Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 53

by Amy Proebstel

  With the bag of money from Elder Debbon, Petre could take his time selling the stolen cargo. He could stay out at sea for an extended period of time courtesy of Elder Debbon’s voucher in resupplying his craft. For the first time in his life, Petre felt the freedom from all monetary worries. He enjoyed the shifting of the waves below him as he swiftly sailed away from the islet and out into the open water of the expansive sea.


  Elder Debbon proudly offered Jena over to his wife. Debbon was delighted with the smile on her face as she felt the crackling energy when she took Jena into her arms. “Is there anything we can do to dampen her abilities? It’s quite distracting,” she said with a huge grin as she lovingly touched Jena’s blonde curls.

  “I can teach her to hold it in,” Debbon replied excitedly. “She’s a fast learner!”

  “Do we have to wait the three days before we can perform her ceremony to switch her crystal from Petre to us?”

  “I think it would be wise to wait. We don’t want to have Petre come back with accusations of exclusion should he make an appearance within the three-day visitation clause.”

  Chelesa pursed her lips thoughtfully and then decided to let the conversation drop. She did not want to put any thought out into the universe which might encourage Petre to read the document more closely and show up at their home. As she looked down at Jena, she decided right then and there that no matter what happened with Petre she was going to love this wonderfully powerful little girl. She had total faith that her husband could teach Jena all the skills necessary to harness her massive talent through her black crystal.

  “Do you think she will receive a new crystal color at the ceremony now that she isn’t being raised by Petre?” Chelesa was hopeful that Jena’s life troubles were now at an end.

  “It’s possible. We’ll just have to wait and see,” Debbon replied. He sniffed the air and asked, “Is that dinner I smell?”

  “Yes, let’s go sit down and enjoy our family meal.” Chelesa turned around and preceded Debbon into the dining room. She handed Jena to a waiting nursemaid and watched while Jena was settled into a highchair positioned next to her own spot at the table. Chelesa sat down and with a contented smile at her now-expanded family, she said, “I’ve prepared all of your favorite dishes. Thank you, Debbon, for our new first-daughter.”

  Debbon smiled at Chelesa, Willian, and Jena as he, too, sat at the table. He wondered if Willian realized that the little girl seated across from him was to be his betrothed. Debbon watched as Willian stared at Jena and then glanced at his mother trying to figure out how they suddenly had a new baby in the house. Finally, he addressed his son by saying, “Jena is your betrothed, Willian. She will be living with us forever, and when you both grow up, you two will be just as happy together as your mother and I have been. Isn’t that exciting?”

  “I guess,” he replied, “Can we eat now?”

  Chelesa and Debbon both laughed. The awkward moment had passed. Dinner was served, and they all ate in silence while staring at the newest addition to the family as the nursemaid spooned strained carrots into Jena’s mouth.

  Chapter Twenty-One

  BRYON ENDED THE connection on the patil and sighed in frustration. He had hoped for better news regarding the personal telepod being discovered. When Frasnia had excitedly told them that she had located the vehicle, Bryon had immediately contacted the authorities to investigate.

  Even with the investigation completed, the outcome had not resulted in Jena being returned to them imminently. On the contrary, they had to search for Jena by other means now that both telepods had been recovered and returned to Kirma Shipping and Receiving.

  Getting up from his desk, Bryon composed himself to let both Alena and Amanda know what had been revealed. He ambled as his mind whirled with different scenarios of how this conversation would turn out. In any event, Jena was not coming home again tonight, that was evident.

  Alena looked up in anticipation as she saw Bryon come out of his office. “What did the authorities discover? Are they bringing Jena home?” With the crestfallen expression on her husband’s face, she knew the answer was not going to be good.

  “I’m afraid not,” he replied slowly. He turned to look at Amanda as he continued, “The authorities investigated the site where the personal telepod was discovered. There is some good news, however. They found evidence of Jena having been at that location. Apparently, while Petre was walking back and forth from the telepod to his personal water craft, he set Jena down on the ground. They found hand and knee prints from her crawling in the sandy soil. Unfortunately, that was all they discovered.

  “Now they are launching a search for his water craft. We have to assume that he is still using the same one where you were held captive, Amanda. Eventually, he will have to dock at some port for supplies. When that happens all of the port officials will be notified to contact the authorities immediately. Petre will be detained until he can be questioned and his water craft searched. We will get Jena back, I just don’t know how soon it will be.”

  Amanda was hanging on every word. She tried to keep herself hopeful, but she had been on that vessel with Petre, and she was concerned for Jena’s safety out on the ocean. Now that she was crawling, what was to keep her from falling over the edge of the craft and drowning in the sea? She realized she was starting to think like her own mother and decided it was definitely not helping.

  Alena asked, “How long will it take for the local authorities to notify all of the port masters?”

  “They told me it would be done before the end of the day. I’m sure with all of the shady dealings Petre has had with most of the port masters they will be more than ready to repay Petre by turning him in.

  “Meanwhile, the local officials instructed us to continue monitoring Jena’s birth crystal to see if we can get any more clues as to her whereabouts. When was the last check-in? Whose turn is it now?” He looked from Amanda to Alena questioningly. He wanted them to feel as though something was being done to locate Jena.

