Mystic Awakening

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Mystic Awakening Page 19

by J L Lawrence

  As she leaned forward to point at one of the pictures, her hand brushed across his. It caused the same electric, strange consuming feeling. What the hell? He wasn’t sure if he wanted to laugh or cry at the absurdity. It didn’t take any powers to see she felt the same.

  Watching the screen, Xavier sighed. It was time to refocus on their plan for arriving at the portal. The portal that they were using was a permanent portal usually only used for those exiting the Meadows. Only the Council could allow access to enter. Still, they didn’t want Fury or any other demons camping out, to kill anyone that exits. Keeping the portal secret was imperative.

  “The only strong option is using blood. The demons can’t resist the pull. The other options might work, but time would be limited and carry more risk for all of us. Also, that puts everyone in the Meadows at greater risk.” Frustrated, he put his hands through his hair. “But Kate’s not going to like it, and I still have several details to work out first. It requires an intricate spell that I haven’t studied in several decades.”

  “You’re right. Kate will most definitely not like it. You’re wrong about why. It’s not because of the blood, but because it puts you at such a great risk. She’s a real pain when it comes to that sort of thing. And maybe the blood thing a little.”

  They had a plan to get to the Meadows. The time had come. Xavier could feel the excitement in the air and was astounded at the emotions that he hadn’t felt in decades. The next second, Angie surged forward out of her chair and into his arms. She hugged him around the neck. Time froze. They both stopped breathing. A current of emotion swept through them. Xavier held her tightly against him.

  He looked down and met her gaze. It was like two magnets pulling at each other, impossible to escape. His lips touched hers softly, and he felt her quick intake of air. His mind started to malfunction, and all he could think was that he wanted more. As the kiss deepened, and he heard her quiet moan, his emotions started spiraling out of control. His hands started to move down her body, pulling her closer and closer against him. But his mind told him to run.

  He panicked and sent a message to Xander, asking for help. He pulled away, but the air in the verandah had become a sauna. He couldn’t breathe without pulling her scent into his nostrils and setting off another reaction in his body. She was lethal to him.

  He could feel the panic and anxiety taking over him. He refused to fade and give Gregory the satisfaction of him running away from Angie. “Xander, hurry the hell up.” He hoped Xander was paying attention. Right now, he wasn’t sure whether he would fade or kiss her again.

  Doubt and pity were written all over her face, and that stung most of all. Whatever their connection, it would take two to make it work. And he was definitely out for the count. So why did he still have the desire to get to know her? Why couldn’t he let her go and have a chance at a better future?

  “So are you leading the discussion tonight on our decision?” Angie asked, breathing hard. Was she trying to dispel some of the tension? It didn’t exactly alleviate his guilt.

  “No,” he managed to get out. “I’ll pass the information to Xander and answer any questions that arise.”

  * * *

  “How’s it going for our top strategists?” Kate asked, and watched both Xavier and Angie sigh in relief. She and Xander stepped into the verandah.

  “We came up with a couple plans,” Angie replied. “So that’s a start.” She went to stand by her, while Xavier walked over to Xander. Kate could tell they were transferring information.

  “All right,” Xander said. “Go ahead and fill in Zane. We’ll meet to discuss details in two hours.” Immediately, Xavier faded into the shadows.

  Kate put her arms around Angie and Xander. “Let’s go eat. I’m starving, and I’m sure Gregory is chomping at the bit for us to get inside.” She glanced at Angie “We’ll talk about it tonight.” Angie nodded, looking a little better.

  They had a great meal, mostly talking about random, unimportant information. An hour disappeared fast, and it was time to refocus on the battle. Kate was already tired from the long day, but this was necessary. She’d be entering the Meadows soon and permanently accepting a new role in her life.

