First Nations Version

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First Nations Version Page 45

by Terry M. Wildman

  17From White Sheep Wool (Miletus), Small Man (Paul) sent a messenger to Village of Desire (Ephesus) to ask the elders of the sacred family to come to him.

  18He said to them, “You all know how I lived among you the whole time I was with you, from the first day that I set foot in Land of the Rising Sun (Asia). 19I did all Creator asked of me with a humble heart, as I walked a trail of tears when the Tribal Members schemed against me. 20You also know that I held back nothing that would help you, as I taught openly and from house to house. 21I spoke truth in a sacred manner to both the Tribal Members and the Wisdom Seekers (Greeks), as I told them about turning their thoughts and hearts to the Great Spirit by trusting their lives to Creator Sets Free (Jesus), our Honored Chief.

  22“And now, a captive of the Spirit, I am on my way to Village of Peace (Jerusalem). I do not know what will happen to me there. 23I only know the Holy Spirit has made it clear to me that in every village I will be hunted down and taken captive. 24But my life means nothing to me. I only want to finish walking the road the Maker of Life has set before me, telling the good story of the gift of his great kindness as I follow Creator Sets Free (Jesus), my Honored Chief.

  25“I now know that none of you will see my face again. You are the ones I have taught clearly about the good road. 26Hear me this day! I speak from my heart, I am no longer responsible for the fate of any of you, 27for I held back nothing from you. All that Creator has made known to me, I have given to you.

  28“Stay alert and care for one another. The Holy Spirit has given you elders the task of watching over his people. Like shepherds that guard the sheep, you will watch over his sacred family, the ones he paid the highest price for with his own lifeblood.

  29“I know that after I am gone savage wolves will sneak in who care nothing for the sheep. 30Even some of your own elders will rise up and lead people down a false path, just to have their own followers. 31So I tell you again, stay alert! Do not forget that night and day, for three winters, I kept giving you wise counsel and warning each of you with many tears.

  32“I now give you over to the Great Spirit’s care and to the message of the gift of his great kindness. A message that will make you stand strong and give you his promised blessings, together with all the ones he has made holy.

  33“I never asked anyone for their silver, gold, or fine clothes. 34You all have seen that I worked hard with my own hands to provide for myself and for the ones who traveled with me. 35In this way, I have walked a path for you to follow, working hard to give help to the weak. We must never forget the words of Creator Sets Free (Jesus) when he said, ‘Giving to others is a greater blessing than getting from others.’”

  36When Small Man (Paul) had finished speaking, he knelt down beside the elders of the sacred family and sent his voice to the Great Spirit. 37With many tears they put their arms around his neck and kissed him. 38Their greatest sorrow was from his words, “You will not see my face again.”

  Then they walked with him to our canoe to see us on our way.


  1After we had torn ourselves away from them we set out in our canoe and followed the shortest distance to the island of High Point (Kos). On the next day we went to Rose Island (Rhodes), and then to Walked Over (Patara). 2From there we found a large canoe that was headed for Land of Palm Trees (Phoenicia) and traveled with them. 3We could see Island of Flowers (Cyprus) to our left as we traveled on toward Bright Sun (Syria), and then went to shore at Rock Land (Tyre) to unload trading goods from the canoe.

  4We looked for members of the sacred family who lived there and, after finding them, we stayed with them for seven days. Guided by the Spirit, they kept telling Small Man (Paul) not to go to Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 5At the end of our time with them, as we were on our way to leave, the men of the sacred family, along with their wives and children, followed us outside the village. We all knelt down at the shoreline, sent our voice to the Great Spirit, 6and said our farewells. We then climbed into the canoe as they went back to their homes.

  7From Rock Land (Tyre) we continued on to Village of War (Ptolemais). We were welcomed by the sacred family and stayed the rest of the day with them. 8The next day we left and went to Chief Village (Caesarea) and lodged there at the home of Lover of Horses (Philip), a teller of the good story and one of the seven. 9Lover of Horses (Philip) had four unmarried daughters who spoke words of prophecy from the Holy Spirit.

