Next of Kin

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Next of Kin Page 56

by Jae

  Kade felt a little bad about it, but she couldn't stop herself from distrustfully waiting for the "but" in Sophie's sentence. "But?" she prompted when it didn't come.

  Sophie sighed. "But I'm sure she would have been there for you and would have been just as loyal and supportive if you were nothing but friends. Why does it have to be more?" She clearly couldn't wrap her mind around the concept of attraction and love between two women.

  Why didn't you stay just friends with Father? Why did that have to be more? Kade wanted to say, but in her opinion, her parents' relationship was not a good example to make her point. She had never sensed any true love and passion between them, just polite respect and mutual interest. "You mean why don't I keep Del and every other woman who might interest me as a strictly platonic friend and date men instead." She didn't make it a question because she knew that was exactly what her mother meant. "Because I've already done that for years, and it didn't make me happy. At this point of my life, I'm more attracted to women. Well, one woman, to be exact, and I owe it to myself not to ignore it any longer."

  "But –"

  The doorbell interrupted any further objections from Sophie.

  Del! Finally! Kade stood from the couch. "I'm sorry, Mother, but I have to go." For now, she had said enough. Only time would tell if her mother had actually listened. She quickly said good-bye and hurried to open the door. Her hand was already on the door handle when she remembered to look through the peephole.

  The distorted image of Del was the best thing she had seen all day. Kade quickly opened the door.

  "Hey," Del said. "Sorry I'm late." She closed the door behind herself. "Stacy Ford intercepted me just as I was about to leave the precinct."

  Kade, who had been about to step closer and kiss Del hello, abruptly stopped. "You already gave your statement, and I told her to work out a deal with Sheldon's lawyer. What did she want?"

  Del flashed her a grin. "Oh, she just wanted to give me my new toaster oven. Reward for a job well-done."

  "Jerk," Kade muttered. She glared at Del but couldn't stop herself from returning Del's grin.

  Del laughed. "Okay, okay. She wanted to ask me a few more questions about when Tracey Sheldon attacked me in front of your apartment. I think dropping the charges on assaulting a police officer is going to be the carrot Stacy wants to dangle in front of Sheldon's lawyer to get him to accept a deal," she said.

  "Are you okay with that?" Kade asked. She didn't like letting Tracey Sheldon get away with her attack on Del. As a DDA, she knew it was a promising legal tactic, but as a woman, she wanted revenge. She wanted Tracey Sheldon to pay for hurting Del.

  "As long as Stacy makes sure Tracey Sheldon never comes anywhere near you again, I'm fine with it," Del answered. Her voice was calm, but the fire in the dark eyes told Kade that Del would do anything, risk anything to keep her safe.

  Del stepped closer and studied Kade intently. "Hey, you okay? You look a little..."

  This time, Kade wasn't even tempted to give her standard "I'm fine" answer. When it came to Del, she wanted to retire all standard answers. "I finally talked to my mother," she said with a grimace.

  Del took her hand and entwined their fingers in a gesture of silent support. "And? What did she say?"

  "Well... she likes you," Kade said.

  Del lifted a skeptical eyebrow. "I've been in this situation before." She had dated women who had just discovered their sexual orientation and revealed it to their none too pleased families before. "The families of my newly out love interests called me a 'conniving little slut,' a 'lesbian recruiter,' or a 'temporary confusion,' but never once has a mother told her daughter that she actually likes me."

  "The Mathesons are not like other families," Kade declared.

  "No," Del affectionately squeezed Kade's hand, "you're special. But are you sure she didn't say she'd like me to disappear off the face of earth?" she asked with a small smile.

  "No. She does like you and basically told me it's okay if I like you too." Kade gave her a meaningful glance.

  "Ah." Del nodded. "Just not 'like that,' huh?"

  "Exactly." Kade walked over to the couch and let herself fall into the cushions. She curled one leg under her and steadily regarded Del. "The problem is I already like you 'like that.'"

  Del's eyes widened. She gazed at Kade, visibly surprised at her open words for a few seconds, before a big grin spread over her face. She sat down on the couch next to Kade and turned sideways to face her, laying a hand on her hip. "I like you 'like that' too."

  "Good," Kade said with a satisfied grin. "I'd hate to have this all be for nothing." She gestured toward the phone, indicating the coming out to her very traditional family.

  "It's not," Del said. She gently cupped Kade's cheek and looked deeply into her eyes. "It's something you had to do for yourself."

  Kade gently threaded her fingers through the dark hair that fell onto Del's neck. With Del's hand on her hip steadying her, she leaned in to kiss her. What started as a gesture of affection and gratitude for Del's support quickly escalated into a passionate meeting of lips and tongues.

  As the kiss continued, Kade disentangled her right hand and slowly trailed it down over Del's chest, curious to explore more of Del and to test out what responses she could evoke.

  When she experimentally cupped one of Del's breasts, Del grunted and broke the kiss. "What are you doing?" she gasped.

  "You couldn't tell?" Kade gave her a mischievous smile. "And here I thought you were the experienced one who already earned a dozen toaster ovens. I'm trying to find out if you're wearing a bra."