  Xavier popped in, and they all went into the living room to discuss the new exit strategy. Xander stood to address the group. “Xavier and Angie have devised a plan that will allow us to avoid detection leaving and arriving in the meadows and protect Joseph and Lucia’s home. We will head out in the morning. All of us--including Joseph and Lucia--traveling together. It’s reckless to stay any longer.”

  Kate scrunched up her eyebrows. “How will we be traveling this time?” It’s a real shame that she’d gotten to a point that it was necessary to ask this question. Dragon. Eagle. Car. Motorcycle. Whatever the heck else. Xander hesitated as if asking Xavier if he was sure. This didn’t exactly inspire confidence.

  She didn’t understand what a bit of it meant. Nope, definitely not a good sign. She looked toward Xavier and Angie. “Care to explain the need for all the antics here?” She waved her arms toward everyone’s wide-eyed anxious expressions.

  Angie took a deep breath and came to Kate’s side. “Please stay calm and listen. Trust in me. This is the only way to buy us real time. You asked for more time to figure things out and for me to trust you.” She switched to their personal link. “I’m asking for the same. This is the only way that keeps you safe.” Yep. From bad to worse.

  Crossing her arms she leaned against Xander. He gestured for Xavier to take over. “Fine,” she said. “I’m listening with an open mind. Lay it on me.”

  Xavier took a deep breath and glanced at Angie, who nodded for him to continue. “Traveling isn’t the issue. We will head out on the bikes. The problem is absolutely not being tracked.

  “The best way to protect you and give you time to get to the Meadows is to set up a strong decoy. We don’t want to hide, but to lead them in an opposite direction. This way they are literally moving farther away from you. We are going to give them a trail they can’t refuse.”

  “Okay, doesn’t sound too bad so far. How do we do that?” Kate asked. Her hands constantly moved due to increasing anxiety. She couldn’t stay still.

  “You and I are going to swap essences, so the demons will come after me instead of you. Since they have no interest in me they won’t follow you if you’re surrounded by my essence.”

  “Are you insane?” Gregory yelled, adding his own contempt.

  “I’m sorry, what?” Kate asked, in complete shock. Dammit, did they not do anything normal in their world? “How exactly does that work? I’m not up for an out of body experience or essence of Xavier, no offense.”

  Smiling, Xavier shook his head. She couldn’t help but notice his whole face lit up in those rare moments when he stopped grieving. “We aren’t switching bodies. I have no desire to be a female.” Kate glared at him. “It is actually a rare ritual. Zane has perfected it over time to protect his warriors from being tracked, and also to help other magical beings that are being hunted. It is a personal ritual and does include a blood exchange and energy swap. But the effects only last a few hours.”

  “Bloody hell,” Gregory stormed. “Have you lost your mind? You can’t take the Mystic’s blood. It will kill you when it rejects your body. Then again…”

  Kate glanced at Gregory’s red face and then back at Xavier. “What does he mean you can’t take the Mystic’s blood? How much danger will you be in if we do this?”

  “It is illegal to take the Mystic’s blood and highly dangerous. Except for the Guardian, no one can tolerate the power in the Mystic’s blood. It drives them insane instantly. But you’re not a full Mystic yet, and since Xander and I are twins and share DNA, it will allow me to accept your blood more easily. Zane tested my blood against Xander’s yesterday and believes it will work for a few hours. Then, your essence will break free from me and return to you. In theory anyway.”

  “In theory?” Kate huffed. “This seems a little
dangerous to be saying in theory. I mean, I don’t want to be rude, but can’t we say screw the Council at this point, and you transport us there?”

  “Technically,” Xander said calmly, meeting her eyes. “I could probably bring you into the Meadows without the portal. Transporting and crossing over in the Meadows at the same time might severely damage your human body. But Rowena could probably fix everything, but not Angie’s. If we try it, and Angie is refused entrance into the realm, she wouldn’t survive. The only way to test her entrance safely, is a portal based in this realm. If we tried transporting, your energy would be too depleted to help Angie cross over at the portal, and she would have to stay here.”