  Lover of Horses (Philip) was one of the seven who had been chosen by the message bearers in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to be in charge of serving the meals. He also went about telling the good story in High Place (Samaria).59

  10We stayed there a number of days. During our stay a prophet named Grasshopper (Agabus) came to us from Land of Promise (Judea). 11He took the sash from Small Man’s (Paul’s) waist and tied it around his own feet and hands.

  “This is what the Holy Spirit is saying,” he prophesied. “‘The tribal leaders in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) will do the same to the owner of this sash. They will tie him up and turn him over to the People of Iron (Romans).’”60

  12When we, along with the sacred family there, heard this, we all urged Small Man (Paul) not to go to Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  13“Why are you weeping and breaking my heart?” he said to them. “I am representing our Honored Chief, Creator Sets Free (Jesus). I am ready not only to be bound but even to die for him in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).”

  14Nothing we could say would change his mind. “Let Creator’s will be done,” we said and then remained silent.


  15We then prepared to leave on our journey to Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 16Some of the sacred family members from Chief Village (Caesarea) traveled with us, along with a longtime follower named He Will Remember (Mnason), from Island of Flowers (Cyprus), in whose house we would stay. 17When we arrived at Village of Peace (Jerusalem), the sacred family welcomed us with glad hearts.


  18The next day Small Man (Paul) went with us to meet with He Leads the Way (James) and the elders who were with him. 19After giving them a respectful greeting, he told them about all the things Creator had done as he had worked among the Outside Nations. 20When they heard this, they gave praise to the Great Spirit.

  “Our brother,” they said to him, “you can see how many thousands of our Tribal Members have become followers of Creator Sets Free (Jesus), and how our tribal law given by Drawn from the Water (Moses) burns like a fire in them!”

  But then their manner changed, and their voices lowered as they looked around and then back to Small Man (Paul).

  21“They have heard that you are teaching our Tribal Members who live among the Outside Nations to turn away from Drawn from the Water (Moses). They have also heard that they should not perform the cutting of the flesh ceremony for their children or follow our tribal traditions. 22What will happen when they find out you are here? What can be done?”

  But it seemed that they already had made plans about what to do.

  23“Listen, and do what we say,” they said to him. “We have four men who have taken a solemn vow of dedication. 24Go and join with them in this vow and provide for the shaving of their heads. In this way you will show everyone that these rumors are false and that you still walk in our traditional tribal law.61”

  This was the Law of Dedication (Nazarite). The men and women who make this solemn vow to the Great Spirit must drink no wine, vinegar, or strong drink, and eat no grapes or the juice of grapes. Among other things, they also must not touch a dead person, or cut their hair or beard during all the days of this vow. The vow must be kept for at least thirty days. After the days of the vow are complete, they must shave their heads in a holy ceremony at the sacred lodge in Village of Peace (Jerusalem).

  He Leads the Way (James) continued giving instructions to Small Man (Paul).

  25“As for the ones from the Outside Nations who have trusted in Creator Sets Fre
e (Jesus), we sent them a message with our decision that they should stay away from things offered to evil spirits,62 from drinking blood, from the meat of a strangled animal, and from sexual impurity.”

  26So the next day Small Man (Paul) went with the men to the sacred lodge. He purified himself with them and told them the number of days before the vow would be complete and the sacrifice that would be offered for them.


  27Seven days later, when the time was complete, Small Man (Paul) returned to the sacred lodge. Some Tribal Members were there from Land of the Rising Sun (Asia). When they saw him in the sacred lodge, they took hold of him and began to stir up the crowd against him.

  28“Fellow Tribal Members!” they shouted out to the crowd. “Help us! This is the man who teaches everywhere against our people, our tribal law, and this holy place! Even worse, he has brought Wisdom Seekers (Greeks) into the lodge and has defiled this holy place.”

