Mystic Awakening

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Mystic Awakening Page 10

by J L Lawrence

  “We need time and real rest, if we are going to continue serious training. They already have protections in place, so we will hide under their shield. Hopefully, that will buy us enough time to start practicing some of your magic, discuss strategies, and answer more of your questions.” Xander tried to hide his weariness. Nothing about this journey had been ideal, except the relationships they had built.

  Kate frowned and still looked apprehensive. She wrung her hands, and her leg bounced rapidly. Xander recognized it as a bad habit, when she had a lot on her mind. “It still seems more risky than anything we’ve chosen so far,” she said. “Trails are hard to secure like Angie said, and now we’ll be involving other people in all this mess.”

  “We have to change up our ways every time to keep the demons and minions guessing. If they ever get one step ahead, we’ll be toast. Hiding as humans is one option they won’t even consider, because they automatically assume we will always keep you hidden.” Xander was actually impressed with Xavier’s plan. It was the perfect disguise. He had always been an excellent strategist. But he could sense Kate was still not convinced.

  “Makes sense to me,” Angie said. At least she seemed to be coming on board. “But it’ll be a lot of wear and tear on us all. We’ll need a lot of rest along the way to make it work.” Angie looked over at Kate, who nodded begrudgingly. “But I must admit I’m uncomfortable with the fact I’m going to be riding with Gregory for days.” Xander watched her wince and shake her head, as soon as the words came out.

  “Sounds entertaining to me and quite enjoyable,” Gregory said. He walked over and put his arm around her. “We could put a whole new spin on the concept.” He wiggled his eyebrows and leaned toward her, acting like he was going to kiss her.

  “Puh-lease, you are so disgusting.” She pushed him back and glared. Then, she cut her eyes and had a wicked smile. “Although, maybe you’ll attract someone or something in a more attractive jackass form.”

  He walked away still laughing and went back to his seat on the other side of the fire. Xander caught his thoughts as he sat down. One day she’ll get her comeuppance for her smart-ass attitude. And I intend to be the one to do it.

  Xander hid his smile and shook his head. He didn’t have time for a three-ring circus. He needed to stay focused, but a little comic relief was always welcome.

  “Ok,” Kate said. “I see the importance, but like Angie, I’m a little worried about endurance. And where are we getting all these supplies and food? We won’t be able to use magic, because it would give us away.”

  Gregory cleared his throat and pointed toward the river. “That’s why I was looking for you two earlier. I thought of the same thing. We don’t want to establish a pattern of Xavier bringing us supplies, especially now that the demons know to track him. Zane can only cover so much. I was thinking I could go into town and stock up on whatever we can carry and pick up the bikes.”

  Xander sat there lost in thought, trying to look at all the ramifications that plan could bring. “That’s not a bad idea. And it would also leave Xavier time to watch the demons more closely and set some more traps.” He sighed in acceptance. What choice did they have? He sure as heck wasn’t leaving Kate for a second. And Xavier wasn’t strong enough to walk in this realm as an untraceable human. “When do you want to go?”

  Gregory smiled mockingly at Angie. “I was thinking tomorrow afternoon, but early enough so we still have plenty of daylight for protection. Xavier will be close by if you need extra protection…right?” He couldn’t quite hide the skepticism and distrust in his tone from Xander.

  Xander rubbed his hands together, trying to work it out. The main priority was always the girls’ safety. Should they take this risk? The benefits would be tremendous in keeping them hidden, but the cost could destroy the world. Although getting caught by the demons because they tracked them would have the same effect. And what about Xavier? Could he help if needed? Xander had his doubts, but mostly he was concerned he wouldn’t be able to protect both girls. If they were attacked, he would have to make a choice. He knew what the choice would be.

  Fury was the real problem. The time had come to tell Kate exactly who she was up against. She needed to know this wasn’t only about her. It had more to do with him and Xavier. They should’ve known this would eventually come back to haunt them.

