The Apocalypse Script

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The Apocalypse Script Page 54

by Samuel Fort

Glossary of Terms used in the Apocalypse Script

  (Warning – contains spoilers)

  Agati [uh-got’-ee]: Modern version of Akkadian, but influenced heavily by Greek, Latin, English, Spanish, Chinese, and various ancient languages. Bears little similarity to the ancient language of Akkadian. One feature of the language is that there are no plural forms of words. Plurality is conveyed by the context of the sentence.

  Annasa [uh-nah’-suh]: Queen

  Anax [ae’-noks]: King

  Ardoon [ar’-doon]: Anyone who is not a member of the Nisirtu. In Agati, the term means “slave.”

  Asatu [uh-sah’-too]: Wife

  The Code: The modern day version of the Code of Hammurabi. The body of all laws that govern the Nisirtu.

  Consort: An official mistress to a king.

  Cuneiform Nouveau: Modern version of cuneiform often referred to as simply cuneiform or nouveau by Nisirtu.

  Channel: Monumental, traumatic events in world history designed to make the population malleable and that ensure the success of required scripts.

  Fetch: An Ardoon personal servant and assistant to a member of the Nisirtu, responsible for ensuring his or her master is provided anything requested.

  Family: A royal family and its subjects, to include a sizeable percentage of the human population. Synonymous with “kingdom” and “House” within Nisirtu parlance.

  House: A royal family and its subjects, to include a sizable percentage of the human population. Synonymous with “kingdom” and “Family” within Nisirtu parlance.

  Kingdom: A royal family and its subjects, to include a sizeable percentage of the human population. Synonymous with “House” and “Family” within Nisirtu parlance.

  Empyrean Glossa: The universal language, aka, “The Language of the Heavens” or “The Angelic Tongue.” The “primal” language of all sentient beings.

  Legion: Within the Peth-Allati, a force consisting of 1,000 Peth warriors commanded by a Praetor. Each Peth Lord has at his disposal 5 legions.

  Lord of the Peth-Allati: Within a kingdom, the highest-ranking officer of the Peth-Allati.

  Madihee: Nomadic couriers operating 5,000+ years ago in the vicinity of modern-day Iraq, Syria, and Iran.

  Maqtu [mok’-too]: Rebel. A member of the three kingdoms that rebelled against the other seven when the decision was made to end civilization.

  Mutu [moo’-too]: Husband.

  Nisirtu [ni-sur'-too]: The Hidden Ones, or Secret Treasure. The society that has controlled the world for 5,000 years. Descendents of the Madihee

  Nocte Sicarius [nok’-tay sick-air'-ee-us]: Night Assassin. A specialized Peth-Allati.

  Peth-Allati [peth-uh-lot’-ee]: Literally, “Shadow Horseman.” In modern usage, any member of the Nisirtu warrior class, or group of members. Often referred to as merely “Peth.”

  Praetor [pree’-tor]: Commander of a single legion who reports to a Lord of the Peth-Allati.

  Sage: A scribe of the highest rank.

  Scenario: A collection of scripts interconnected to achieve a single purpose. Often simply referred to as a script, that is not technically correct.

  Scribe: An intellectual charged with writing the scripts, scenarios, channels, etc., that guide humanity. The scripts of scribes are directed by their respective regents.

  Scribes are typically addressed as “Scriptus.”

  Script: A blueprint for a future world event at its most elemental level.

  Scriptus: Formal title of a scribe.

  Sereti: A female Nisirtu groomed from birth to serve as Asatu or Serretu to a nobleman, with expertise in court protocols, ceremonies, oversight of fetches, and other high level domestic duties.

  Serretu: Wife, but of lower stature/rank than the Asatu.

  The Seven: The seven dominant kingdoms of the Nisirtu. At war with the Maqtu.

  Supreme Lord of the Peth-Allati: Senior Peth of the Nisirtu and Commander of all Peth Lords.

  Ziggurat: Regional conferences of Nisirtu nobles. Locations vary each lunar month.


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