Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 28

by Amy Proebstel

  Amanda took the medication readily enough, but she had questions for Dr. Medin. Something was different about this session…she remembered.

  Inside Ascension

  Book Two


  The Levels of Ascension


  ELEMENTAL ENERGY, ALSO known as elemy, is a part of life for all Tualans. Each person is raised with the knowledge of its existence and its conveniences; therefore, it is not really thought about in the mainstream consciousness.

  Crystals are attuned to the elemy and allow a greater focus to be achieved through them. Because of this harmonization the proper assignment of crystal color is important for each citizen. The hue of the crystal directly corresponds with the abilities of the wearer as well as the amount of protection needed. The darker the crystal, the more security will be needed for the wearer. The lighter the crystal, the quicker the wearer is to access the elemy for healing.

  Garnet represents constancy, loyalty, friendship, and trust. The pigmentation can range from fiery orange to rich green.

  Amethyst signifies sincerity, peace, protection from drunkenness, and a balanced mindset. Coloration of the amethyst ranges from a spectacular purple, deep violet, red, and a lighter lilac hue.

  Aquamarine embodies courage, health, youth, and hope. This stone’s shade ranges from pale to deep blue.

  Diamond characterizes innocence, love, and healing. Diamonds range in color from white, yellow, blue, pink, and black.

  Emerald only comes in rich green and epitomizes happiness, fertility, rebirth, and love.

  Alexandrite denotes balance and joy. Alexandrite is unique because it changes from bright green, red, purple, and brown depending on the light.

  Ruby comes in various shades of red and symbolizes nobility, beauty, love, health, wisdom, and good fortune.

  Peridot exists only in lime green and signifies felicity, and protection. It instills power and influence, as well as protection against nightmares.

  Sapphire characterizes wisdom, calmness, loyalty, trust, and protection from harm. They range from rich blue to pink, yellow, or green.

  Tourmaline and Opal both signify balance and endurance. Tourmaline is available in a rainbow of beautiful colors. Opal crystals all have an iridescent quality.

  Citrine and Topaz both embody friendship, strength, and healing. While Citrine comes in shades of yellow, Topaz can be a rich orange, blue, pink, and yellow.

  Zircon, Tanzanite and Turquoise all denote wisdom and wealth. Each of these crystals carries a unique blue tone.

  With these crystal qualities known, looking into a child’s future during a crystal ceremony can help to ascertain the correct color assignment. Both hue and tone are important because of the amount of elemy required to protect the citizens during their lives. It must also be said that it is important to take note of the temperament of the person while assigning the color. If people are deemed to be radical, then they must not be allowed to achieve their maximum potential if the power will be to the detriment of the greater good of society.

  Excerpt from the Supplemental Teaching Guide

  Chapter One

  AMANDA DID NOT know where to start. Everyone in the room sat in stunned silence at her announcement of the birth of the twins. All at once, the full meaning hit everyone, and they spoke at the same time demanding answers. Finally, unable to hear anyone through the commotion, Amanda raised her hands in surrender, hissing as the sudden motion jarred her broken arm, and yelled, “Stop! Give me a second and I’ll tell you everything I remember.”

  Her parents were the first to stop talking while Nealand continued to sputter and demand answers. Her experiences in Tuala had changed Amanda more than she knew and she now looked on Nealand in a new light. What she had once thought of as classical features now just looked ordinary. The eyes she used to love gazing into appeared beady and too close together.

  She started to wonder what she had ever seen in this man who would not shut up. If he really cared about me, he would’ve hugged me at first sight. He would’ve been happy with the announcement of his daughters and then demanded to lead the charge to get them back.

  “First, Neal,” Amanda began by pointedly staring at Nealand to make him stay quiet while she spoke, “I was rescued by a merchant trader who then held me captive for five weeks before I jumped overboard and escaped. I got a job at the Port of Cresdon where I happened to meet my Aunt Barbara, who goes by the name of Barla there. Aunt Barbara and her husband, Captain Ahn, sent me to a safe house in the City of Kirma. It was in Kirma where I found out I was three months pregnant with your children.”

  “But I don’t remember us ever doing anything,” Nealand sputtered.

  “Well, explain this…Petre found me naked. Why would I be naked unless we did something?” She awkwardly folded her casted arm with the other arm and waited for him to deny it again. “Do the math, Nealand, you and I were alone on your yacht from June seventeenth through the twenty-fifth. I gave birth to Juila and Jena on February twenty-second. That’s just over thirty-five weeks, Nealand. That’s considered full-term for twins and they weren’t even that small when they were born.”

  “But we didn’t have sex,” Nealand insisted.

  “Whatever, Nealand! You don’t have to worry about claiming your own daughters; they aren’t even on Earth right now. If I can’t figure out a way to get back to Tuala, you won’t ever have to set eyes on them.” She paused to let that sink into Nealand’s brain.

  She saw him starting to form a rebuttal and decided she did not want to hear it. She preempted his next comment by announcing, “You know what? Everything in our lives has changed. We are too different from one another. I think now that you know I’m alive and well, you can just go back to your new girlfriend and have your own life without me in it anymore! Just leave, Nealand.”

