Fate Heals (Twist of Fate Book 2)

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Fate Heals (Twist of Fate Book 2) Page 23

by Tina Saxon

  “They kick you out again?” Syd asks, grabbing a Corona from me.

  “Yes. They better not think because I’m a girl that I can’t help.” I pout, dropping on to my chaise lounge.

  “They have this thing,” Macie says. Syd and I look over to her. “It’s like a club. Unless you’re in it, you’re not allowed to help.” She laughs.

  I keep forgetting she was around the entire time they fixed up this place. What I haven’t forgotten is that Jessie is her best friend. I’m glad she hasn’t come up yet in conversation, but I’m sure it’s only a matter of time.

  “I can just imagine how tight that boys’ club was,” I laugh.

  “Oh, it was. They even had this ridiculous hand shake thing. Je—” She stops herself. “We used to make fun of them all the time. They all thought they were hot shit,” she says, laughing.

  “Woman, we were. Shit, we still are!” exclaims Ryan. We turn toward the door and the guys pile out of the house, grabbing a seat by us.

  Aiden sits next to me on our chaise lounge. “A secret handshake, huh?” I tease, trying to hide my irritation with hearing about Jessie. He stares at me for a moment before nodding and smiling.

  “We have a secret shake, too,” he teases, climbing on top of me and tickling me.

  “Aiden! Get off,” I laugh, trying to push him aside.

  “I am, baby,” he says slyly, winking and pushing his pelvis bone into me.

  I stop fighting and shake my head. “You’re such a nerd.”

  “A horny nerd,” he replies, attacking my neck with his lips.

  My phone vibrates in my front pocket. Aiden’s eyes go wide and a slow, mischievous grin spreads across his face. “Maybe we need to take this inside,” he says.

  “Would you get off me,” I say, pushing him and trying to get to my phone. He laughs and finally moves aside. When I look to see who is calling, I don’t know who it is, but it’s a Dallas number. I answer quickly, afraid something is wrong with Lexi. I walk into the house listening to the person on the other end. Aiden follows me in.

  “I understand. Whatever you feel is best for Lexi,” I say. I twist my lips. Aiden grabs my hand, waiting for me to end my call. “Okay. Thank you for calling me.”

  When I hang up, Aiden stays quiet, watching me. “So, they want Lexi to stay there in Texas for a month for counseling and therapy. Her doctors feel that it’ll benefit her to stay at the ranch for another month.”

  “Are you okay with that?” he asks slowly, winding his fingers through mine.

  I shrug. “I’m sad, but I definitely understand.”

  “We’ll go see her in a couple weeks.” We both turn and see Max standing in the doorway.

  “Asshole. Let me be my girlfriend’s hero,” Aiden growls, pointing at Max. I can’t contain my smile hearing him call me his girlfriend.

  Max flips Aiden off. “I have the plane.”

  Aiden narrows his eyes at Max. “We don’t need your plane to get somewhere.”

  “Fuck you. I’m going to go see Lulu.” Max crosses his huge arms and stands tall. My heart melts seeing this ginormous guy going to bat to see a little girl.

  “Guys,” I say sternly. “We can all go see Lexi.” I pick up our joined hands and kiss Aiden’s hand, looking up at him, my eyes telling him to play nice.

  He pulls me into him. “Fine. He can go. But only because I’m saying he can.”

  “Whatever, ass. I’ll let you think that,” Max murmurs as he walks back out the door.

  “Thank you,” I whisper.

  “For what? Max is the one who offered,” he says, his voice bitter.

  “I know you would have done the same exact thing.”

  “I was getting ready to suggest it,” he says, playing with my ponytail.

  “I believe you,” I say, kissing him. “Now let’s go get the food on the grill. I’m starving.”

  “I’m going to burn Max’s,” he mumbles as we walk out the door. I laugh. These boys.

  The afternoon goes by fast. Everyone’s sitting around, enjoying the sun and relaxing. I love it here. Something about being away from the city and the smell of the ocean makes me feel rejuvenated. Relaxed. The only thing that I worry about when I’m here is Jessie. And not knowing what she’s doing is bugging me. This is a small town, so she has to know we are here. Which makes me feel like a sitting duck.