  “You have been adamant about not leaving her behind,” Xavier said, taking over again “I listened and want you to have every opportunity to pull Angie through the portal, but ultimately it’s your choice, Kate.”

  Pushing her shoulders back, Kate whipped her hair and stepped toward him. “I will not leave her behind. She’s a part of all this somehow. Maybe it’s because of me, but I know she has to cross. I don’t want to have this discussion again. So, back to your theory, Xavier.”

  “We need a lot more than a freaking theory for me to agree to put your life at risk.” Xander finally spoke, with his voice full of agitation. “I’ll do it. I’ll perform the ritual and the demons can follow me. That’s safer. Her blood won’t hurt me. It will protect me.”

  “Absolutely not!” Xavier’s adamant and forceful voice took them all aback. “You are essential to guarding the Mystic and must maintain your energy. I’m not.”

  Kate couldn’t pinpoint the issue, but there was definitely something she was missing. Why would he mention Xander’s energy levels?

  “There is something that the two of you are not telling me. What is it?” She looked back and forth to each of them. Xavier wanted to say something but Xander clammed up and brushed her off.

  “It’s nothing. You don’t need to worry.” He was pushing her question aside, hoping she would let it go.

  She didn’t. “Why are energy levels so important in this? All of you have been able to recharge. Why would it matter now?”

  “None of us recharge easily in this realm. The longer we stay and the more power we use, the harder our energy is to restore. Once we get through the portal, everything will be fine. Leave it alone for now.” Xander had the nerve to look irritated at her.

  “So it’s my fault, we haven’t gotten to this portal?” She took a step towards him. How dare he act like her concerns were trivial!


  Xavier held up his hand to Xander and Kate as they started to argue. “This is the way it must be. She will need her trust in you to be ready. Don’t think that I haven’t studied this from every angle.” Xavier sat down. His face had become pale, and Kate could feel his struggle to stay in the room.

  “Gregory and I will take you on our bikes that have been sort of supercharged,” Xander said. He’d returned to her original question. “Joseph will set up a shield, and we will hide under it for a good distance away from the house. It’s a couple hundred miles. We will use our human forms, but move a little more rapidly. Joseph and Lucia will travel to an alternate destination, and we will combine our powers to create an untraceable shield. The shield still creates a void that can be found by some assassin demons, but it will give us enough time. Fury will be the hardest to fool.”

  Kate took a deep breath, sorting through all the information. “And if not? How do we make a run for it? That’s not a short distance. You said the portal is in Northern Montana.”

  This time Xavier stood and took center stage. “That’s the tricky part if we are to carry off this illusion.” Despite his obvious discomfort, his voice still sounded authoritative and confident. “Please know I’m weighing all the options carefully. I will not choose a path that does not guarantee a successful decoy.”

  Gregory coughed, and Xavier and Xander both glared at him. He held his hands up in mock surrender. “Continue.”

  Rolling his eyes, Xavier looked back at Kate. “Angie will be helping me as well, so you know the plan will be foolproof.” Xavier raised an eyebrow, as if waiting for Gregory to challenge him again.

  Xander cleared his throat so Xavier continued. “The only question will be how much time there is to spare, so we have to get you there rapidly. I talked it over with Zane at length, and he is willing to help.”

  “Assuming I trust a man that I’ve never met, who’s asking me to place my life in his hands when we have a traitor on the loose!” Kate was tired and frustrated and wanted to be surrounded by her team again. People she trusted beyond a shadow of doubt.

  Instead, she was in a room full of people, and most she didn’t completely trust. Kate felt Xander’s pinprick of pain, as he picked up on her feelings. But this was too much.

  Now Gregory stood and began pacing. “I agree with Kate.”

  “Of course you do,” Xavier cracked dryly.

  “I don’t trust the Shadow Warriors.” He held up his hand when Xander started to object. “I know you trust Zane, and he does seem like a good guy. But we have to remember that they can no longer enter this realm because of their hatred for humans. I don’t trust it, and I don’t want Angie doing it.”

