Semiramis Reborn

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Semiramis Reborn Page 23

by Maya Daniels

  “Still having arguments in your head, jackass?” Remi bumps my shoulder, smiling.

  “Always,” I grin at her. “How’s Stamelos doing?” I ask seriously.

  Philip has been through hell, thanks to Tomas, Derik and their twisted minds and dark magick. His treatment was a hell of a lot worse than my sisters,’ since he refused to join Derik in his evil deeds. I have moments when I wish they were still alive so that I could kill them all over again.

  “He’s doing much better,” she says softly.

  I envelop her in a tight hug. She feels guilty, thinking it’s her fault that Philip went through everything. I explained that he would’ve regardless because he was close to me, being my boss and all. “Everyone has been through shit because of me.” After that, the rest yelled at us to stop playing pity parties and just accept the fact that we’re all messed up and shit just happens to us. We laughed for a while about that.

  “How did you manage to ditch Lucifer, Sap?” Jez asks, and I groan.

  It makes all of them laugh. I don’t know what got up Lucifer’s ass, but he’s been extremely attentive, polite, and nice. It’s creepy as fuck! I have no idea what he’s playing at, but I’ve made it my life’s mission to avoid him as much as possible, much to the delight of my sisters. Daisy is still staying with us as well, but she left two days after we got back to check on the rest of the women we saved from the caves. She finds the situation with Lucifer’s alter ego amusing, too.

  “Seriously, I think he finally found a way to freak me out! He’s never nice! He’s arrogant, demanding and rude in his honesty. Right now he scares the shit out of me. I mentioned I could kill for doughnuts and he grabbed the keys the same second and left,” I tell them shaking my head.

  “We need to think of something more difficult to find. Something he needs to work hard to get,” Jez says excitedly.

  “I don’t know why you don’t tap that ass, mate. I’ll do it for you, if you like,” Faith wiggles her eyebrows.

  We all laugh at that. Much to my chagrin, Lucifer steers clear of her because she always makes sure to pet his arms or squeeze his ass if he is within arm’s reach. We encourage her to do it, of course, and that makes him angry. It sure gives us something to laugh about and we do need it. After all that’s passed, we can use as many things to laugh about as we can get.

  “I’m good, thanks. My track record shows that when I’m interested in someone, he turns psycho. I think I’m destined to be the old lady with forty cats.”

  “Knock it off, Sap! Just because Derik was evil doesn’t mean you should close your heart forever. You’re acting like a child now,” Jez frowns at me.

  “A-Ma, you have so much love to give. You can’t deprive the world of that. Just let it go.” Meda pats my knee, sounding much older than she is.

  “Looking back now, I can’t believe I didn’t see it or put it together sooner. Every time Tomas was playing the villain, Derik was there to play the hero. First, with the hoodlums he got a way in. Now that I think of it, that demon in my vision in the lake said he was summoned there, but before I had a chance to find out more, Derik pulled me out of the water, saying he was scared that I’d drowned. Later again at the beach, he appeared before he was sent to Lucifer. Now that I think on it, I’m grateful Enlil was a murderous bastard and I got rid of him in time. Imagine if Derik, still keeping up his charade, stuck around and came with us when went after the Tablets. That would’ve been a disaster.” I shiver at the thought.

  “Everything happens for a reason, and always at the right time. Not a moment too late or too soon.” Meda smiles gently, ever the wise.

  “You wouldn’t be who you are today, Al, if none of that happened. And neither would we, if you think about it,” Remi says, leaning her head on my shoulder.

  “We wouldn’t have met Faith if it weren’t for the way things happened.” Jez follows Remi’s example and leans her head on my other shoulder.

  “And the bloody fairies wouldn’t be here, either.” Faith leans her head on my knee.

  “Speaking of the fairies, I guess they went on a hunt for doughnuts with the angel.” Meda laughs, leaning her head on my other knee and points towards the driveway leading to the house.

  We all laugh when we see Remi’s Tiguan heading our way with Lucifer driving, Archie sitting next to him and Philip and Will peeking their heads between them from the back seat. It looks like they are having a disagreement since they look very animated while Lucifer is glaring, holding the steering wheel tight with white knuckles. That makes us laugh harder.