  29They said this because they had seen He Eats Well (Trophimus) from Village of Desire (Ephesus) with Small Man (Paul) in Village of Peace (Jerusalem), and thought he had brought him into the sacred lodge.

  30The village was in an uproar! A group of people came together, took hold of Small Man (Paul), dragged him outside the lodge, closed the gates behind him, and tried to kill him.

  31A messenger went from them and told the local head soldier of the People of Iron (Romans) that there was an uprising in the Village of Peace (Jerusalem). 32At once he took some soldiers and their officers with him and ran to where they were attacking Small Man (Paul). When the crowd saw the head soldier and his men, they stopped beating Small Man (Paul).

  33The head soldier arrested him and had him bound with two chains of iron. He then asked the crowd who this man was and what he had done. 34Some in the crowd shouted one thing and some another. Since the head soldier could not figure out what happened, he decided to take Small Man (Paul) back to the soldiers’ lodge. 35The crowd became so violent that Small Man (Paul) had to be carried up the stairs.

  36“Take him away!” they shouted over and over again as they pressed close, following behind the soldiers.

  37Just before they got to the soldiers’ lodge, Small Man (Paul) turned to the head soldier.

  “Is it permitted for me to speak to you?” he asked in the soldier’s language.

  38“You speak the language of the Wisdom Seekers (Greeks),” he replied. “Then you are not the man from Black Land (Egypt) who some time ago caused an uprising and took four thousand assassins out into the desert wilderness.”

  39“I am a Tribal Man of the tribes of Wrestles with Creator (Israel),” Small Man (Paul) answered, “from Tree Village (Tarsus) in the territory of Turns Over (Cilicia), a citizen of a well-known village.”

  He now had the full attention of the head soldier, so he made a request.

  “I beg you,” he said to the head soldier, “let me speak to my people!”

  40The head soldier gave him permission, so Small Man (Paul) stood on the steps overlooking the crowd and motioned his hand to the people. A great hush settled over them, so Small Man (Paul), speaking in the language of his own people, took a deep breath and with respect began to speak to them.


  1“My fellow Tribal Members, my fathers,” he said, “hear me now as I explain myself to you.”

  2When the people heard him speak in their native language, they quieted down even more.

  3“I am a fellow Tribal Man, born in Tree Village (Tarsus) in the territory of Turns Over (Cilicia), but I was raised in Village of Peace (Jerusalem) and was taught at the feet of Creator Has Honored (Gamaliel). I learned to closely follow all of our traditional tribal laws, and a fire for the Great Spirit burned in my belly, just as it does in yours today.

  4“I hunted down and even killed the followers of this Way. I put both men and women in iron chains and took them to prison. 5Our chief holy man and the whole council of elders are witnesses to the truth of what I say. I asked for and received written authority to give to the local Tribal Council in Silent Weaver (Damascus), with instructions to capture any followers of the Way and take them to Village of Peace (Jerusalem) to be punished.

  6“It was midday on the journey to Silent Weaver (Damascus). As I came near the village, suddenly a bright light from the spirit-world above was shining all around me. 7I fell to the ground and heard a voice speaking to me and twice calling out my name.

  “‘Man Who Questions (Saul), Man Who Questions (Saul),’ the voice said, ‘why are you pursuing and mistreating me?’

  8“‘Honored One,’ I asked, ‘who are you?’

  “‘I am Creator Sets Free (Jesus) from Seed Planter Village (Nazareth),’ the voice answered, ‘the one you are pursuing and mistreating.’

  9“The men who were traveling with me saw the light but did not hear the voice of the one speaking to me.

  10“‘Honored One,’ I asked, ‘what is it you want me to do?’

  “‘Stand to your feet and go into the village,’ he said to me, ‘and there you will be told all that I want you to do.’

  11“Since I was still unable to see because of the bright light, the men with me led me by the hand to Silent Weaver (Damascus).


