Ruthless Bastard: Rich Ruthless Bastards Book Two

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Ruthless Bastard: Rich Ruthless Bastards Book Two Page 14

by Tonya Brooks

  “Even then,” Reece assured her. “The man who adopted me was the only father I'd ever known. I was his son in every way that mattered. Who the sperm donor was wasn't important to either of us.”

  Her brow crinkled as Jolie asked, “What are you saying?”

  Reece placed their joined hands over her flat abdomen and replied, “This baby is ours, no matter who it's biological father is. I will love it unconditionally either way.”

  Jolie was shocked speechless. She could not believe that Reece was sitting there saying these wonderful things about a child that might not be his. It took a minute before she had the presence of mind to ask, “How can you be so sure?”

  “Because it's a part of you.”

  The simple honesty of his words floored her. “I… I don't know what to say.”

  “Say you'll let me be his father,” he prompted with a tender smile. Her heart overflowing with love for this man and too choked up to speak, she nodded tearfully. Reece placed the gentlest of kisses on her lips and asked, “Will you marry me, Jolie?”

  “What?” She gasped and would have sworn he simply could not have shocked her more than he had already done.

  “Due to my own sketchy birth, I'd like our baby to be born legitimate.”

  The sincerity in his voice humbled her. Reece really meant it. He was going to accept this child as his own even if it was Gavin's. Oh, hell. Gavin. Her momentary elation evaporated because the shit was about to hit the fan. Big time. “Um, you do realize I have to tell Gavin, right?” She asked warily.

  Pain flashed in his eyes before he nodded confirmation. “He has a right to know.”

  “He also has a right for his child to bear his name,” Jolie pointed out.

  A muscle began to tick in his jaw before he finally said, “He does.”

  “Are you okay with that?” Jolie queried anxiously.

  “If it's what you want,” Reece agreed.

  Oh, boy. This definitely bore some serious thought. “Maybe we should table this conversation until I've talked to him,” she suggested.

  “Agreed,” Reece confirmed. “But no matter what he decides, I meant everything I said. I want you to be my wife, Jolie. Nothing will change that.”

  “Nothing would make me happier,” she confessed and the relief she felt was simply staggering. “Take me to bed, Reece. Remind me how much I loved being married to you.”

  God love him, he did.



  The elevator door slid smoothly open and a low whistle announced the occupant’s presence. “So this is how the other half lives,” the man said sardonically as he looked around the luxurious penthouse before meeting her gaze. “If this is what you’re used to, it’s no wonder you refused to share my humble abode, luv.”

  “Gavin, don’t be silly,” Jolie replied as she gestured for him to enter the foyer. “Reece chose the location. I just live here.”

  “With him,” he countered as he stepped inside and looked her over from head to toe. “You wear his wealth well.”

  Since he’d never seen her in anything except second-hand clothing, Jolie had dressed up for the occasion in some of her new designer rags. Now she wished she’d worn her tattered old jeans instead. Not about to tolerate any more of his little digs, she admonished, “Stop that. What in the world is wrong with you?”

  “Other than the fact that the woman I had hoped to share my life with has left me high and dry to take up with her ex, you mean? Not a damn thing,” he replied with a bite of anger and folded his arms over his chest.

  Yeah. She’d known he wasn’t pleased with her living arrangements since they had been in contact over the last couple of months, but she’d had no idea that he was this pissed about it. “I already explained why we’re living here,” she pointed out as she led him into the living area and sank onto a couch.

  “As I’ve said before, the longer you wait, the harder it will be for Bryce,” he pointed out as he sat on the opposite couch before shrewdly suggesting, “Unless you’re planning to make it a permanent arrangement.”

  “About that,” Jolie began hesitantly and knew he wasn’t going to like it. “Reece and I are reconciling.”

  “You can’t be serious,” Gavin derided. “The bastard tossed you on the street like rubbish and you’re actually going to give him a second chance?”