  I’m leaning back against Aiden’s chest in the lounger. A few Coronas in my system, and I blurt out, “So what’s Jessie been up to these days?”

  Everyone stops talking and stares at me. I feel Aiden tense behind me. I pinch my lips, looking around. “What?” I ask. Don’t they know … keep your enemies close …

  A normal person might accept the answer that she left town a few months ago and leave it at that, but I’m not normal. Especially when I read Ryan and Macie’s body language. Ryan squeezes Macie’s hand. His foot starts to shake. Oh, and Aiden’s already-tense body hardens.

  “She just left town? Where did she go?” I press because they obviously think their vague answer is acceptable.

  “She left around five months ago,” Ryan says, sighing. “We’re not sure where she went. We haven’t heard from her since she left.”

  “Ryan, what aren’t you telling us?” Aiden asks as he sits up straighter.

  Ryan’s eyes flash to me and then back to Aiden. “Nothing. That’s it.” I was kidnapped five months ago so the timing has me on edge. I remember right before I was taken, Aiden came to the beach house.

  I turn and look at him. “Did you see her when you were here last?”

  His answer is immediate. “No,” he says. His eyes never leave mine. “The last time I saw her was the last time you saw her.” He pulls me closer. “Sweetheart, don’t worry about her. Nothing she can do can hurt us, so why waste your time thinking about her?”

  I blow out a breath. He’s right. She’s the last thing I need to worry about right now. Maybe she found another man to stalk. “Okay, but I’m telling you right now, something is off with her.”

  “I think we already knew that about her,” he whispers in my ear. A bitter laugh escapes my lips as I sit back against him.

  Ryker changes the conversation to football. Jessie who? I’m not sure if he knows this is the one subject that could easily take my mind off of Jessie or if it was just a lucky guess. Whichever, I’m grateful. We all talk about the upcoming season. It still feels surreal to be talking to the quarterback of the New York Giants. I’ve pretty much dropped the fan-crush mentality, but it’s still awesome.

  “Hate to break up the reunion, but we need to get on the road,” Aiden says as he scoots me to the end of the lounger.

  An hour later, the house is cleaned, packed up, and locked. We all say our goodbyes and head out. We’re not on the road for ten minutes before Syd and I conk out in the backseat.

  After dropping Sydney off at her apartment, we sit in Aiden’s car not going anywhere. I look at Aiden. His hand is on the steering wheel, the other on the gear shift. God, his arms are a work of art. His muscular forearm flexes as he grips the wheel. The huge Tissot watch screams rugged, sexy, confident man. I don’t know why, but his watch is a freaking turn-on. Maybe because it’s attached to him.

  A growl grabs my attention away from his thick fingers. What those fingers do to me. I shift in my seat, crossing my legs to slow the building ache. When I look up to his eyes, his head tilts and a brow is arched. “You’re making this really hard,” he murmurs.

  “Making what hard, exactly,” I tease. He inhales sharply and moans.

  “Addison,” he says in a raspy voice, reaching over and grabbing the back of my head. He guides me over to him then opens his mouth to say something but instead slams his lips onto mine in a possessive kiss. When he pulls back, my senses are spinning together, out of control. I gasp for air, trying to regain composure. This is what he does to me.

  He’s leaning back in his seat, looking up. I can tell he’s trying to regain his control, too. I smile,
thinking I’m glad it’s not just me.

  Aiden looks over and shakes his head. “Do you have any idea what you do to me?”

  I definitely have an idea.

  “I really want you to come back to my place …”

  “Aiden, I really ne—”

  “Shh,” he says placing his finger on my mouth. Then he runs his finger across my bottom lip. I shiver at his touch. “I know,” he says quietly as he watches his finger, his expression somber.

  The thought of going back to my apartment unsettles me. It’d be easy to go to Aiden’s house. Too easy. Instead of taking baby steps, I feel I’m taking Jolly Green Giant steps. Aiden walked back into my life less than a week ago and while I have zero regrets where we are, I just need to take a breather. Not a step back, just a step away.