  12“A man named Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias), who had deep respect for our tribal law and had a good reputation among our Tribal Members who lived there, 13came and stood beside me.

  “‘Man Who Questions (Saul), my brother,’ he said to me, ‘look up and see again!’

  “I looked up, and right then sight returned to my eyes!

  14“Then he said to me, ‘The Great Spirit of our ancestors has chosen you to know his will, to see the Upright One and hear his voice, spoken from his own mouth. 15You will tell all people the truth of what you have seen and heard. 16What are you waiting for? Rise up and participate in the purification ceremony,63 washing you clean from your broken ways, as you call out to him, trusting in all that his name represents.’

  17“Sometime later, after I had returned to Village of Peace (Jerusalem), I was in the sacred lodge sending my voice to the Great Spirit. I fell into a sacred vision 18and saw Creator Sets Free (Jesus).

  “‘You must hurry and leave Village of Peace (Jerusalem) right away,’ he said to me, ‘for they will not believe what you tell them about me.’

  19“‘Honored One,’ I said to him, ‘they know that I used to go from one gathering house to another, capturing and whipping the ones who trusted in you. 20When the blood of Many Feathers (Stephen) your truth teller was being shed, they saw that I was standing in agreement and guarding their garments while they killed him.’

  21“‘Go!’ he said to me. ‘I am sending you far away to the Outside Nations.’”


  22The Tribal Members listened to him, up until this last word.

  “Away with this one!” they shouted, “He has no right to even live on this earth!”

  23The crowd was wailing out loud! They tore off their outer garments and threw dust into the air. 24The head soldier ordered his men to take Small Man (Paul) back to their lodge with instructions to beat him with whips until he told them the reason the crowd was so angry with him.

  25But as they stretched him out and prepared to whip him, Small Man (Paul) turned to the head soldier standing there.

  “Does your law permit you to whip a citizen of Village of Iron (Rome),” he asked, “without a fair trial?”

  26Hearing this, the head soldier reported to his head officer.

  “What are you doing?” he asked. “This man is a citizen of the People of Iron (Romans).”

  27The head officer went to Small Man (Paul).

  “Tell me,” he asked, “Are you a citizen of Village of Iron (Romans)?”

  “Yes, I am,” Small Man (Paul) replied.

  28“I paid a high price to become a citizen,” the officer said to him.

  “But I
was born a citizen of Village of Iron (Rome),” Small Man (Paul) replied.

  29Right away the soldiers who were about to question him backed away. Fear came upon the head officer as he realized that he had bound a citizen of Village of Iron (Rome) in chains.


  30But the head officer wanted to know what Small Man (Paul) was being accused of by the Tribal Members, so, before releasing him, he instructed the head holy men and the Grand Council to meet. He then brought in Small Man (Paul) and stood him before them.


  1Small Man (Paul) looked deeply into the eyes of the members of the Grand Council.

  “My fellow Tribal Members,” he said to the council, “All my life I have walked in a good way, with a pure heart before the Great Spirit.”

  2Hearing this, Creator Shows Kindness (Ananias) the chief holy man ordered the ones standing near Small Man (Paul) to strike his mouth.

  3“Creator will strike you, you false-faced pretender!” Small Man (Paul) said back to him. “Do you sit there using our own tribal law to decide my fate, and then break the same law by ordering me struck?”

  4The ones standing near him said, “How dare you speak in a disrespectful manner to Creator’s chief holy man?”

  5“Fellow Tribal Members,” he replied, “I did not recognize that he was the chief holy man, for it is written in the Sacred Teachings, ‘You must not speak against a leader of your people.’64”

  6Small Man (Paul), knowing that both the Upright Ones (Sadducees) and the Separated Ones (Pharisees) sat on the Grand Council, said to them, “My fellow Tribal Members, I am a Separated One (Pharisee). It is because of my hope that the dead will rise to life again that I am on trial here today.”


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