Ascension Discovery

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Ascension Discovery Page 82

by Amy Proebstel

  Now it was Amanda’s turn to interject, “Dad, Riccan designed the telepod himself, even using some of Earth’s technology to make it better than anything anyone in Tuala has ever seen before.”

  “Really, Riccan? You designed it yourself? That’s fascinating. I’d love to hear all about it.”

  “We could go right now if you want.”

  Chris was truly torn between being reunited with his daughter and granddaughter and getting the rarest opportunity of a lifetime to see an alien aircraft. His expression was comical, and both Amanda and Diane began laughing out loud since they knew exactly what he had been thinking.

  “Go ahead, Dad. Mom and I can catch up while you go satisfy your insatiable curiosity!”

  Chris’ smile beamed at his daughter as he jumped up from the couch to find his car keys. With a sudden thought, he realized he had no idea where they had landed. He turned and asked, “Where did you park it?”

  “Just outside of town down by the water.”

  With a satisfied nod, he rushed out of the room. A few moments later Chris returned with his keys and announced, “I’m ready if you are.”

  Amanda stepped forward, kissed her father’s cheek, and said, “I love you, Dad. Go have fun with Riccan.”

  Riccan had the unexpected desire for Amanda to give him the same farewell. He had not told her about his wish for them to start dating, so until then, he could hardly expect anything other than friendship from her. He grinned at both of the women in the room as Chris led the way toward the front entrance.

  Chapter Two

  AS SOON AS the door slammed shut, Diane noticed how late it had gotten and realized the children should have gone to bed almost an hour before. “Help me put the children to bed and then we can talk more.”

  She went over to where Jena sat on the floor, picking her up at the same time as Amanda lifting Juila. Diane held out her hand for Willian, waiting patiently for him to scoot himself off of the couch. She worried about how quiet Willian had been during the entire reunion. He was such a serious child who had deep thoughts.

  They walked down the hall, planning to put the girls down together in the same bed. Both Willian and Jena had already been in their pajamas, so they were ready to go. Diane took Willian across the hall to his room to tuck him in while Amanda changed Juila into night clothes borrowed from Jena.

  Diane returned to the girls’ room in time to pull up the sheets to cover the little girls. She thought the twins were adorable with how close they were lying next to one another. It really did seem as if they knew one another intimately without any insecurities about meeting.

  They left the bedroom, automatically turning toward the kitchen to continue talking. Diane spoke quietly to Amanda, “I believe you’re right about how close the two of them are, it’s like they’ve never been apart.”

  “Well, they haven’t been apart mentally, except the night Jena was sent to Earth. Juila’s connection became so weak she thought Jena had been lost. She was very upset until Rasa re-established the link. This whole journey has been incredible, Mom.”

  “I’m glad you all made it home safely. When did you begin your trip home? Your father asked the question, but then got so sidetracked with the telepod you never had the chance to answer.”

  “We left Tuala only a couple of hours ago. We would have been here sooner, but we had to walk for about a mile to get into Roswell. Riccan wanted to make sure nobody saw the telepod, so we had to land pretty far away.”

  “How long did it take you to get to Earth from Tuala?”

  “I’d say it was about six seconds.”

  “That’s it?”

  Amanda chuckled as she answered, “Believe me, it feels like a lifetime when all of your senses are gone. Plus it was twice as long as it normally takes for transit on Tuala, so it was starting to become alarming. Something else happened which is amazing.”

  “What’s that?”

  Amanda pulled up the ornate chain from under her shirt and held a clear diamond, tree-of-life pendant in her hand for her mother to inspect.

  “You have a birth crystal? How did you manage to get it?” After having examined both Jena and Willian’s birth crystals, Diane was quite familiar with the significance of the necklace.

  Both of the foster children were able to use the elemental energy naturally found in the earth to make things happen. Willian had caused water to boil instantly, and Jena had levitated toys as they played. The birth crystals were given to the children of Tuala shortly after being born and could not be taken off of their necks until after they turned eighteen.

  “To make a long story short, Alena heard I didn’t have a birth crystal. I had to lie and tell her I lost it when I escaped from Petre. She performed a crystal ceremony immediately where Jehoban Himself made this pendant appear on Alena’s ceremonial chest after the original sapphire pendant she handed me turned to dust in my palm.

  “Also, I found out another benefit of having received this talisman. I kept my memory while transferring from Tuala to Earth with Riccan. He seems to think Jehoban has made me an honorary Tualan citizen with this gift. Riccan also said I was now able to access all of the benefits of the Tualan people.”

  “Do you think it’s true?” Diane could hardly imagine her daughter being able to do the same amazing tricks the two little ones had already demonstrated upon arriving several weeks before.

  “I know it is. I began training with Alena on how to access the elemy, that’s short for elemental energy in case you didn’t remember. I was able to master the first ten skill levels before I moved to Durseni to be available to meet with Rasa whenever she had a break from school.”

  Diane shook her head in amazement. Amanda had changed and matured in the two years she had been away in Tuala; there was so much more about her daughter she still needed to learn. She could not believe the girl she had raised for eighteen years was now telling her she was able to do almost magical things with only her mind and the silly pendant around her neck. Eventually she would ask for a demonstration; however, tonight she just wanted to hear Amanda’s voice to be reassured she was alright.