  “Listen, before we decide on the final plan. I need to tell both of you what we are probably facing.” He didn’t want to add to their fear.

  “For several years, Fury appeared to do everything the Council asked. Then, mysterious deaths began to occur within the Meadows. Unheard of, because most of its inhabitants were either immortal or had long life spans, as long as they stayed in the realm. The Council suspected someone had found a way through the portal, or someone had betrayed them.

  “Eventually, it came to light that Furyik had been working both sides, but since he did not actually harm the victims himself, his conscience remained clear. That’s why he had been so difficult to trace.

  “By this time, Xavier and I had become leaders of the militia for the Council. Our skills could not be equaled, especially if we were together. We were pulled into the Council hearing and told to capture and kill Furyik, by any means necessary. The Council also revoked his ability to enter the Meadows realm.

  “When he was thrown out of the realm, it didn’t take long for him to figure out that justice was coming for him. He changed his named to Fury and began recruiting others to help him escape. When he discovered that we were chosen to hunt him down, he went into hiding. He knew how powerful we were.” He’d trained them.

  “While he was hiding among the demons, Fury came across a unique set of armor that would deflect most magic. We finally found him, and even though we had heard stories of this armor, we had no choice but to try and kill him. He had become an assassin for hire by this time and could not be allowed to survive. We fought for days using magic, sword, energy, and brute strength, but to no avail. The armor deflected any killing blow.” Maybe they should have let him be, but he couldn’t have lived with all of the blood on Fury’s hands.

  “Xavier finally convinced me that we may not be able to kill him, but we could strip his good powers that the armor did not protect and revoke his ability to enter almost all of the realms. He would only have access to the Human realm and Hell realm. Even though some would still die, we couldn’t find any other solution to save the majority of the realms that we had sworn to protect.

  “We double-teamed Fury and blindsided him with the potion. He seemed shocked that a potion had worked, until he understood exactly what we had done. He’d been stripped of many of his powers and basically condemned to living among the humans or the demons. Most of his freedom had been taken. He vowed he would return and make us pay for what we had done that day.” Xander still woke often to the nightmares of Fury’s screams, taunting him about what he would do to all of their loved ones, and to them one day.

  Fury was patient and meticulous. Xander was beginning to realize what a dangerous game they were all playing. There was a reason his assassins had been chosen, and he would bet anything that Fury intended this to end in another battle. A bad omen, considering his strength was reducing daily, but Fury’s only increased.

  He also told them his suspicions that Fury requested this assignment and was determined not to fail. It put everyone at a higher risk, because Fury didn’t want to just kill the Mystic. He wanted the Montgomery brothers to feel every kind of pain imaginable, and then some.

  Gregory’s astonished face spoke volumes, since Xander had never told the whole story to anyone except the Council. Xander silently apologized to him. “At the time, it seemed best to keep the whole thing quiet, but we are dealing with much more than a regular assassin team locked on the Mystic. This is full out military warfare, at least for Fury it is.”

  * * *

  Xander’s biggest hang up was her and Angie, so Kate decided to start thinking like an agent, not a helpless f
emale. She had made plenty of tough choices and used unorthodox means to outsmart criminals on a daily basis. It wasn’t a different situation now, just a slightly different perspective. Crazy demonlords were not her usual cup of tea, but what in her life could be classified as normal?

  She took his hand and squeezed. “It’s a good idea Xander, and Xavier said they haven’t found us yet. We may not get another chance, and we’d be prepared if Xavier got caught up trying to keep demons off of us. We can handle ourselves, especially with the minions, as long as he’s back by nightfall.” She brushed her hand across his cheek and gave him an encouraging nod.

  Xander sighed. “Ok, we’ll train in the morning, so you are as ready as possible. I’ll work out the details with Xavier to make sure he’s in place if needed.” He turned his attention to Gregory. “Be quick. I don’t want to waste much time with the girls not being fully protected.”