  All the vitality seemed to drain out of Amanda, and she wilted dejectedly into the chair behind her where she had been standing. Her chin came to rest on her chest. Just as her hands dropped into her lap, she saw the sparkle of her diamond engagement ring just beyond the edge of her cast. Tears welled up in her eyes, both from jarring her arm yet again as well as the lost future with the former love of her life.

  At that moment she was glad the cascade of her long hair hid her tears from Nealand. She did not want to deal with Nealand trying to be nice to her on the account that she was alive, and he did not have to feel guilty about causing her death. He could leave with a clean conscience and forget about her and her children that he obviously did not want anyway!

  Concerned to see his daughter so upset after all of her injuries, Chris stood up and gestured for Nealand to stand up, and said, “Come on, Nealand. Amanda’s a little too upset right now. I think it’d be for the best if you left now.”

  All too eager to leave behind Amanda and her outrageous story, he stood up, delivered one last disgusted look toward Amanda, and then followed Chris to the front door. He stopped on the threshold, turned toward Chris, and spoke in a confidential whisper, “I don’t know what really happened to Amanda, but I can assure you, if she really did have any children, they aren’t mine.

  “My parents can get you the name of a good psychiatrist to help get her back on her feet. She’s obviously very confused. How does she expect us to believe she was on a different planet where she happened to run into her dead aunt? It’s all a crazy fantasy, Chris!”

  “I seem to recall you being a bit confused when you were rescued, Nealand. I, for one, choose to believe my own daughter. Thanks for stopping by. If you do plan on coming over again, please be sure to call first,” Chris finished coldly as he shut the door on Nealand’s incredulous expression. He swiftly returned to the living room to continue hearing his daughter’s accounting of her journey.

  “Tell us everything you remember,” Diane began when her husband was once again seated next to her on the couch facing their now-composed daughter.

  “Well, you read the letter Barla…I mean
Aunt Barbara…wrote. That was the outline of my adventures, but there were some amazing things that Aunt Barbara took for granted since she had been there for so long. The first weird thing I noticed was that Petre didn’t have to steer his boat with any controls. He did it with his mind!

  “I found out later that not everyone there can do it, but the ones that can’t are definitely the minority.” She paused to let this new information sink in and watched her father’s expression since he was the technology buff of the family.

  “That’s pretty amazing!” He said after a moment. “What else was different?”

  “Well, let’s see,” she said as she paused to think. She tapped the tip of her index finger on her pursed lips as she tried to organize the overload of thoughts flashing through her mind. “The food was amazing. Most people there can prepare it using their minds as well. Aunt Barbara obviously couldn't do it because she's not from there, but nearly everyone else does it that way. As long as they have the food in their possession, they are able to create a dish by thinking of the ingredients and how they should be assembled. Within an instant, the meal can be prepared and cooked!

  “Aunt Barbara had me try lots of different things, and she told me it tasted so much better because they use aquaponics to grow their food. She said that in aquaponics they raise fish in a huge tank and use the fish water to circulate through troughs to provide nutrients for their floating produce. The plant roots purify the water which is then returned to the fish tank to continue the cycle.

  “They eat meat from an animal called a foxl for almost every meal of the day. Aunt Barbara showed me a picture of it and it looked like a cross between a cow and a sheep. The meat was really tasty, too.

  “They have horses just like here. I got to ride on one, which I fell off of when I was bitten by a beetlesnatch. I broke my wrist really badly when I landed. I found out later that Bryon saved my hand by counteracting the beetlesnatch venom as swiftly as he did.”

  Diane gasped at the thought of her daughter’s injuries and almost permanent maiming.

  “Relax, Mom, everything turned out okay. It was actually because of my injuries that I found out I was pregnant. You see Bryon took me to be healed by a wise-woman before he teleported me to his house where his wife looked over the after-care of my injuries. Oh, that’s another thing; the healers use the ley lines and crystals to assist with their talents to treat their patients.

  “Alena, Bryon’s wife, is a very talented healer who took care of my delivery. She actually went away to become a wise-woman while I took care of her three children. A wise-woman is the equivalent to a doctor here, except their healing works faster on Tuala than here on Earth.” Amanda held up her casted arm and said, “Alena could have had these breaks healed in a matter of hours instead of the weeks it will take here on Earth.”

  “Wait,” Diane interrupted, “Alena knew you were pregnant but still left you to take care of her kids while she became a doctor?”

  “Wise-woman,” Amanda automatically corrected her mom, then continued, “Yes, but it was my idea. I had to repay them somehow for taking me in and keeping me safe. Besides, Alena came home the same night I delivered the twins, so she didn’t miss anything important.”

  “Her timing was a bit too close, don’t you think?” Diane insisted, shuddering with the thought of how close her daughter came to delivering her twins all by herself.

  “I was glad to have her there. As big as I was getting, I was afraid Bryon would have to deliver the baby without Alena’s help at all! None of us knew I was going to have twins until the second baby was being delivered. At that point, it was obvious why I was so fat.” Amanda chuckled at the thought.

  “Good grief, Amanda, are you saying that not only did you not have any prenatal care, but you also delivered those babies at Bryon and Alena’s house?” Diane gasped as she realized what her daughter was saying.