  “I had your apartment cleaned,” he says, dropping his hand. “And a security system installed.” My eyes go wide.

  “Really? You’ve been a busy man while we’ve been away,” I say as I shift in my seat, turning my body toward him.

  “Addison, I’m not gonna lie. I want to wake up wrapped around you every morning for the rest of my life,” he says and then sighs, “but I know if I rush things, you’ll start to run. So I need to know you’re safe in your apartment.”

  My lips turn up. Deep down, I want that, too. But he’s right, I’m not ready yet. And I love that about him, that he knows me.

  “I’m assuming by those flowers, tonight’s the big night,” Harper says, looking at the flowers on my desk.

  I glance at the beautiful pink and red roses with huge pink lilies opened up to their full bloom and nod. Aiden asked me to go out on an official date with him sometime this week. I remember laughing and telling him that I thought we had passed that part of our relationship. He huffed like I was insane.

  Of course, I told him yes, but I made him wait until the weekend. Being gone last week, I had a lot to catch up on when I got back. It wasn’t until the flowers arrived that I found out our date is tonight. And holy shit, the message on the flowers sends heat up and down my body.

  Tonight is about discovery.

  Holding on, never letting go.

  xoxo, Aiden

  Anticipation of what exactly we’re going to be discovering has made me worthless today. It’s a good thing we didn’t get a last minute crime scene.

  “Do you know what you’re doing?” Harper asks, pulling me from my sexual thoughts.

  “Nope. He’s sending a car to come pick me up at seven,” I say, rolling my eyes. I don’t know why he went through all that trouble. It’s like a glorified taxi.

  “Aww, that’s sweet. Unnecessary, but sweet.” She laughs.

  “I tried to tell him that, but he wasn’t having it,” I say, sighing.

  “Well, have an amazing night. You deserve it. Call me when you can get away from Mr. Romantic and give me details.”

  I laugh now. “You and your details.”

  “Hey! I need to at least live vicariously though you since my dating life sucks right now,” she whines. I almost bring up Tony, but she might be embarrassed.

  “Oh. I should introduce you to Jaxon. He’s an attorney here. He’s one of Aiden’s best friends and he’s hot.”

  “And why haven’t I heard of this Jaxon?” she asks.

  “I just met him last week,” I say, standing, then pick up my flowers and purse. It’s time to go get ready for my date. My stomach flutters with excitement. I’ve missed seeing Aiden this week. Harper opens my door for me and helps me lock it after it shuts. “But I’ll find out more about him. I’ll see about setting up a double date.”

  “Sounds like a good plan to me,” she says, smiling and giving me a quick hug. “I’ll see you on Monday.” She walks in the direction of the subway while I head the couple blocks to my apartment.

  At seven o’clock on the dot, the security guard phones to tell me that my ride is here.

  Since Aiden didn’t tell me what we’re doing—which I hate—I had to figure out what to wear based on nothing. I glance at myself one last time before leaving. New York’s warm weather has arrived so I chose a short, black, silk shirt-dress with a drawstring waist. I close a button showing less cleavage but then change my mind and unbutton it. I want to look sexy for Aiden. I have my strappy heels on, lengthening my tanned legs.

  I take a long look at myself and I smile at my reflection. This is the first time I’ve dressed up since I was kidnapped. My long curls drape my shoulders. My makeup brings out the blue in my eyes.

  You look amazing, Addison.

  I feel amazing, too. I’m seeing things clearer and for the first time since that day, I’m not looking in the mirror telling myself that I’m not a victim. I see a beautiful woman who has wants and needs and nothing is going to stand in her way.

  I am that woman.

  The town car stops in front of Aiden’s apartment, and the driver hops out. Aiden steps out of his building. I feel the beating of my heart increase. He comes down the stairs, his steps light, almost skipping down them but with authority. His dark jeans contrast his white button-up shirt. When he smiles, my insides sizzle. I sit back in the seat, taking a few breaths to calm my erratic heart, then scoot over to make room for him.

  When the door opens, I expect him to get in. Instead, he leans in and holds his hand out for me to grab.