  “Okay, I’m out of here. I’ll go hide in my bedroom,” I tell them, but they grab hold of me so that I don’t move.

  “It’ll be a doughnut and movie afternoon, Sap. No hiding!” Jez says sternly.

  “Hell, no! I just want some time alone, please.” I look at her

  with puppy eyes in the hope she’ll let me get my ass out of it.

  “No can do, jackass. It’s our time off. Next week, you might wish we were arguing about doughnuts and movies,” Remi adds.

  “We only have couple of days anyway,” Meda reminds me.

  “Couple of days until what?” Lucifer asks as they all come to join us where we are sitting. He is looking at me intently, as if he expects me to grow a second head or something.

  Unnerving, I’m telling you!

  “Until we go get the Tablets of Destiny,” Meda says quietly and we all stay quiet after that, each lost in our own heads, the doughnuts all but forgotten.

  “It might not be that bad, right? I mean Enlil did say I helped steal them. Maybe I made some deal that I can’t remember, and it will work in our favor.” I try to get everyone to feel a little better and hopeful, including myself.

  Only mumbling and humming are their only response. I guess I suck at pep talks. Leaning my head on top of Jezzinta’s, we stay like that, all of us crowded together on the steps quietly, long enough to see the sunset and the moon covering everything with her enchanting silvery light. No matter what happens, we still have each other. Nothing else matters but that! Or, maybe I spoke too soon as usual? Who knows, we’ll see!


  Writing “Awakened” and “Reborn” has been a rollercoaster ride for me and that only makes me more grateful for all the beautiful people that are sharing this experience with me. To the wonderful readers that have started this journey with me, I cannot tell you how much your emails and messages mean to me. Knowing that I have somehow managed to tap your inner soul and touch you is more than I could’ve hoped for. I love reading your words and look forward to each and every single one. A big thank you goes to, Angela Haworth, for dealing with my mood-swings, ramblings and manuscripts that look like the work of a mad scientist. Your support means the world to me and words can never fully capture my gratitude. AJ Kohler, your attention to detail and notes that always make me laugh, made this novel what I’ve always hoped it will be. Perfect! Terry A. Gordon, even when you are AWOL your words guide me and your gentle nudging is not overlooked. Having you as a part of my journey has been a blessing. Arpi Galfayan, I’m certain by now you are tired of hearing about my gratitude but it feels like it’s never enough. Without you, the real me would’ve never been brave enough to face the world. Lisa Peart, my little sister, my heart goes to you for listening to all my ramblings, venting and ideas without saying a word of discouragement. The Goddess was too kind to grace my life with you and Arpi. Anika Willmans, your designs brought Alexia to life, and I can’t thank you enough for your patience and support. Sabria Sarker, thank you for reminding me to follow my heart daily. Tanja Baricevic, you, my soul sister, are very much needed to kick me on my backside when I get out of line and I’m grateful for you. Last but not least, Lisa Fejeran, Anna Kemp, Cindy O’Sullivan, and Tabatha Sidi; you girls make me smile when it’s the last thing I want to do. Your support and love is what makes me keep crawling forward even when all I want to do is stop. My love and gratitude goes to all of you, forever!

>   About the Author

  Multi award winning fiction author, Maya Daniels shares her skillful and creative storytelling with readers from around the world. Semiramis is her first published trilogy. Marrying her investigative journalism skills with her knowledge and passion of the esoteric, she spins compelling stories of magic, truth, romance, and adventure. She lives with her magick-sprinkled familiar, a cat named Odyssey, in Southern California. When not reading all about the arcane, eating chocolate, or writing her next novel, she is busy with her Reiki healing practice.

  Also by Maya Daniels

  Semiramis trilogy

  “Who Am I” prequel to Semiramis - Novelette

  “Semiramis-Awakened” Book 1

  “Semiramis-Reborn” Book 2

  “Semiramis-The Vessel” Book 3

  Stand-alone novels

  “The Cursed Kingdom” coming out Feb 2019

  “Venus Trap” coming out Feb/March 2019

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