  “I know it sounds insane,” she offered in a placating tone since he didn’t know the entire story, nor was she willing to enlighten him about Reece’s traumatic childhood. “But we’ve managed to put all of that behind us, and we’re planning a future together, as a family.”

  “I certainly hope you aren’t expecting me to congratulate you on making the second biggest mistake of your life,” Gavin scoffed as he stood and began to pace the floor in agitation. “Think, Jolie. What’s to stop him from throwing you out again when the whim strikes him?”

  “I’ve already given him ample cause to do so,” she admitted. “The fact that he didn’t assures me that it won’t happen again.”

  He stopped pacing to fix her with a pitying look before asking, “What could you have possibly done to make that bastard want to throw you out this time?”

  “I told him that the child I’m carrying could be yours,” she confessed and saw his shocked expression.

  A gamut of emotions played over his handsome face before he accused angrily, “You didn’t waste any time crawling back in his bed, did you?”

  Jolie wasn’t about to tolerate any more of his verbal abuse, so she stood to admonish, “I thought you deserved to know about the baby, but if you’re going to behave like an ass then you can just get the hell out.”

  Gavin’s entire demeanor changed, his expression softened, and he took her into his arms for a hug. “I’m sorry, luv. Can you forgive me for being a jealous fool?”

  “Only if you stop acting like one,” she agreed and returned the embrace fondly. Gavin had been a dear friend for the past three years and was possibly the father of her child. The last thing she wanted was to argue with him. Jolie stepped back, resumed her spot on the couch, and he sank down on the cushion next to her this time.

  “So... a baby,” he mused. “That’s... Wow. How do you feel about it?”

  “Thrilled,” she admitted with a laugh. “Bryce is ecstatic. He’s already choosing names.”

  “And Reece?”

  “He’s handling it surprisingly well,” she admitted. “He wants to raise the baby as ours regardless of who the biological father is.”

  “Magnanimous of him considering how he reacted the last time,” Gavin opined dryly and took her hand in his. “Jolie, I know you want to believe he means it, but what if he changes his mind? I can’t bear the thought of you going through that hell again.”

  She gave his hand a reassuring squeeze and offered what little explanation that she could to relieve his concern. “The last time Reece was dealing with some... unresolved issues that caused him to doubt that Bryce was his,” she confessed. “This time he knows the baby may be yours, and he’s okay with it. It won’t happen again, Gavin. Trust me.”

  “Well, you obviously trust him,” he deduced.

  “I do,” she readily confirmed. “Reece has done nothing but prove that he is trustworthy. He even relinquished his paternal rights to Bryce and had a legal document drawn up giving me everything I asked for. I’ll never have to worry about being able to provide for my son again.”

  “Have you had an attorney look it over?” He queried.

  “Why would I?”

  “Because his attorney has your ex’s best interests in mind,” Gavin clarified. “You need your own attorney to make sure that there are no loopholes he can slip through.”

  “I don’t think it’s necessary, but I’ll do it if it will relieve your mind,” she agreed and steered the conversation back into the right direction with a less than subtle shift. “Now that we’ve got all of that out of the way, how do you feel about having a child?”

/>   “You know I adore the little munchkins,” Gavin reminded, and she knew that was one of the reasons he had become a pediatrician. “The possibility of you carrying my child would be a dream come true if the circumstances were different.”

  “I know this is a lot to take in all at once, so if you need time to process before we go any further, it’s completely understandable,” she assured him.

  “There lies the rub, luv,” he said regretfully. “Because of the circumstances, this can’t go any further.”


  Reece was a fucking wreck. How the hell Jolie had convinced him to let her meet with the damn doctor alone still eluded him. He’d insisted that the bastard meet her at the penthouse, and she had somehow managed to use that as a bargaining chip to secure his agreement to absent himself.