  “Hey, gorgeous,” he says as his eyes rake down my body. That is not helping calm me. Goosebumps erupt all over.

  I smile, grab his hand, and he helps me get out of the car. He shuts the door behind me and pulls me into his chest. He links our fingers, moving them behind my back. The bustling city around us fades to silence as we lose ourselves in each other’s gaze.

  “I missed you this week,” he says quietly.

  “I missed us,” I reply.

  “You can’t blame me for not trying,” he says, flashing his sexy half smile. I laugh, thinking about the string of texts I receive nightly.

  “If I’m basing how much you missed me by those texts, then I know exactly what you’re missing,” I say.

  He shrugs. “What can I say? I’m a man. We’re physical beasts,” he explains, standing taller. I bite my lip trying not to laugh out loud. “But don’t mistake it for only wanting that. I want the whole package.”

  He leans down, nipping my bottom lip before pressing his lips to mine. A soft moan escapes my parted lips. Our tongues meet in the middle.

  The only package on my mind right now is the very large one pressed against my stomach. He growls into my mouth.

  “Sweetheart.” It’s a heady warning.

  “Yes?” I ask innocently.

  His jaw tightens as he shakes his head slightly, an amused look on his face. “Let’s go, my little minx.”

  “What?” I tease. “You said package and yours is begging to be unwrapped.”

  “My package is always begging when you’re around,” he says, smirking. “But for now, he’s staying wrapped. Let’s go. Our food is waiting.”

  He pulls me toward his apartment, but I stop him. “I thought we were going in the…” I turn and point to a now empty parking space, “…town car.” When the hell did it leave? I look at Aiden confused.

  “We’re staying in tonight.” A boyish grin spreads across his face. “I want you all to myself.”

  “I’m all yours.”

  “Damn right,” he says and sweeps me off my feet, carrying me into his building. I let out a laugh as I press my dress against my legs, making sure not to flash anyone. He doesn’t put me down until we are standing in his apartment.

  “I think I’m a little overdressed,” I say, straightening my dress as I stand in the middle of his living room.

  Aiden stands in front of me, admiring my outfit. “You look perfect.” He pulls on one of my curls, and we both watch it bounce back up. “You are the most beautiful woman,” he says, kissing my forehead. My eyes close momentarily while I soak up his affection that he freely gives to me.

re too good at this boyfriend thing. I don’t believe you’ve never done it before,” I say. Judging by his friends’ reactions to me, I’m pretty sure he wasn’t lying.

  “I guess I was just waiting for the right one to come along to show off all my awesome boyfriend skills.” I feel his lips curl up against my forehead. “I told you when we first met that I had skills.”

  I laugh out loud and look up at him. “When you told me that, I’m pretty sure you weren’t talking about boyfriend skills.”

  He flashes a confident smile. “Okay, maybe not when we first met,” he admits. I bite my lip and smile. I’m not complaining. He definitely has skills. In all departments.

  Aiden has dinner all set out, waiting for us. We eat and drink wine, each telling each other about our week. I tell him about my conversations with Lexi. His bouts of laughter when I tell him about her crazy stories, like chicken butts and eggs or when she tried to catch a pig but ended up rolling around and playing in the mud instead. My thoughts jump to this past week. My leg starts shaking under the table.

  When I talked with her CPS advisor this week, I asked what was going to happen to Lexi when she returns. It broke my heart to hear that she would be placed in foster care. I hate that for her. Every night after talking with her, I wonder what it’d be like if she lived with me. If I could foster her. Having another human rely on you definitely isn’t an easy decision. I’ve spent this week away from Aiden, analyzing, reasoning, and questioning the likelihood of my abilities to be a foster parent. And I always come back to my situation; Amy took me in when I needed someone, no questions asked. I feel like this is what I’m meant to do. Fate put Lexi in my path to help me, but I also think I’m meant to help her, too.

  As soon as I decide that yes, I can be that person to Lexi, I pull back, asking myself where Aiden fits in this scenario. What if he doesn’t want any part in this? He didn’t sign up to date a woman with a child. Will that change my decision? She’s a child. She needs someone there for her, fighting for her.


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