  Kate had never been a nail biter, but she sure felt like doing it now.

  Gregory and Xander put out the fire and checked all the protection spells. Kate hung back with Angie. The four of them walked toward their tents to rest and prepare for training the next day. For once, there were no comments, jokes, or quips. The tension had become a heavy burden on them all. She couldn’t even put a name on which part any of them feared the most.

  Kate climbed in her sleeping bag and buried her head in her pillow. The emotions, fears, and uncertainties overwhelmed her. Sleep would be her only escape.

  * * *

  Once Kate was settled and asleep against Xander’s chest, he searched for his twin. He wasn’t sure how Xavier would take this latest development.

  “Hey, what do you need? I was trying to get some sleep and felt you searching. I do still sleep, ya know,” Xavier said dryly.

  “Sorry to interrupt your beauty sleep. Lord knows you need it, but I want to run our idea by you.” He proceeded to tell him what they had discussed over dinner and waited for his response. He could tell by his brother’s hesitation, he was worried. For that matter, who wasn’t?

  “It’s awfully risky,” Xavier finally relayed. “But I guess it would make a huge difference and leave me time, as Kate said. I’ll be in the shadows right there with you while he’s gone, but it will blind me somewhat to the demon activity. If I have to focus in tight on your camp, I can’t see much past a thirty-mile radius. Make sure you check in with me before Gregory leaves. I want to check on their status and get in position.”

  Xavier had fully merged with Xander, so Xander could see he had a bad feeling about this new plan. Too many uncontrolled variables, but in truth, none of the demons were even headed this exact direction yet. The horrid fact was that Xavier didn’t trust himself to come to the rescue. That was hard for a former—once considered–great warrior, to admit. Xander could only hope Xavier would find it in himself to overcome his past to save their future.

  Watching Kate sleep, a sense of rightness washed over him. She belonged beside him every night of their eternal lives. She’s mine. No one would take her away from him and live. Uncertain when it had happened, he had fallen in love with his Mystic. Maybe Guardians and Mystics didn’t have a choice with their destiny, but he would choose her no matter what destiny had in store for them. But would she choose him when she learned the truth? “Thanks Xavier. Get some sleep. I’ll catch you tomorrow.”

  Xavier faded back in the shadows, and Xander held Kate tightly. What will our lives be like if we survive? What would their children look like? He smiled with that thought in his head and fell into a deep sleep, until the nightmares of the Rising replaced his cheerful dreams.

  * * *

  Kate awoke with the sunrise. The morning had come too quickly. After a light breakfast, they set up their plans and equipment for the day. But in the back of her mind, she knew they were all worried how the afternoon would go without Gregory. She didn’t even have to read any minds. It was clear with the somber faces, quiet atmosphere, and occasional fidgeting.

  Trying to break some of the tension, she stood up and stretched. “What’s on the docket for today, guys?”

  Xander had also risen, beginning to clean the area and manifest weapons they’d need. “We are going to work with weapons for an hour, followed by a couple hours of martial arts. Then, we’ll break for lunch and have a quick rest. I want everyone to be rested for tonight. After lunch, we’ll finish up with some strength conditioning and a little light hand-to-hand, if there’s still time. The important thing is for Gregory to leave in plenty of time to get back before nightfall.” That was one point they all agreed on. Kate realized they couldn’t afford any more of the good luck they’d had so far.

  She walked forward and wrapped her arms around Xander’s waist, and he pulled her close. She didn’t want to admit it to herself or anyone else, but she needed him. She needed his strength and his belief in her to keep from going insane. And, she liked having someone to hold her and help shoulder the responsibilities. She was amazed at how quickly he’d become as entrenched in her heart as Angie, but in a different way. “When are we heading out?”

  “I figure we’ll get a good night’s rest and head out early in the morning.” Xander held onto Kate tightly, as if he couldn’t bear the separation. The stiffness in his back and shoulders revealed his attempts to hide his doubts and fears.