  "Oooh, is that what you were doing?" Del grinned. "And? What's the verdict?"

  "The jury isn't in yet. I'm still in the middle of my investigation," Kade answered. She slid her other hand under Del's shirt and slowly let it trail up her stomach.

  Del swayed slightly. "Kade..." she murmured. "You better be sure about this. I usually have great self-control, but once it gets past a certain point... You don't want to torture me, do you?"

  "I'm not a tease," Kade said with mock indignation. "I usually follow through on my threats... and my promises."

  Del put her hand on Kade's, trapping it in place under Del's shirt. Her eyes looked directly into Kade's. "Do you really want this? Now?"

  "Why not? If I have to take the heat from my mother, it should at least be about something that I actually did and got to enjoy. Do you really want to stop?" Kade gave back Del's question. She didn't want to discuss this. She didn't want to start thinking and analyzing. She just wanted to follow her impulses and instincts, without letting her thoughts and emotions catch up and possibly stop her.

  "Hell, no!" Del chuckled roughly. "I want you, but I want more than just casual sex with you. If you can't give me that yet, I'd rather wait."

  Kade sighed. She knew what Del was saying. Del wanted sexual intimacy, but not without emotional intimacy. "Women!" she said with an exasperation that was meant to hide how out of her depth she felt. "If you were a man, we'd already be having the 'cigarette after.'"

  "You're not a smoker," Del said, "and I'm not a man."

  "I know," Kade said seriously. "If you were, you wouldn't be here."

  Still holding on to Kade's hand under her shirt, Del regarded her. After a few moments of silent communication, she finally let go of Kade's hand.

  Kade leaned forward and kissed the soft skin that peeked out from above the neck of Del's shirt, silently thanking her for letting it go and not starting another discussion. She trailed her hand over Del's side, exploring the arch of her ribs. She felt Del suck in a breath.

  "Why don't we take this to the bedroom?" Del suggested. "The couch is for teenagers."

  Kade felt a little like a teenager, but she stood and tugged Del up from the couch. Her heart pounded as she led Del by the hand over to the bedroom. Come on. Don't act like a scared virgin. This is not that different from being with a man. But when she stopped next to the bed and looked at Del, she realiz
ed that it was very different. It wasn't only the differences of Del's body in comparison to her previous, male lovers. What made this so different was what she felt when she looked at Del.

  Noticing Kade's momentary hesitation, Del stepped closer and wrapped both arms around her. She didn't offer to stop or ask if Kade was okay. She just held her, waiting for whatever Kade would decide to do.

  Kade slid her arms around Del's waist and pressed her hands against the solid back. She buried her face against Del's neck, deeply breathing in her scent. She concentrated only on Del's presence, the body that was pressed tightly against her own, and blocked out everything else.

  Finally, her churning emotions calmed, and she turned her head to press her lips to Del's neck, teasing it with little nips and kisses. She felt Del's pulse beat a frantic staccato against her lips. With one last kiss, she lifted her mouth away and looked up into Del's face. "Am I that good to make your pulse race with just a few little kisses, or are you nervous?" she asked with a teasing little smile.

  Del looked down at her with eyes that were even darker than normal. "Both," she said with her characteristic honesty.

  The contrasting mix of Del's tough, confident exterior and her emotional openness was one thing that Kade liked and admired so much about her. "Don't worry," Kade said with a glint in her eyes. "I've had plenty of mediocre or even bad sex in the past. I'm used to it. There's no need for performance anxiety."

  "You!" Del growled at her. She tightened her arms around Kade, lifting her a few inches off the ground. She took one long step and threw Kade down on the bed.

  Kade bounced on the mattress.

  Before she came to a halt, Del pounced like a lithe big cat and covered Kade's body with her own. She balanced part of her weight on her elbows, but Kade could still feel her lower body press against her. "And here I thought you were a bottom," Kade joked, trying to hide how out of breath and out of control she felt.

  "What? A bottom? Me?" Del's body pressed against Kade's even more intimately as she playfully glared down at her. Then she gave Kade a droll smile. "Althea Coltrane wasn't supposed to tell you all my secrets," she complained deadpan.

  Kade threw her head back in helpless laughter. "Ewwww!" She shook herself at the thought of Del with her boss.

  Del shrugged innocently. "Having a close, amicable relationship with the DA's office is important in my line of work."

  Kade laughed again. Sex... making love has never been this much fun, she thought to herself. It was fun and enjoyable in some ways, but never like this. "Well, you can't get much closer or more amicable than this," she said, gesturing down at their entwined bodies.

  "True." Del slowly leaned down and kissed the base of Kade's throat.

  Kade shuddered as she felt Del's breasts press against her own and Del's teeth rake gently over her skin. "Sit up," Kade ordered.

  Del lifted her head and looked at Kade with one raised eyebrow, but she complied without comment.

  When Del sat astride on her hips, balancing on her knees, Kade grasped the edge of Del's shirt and lifted it up. For a second, she saw the surprise in Del's eyes before she lifted the shirt over her head and lost sight of her facial expression.