  Alena sighed with disappointment as she thought about Jena being alone with Petre for the past four days. Each day was worse than the one before as all of their leads turned into nothing but one dead end after another. Even though it was hard, she wanted to keep positive thoughts with the process and said, “It’s Amanda’s turn.”


  Elder Debbon was not going to question how he could be so lucky that the third day since Jena’s betrothal had come and gone without Petre making an appearance at their estate. He had not realized how much of a strain his whole family had been under during the waiting interval. Readjusting the ceremonial supplies next to him Debbon looked up as his wife entered the room holding a freshly bathed Jena in her arms.

  Debbon could not contain the smile which spread from his mouth to his eyes at how happy his wife looked while carrying Jena. Even though it was unorthodox for him to perform this ceremony himself, he felt that Jena’s powerful aura would be best served with his own touch. He waited until his wife and son were both seated on the floor in front of him before he began the betrothal ceremony.

  “We have gathered here today to mark the special bond between our son, Willian, and his newly betrothed, Jena. As their parents, we have an obligation to demonstrate the importance of a loving relationship and to teach both our son and our first-daughter to respect one another unconditionally. Each union blessed in this manner is to be held in the highest regard.

  “Chelesa, as their mother, do you promise to watch over both of these children and teach them to the best of your ability the rewards of a loving relationship?”

  “I will.”

  “And I, as their father, do promise to guide both of these children throughout their lives into becoming productive citizens of our world. I also have the responsibility as an Elder and representative of Jehoban to teach them to use their skills in a manner which will benefit society and make us proud to call them our son and first-daughter. I
understand the task of teaching them in the ways of Jehoban will become my first priority so they will know the importance of following His ways. As the two of them mature I will make sure they understand the position they hold in society and will prepare Willian to also become an Elder when he is ready. I am equipped to undertake these tasks with love and devotion.”

  Debbon reached down and mixed several ingredients into a bowl and added a few dollops of liquid to make a paste. He used his finger to stir the contents until it was thoroughly blended. With the green paste on his finger, he drew a line across Willian’s forehead and then Jena’s. He dipped his finger again into the bowl and then drew a circle on the backs of both of the children’s hands.

  He set aside the bowl and wiped his finger on a small towel. Next, he opened his ceremonial box and pulled out two small rings with a clear diamond set flush into each one. He placed first one ring on the middle finger of Willian’s right hand and then guided Chelesa to place the other ring on the middle finger of Jena’s left hand. “These rings symbolize the everlasting bond between them. If at this time, a new birth crystal should be required for either Jena or Willian I would ask that it be made clear that this is the wish of Jehoban.”

  Debbon only had to wait a moment for his answer. The lid to his ceremonial box suddenly dropped shut. Everyone jumped at the sudden noise in the quiet room. Debbon smiled and said, “I guess we have our answer. Their crystals shall remain unchanged.” He kept his expression light even though he was speculating if it were his imagination that he thought he saw an ominous shadow behind his box just before it slammed shut. It had only been there for a split second, but he knew he should perform a blessing ceremony on their house once everyone went home.

  “By the power vested in me by the name of Jehoban, I declare these two children to be bonded for life. I also declare that since Petre has enacted the abandonment clause by not visiting Jena within the last three days, and in the absence of any other parental guidance for Jena, she is now in the sole care of myself and my wife, Chelesa.

  “I have marked Jena’s forehead to be able to divine the thoughts and intents of this being. I have marked each of Jena’s hands to be able to divine the actions for which she will be responsible in her lifetime. Chelesa, rest your hand over Jena’s crystal and say, Saya memberikan ini untuk Anda dengan cinta.”

  Chelesa smiled because she knew the phrase said, I give this to you with love. She was not the original giver of the crystal necklace of protection, but she would gladly assume the motherly duty for her first-daughter. Chelesa spoke the required phrase and then watched as Debbon took a warm, wet cloth and cleaned the green liquid from Jena’s forehead and hands. He rinsed the cloth in another bowl of fresh water. Debbon removed the fabric, picked up the cup and gave it to Chelesa. She did not hesitate to take the cup from her husband’s hands.

  “I give you this water to drink. By the drinking of the liquid which contains your first-daughter’s essence, you will seal the bond between your life and Jena’s.”

  Having participated in this ceremony once before for her son, Chelesa brought the liquid to her mouth and drank it down hastily. While she had been expecting a minty taste to the drink, she was surprised to find it quite bitter instead. She suppressed a shiver of distaste and handed the empty cup back to her husband. Chelesa was going to ask Debbon about the strange taste after the ceremony.

  Debbon then spoke to everyone in the room, “With this child, Jena, safe and protected from harm, we can all celebrate.” There was an eruption of applause from the house staff who had attended this sacred occasion. Debbon reached over and smoothed the blonde curls away from Jena’s cheek and smiled at his beautiful wife who was holding the child tenderly.