  He’d told her that morning, he’d decided to ask Rowena for help, but she didn’t respond. She tried to understand their decisions, but putting her in this much peril was plain irresponsible to their whole realm. If she was truly this all-powerful being, wouldn’t they be sending out their armies to protect her? She was even more concerned about Gregory. He hadn’t been his usual surly self this morning. His silence actually caused her more anxiety.

  Breaking her cardinal rule, Kate decided to listen to his thoughts. If she could help ease his mind in any way, she would. She’s been watching me all morning, but what am I supposed to do? Give her a hug and say everything will be okay? This whole plan would turn into bullshit if Xavier couldn’t pull his pansy ass out of the shadows and do something useful for a change. Twenty years hiding like a child, while I’m here busting my ass. I have to hide my own thoughts, so Xander won’t get angry. We’ve already had too many fights over that piece of shit. Ok, just stay focused on the task at hand. If I can do that, maybe we’ll survive. I’ll protect Kate and Xander. If Xavier gets injured or goes crazy along the way, that’d be good too.

  Angie laughed at something Xander had said. A strange warm feeling went through his body. Kate struggled not to break the connection. Great, I can’t afford to start having feelings for her. I don’t even like humans. They’re always whiny and act entitled. But she makes me feel alive around her. The verbal sparring and physical training only make this stupid attraction worse. Was it them being thrown together in this situation or something more that sparked the interest? Was the Council interfering? I’ll at least do a little investigating and maybe get to know her better.

  Kate broke the connection before he discovered her in his mind. There was nothing she could help him with. They all had personal baggage.

  Weapons training was first. Gregory began with the swords and covered every other sharp weapon in the book. Angie and Kate could now use an ax better than ever before, and not for chopping wood. It was quite disturbing to be training on how to take heads off. It would be worse when they were real.

  It wasn’t maneuvering the sword, but the clashing of the sword against the opponent’s that jolted Kate’s body the most. When Xander called time, Kate breathed a huge sigh of relief and collapsed in the grass. Angie plopped down beside her. Feeling the sun warm her face, Kate could sense energy pulsing around her, and for once accepted its presence and tried to understand it. She began to relax and feel a little better, until they started the martial arts portion and pain took on a whole new meaning.

  Xander and Gregory demonstrated these crazy jump kicks and flips extremely quickly. By the end of the martial arts torture session, s
he’d learned many more take down and disarming techniques than she’d thought possible. Feeling invigorated, she had a better understanding of her own skills. She connected with Angie and found she was exhilarated.

  Covered in sweat and dirt, they all collapsed on the logs they’d set up in front of their tents. Kate wasn’t entirely sure she’d ever be able to move or function in any capacity again. She would have preferred to magically appear and collapse in the sleeping bag, then wake up the next morning. Or the next week would work, too.

  Gregory, the tyrant, would have none of that. If she didn’t know better, she’d think he was punishing her for yesterday’s kick. “Eat up, we still have physical conditioning to do before I leave. I thought we’d take a run by the river and then do push-ups and crunches. I don’t want to risk bringing in a bunch of weights. We’ll use what we’ve got for now.”

  “Don’t work them too hard, Gregory.” Xander was cleaning up their supplies from the morning sessions. Kate noticed that they always kept everything packed and ready to move at a moment’s notice. He was covered in sweat and dirt, but still looked like he could run a marathon. Then with a wave of his hand across his face, he was as clean as if he just stepped out of the shower. Kate locked her jaw; it wasn’t fair. “We want them focused and energized while you’re gone this afternoon.”

  Kate winced. She stretched out her shoulders and tried to stand and extend her legs—both of which were still on fire. “I think adrenaline will take care of that. I imagine we’ll be pretty amped up while Gregory’s gone.” She winced again as she worked more muscles that protested with every movement.


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