  "So no bra, huh?" Kade commented as she let the shirt drop to the floor.

  Del grinned. "I went au natural today."

  Kade sat up too. Holding on to Del's hips, she rolled them over until she was leaning over Del, looking down at her.

  Kade trailed the tip of her index finger up Del's stomach. She studied the contrast between her own pale hands and Del's smooth, café au lait skin. Impulsively, she leaned down and placed a gentle kiss on Del's belly button, nuzzling the soft skin. Her hands slid up the flat, defined planes of Del's stomach, feeling the muscles vibrate under her touch.

  Finally, her exploring hands reached the soft underside of Del's breasts. Kade paused. She looked down at Del, letting her gaze roam over her whole body.

  Some of the Latin women she knew were voluptuous, the epitome of the sensual, luscious Latin lover. Del wasn't. Del's body was sturdy and athletic, yet still unmistakably feminine. Kade had caught glimpses of Del's body in shorts and T-shirt before, and she'd seen her in her underwear twice. Still, the sight of Del lying naked on the sheets in front of her made Kade's heart race.

  Kade knew Del was used to being in control, used to being the one to take the lead when it came to relationships and to sex, but Del lay under her without moving, gazing up at her with an expression of trust that took Kade's breath away as much as the sight of Del's body did. Deeply in thought, she rubbed her thumb over the underside of a small, firm breast, a little overwhelmed with the whole situation.

  "Hey," Del said, letting her hand rest on the small of Kade's back. "Want me to give you a few directions?" She looked up at Kade with an affectionately teasing grin.

  Kade shook her head. What was so overwhelming for her wasn't necessarily the thought of making love to a woman for the first time although that was challenging enough. What made her uncomfortable were the emotions she could see in Del's eyes and feel in the chaotic tumble that raced through her – nervousness, fear, doubt, desire, curiosity, affection, awe, and a deep need to please Del. "No, thanks. I have some ideas of my own." Kade gave her a sexy little smirk. "But I could do with... well, a little feedback. As a prosecutor, I'm used to it. If I do something the defense lawyer or the judge doesn't like, they instantly let me know."

  "We're not in court, Kade," Del gently pointed out.

  Kade knew Del wanted her to let go of her usual roles. Del wanted honesty and true emotions, not roles or masks. Del wanted much more than all her other lovers had wanted – not just her body, her family's influence, or a beautiful woman on her arm. Del wanted all of her. Kade wasn't used to giving all. She had always held back a little, never giving her emotions free rein or allowing herself to get fully attached to someone.

  "But I can do feedback," Del agreed with a wink. "This," she let out a sensual moan, "means 'nice, please continue.' This," a longer moan, "means 'very nice, do that again.' And this –"

  Kade didn't wait for further explanations. She leaned down and closed her lips around one of Del's nipples, feeling it instantly harden against her tongue.

  Del sucked in a sharp breath. Her hands clutched at Kade's back, pulling her even closer. "And... this... means..." Kade felt a throaty growl vibrate through Del as her hand covered Del's other breast. "This means... Jesus, Kade, you don't need any feedback!"

  Kade reluctantly lifted her mouth away from Del's breast. She stroked away the wet marks she had left there, loving how responsive Del was and how much pleasure she seemed to get from her touches. "Take off your pants," she told Del, wanting to feel all of her.

  Instead of rolling out from under Kade, Del slid a hand down between them, making Kade moan as the back of Del's fingers pressed against her center for a moment. Then Del worked open her belt and the buttons of her jeans, and Kade moved back a little to help her take them off.

  She slid her hand over the impressive muscles of Del's thighs.

  Del reclined back against the bed. "Now you," she said. "Take off the slacks and the shirt. Tit for tat... so to speak."

  Kade laughed and got off the bed. She's making this so much fun. She pushed her slacks down over her hips and quickly stepped out of them. Straddling Del, Kade pulled her shirt over her head. She looked down and studied Del's reaction. She had always been confident, even as a teenager, never experiencing awkward shyness and self-doubts when she undressed in front of her lovers. But now she found herself holding her breath while she felt Del's gaze rake over every inch of her.

  Del sat up under her. Instead of cupping Kade's breasts, as most of her other lovers had done, she slid one strap of the bra down Kade's shoulder and gently kissed the skin underneath, then did the same with the other shoulder.

  The gentle reverence of the gesture took Kade's breath away.

  "Can I take it off?" Del asked. The eyes looking deeply into Ka
de's were almost black now.

  Kade swallowed and nodded.

  Their breasts pressed against each other as Del reached around Kade to open the clasp of her bra.

  Kade captured Del's lips in a passionate kiss. Tightly pressed together, they sank back onto the bed. Del pulled the bra out from between them. Kade felt Del's breasts sliding against her own as they moved against each other. The sensation made her a little light-headed, and she slid lower to kiss Del's breasts again.

  Her glasses collided with one of Del's nipples, making Del shiver. Kade quickly reached up to take off her glasses.

  Del was faster. She gently lifted the glasses away from her face and leaned up to kiss the bridge of Kade's nose. She carefully folded the earpieces and set the glasses down on the bedside table.


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