  “Tell me more about your friend, Riccan. He seems very nice.”

  Amanda blushed at her mother’s obvious implication and replied, “He’s my boss, Mom.”

  “I believe he wants to be more than just your boss, Amanda.”

  “Really, Mom, you watch too many soap operas!” She tried to convince herself her mother was reading too much into Riccan’s reason for bringing her home, yet she had to admit it was a tremendous risk for Riccan to take for just any employee. “Okay, maybe you’re right, but we haven’t discussed anything beyond work.”

  “What’s not to like, Amanda? He’s tall and handsome. He has a good job. He’s good with Juila…”

  “And he lives in a different world.”

  “Well, there’s that!” Diane chuckled at the minor complication. “When’s he going back to Tuala?”

  “He said we could stay for a while because he’d be able to time our return to Tuala so we’d only be gone for one night.”

  “Wait, are you saying you’re going to go back to Tuala with him? But you just came home, Amanda. You’ve recovered both of your daughters, so why would you go back?”

  “Well, for starters, Elder Debbon doesn’t know where his son is on Earth. I know the feeling of having a child lost in a strange place and I wouldn’t wish that experience on anyone. His wife, Chelesa, is just beside herself with worry.”

  “Riccan could tell them where their son is, you don’t have to go, Amanda.” Diane was trying to find any angle to keep her daughter earthbound.

  “Mom, it’s okay. I do have to go back to tie up loose ends. I started a job several weeks ago, and I can’t leave Riccan in the lurch like that, it wouldn’t be fair. Also, Alena and Bryon were going to spend the night at my house tonight, and they’re expecting me to give them an update in the morning. I need to say goodbye to my cousin, Rasa, and Aunt Barla and he
r husband, Ahn. I can’t just disappear from Tuala, Mom. I have to go back.”

  “But it’s too risky. What if you get lost in the transfer? Shemalla had told us the Gates were dangerous.”

  “Riccan has a sanctioned portable Gate built into his telepod since his father’s an Elder. We could come and go from Earth every day, and it’d be perfectly safe.”

  “So what you’re saying is you plan on commuting from Earth to Tuala every day just to go to work?”

  “Not exactly, Mom. More like I’d be coming home for the weekends.”

  “No, Amanda! I feel as though I’m losing you all over again.”

  “It’s called growing up, Mom, and I had to do it sometime.” Amanda gave her mother a hug and rubbed her back. “I’ll always be your little girl, but I have responsibilities of my own now. I found a job I really love, and I want to see where things go with Riccan. I think I might be falling for him, but I don’t know how he feels about me.”

  “How come your announcement about growing up makes me want to cry?” Diane held her daughter tighter in her arms. “Let me mother you for a little longer. I’m sure you haven’t been eating well since I can feel all of your ribs. Let me make you something.”

  “Okay, but first I want to show you something.” Amanda concentrated for a moment before a glass of water appeared on the counter beside her mother.

  With a small jump of surprise, Diane looked at the newly materialized glass and then at her daughter. “Did you just make that appear from nowhere?”

  “It’s one of the things I learned, but far from everything. It’s amazing how fast I got used to using it for cooking and cleaning. The more I practice, the less I can understand how people function without it.”

  “Well it seems to be handy, but, honestly Amanda, it’s kind of creepy!”

  “No it’s not, you’re just not used to seeing it.” She picked up the glass of water and took a drink. “What do you have to eat?”


  Petre may have been caught, but he was not about to give up the location of the stolen goods. Without proof he had taken the shipment, he would not willingly give them another reason to keep him longer by admitting his guilt. After being surprised by Bryon boarding his watercraft, being kicked in the face and knocked unconscious, he was in no mood to be congenial.

  He expected to be taken back to Kirma where he had abducted Jena, so it came as no surprise when the authorities told him he had a visitor. After leaving his cell and being taken to the interrogation room he sat quietly for another official to come get him to be transferred. The door opened and his jaw tightened as he discovered who entered the room.

  “Elder Debbon, I’m surprised to see you here.”

  “I don’t know why you would be after what you’ve done.”

  “I’ve done nothing wrong, Elder Debbon; however, you are the one keeping me from seeing my daughter.”

  Trying to maintain patience with this insufferable man, Elder Debbon took a deep breath and exhaled before he continued. “You stole Jena from her adoptive family, Petre. Surely you didn’t think you would get away with it, even you aren’t that stupid.”

  “I can’t exactly steal somebody who already belongs to me, now can I, Elder Debbon?”

  “And just what makes you think she’s your daughter, Petre. You told me your wife died and left the child with you. That wasn’t true, so why should I believe you now?”

  “I learned my wife died while she was living with that family and left our daughter without a parent. I seriously doubt it was legal for Bryon and his wife to adopt Jena without ever trying to get in touch with me. I know he knew I was the father because he had talked to acquaintances of mine trying to look for me.”

  “So you admit he tried to find you, yet you remained elusive?”