  “Angie chose for herself. She doesn’t need you telling her what to do,” Xavier snarled.

  Before Gregory could respond, Kate jumped to her feet and held up her hands. “All right!” she yelled. “This is getting us nowhere.” Once she had everyone’s attention, she did what she did best. Using her mind, she assessed all the information and knew that this was probably the only way, or Angie would have never agreed to it.

  She connected to Angie. “What do you think? Is there another way?”

  “I don’t think so, and we won’t survive it without Zane’s help. We will need the Shadow Warriors help with the battle, too. I feel it inside you. This is a good time to start building trust.”

  “Why is it always our lives on the line when it’s time to build trust?”

  “Stop being a baby and be the leader,” Angie snapped. “Use your powers you have used for years. No one can sort the truth out like you. Have you forgotten who you are? You better remember quickly, or you’ll get us both killed.” Angie disconnected, allowing Kate to concentrate.

  Kate swallowed her guilt and frustration. She closed her eyes and studied each person in the room. Angie, she knew by heart, even if she was a little peeved at her for the moment. Gregory was divided between Xander and Xavier and between his feelings for Angie. Xavier was broken, trying to hang onto sanity and rebuild his soul. The pain radiating from him was more than she could stand, so she broke it off quickly.

  Xander was rock steady in his determination and feelings for her. She didn’t push that door too far for the moment, not wanting to become distracted. Even Joseph and Lucia appeared to have honest intentions and allegiance to her. She would have to trust her gut. It was time to meet the man himself.

  Chapter 13

  Kate looked up at Xavier. “Can you open the portal? Will he let me connect to him–briefly?”

  “I’ll go ask.” Xavier faded into the shadows. It was a matter of seconds when Kate felt a pop in energy and saw the air literally shimmering in one spot of the room. She walked toward it and finally realized it was a portal. Xavier stepped through. “I can’t hold it for long. He’s on the other side. I will be able to hear everything because I am maintaining the link.”

  Stepping directly in front of the portal, she saw the man she’d seen the night of their battle with the demons. His appearance was blurred, but she could still see that he was handsome and absolutely huge.

  Using her mind, she reached out to him. “I want to trust you, but I’m hesitant.”

  A deep laughter filled her mind. “I don’t blame you. That’s smart. Our reputation is not the best. All I have is words. My race needs you to survive. I firmly believe that. All the Seers I have contacted say the new M
ystic holds the key and that there is hope. I would do anything within my power for your safety.” His expression, while hazy, held honesty.

  “I believe you.” She stared intently into his strange golden eyes. He was full of sorrow and badly wanted to rectify his father’s grievous mistakes. Above all she could feel his belief in her and his hope that she could save his realm and warriors. “I’ll help you in any way I’m able, if you give me the time to learn.”

  “Thank you, my lady. By the way, I’m Zane.” He gave a graceful bow.

  “And I’m Kate.”

  Before the connection broke, he threw one last thought in her mind. Later she realized it was because he’d been avoiding Xavier. This message had been for her alone. “Kate, you need to know that Rowena is hiding something. I do not think she is the traitor. As I begin to study everyone more closely, I can see turmoil within her. You must find out what she is hiding if you are going to be successful. Keep this between us and good luck.”

  The portal closed before she could ask any questions.

  What the hell? Could she trust anyone?

  She turned around to find Xander handing Xavier a tissue to help stop the blood pouring out of his nose. She ran to him and placed her hand on his shoulder. “I’m so sorry, Xavier. I shouldn’t have asked you to do it.”

  Xavier smirked, but his eyes were laughing. “Yes, you should have. It’s only a nasty side effect. What did you decide?”

  She knew he already had an idea of what her decision would be. It was time to start setting her own alliances and allowing what trust she could find to come first. The traitor would reveal itself in time and would be dealt with then.


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