  “Yes, it’s perfectly normal there. There’s no such thing as prenatal care because their food is so nutrient-dense that their bodies get sufficient vitamins and minerals for their babies without supplements like here. They don’t even have hospitals as far as I discovered.”

  “What else do you remember that your Aunt Barbara didn’t write about?” Chris prompted to keep his daughter talking.

  “Let’s see. The day after my girls were born, Alena performed their crystal ceremony. Oh, Mom, you’ll like this; the children wear the crystals until they’re eighteen, and the parents are able to watch and hear what their children are doing through the crystals.

  “The best part is, the children never know about it because it is a closely guarded secret among the parents. Can you imagine if you had been able to watch my two sisters and me as we were getting into trouble? That might’ve saved you a few sleepless nights!”

  The three of them laughed together as they all considered the possibilities this technology would have for the parents on Earth. Chris was the first one to ask the next question, “Do you think you could look in on Juila and Jena right now?”

  “I don’t know,” Amanda said seriously. She sat back and closed her eyes; concentrating on the lessons she had learned from Alena on the technique to use the crystals. She had not had much practice with this art before she was swept away in the mudslide and brought back to Earth.

  Amanda strained her thoughts trying to piece together the connection she had felt so easily when she was on Tuala. Minutes went by, and sweat started to bead on Amanda’s forehead before she had to admit defeat. “Nothing,” she said with disappointment quite evident in her voice.

  “Hey, Amanda, don’t get discouraged. Maybe you’re too weak right now. Let’s try it again in a couple of days, okay? You had said the healers used ley lines to help facilitate healing, maybe we could find some here to help you communicate with your daughters!” Her dad said excitedly as he started thinking about how he would gather that information to help his daughter. Then to take her mind off of the communication failure, he prompted, “What else do you remember?”

  “The children are changed when they receive their birth crystal. The massive amount of elemental energy, shortened to ‘elemy,’ which surrounds the crystal around their neck matures them more rapidly. Their motor skills are enhanced as well as their abilities to think, reason, and speak.

  “I had noticed that the children, while being quite young, were very articulate and coordinated. While I haven’t had that much experience with kids, I was more than aware kids shouldn’t be able to be that helpful at three and four years old.

  “It was really strange but also encouraging to see. You never knew what would come out of their mouth since they are so much more aware of their surroundings than we’re used to here at home. It’s almost like they are little geniuses, but they still need nap time!”

  Chris noticed that Diane was interested in this new line of conversation, but he still had questions about the technical aspects of these Tualans. To steer the conversation back to his interests he said, “You mentioned something about being teleported. Is the meaning of that the same there as it is here?”

  “Oh, Dad, you’d be astounded by that technology. It’s amazing! Families can own their own small telepod, and they use giant telepods instead of airplanes as well. As I understood it, they are powered by a crystal drive and controlled, again, by the mind power of the operator. One moment you’re sitting in the telepod at one location, then three heartbeats later, in utter emptiness, you appear out of thin air at your destination. It wouldn’t matter if it were ten feet or ten miles, it’d take the same amount of elemy and time to get there.

  “They even have telepod races like the drag races we have here. Bryon took me to a show when one came close to town. They don’t use the teleporting in the races, just the raw power of the crystal drive to race to the finish line. It was very exciting,” she finished with a huge smile on her face as she remembered the rush of the event as well as the famous racer named Riccan. She definitely would not mind meeting him again!
  “What did the telepods look like?” Chris asked with interest.

  “They kind of reminded me of a UFO,” she replied as she thought back on her first impression of them. “They were almost all silver in color with windows all around the front. They had a side door which you walked through to get to the pair of seats at the front. I was only ever in a two-seater model, but Barla said they had family versions. I can only guess those would have more seats, as well as the larger airline versions.”

  “Hmm, I wonder,” Chris mused as he suddenly jumped up from his seat and left the room.

  Amanda and Diane looked at each other, startled that Chris had left so abruptly. “Don’t ask me,” Diane said with raised hands. While they waited for his return, Amanda took a drink of water from the cup on the coffee table in front of her. She carefully set the cup down and sat back in her chair.

  She closed her eyes and tried to gather together as many memories as she could muster to share with her parents. Amanda was relieved her parents were taking all of this information so well as it could have gone the other way just as easily.

  A few minutes later, Chris returned to the room carrying a large encyclopedia. He was flipping through the pages and muttering to himself. He settled himself down next to Amanda on the loveseat as he still feverishly turned the pages until he got to the one he had remembered seeing.

  “Aha,” he exclaimed, startling both women in the room. “Take a look at this picture and let me know if it reminds you of the telepods,” he said as he passed the book onto Amanda’s lap.

  Amanda looked down, and her eyes got wide as she looked at an exact replica of Bryon’s telepod. “That’s it,” she exclaimed, “that’s the telepod!”

  Diane rushed over to take a look as well. She noted that the article next to the picture read: ‘July 7, 1947; RAAF Captures Flying Saucer on Ranch in Roswell Region.’ “What are you thinking, Chris?” Diane asked with growing excitement.


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