Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 57

by Amy Proebstel

  She carried Juila into the kitchen and set her down on the counter while she gathered supplies to make quick snacks. During stressful or confusing times Alena liked to manually prepare food as she found it a soothing activity, even though most Tualans used their mental abilities to create dishes instantaneously. She turned her back to look into the refrigerator and was puzzled to find the juice jug was missing. When she turned back, the pitcher was on the counter right next to where Juila was sitting with a big smile on her face. “Did you get this out, Juila?”

  The little girl nodded quickly and said, “I love pika juice.”

  “Well let me get a cup then,” she replied and started to reach up into the cupboard when a cup appeared beside the jug. Alena was startled at the sudden appearance, but she was not surprised to find Juila was enjoying this new game. “Aren’t you a smart girl!” She poured the juice into the cup and offered it to Juila.

  With the girl distracted with her drink, Alena was able to gather the remaining supplies without further displays of budding power. Alena began to think about training Juila early since she was clearly able to make a connection with the energy source and apply it responsibly. Now Alena needed to guide the little girl in the appropriate usage of the skill so Juila would not find herself in trouble in school or public with any inappropriate displays of power.

  Having come to her decision to begin training, she was pleased when Amanda walked into the kitchen. She smiled at her and asked, “Would you like me to make you something?”

  “No, nothing to eat, but the pika juice looks good. I wouldn’t mind a cup.”

  “Why don’t you ask Juila for one?” Alena said with a mischievous grin.

  “Okay,” she replied quizzically and turned to address her daughter sitting on the counter, “Juila, could I have a glass of pika juice?”

  In the next instant, a brimming full cup of juice was sitting on the table in front of Amanda.

  “Oh!” She exclaimed at the suddenness of the event. She smiled brightly at her daughter and said, “Thanks! And so fast!”

  Amanda glanced with meaning at Alena and said, “I think we have some things to discuss when we get back!” She looked back at Juila as she carefully picked up the full glass of pika juice and took a sip.

  “My thought exactly!” She grinned in agreement with Amanda. It was going to be exciting to find out the extent of Juila’s abilities since she was showing an interest in using them.

  Bryon walked into the kitchen in time to hear Alena’s last comment and playfully asked, “Do I even want to know what you two are cooking up?” He glanced first at his wife, then Amanda, and watched them exchange a secretive glance. When they got that look, it usually meant trouble for him.

  “Juila was just showing me how skilled she is at serving a drink,” Amanda said as she lifted her glass and took another sip of the cold juice.

  He looked meaningfully from Juila to Alena and solemnly asked, “Did she use her crystal energy?”

  Alena nodded confirmation and watched as Bryon mouthed the word ‘wow.’

  “Isn’t it a bit early?”

  “I guess she’s ready since she’s already demonstrating ability with remarkable accuracy. We can discuss it some more once you all get back from visiting with Ahn and Barla. Mention it to Barla and see if she’s had any experience with her orphans with early development.”

  “Good idea. I think she’d love to talk about it,” Amanda responded. She was getting very anxious to be on their way. The morning had been excruciatingly long, and she wanted to get going soon. “Speaking of our visiting, will we be leaving soon?”

  “I was just coming in here to say we can go whenever you’re ready. The telepod is waiting out front.”

  Amanda hastily gulped the remaining juice from her cup and set it down with alacrity. “I’m ready right now!”

  Bryon smiled at her eagerness and said, “It looks as though Alena is putting together a snack basket for our journey. Do you need any help, honey?”

  Alena had taken advantage of the few moments time when the other two were talking and created the entire basket of snacks by using her crystal energy to assemble the sandwiches instantaneously and have them wrapped in foil. It was not her original intention, but she could see how anxious Amanda was to get going. She held the basket up toward her husband and said, “All set!” She leaned toward Bryon to give him a goodbye kiss and was surprised when he held the basket out from between them and drew her into a body hug and kissed her full on the lips.

  “I love you, Alena! I think we’ll be back late so don’t wait up for us. If it gets too late, then we might stay with Ahn and Barla.”

  “Okay, I won’t be worried. Although I am anxious to hear if there’s any new information regarding Petre’s whereabouts.”

  Amanda stood from the chair at the table and went over to Juila at the kitchen counter. She scooted her forward, so she rested easily on her hip. Her little girl was getting bigger and heavier, so she was grateful for not having to lift her from the floor. “Are you ready to meet your Aunt Barla and Uncle Ahn?” She asked Juila as she led the way from the kitchen to the front door. She looked back to find Bryon and was surprised to see him directly behind her. It seemed he was just as anxious to get going as she was.

  Bryon leaned forward and grabbed the door handle for Amanda to precede him outside. He waved goodbye to his wife who had remained in the kitchen but still had a clear view of the front entry. He saw her loving smile and returned wave as he shut the door. The telepod already had its door open, so he waited until Amanda had herself settled into the right front seat at the control panel. She fastened her seatbelt before she lifted Juila to sit on her lap.