  His wife was proving to be more wily than he recalled. It was as impressive as it was damned annoying. Because if the doctor had half a brain he’d use the opportunity to try winning Jolie back. Reece was not without wiles of his own, which was why he had left their son sleeping in their bed.

  Bryce was still not used to sleeping alone and had a habit of waking up at the most inconvenient times. The little devil would go in search of his parents and climb into bed with them, and he’d unwittingly become a master at cockblocking in the process.

  Fortunately, Malachi had called to request they meet at Envy for an update, so he had something to occupy his mind other than the infuriating thoughts plaguing him. It had barely been twenty-four hours and the man already had answers. He wondered what the fuck Bartles had been doing wrong to come up with nothing for the past couple of months.

  The attorney slid into the booth across from him, and commented, “Callie’s bachelorette auction has already started so I only have a few minutes."

  His wife’s favorite fashion designer, Callie Rose was also a member of the Bastard Club. She had founded The Rose Foundation, a charitable organization to fund research for the rare form of pancreatic cancer that had killed her mother. It was a noble effort and one that she was very passionate about.

  He couldn't prevent a grin as he taunted, "Got your sights set on a particular lady this year?" Reece normally attended the auction, but that wouldn't be happening now that he had his sunshine girl back. When the invitation had arrived, he'd had his assistant send a generous donation along with his regrets for not attending.

  "No, but Bastion does," the other man admitted in amusement. "Callie only agreed to participate because he promised to win her. Now that he's won a date with someone else, he's insisting I do the honors in his stead. After the catfight that broke out when the same man won dates with twins last year, Jacinda changed the rules to one win per bidder."

  "Bastion does like to live dangerously," he mused because only a fool would bid on one woman when he'd promised to bid on another. Fortunately Callie was his business partner and not a lover, but still, a pissed off woman of any variety was never easy to deal with as he had recently discovered with his wife.

  "No doubt."

  Deciding to get to the heart of the matter, Reece demanded, “Tell me you have good news.”

  “Sorry to disappoint,” the attorney denied as he poured himself a glass of scotch from the bottle on the table. “I’ve got plenty to tell but none of its good.”

  “Do you know who he is?”

  “Yes. My investigator said the idiot didn’t try to hide his tracks,” he imparted. “Even used his personal cell phone to make the calls so there’s no doubt he’s guilty.”

  “Who the fuck is he?”

  “George Peterson.”

  “My attorney?” He expostulated in shocked disbelief.

  “Without a doubt.”

  His head was reeling and Reece could not comprehend why his attorney would have targeted his wife. “Why?” He asked in confusion.

  The other man sipped his drink before replying, “My best guess is that he was trying to punish her in some misguided effort to avenge you.”

  “What the hell for?”

  “I’d assume the divorce. It’s no secret that he’s fiercely loyal to you, and has been known to retaliate harshly when you’ve been crossed,” he pointed out blandly. “A few years ago, there was a rumor that he persuaded a bank manager to foreclose on a coffee shop because the barista did something to offend you.”

  “Coffee shop,” he repeated and recalled Jolie accusing him of having the one she’d worked at foreclosed on. “Jumping Java on Central Park?” He queried.

  “Sounds about right,” the attorney agreed and exhaled a cloud of smoke.

  “That son of a bitch,” Reece growled. George had been responsible for that as well. His fucking attorney had intentionally wreaked havoc until Jolie had been forced to degrade herself as a stripper in order to survive. “Did he make the call to CPS?”

  “He did.”

  “I’m going to destroy him,” he seethed because the bastard’s callous actions had almost resulted in Jolie losing their son.

  “Your investigator has been working for George the entire time,” he imparted. “From the timing of their phone calls, Bartles never stopped following Jolie. It looks like he reported her movements to George who in turn made the calls to her employers. It’s no wonder he’s been stonewalling you on the investigation.”

  “I want his fucking head on a platter,” Reece grated out and was livid that the two men head been conspiring together to hurt his wife.

