautiful, well-sculptured design between his legs.

  Heaven help me.


  It took a moment to realize he’d called my name. “Huh?”

  “Are you coming in?”

  Run Karen. Get away. The thought came without warning, but I pushed it away. There was no chance of sleeping tonight, not after seeing Aaron’s cock. I had to feel it inside me.

  With a nod, I walked past him and into the bedroom. To delay the inevitable, I scanned the room. My eyes fell on the king-sized bed at once, and my pulse raced at the thought of what was to come.

  God... what am I doing?

  Want more? One-click for your copy!









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