  Bryon entered the personal telepod and palmed the door closed. He joined Amanda at the control panel and took the left pilot seat. Once he was also fastened in, he began the start up procedures and confirmed all was okay by taking note of every green indicator light on the control panel. The process was quite simple: he had to activate the crystal drive with the key, but from that point on the vehicle was operated by the power of his thoughts and using the elemental energy focused from his birth crystal and shared with the powerful crystal located at the back of the telepod.

  For some people, the thought of traveling at the speed of thought was scary, but he had always found it to be exhilarating. From the expression on Amanda’s face, he could tell she felt the same as he did. Once the crystal drive was activated, the telepod would hover several inches above the ground leaving the occupants with the sensation of floating.

  He took a few quick, calming breaths to center his mind. He focused only on the coordinates of their destination, being sure to arrive at their landing location with plenty of air space between the telepod and the ground. It would not be very professional, and also very embarrassing, to pop into existence halfway in the ground.

  With the coordinates firmly in mind, he allowed his hand to rest on the activation module. He felt the few seconds when darkness overwhelmed his senses, and absolute nothingness took over. They squinted from the sudden daylight at the port city of Cresdon and then smiled at their success. Bryon swiftly switched to the manual controls to safely steer the telepod into the proper landing location in the open field and performed all of the shutdown procedures.

  Amanda hugged Juila close and smiled over her head as she told Bryon, “This kind of travel never gets old!”

  “I know what you mean!” He pointed out the window and said, “There’re Captain Ahn and Barla now. It looks as though they just got here, too. Perfect timing!” He used the remote door switch on the control panel and unlatched his seat harness simultaneously. “Let me take Juila so you can get up.” He lifted the child from her lap and tucked her into his side with the ease and skill of someone who had three other small children of his own.

  Amanda was glad for the help since she did not know how Juila would react to her first telepod ride. Apparently, the travel did not disagree with her as it did wi
th others. Some people were violently ill once they arrived at their destination, believed to be caused by the abrupt change in equilibrium. Luckily Juila did not seem at all phased with the change of scenery or the mode of transportation.

  With her seatbelt unlatched she stood up and joined Bryon at the side of the telepod in front of the open door. She had thought to ask to hold Juila again, but once she saw how eagerly Barla was walking toward them, she bolted out of the telepod and raced into Barla’s open arms.

  “It’s good to see you,” they said in unison which then caused them to start laughing. Amanda had started to back away from the hug when another set of arms wrapped around them both as Captain Ahn expressed his delight in her visit as well.

  Once the greetings were completed, Amanda reluctantly broke free of their arms and rushed over to where Bryon stood off to their side and held out her arms for Juila. He handed her over, and Amanda turned back around to Ahn and Barla and introduced her daughter, “This is my daughter, Juila!” She had expected to see smiles of acceptance and was confused when she saw looks of shock on both of their faces. “What’s wrong?” she asked swiftly.

  “Nothing, really,” Barla began, “It’s just Juila looks exactly like our Rasa did at that age. They could be twins, Amanda!” Ahn just nodded with confirmation as he continued to stare at Juila.

  “Oh, if that’s all, I can explain when we get to your house,” she said almost offhandedly. “I also have a letter from your family, Barla. There’s just so much I need to share. I can’t believe it’s been more than two anons since I saw you both last.”

  “My family…” Barla began and then suddenly looked at her husband. “I think Amanda, Juila, and I will go directly home, Ahn. Why don’t you two come home at dinner time and we can all catch up then.” So eager to hear Amanda’s news, Barla bordered on rudeness in her excitement.

  Ahn instantly understood and could tell Amanda’s news meant the world to her. He gave Barla a quick hug, then tweaked Juila’s cheek, and said, “I guess this means we men are excused. We’ll be home in time for dinner. Do you think you’ll remember to make it or should I pick something up from the deli on the way home?” He was teasing when he asked the question, so he was surprised when Barla answered him.

  “Oh, Ahn, that would be wonderful! I don’t think I’d be very good at cooking tonight what with all the excitement of Amanda’s visit!” Barla tugged on Amanda’s free arm as she turned and started leaving the landing square. “It’s not very far up the way, Amanda. I can’t wait to hear the news of my family!”

  Amanda looked over her shoulder as she walked away. Seeing the two men grinning like fools at her, she waved over her shoulder and then promptly turned forward as Barla was setting a brisk pace to get home. Amanda was even more remorseful she had waited so long to visit. Starting an apology, Barla waved her to silence. She kept her counsel for the next few minutes until they arrived at Barla’s house.

  Once settled in the family room, Barla asked, “Would you mind if Juila played with the toys over there in the corner while we talk about my family?”

  “Not at all,” she started to rise when Barla swiftly stood and offered her hands to Juila. Juila instantly lifted her arms to Barla. Amanda watched as Barla took several toys from the box on the floor and offered them to Juila.

  Barla returned to her chair, perched on the edge in anticipation. “What did you find out? And how?”

  “Well let me start with the how,” Amanda began and settled back into her chair to tell her story swiftly. “After I had the twins, Bryon and I went hiking. A sudden rain storm caused a mudslide, and I was caught up in the flow. Just when I thought I was going to die, there was an explosion around me, and I found myself back on Earth somewhere in Mexico. The hospital contacted my parents, and they came and took me home to recover.”