  As Chelesa and Debbon stood at the front of the room waiting for the compliments from each of the spectators of the ceremony, she turned to her husband and said, “I can’t believe she’s really ours!” Chelesa turned Jena forward as the first guest from the crowd came forward and kissed Jena’s forehead in a welcoming to the family. Chelesa smiled at each person and graciously accepted their congratulations for their first-daughter.

  Debbon smiled at everyone but inside he was concerned about the fact that Jena’s crystal assignment had not changed with her new life. He knew that a dark crystal color denoted a hard life for the wearer. Thinking about this caused a twinge of concern for his son and wife, wondering if Jena’s adoption into their family would somehow bring about danger or sorrow. As there was nothing he could do about it now, he decided he would have to set extra wards of protection around Jena and then hope for the best.


  Petre was in his element in the middle of the open ocean. He enjoyed every aspect of the smells of the water, breezes caressing his skin, and the uncertain sway of his water craft as it shifted with the gentle waves. Never had he enjoyed doing nothing all day more than he did now. Not only did he have a pile of money sitting on his table in the cabin, but he also had enough supplies stored on his vessel to allow him the luxury of sitting idle for more than two anons.

  It had been three days since he had signed the betrothal paperwork with Elder Debbon. Only a couple of times during those several days had Petre felt even a twinge of regret for not spending more time with Jena. Each time he had one of those thoughts he comforted himself with the idea of showing up at Elder Debbon’s private estate and being greeted warmly while several maids presented Jena to him for his inspection. Never again would he be defecated on or have to worry about Jena getting into something which would cause her harm.

  Petre went inside his cabin and sat down at the only table in the room. He picked up the betrothal agreement and decided to look to see when he would be able to visit with his new extended family since Elder Debbon had explicitly said he was not allowed to see Jena for the first twenty-four hours.

  The light was not very good in the cabin as the sun was starting to set so Petre got up and retrieved a candle from the cupboard. He lit it with a thought and resumed his seat with the paperwork in hand. As he had before, he skimmed through the document. This time, he was specifically looking for any timelines for visitation. Suddenly his eyes caught the phrase abandonment clause, and he slowed down to read the passage which was tucked in the middle of a particularly dull paragraph on daily care.

  Should the birth parent be unable or unwilling to visit with the child after the first twenty-four hours have elapsed, but before the expiration of seventy-two hours from the signing of this document, then said parent will forego all future visitation and rights to said child. It will then be assumed that said parent will have abandoned the child in the best interest of the betrothal and henceforth will have no recourse to future contact with the child.

  Petre looked at his time piece with a sense of dread. He only had half an hour before the seventy-two hours expired. Even if teleportation were an option, he was nowhere near landfall to make that happen. By feeling overconfident in his newfound wealth, he had missed his only opportunity to a better life.

  Now, more than anything, Petre wanted to forget about his life. He got up and opened the cupboard containing his newly stocked liquor supply. He selected a large bottle of the strongest alcohol and sat down at the table. Tearing off the cap, Petre decided he would not need a glass as he was not going to have anything left over in the bottle by the time he was done.

  He lifted the bottle in a toast to nobody and said aloud, “To the wonderful life I could have had!” He brought the bottle to his lips and guzzled down the liquid for several seconds. After swallowing he took a deep breath before again swigging the foul liquid. He could feel the numbness begin to pulse through his body on his way to becoming exceedingly drunk.


  Amanda leaned back in the living room chair to compose herself for seeking the crystal’s energy. She was intimately familiar with the process since they had been performing it every hour on the hour. As was her usual, Jena spent most of her time sleeping. On the few o
ccasions where she was awake, she had been eating, and she had been too busy examining her food to be helpful for revealing her surroundings.

  The elemy was building rapidly as Amanda focused on the black diamond. Each detail became distinct as she realized they were finally seeing a different scene than previously revealed. Jena was being held by a woman who was looking down at her with a loving smile. There were only a few seconds where Amanda was able to hear the woman say, “I can’t believe she’s really ours,” before the connection with the crystal was shattered. Amanda gasped, and her eyes popped open.

  “What is it, Amanda?” Bryon and Alena both asked in unison.

  “The connection just ended! I can’t feel Jena anymore. I don’t understand. How could this have happened, Alena?”

  “I don’t know. Just a second, let me take a look.”

  The room was utterly silent as Bryon and Amanda held still while they waited for Alena to establish the connection with Jena’s crystal. Seconds seemed to drag like hours as they continued to wait. Alena shook her head and finally opened her eyes before saying, “I can’t find her either.”

  “How can that be?”

  “It seems as though her crystal has been reassigned. Exactly what did you see before the connection ended, Amanda?”

  “I saw a woman holding Jena. She was smiling down at her and then…” Amanda exhaled as she realized what she had heard the woman say before she continued in an ominous tone, “the woman said something like ‘I can’t believe she’s ours.’ What did she mean by that, Alena?”

  “That’s what I thought. Somebody performed a new crystal ceremony to reassign Jena’s crystal. This is actually a good lead, Amanda. Only wise-women or Elders can reassign a crystal. We can discount an Elder doing it because they only perform them on very rare occasions. We need to contact all of the wise-women and find out who performed the ceremony and who requested it to be done.”


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