  “Are you not hearing what I’m saying? The man stole my daughter out from under me. I’m seriously thinking about pressing charges against him for that and for assaulting me tonight!”

  “Give it up, Petre. Bryon had every right to make sure you were arrested after what you’ve put his family through for the past two anons.”

  “And what about you, Elder Debbon? What do you deserve for what you’ve put me through for the past two anons?”

  “I’ve done nothing to you, Petre. You used my money to outfit your water craft for all this time. I offered you an honest agreement for your daughter to be betrothed to my son and you freely signed the contract and took the money. How am I responsible for you not trying to see Jena for all this time?”

  “You purposely tricked me into signing that agreement knowing full well I wouldn’t see the abandonment clause until it was too late.”

  “I can’t believe that you, a master deceptor, would concede to someone getting something over on you. Are you really admitting I outsmarted you?”

  “So you don’t deny you tried to keep it from me?”

  “I admit to nothing of the sort, Petre. I gave you the same contract I kept for myself. I had no reason to believe you wouldn’t read it completely the night you returned to your water craft.”

  Petre’s face began changing to a darker shade of red as his frustration mounted. He wanted to strangle the smug expression off the Elder’s face. Before he could think it through he warned, “You’ll be sorry you messed with me, Elder Debbon.”

  “I’m surprised I need to remind you it’s against the law to threaten an Elder. If you insist on holding this matter against me, I’ll be forced to wipe your mind. Is that what you need, Petre?”

  Petre shivered at the thought and immediately wished he had kept his mouth shut. It was uncharacteristic of him to play his hand before it was ready. “Why did you come here, Elder Debbon?”

  “I wanted to see you one last time before you were taken to the Elder’s Council for sentencing.”

  Petre’s eyes widened perceptibly with the Elder’s announcement. He figured he would be sentenced locally like he had always been in the past. This was turning more serious than he ever imagined. There must be something he could do to get his case moved to the local jurisdiction. He recovered his voice and asked, “Maybe we can come to an agreement to avoid the inconvenience?”

  “Not even I can help you this time, Petre. Your actions have gone too far and you will pay the price for it.” Elder Debbon turned on his heel and strode from the room. He had gotten what he came for anyway. While Petre was trying to figure out a way out of his mess he had let down the mental guard he usually held tightly. Elder Debbon knew what had happened and now he just had to locate Petre’s accomplices.


  Lillia boarded Petre’s impounded water craft without being seen, walked across the deck, and down the stairs to the main cabin. Right where the power drew strongest, Lillia lifted down the brown, cloth-wrapped bundle and felt the familiar tingle enter into her fingers. She shivered with remembered pleasure the feel of the crystal on her bare hands. The intoxicating power pulled at her, but she had not come here to feel the power, she had come to remove it from Petre.

  Petre had turned out to be such a disappointment to Lucinden. Every task he had been assigned had been bungled by the unpredictable petty criminal. She could almost feel sorry for the man, had he just been a little smarter with his life choices. Lillia had tried to convince Lucinden to give the crystal to an Elder rather than to Petre, but he had insisted his course was better. Now she had been proven correct and Lucinden had sent her to retrieve the crystal to be reassigned.

  Without even attempting to leave the cabin, Lillia translated herself from the vessel. With the added power of the crystal skull she could easily transport herself anywhere she wished. She had so much power coursing through her she could have sent herself to Earth without the benefit of a Gate had she been so inclined.

  Walking across the darkened room toward the chair positioned on the raised dais, she smiled inwardly at Lucinden’s attempt to create his own reception chamber reminiscent of Jehoban’s. Lillia wondered if L
ucinden could see the similarity or if he truly thought it original.

  “I feel the success of your mission by the power spike in the room.”

  “Yes, Master, you are correct.” She placed the bundle at his feet and stepped away while continuing to bow.

  “Master now, is it? I can feel your impertinence even in this darkness. Remove yourself at once and leave me.”

  Lillia slowly smiled while turning to leave the room. Lucinden refused to admit his error and the terse dismissal came as close to an admission as she would ever expect to get. She closed the massive black doors to the throne room and returned to the guest quarters for the evening.

  Once inside the private room, she leaned on the door as she watched the woman sleep on the bed. They had not planned on taking her so soon, but events had transpired to create the perfect scenario for her to be removed from Earth. A couple of anons earlier, this woman had come to their attention when she translated herself to Earth. If it had not been for that particular occasion, she might never have been discovered living among Earth’s people.

  Lillia was not exactly sure what Lucinden had in mind for this middle-aged woman, but she could well imagine it was not going to be something pleasant. Her task had been set to keep the prisoner well drugged with resh, maintaining the delicate balance to keep her sedated without addicting her to the nasty herb. This was not her favorite duty, but she was willing to do almost anything for her lover. She had learned over the declans how her cooperation merited many benefits with the powerful Master.


  Chelesa refused to speak with her husband unless the conversation related to her wise-woman training with him. At his behest, she had risked her children’s lives and now they were both missing somewhere on Earth. No word had been received from Elder Vargen regarding his contact which meant they still had no clue who retained care of them.


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