  Barla had looked concerned about Amanda’s near-death experience. She was relieved to hear Amanda’s account of the accident since the one she had heard from Bryon was where Amanda had died and had been washed out to sea. Now she could relax and listen attentively.

  “I had the letter you gave me in my pants pocket when I went hiking; I never went anywhere without it, just as you had advised. Anyway, while I was recovering my mom found the notes. Imagine how my parents felt when I tried to tell them I had been transported to another realm on Earth. They thought I had injured my brain until my mom found the letters. Barla, you are never going to believe what I have to tell!”

  “What is it, Amanda? The suspense is killing me!”

  “My mom recognized the handwriting. When she read your letter, everything started to make sense. Remember when I saw the picture of Rasa in the hallway? I said then she and I could be twins. Then you said Juila looks just like Rasa did at her age. There’s a good reason for both of these things, Barla. My mother is your sister. You are my aunt. Rasa is my first cousin! Are you okay, Barla?” Amanda rose with concern at Barla’s ashen complexion.

  Barla sat back suddenly and shook her head in silent disbelief. “Amanda, are you sure? Not that I wouldn’t be excited to have you as my niece, but what are the odds of us meeting in Tuala?”

  “Here,” she said as she stood up and dug in her pocket for the letter from her mother to Barla. “Read this letter my mom wrote.” She held out the letter with a slightly shaking hand.

  Barla hesitated for only a moment before she took the letter. She looked down at the closed envelope and saw her sister’s distinctive handwriting on the outside. Her own hands started to tremble with excitement as she tore the envelope open and took the single sheet of paper out.


  I can’t believe you’ve been alive this whole time! We all thought you had drowned and I’ve been afraid of the water ever since.

  I wish we could meet your husband and children. Amanda has told us all about them. We’ll have to be content with that unless you can figure out a way to come home. Amanda said you found your soul-mate with Captain Ahn so I guess it would be selfish of us to want you to leave the life you have built for yourself.

  Our parents divorced right after I finished high school. Mother was much happier afterward. Father died of a massive heart attack in 1981. As he always feared, he died alone. Amanda can tell you all about our family.

  I can’t express how happy I am to know you are alive and well. Write back to me if possible. I would love to let Mom know how you are doing.

  With all my love,


  Barla read the letter all the way through a second time before she let it drop into her lap in disbelief. It was true, Amanda was her niece. Diane’s handwriting was almost the same as her own. She would know it anywhere. She thought she should be sad to hear her father had passed away but somehow she could not find the emotion to describe how she felt. She had never trusted, loved, or respected the man who had given her life. He was a hard man with strange ideas about family and business.

  “My mom is still alive?”

  “Yes, Grandma Ellen and Uncle Saul are alive and well. They live in Oregon where Grandma is now retired. Uncle Saul lives with Grandma, and he’s never been married. My mom married Chris in 1968 and had us three girls. I’m the youngest. I was only nine when Grandpa Sydney died. I only met him a couple of times, but he was kind of weird, so Mom didn’t take us to visit very often. Plus he lived all the way over in California, and we were in Florida, so it made it a little more difficult.”

  Barla nodded with understanding. Initially surprised to hear her brother had never married, she then remembered he would actually have to talk to a girl in order to form a relationship. He had always been so shy around girls; she could understand it would be easier for him to just live with their mother rather than have to attempt to converse with the opposite sex.

  Barla then looked over at Juila with new insight as she grasped the beautiful little girl really was her grand-niece. Since accidentally arriving in Tuala when she was eighteen, she had never seen a blood relative until she gave
birth to her own two children. It was a strange concept to actually have family in Tuala. She found she really liked the idea. “Tell me everything.” Barla leaned forward with excitement and waited for Amanda to begin the story from the beginning.

  Chapter Five

  SEVERAL HOURS PASSED while Amanda talked about their mutual family and answered Barla’s numerous questions. They were both surprised when they heard the front door shut. “It must be dinner time already!” They smiled at each other as they both gingerly rose from their chairs. So much time spent in tense conversation made easy movement a painful concept at the moment.

  “Do you think it would be alright if we told Bryon about our relationship?”

  Barla smiled at the idea and rapidly replied, “I can’t think of anything I’d rather do!” She watched with renewed fascination as Amanda crossed the room and picked up Juila from among her pile of toys and admired how Amanda’s long dark hair and brown eyes were such a contrast to Juila’s blonde curls and blue eyes. Immediately she wondered about Juila’s father and what he must look like. Amanda had once told her about her missing fiancé, Nealand, and thought he must be worried sick about the fact Amanda and the twins had not yet returned to Earth.

  Barla hooked her hand around Amanda’s elbow. They walked arm in arm out to the entry where they could hear the men removing their coats and shoes. Barla smiled brightly at her husband and nodded her head in confirmation to him that she had good news about her family. She was pleased to see an answering smile on his face. Letting go of Amanda’s arm, Barla rushed forward to help carry the bags of food from the deli. She kissed Ahn on the cheek and said, “Thank you for picking up dinner. Just wait until you both hear the wonderful news Amanda has brought to us!”


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