  “If the bank manager confirms the story, you have grounds to press charges and open an investigation into the phone calls,” the attorney supplied helpfully as he ground out the cigarette. “Although the most they would be charged with is malicious intent which likely wouldn’t result in a jail sentence, but it could get George disbarred and Bartles would lose his license.”

  “Fuck that. I’m going to rip their hearts out,” he vowed and meant it.

  “I’d advise against it,” Malachi replied and didn’t even bat an eyelash at the death threat. The man was as cold and ruthless as his reputation implied. “I’m booked for the foreseeable future and you are at present without legal representation.”

  “You’re on retainer,” he bit out.

  “In case you aren’t aware, most attorneys are not at their client's beck and call twenty-four-seven,” the other man pointed out with a shark smile. “George’s entire life revolves around carrying out your slightest whim at a moment’s notice. I dance to no one’s tune but my own.”

  “I don’t need a puppet anymore, Malachi,” Reece denied. “I’m turning the business over to Dane.”

  “You’re retiring?” The other man asked in surprise because it was a well-known fact that he was a workaholic.

  “I intend to make up for lost time with Jolie and our son,” he admitted with a nod of confirmation. “We’re expecting our second child and I don’t plan to miss a moment with them this time.”

  “Congratulations,” Malachi said with a genuine smile before he sobered and asked, “How did George take the news?”

  “I thought the bastard was going to have a heart attack,” Reece replied. “When I get through with him, he’ll wish he had.” His phone vibrated, and he saw his doorman’s name on the screen. Since he’d instructed the man to call him when the fucking doctor arrived and left, he answered. “Is he gone?”

  “Just walked out the door, Mr. Lassiter,” the doorman confirmed.

  “Thank you, Fred,” he replied in genuine relief. Then a thought occurred to him, and he instructed, “Make sure that my attorney is removed from my visitor list immediately.”

  “Mr. Peterson?”


  “Uh, he just went up to your place, Mr. Lassiter,” the man responded.

  Reece surged to his feet and thundered, “He did what?”

  “He got on the elevator when the doctor got off,” he explained.

  “Get your ass up there and throw him the fuck out,” he barked and fixed glittering turquoise eyes on his companion. “G
eorge is at my penthouse with Jolie.”

  “I’m coming with you,” Malachi decided as he stood. They both knew he was going to need an attorney once he got his hands on the bastard.

  Before they made it to the car, he received an alert from the security company that the alarm had been activated in the penthouse. The doorman called seconds later to report that the elevator had been locked in place at the penthouse. Sheer terror filled his soul as he commanded Fred to call the police before snarling at his driver to hurry the hell up.

  It had been the longest ride of his life, or so he thought until they reached the building and had to take the service elevator up to the penthouse. At that point, his adrenaline was pumping so fast that Reece could have raced up the stairs faster. But once he saw the gun pointed at Jolie, his legs couldn’t seem to move fast enough.


  The elevator barely had time to reach the ground floor before it returned and the door opened again. “Have you been lurking in the lobby the whole time?” She teased and then realized her mistake when she recognized the man who stepped off of it. “Oh. Hello, George. I thought you were Reece.”

  During their short marriage, she had met her husband’s attorney on numerous occasions. The man had unexpectedly dropped by the penthouse and caught them in compromising positions so often that Reece had insisted he have the doorman announce him. Obviously, that was no longer a requirement.

  George had always struck her as being a bit odd, never looking her in the eye or speaking unless spoken to. She’d told Reece once that the man acted as if she didn’t exist unless he was forced to acknowledge her presence. Not that she had wanted him to since he always made her feel extremely uncomfortable.

  Like now.

  But it wasn’t because he was avoiding eye contact or ignoring her this time. His wild green eyes were fixed on her and the virulent hatred in them was almost as shocking as his malevolent expression. “You,” he hissed in a voice dripping with vitriol. “Why couldn’t you just stay away?”


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